Common elements in the family texts: The Ants This is my living room Both parents want the child, but it doesn’t seem like it is love that is the drive, but more “I want him, so you won’t get him” He wants to protect his family He doesn’t really listen to his daughte r. Yes. The parents are getting a divorce Controlli The ng bombs mother they are talking about. Possibl y WW2 or The Cold War Yes. People has to listen to him. He is very authorit ive. He doesn’t allow his daughte The weath er (circu mstanc es) The mount ain people He doesn’ t see people as threats , becaus e he sees himself as Dilemma (a choice to make) Manipulation Deceit Jealousy Threats from the outside world (war) The controlling father Family in dissolution The father’s actions and his behavio ur tears them apart The father manip ulates the daught er into climbi ng the mount ain The pare nt are jealo us of each other Mot her is decei tful, she chea ts on his husb and with anot her man, Peter He is unfai thful and chea ts on his wife, Rosie . He sleep s Loyalty The daught er strives to do good, so her father will love her The parents strive to get custody Sacrifice Betwee n father and daught er Ambition Theme The Shining Mountai n Love Text She sacri fices hers elf to plea se her fath er She is loyal to her father The choic e of getti ng a divor ce The father manip ulates The father is not loyal, but the daughters and wife are My Side of the matter Betwee n Marge and the protago nist He wants to provide for his family. The aunts tear the relations hip apart My Sister’s Marriag e Olive loves her husban d Dad loves Olive Sarah Ann loves mostly her dad but also Olive Sarah Ann tries to become the “mothe r” of the family Olive wants travel and get away The father tears the family apart, because he loves Olive more than Sarah Ann rs to go superio out or r. interact with anyone Controlli The ng aunts aunt s are jealo us of the prota gonis t with anot her wom an. Marg e is decie tful to the prota gonis t He wants to know everythi ng. The dad betra ys Sara h Ann by not lovin g her. Olive betra ys Sara h Ann by “stea ling” all of the dad’s love The husban d is a threat to the father. Sarah Ann perciev es Olive as a threat. Dad is jealo us of the Husb and. Sara h Ann is jealo us of Olive The aunts manip ulate Marge The father manip ulates the daught ers into telling them everyt hing Him leavi ng his job and hom e. Need s to take care of the child and be resp onsib le. Sara h Ann has a choic e to make : shoul d she show the lette rs to the dad or hide them ? Olive has the choic e of stayi ng in the famil y inste ad of The prot ago nist sacri fices his job and futu re for the chil d Marge is loyal to her ants. The protagonist is loyal to his child. Sarah Ann is loyal to her father. All My Sons Betwee n Chris and Anni Joe wants the compan y/him to do good. Chris and Anni want to get married The mother /Kate wants to get Larry back There are lots of lies beneath the surface which Joe keeps hidden. Yes. Joe controls what the other familym embers are allowed to do, and what they are not allowed to do George is a threat to Joe. He knows the truth. Chris finds out the truth, and so the bar drops The moth er want s Larry to marr y Anni and not Chris Joe is decie tful Joe is manip ulative . He manip ulates people into believi ng what he wants them to believ e. Joe knows best. marr ying her husb and. It was a dile mma whet her he shoul d send the cylin ders or not Larr y mad ea sacri fice Larry was loyal to his father. Chris was too until he found out the truth about his father being the one, who should have gone to jail