USAID - Poverty Target Tool The purpose of this tool is to compute the change in daily, per capita expenditures that would be necessary to reach a specific level of poverty incidence in the Feed the Future Zone of Influence. The goal is to understand how much daily, per capita expenditures must rise to reach a specific desired level of poverty incidence under a specific set of assumptions. Assumptions The poverty tool makes several very strong, likely unrealistic assumptions. The first two assumptions are particularly important to understand as they limit the interpretation of the results from using the tool: (1) The decrease in poverty incidence suggested is the same for all values of consumption expenditures; that is, whatever programs affect the population represented in the baseline survey affect every individual equally. The tool then estimates the fixed amount of additional daily expenditures that must be achieved by every individual to reach the poverty target. If every individual is not equally affected by projects working in the zone of influence (e.g. the poor are targeted) and other changes in economic conditions over time, then the tool might give misleading suggestions. (2) Given a mean and variance, the distribution of expenditure is completely defined and given by a lognormal distribution with the given parameters1. Empirical evidence on consumption expenditure variables collected in many such surveys demonstrate that per capita expenditures are approximately log-normal; however, the strict log-normality of per capita expenditures can usually be rejected in statistical tests. In the tool, we provide an estimate of the overstatement/understatement of poverty incidence based on that assumption relative to poverty incidence suggested by the actual data. (3) The distribution of expenditures is ergodic and stationary. This is a regularity condition, essentially allowing us to use a central limit theorem. The consequence is that the expenditure distribution does not change over time. Given that research on poverty incidence over time demonstrates that the distribution does change over time, this assumption is unrealistic. Values to Input The tool asks the user to input the following quantities: 1. Average daily per capita expenditures, in dollars per day (use PPP terms to convert from local currency)—this number should be calculated from the FTF Baseline Survey 1 A shifted log normal to be exact, since the support is π ∈ [ πππ(π), +∞ ) 2. Variance of daily per capita expenditures, in dollars per day (use PPP terms to convert from local currency)—this number should be calculated from the FTF Baseline Survey 3. Poverty line, also in dollars per day (usually $1.25/person/day) 4. Poverty incidence at baseline (using poverty line listed above) 5. Desired poverty incidence at endline (using poverty line listed above) Technical Notes Given these assumptions, we set to find an amount C such that the proportion of poor changes from πππ£π‘ at baseline to πππ£π‘+1 at endline. Figure 1 shows a graphical representation of the procedure. Let X be expenditures. The given parameters are: The (estimated) expectation of X : πΈ[ππ‘ ] The (estimated) variance of X : π π2 The proportion of poor at baseline : πππ£π‘ The (desired) proportion of poor at endline : πππ£π‘ The poverty line that correspond to the above proportions The assumption of log-normality : If π~πππnormal (μ, σ2 ) then πππ~normal (μ, σ2 ) and 1 2 (1) πΈ[π] = π π+2π 2 (2) π π₯2 = (π π − 1)π 2π+π 2 Using these restrictions we can solve for π πππ π 2 . Note that 1 (1) π + 2 π 2 = ln(πΈ[π]) 2 (2) ln(π π − 1) + 2π + π 2 = ln(π π2 ) Solving for π in (1) 1 π = ln(πΈ[π]) − π 2 2 and substituting in (2) : πΏ 2 ln(π π − 1) = ln(π π2 ) − 2 ln(πΈ[π]) So that, π π2 π = ln [1 + ] (πΈ[π])2 2 and 1 π π2 π = ln(πΈ[π]) − ln [1 + ] (πΈ[π])2 2 Having characterized the distribution of expenditures, we need to find the amount C (see figure 1) so that the change in poverty is achieved. The proportion in poverty at baseline is given by the blue and red shaded area to the left of the poverty line (orange vertical line), the poverty at endline is given by the red shaded area. Mathematically2, πΏ πππ£π‘ = ∫ ππΉ(π) min(π) And πΏ πππ£π‘+1 = ∫ ππΉ(π) C+min(π) Note that since the distribution is not changing, and the endline distribution is just a shifted log-normal distribution of the previous one, we can write πΏ−πΆ πππ£π‘+1 = ∫ ππΉ(π) min(π) Performing the integration, 2 Note that πππ£π‘ does not involve C. However, this measure serves to gauge how well does the log-normal distribution approximates the expenditure distribution. In the do file attached this is called the error, since is really πΏ πππ£π‘ = ∫ ππΉΜ (π) where πΉΜ is the empirical CDF. min(π) πππ£π‘+1 = πΉ(πΏ − πΆ) − πΉ(min(π)) Where F is the cumulative distribution function of the log-normal, by assumption. Note that πΉ(min(π) = 0 by definition. πππ£π‘+1 = πΉ(πΏ − πΆ) = Φ ( ln(πΏ − πΆ) − π ) π Solving for C, Φ−1 (πππ£π‘+1 ) = ln(πΏ − πΆ) − π π πΆ = πΏ − π π+πΦ −1 (πππ£ π‘+1 ) Summary The expected value of expenditures at follow up with a poverty line of $1.25 PPP is πΈ[ππ‘+1 ] = πΈ[ππ‘ + πΆ] = πΈ[ππ‘ ] + πΆ Where πΆ = 1.25 − π π+πΦ π 2 = ln [1 + −1 (πππ£ π‘+1 ) π π2 ] (πΈ[π])2 1 π π2 π = ln(πΈ[π]) − ln [1 + ] (πΈ[π])2 2 And Φ−1 is the inverse of the CDF of a normal(0,1) Final Notes on Excel Sheet Given this solution, is straight forward to calculate these amounts in Excel. The attached excel file (USAID-Tool-Excel-Calculation) computes these values for the given target at endline and for 8 values below this in decreases of 2.5 percentage points. In the example given3, the baseline poverty at the $1.25 PPP line is 40.07% and we want to decrease it to 20%. The average per-capita per day is $1.72 (2005 PPP) with a variance of $1.24 (2005 PPP). The mean per-capita per day expenditure we would observe at endline if poverty decreased to 20% would be $2.09 (2005 PPP) (in cell C27). If instead we want poverty at endline to be 10%, the average per-capita per day income observed would be $2.29 (2005 PPP). The sheet also plots these values. $ 2005 PPP Avg. Expenditure and Change at Endline $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 $0.50 $- Increment Mean Poverty at Endline Notes on the Syntax The dofile computes the above by simulating the expenditure distribution under the assumptions described above. It uses 100,000 observations and verifies that the assumptions are not violated. The results are place in a ‘results’ folder. The file gives a more detailed calculation than the excel and computes the deviation between the targeted decrease in poverty and the achieved under the simulation (Error). The results are the following: 1. A summary text file named: Summary-Results.txt /* ********************************************************************* Summary of Results ********************************************************************* */ 3 Uses the values calculated from the Feed the Future Impact Evaluation Baseline Survey in Honduras (2012) Baseline : Mean PC per day expenditure is $1.7203297 PPP with variance 1.2445709 Poverty at baseline is .40068412 and target endline level is .2 The poverty line is S1.25 PPP Simulation: Mean PC per day expenditure is $1.717 PPP with variance 1.245 Poverty at baseline is .405 and target endline level is .202 The poverty line is S1.25 PPP Results: Increasing expenditures by $.37 PPP PC/Day changes poverty by -.203 The target mean expenditure per capita per day is $2.09 PPP The poverty under the 1.25 line goes from .405 to .202 Error : -.0023 (Negative -> Achieved reduction is greater under the simulation) The desired change is -.20068412 vs. the simulated change -.203 /* ********************************************************************* END ********************************************************************* */ 2. Graph of the expenditure distributions before and after. 3. Graph of the log- expenditure distributions before and after. 4. Cumulative distribution before and after the change 5. A graph with the average mean expenditure for lower levels of poverty at baseline 6. A graph with the increment (C) for lower levels of poverty at baseline Figure 1 Graphical Description of the Procedure .4 .6 Distribution of Expenditures .2 Density πππ£π‘ πππ£π‘+1 0 C 0 2 4 X Expenditures-Before Poor at Baseline Poverty Line $1.25 PPP kernel = epanechnikov, bandwidth = 0.0772 Expenditures-After Poor at Endline Increment amount C 6