District Anti-Bullying Initiatives Department of Education & Early Childhood Development GNB 9/17/2012 District Anti-Bullying Initiatives Anglophone School District - East Anti-Bullying Initiative District level committee has been formed to review and monitor the program and provide guidance/resources for educators and school based student/adult committees. Smart Goal is to prevent bullying and intervene when it occurs. Developed and implemented a “Train the Trainer” model one-day workshop for school leaders and adult leads to Implement district wide program. Worked with all school administrators, teachers, guidance and student committee leads on how to prevent, address and consequence bullying when it occurs. Embedded Student and Adult Committee in all 38 schools have been formed and are now active. They will lead the initiative at the school/community level. District Portal If It Hurts It’s Wrong link is active. This will allow for timely sharing and upload of resources pertaining to the program. Additional Information: developed a survey and administered it to 6000 + students in 38 schools prepared survey data reports for each school to report back survey results build boxes for confidential reporting for students to use in each of our 38 schools developed an electronic reporting system for students to use to alert and report bullying (this is a new tool that we are piloting in a number of schools) developed an electronic tracking system to track bullying behaviours developed a “Consequence” document to assist administrators with the intervention process when bullying occurs Presented this initiative at the ASCD conference and in a webinar for the NFLDTF Developed training videos to compliment the Train-the-Trainer Model of training Designated a District Office “go to” person\ consultant who can be contacted by parents, teachers, administrators and the community at large about issues pertaining to bullying and how to address it (that person is me) Developed partnerships with pre-school programs and daycares in the greater Moncton area who will be trained in the spring in the D2 bullying prevention model (so we can start teaching children about bullying early and assist care giver in addressing this in their environments) to complement the structure we have put in place at a District level, schools are running assemblies and doing curricular work in the classrooms to address bullying (I feel that this is where we now need to focus our efforts as a District) we are currently in the process of establishing ties with after-school establishments and summer programs whose mandate is to work with children when they are not in school . The vision is to have everyone who works with children use the same language to educate and address bullying Anglophone School District - South Anti-Bullying Initiative Beyond the Hurt The Guide to Bullying Prevention Binder “YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE” (Students, Staff, Parents, Community) Weekly “Bullying Facts” presented in all district staff Commufax Recognition of provincial and national bullying awareness events “Filling your Bucket”; peer helpers; Peacekeepers; character building; “Roots of Empathy”; “Bullying helpline”; “Strong Kids”; etc WITS Have you Filled a bucket Pink Day celebrations Kelso OLWEUS Bully Blockers – a student led group that focuses on making the school a positive learning environment Playground Pals – students receive training on playground safety and how to resolve peer conflicts 7 Habits for Happy Kids Program – teaches students to be proactive with their behaviour, to seek win-win solutions and to work cooperatively Anti-Bullying Day (Dec. 16th) & Pink Shirt Day (February 29th) Awareness & Activities SMART Bracelet program – students receive a bracelet (rubber-type) as recognition of following the school’s Manners Matter program Educational staff PD on the anti-bullying initiatives Creation of a pamphlet for families Celebrate Themes Anglophone School District North Anti-Bullying Initiative District Based Anti-Bullying Web Site Creation of Anti-Bullying Videos W.I.T.S. Program Beyond the Hurt Program Pause Before You Post Roots of Empathy Pink Shirt Day Bullying Awareness Week WEB/Boomerang Anglophone School District - West Anti-Bullying Initiative Focus on Bullying – several schools, three year approach Roots of Empathy-several schools Lessons in Comprehensive Health Curriculum Don’t Laugh at Me-several schools offering this program Means Girls-several schools offering program Respect Ed – through Red Cross, several schools Pause before you Post-Jostens GSA Groups-creating safe spaces “At My Best” – program Cyber Bullying presentation through RCMP “Beyond the Hurt” D.A.R.E. “Making Waves” School Assemblies and Classroom Presentations and Programs focus on citizenship, developmental assets, virtues, School Wide Code of Conduct, Leader in Me; Assertiveness Skills ; conflict resolution , peacemaking skills ( Elementary) focus on Anti-Bullying, Cyberbullying, Red Cross Beyond the Hurt Material ( Middle and High) Jostens Pause Before You Post ( At Leo Hayes High School) Curriculum Connections : You and Your World, PDCP, Literacy,… Such as; Literature selections. Stories that build character, picture books related to anti bullying ( Classroom session by Elementary Guidance staff) Such as; o o o o o o How Full is Your Bucket ( self esteem) My Secret Bully ( teaches about relational aggression) Nobody Knew ( children learn the difference between tattling and telling) Simon’s Hook ( teaches assertion skills) Mean Jean the Recess Queen ( illustrates the different roles people play in bullying situations) HB Wigglebottom – learn about bullies District Anti-Bullying Initiatives o Learning to Get Along series o Don’t Laugh At Me Second Step: A Violence Prevention Curriculum- K to 9; The Second Step program teaches social and emotional skills for violence prevention. The program includes researchbased, teacher-friendly curricula, training for educators, and parent-education components. PDCP, Health, Language Arts,.. outcomes BullySmart Skills and Program Peer Helper Programs and School Based Antibullying committees – school based committees and/or groups that create posters, promote friendly interactions and behaviours. Examples: a. Bullying Quilt b. Anti-bullying bracelets c. Bullying Report Form d. School Based Neighbourhood Watch program e. Grade Level Assemblies f. Pledge g. Public Service Announcements h. T-shirts Red Cross - Beyond the Hurt Program - peer facilitators trained to reach other students with the right message about anti-bullying Additional Information Safe Schools Week ( first week of October) provides an opportunity for school staff to promote and highlight anti-bullying and safety issues - from cyber safety to personal safety. Advisory Committee ; Responsible Use of Technology, Electronic Communication and Social Media Promotion of Theme Weeks and National event Days ; o Nov. 13th-19th Bullying Awareness Week http://www.bullyingawarenessweek.org and http://www.bullying.org/ o Blue Day - Dec. 17th , 2011 http://www.bullyingcanada.ca/ o Pink Day - Feb. 29th, 2012 http://www.pinkshirtday.ca/ o Random Acts of Kindness Week - Feb. 2012 http://randomactsofkindness.org/ o Behaviour Tracking Data - review of school and district data Please note: Roots of Empathy is currently being offered in all four Districts