GESTURE CONTROLLED ROBOT Rohan B. Jhaveri Het M. Mehta Pratik T. Gala D. J. Sanghvi College of engg. Vile Parle, Mumbai 400056, India. D. J. Sanghvi College of engg. Vile Parle, Mumbai 400056, India. D. J. Sanghvi College of engg. Vile Parle, Mumbai 400056, India. ABSTRACT Recent discoveries have revealed that robots can be of great help to human and can actually ease their life. Therefore, increased opportunities for many people to operate the robots have emerged. However, for many people, it is often difficult to operate a robot using the conventional methods like remote control or using image processing techniques. So finding a more natural and easy user interface is of prime importance. Only a few robotic systems are used with user friendly interfaces that possess the ability to control the robot by commonly used objects. To facilitate a feasible solution to this requirement, we have implemented a system through which the user can give commands to a wireless robot using different gestures. Gestures can be captured with the help of an accelerometer and the signals are sent to Arduino via Bluetooth module where they are processed and the bot is controlled. Thus this paper deals with the Design and Implementation of a “Wireless Gesture Controlled Robot”. The experimental results are very much as expected as the system produces real-time responses and highly accurate recognition towards various gestures. Additionally, since a camera module has also been setup for real time video surveillance, the same robot can also be used as a spy-robot for domestic and security applications. Keywords Accelerometer, Arduino, Bluetooth module 1. INTRODUCTION Controlling a robot has been a concern for many, as it requires expertise to do so. But this is not possible all the time. These robots are controlled and programmed using computers, which is tedious and time consuming [1]. Hence it is the need of the hour to develop new techniques to control these robots for variety of purposes and which can be controlled by a lay man as well. Due to the advancement in the computer technology user interface of a personal computer has evolved from text based command lines to graphical interface which uses keyboard and mouse and with the ever-increasing diffusion of computers into the society, it is believed that current mode of interactions with computers will become a gridlock in the effective utilization of information flow between the computers and the humans. Hence to overcome this drawback, gestures are being used to control the robot [3]. Gestures are used by every people in order to express their emotions and thought. Using these gestures it is possible to control the robot in an efficient way which is natural and convenient unlike controlling it by a computer. Also, it helps to remotely control the robot using Bluetooth on some other device. Hence using this it is possible to wirelessly control the robot which can be used for surveillance and monitoring purpose. 2. LITERATURE SURVEY The evolution in the field of robotics was first marked by the emergence of service robots in early 90’s which stimulated the idea of a natural language interface through keyboard; given by Torrance in 1941 [1] . The idea of robotics was then embraced by speech recognition which upgraded robotics to a new level but was later marked with many shortcomings. It lacked the standardization of commands due to varying languages, pitch and accent of different users and proved little costly. All these shortcomings paved the way for gesture recognition system which started gaining researcher’s interests. The researchers implemented vision based interface that included gesture recognition assisted by a camera to render geometrical information to the robots [1]-[2]. One of the up gradations of the system was the development of mobile robot systems that were commanded through arm positions but failed to leave an impression since the robotic system couldn’t recognize gestures defined through specific temporal patterns. Also the secondary reason was the camera’s poor illumination at night and in foggy weather [4]-[5].With the evolution of accelerometer and gyroscopes, gesture recognition was no longer a rocket science. With the gesture recognition system it became possible to move a robot accordingly [6]-[7]. Many gesture recognized system were implemented on wheel chair which eradicated the cumbersome job of the patient, who had to use his strength in rotating wheels. The cardinal advantage with the system was it facilitated humans to interact with machines naturally without any interventions caused by the drawbacks of mechanical devices and made the system run smoothly[8][10]. 3. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 3.1 Arduino: Arduino Uno is an open-source platform for fast prototyping. Basically Arduino is more flexible with software and hardware which is easy to use and to understand, hence can be used for variety of purposes. It has a microcontroller which can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its surrounding by controlling lights, motors and other actuators [9]. It performs a variety of functions using 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic 1 resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button[14]. The advantage of using Arduino over microcontroller is that it can perform all the functions of a microcontroller in a more accurate manner. L293D it is possible to drive four motors and it provides power supply of up to 36V. The L293D chip uses HBridge which is typically an electrical circuit that enables a voltage to be applied across a load in either direction to an output [10]-[13]. 3.2 Accelerometer [10]: 3.5 Camera Module jmk ws-309as: Accelerometer is an electromechanical device that measures proper acceleration ("g-force"). Proper acceleration is not the same as coordinate rate of change of velocity. The accelerometer used is ADXL 335. It is a triple axis MEMS accelerometer having low power consumption as well as extremely low noise. It measures acceleration with a minimum full-scale range of ±3 g. Static acceleration of gravity in tilt-sensing applications, as well as dynamic acceleration can be measured using it. It gives analog output. Zero g (G-force) output is always at half of 3.3v i.e. 1.65v output, while -3g is at 0v and 3g is at 3.3v with full scaling in between them. Camera module jmk ws-309as is a closed-circuit television camera that uses radio band to transmit audio and video signal to a receiver wirelessly. The audio and video analog signals are encoded as digital packets over high-bandwidth radio frequencies. Its advantages are that it has an excellent video quality and also a wide transmission range of 50 feet approximately. It can be used as a wired camera or can be powered using a battery. 3.3 Bluetooth Module HC-05: For transparent wireless serial connection setup, an HC05 module is used. Bluetooth module for Arduino is one of the modules are widely used in wireless communications. HC-05 is a class-2 Bluetooth module with Serial Port Profile, which can configure aq`s either Master or slave. a Drop-in replacement for wired serial connections, transparent usage. You can use it simply for a serial port replacement to establish connection between MCU, PC to your embedded project and etc. 3.4 L293D: Motor Driver: The L293D is a monolithic, integrated, high voltage, high current and has 4 channel drivers. It has the capability of providing an output current of 600mA per channel. Using Fig1. Surveillance bot Fig2. Block Diagram 2 4. IMPLEMENTATION 4.1 Generation and Transmission of Command Signals: According to the gesture in which the user directs his hands to move the robot, control signals are generated, which are unique for each direction. For instance, if the user wishes to progress the robot in the forward direction, a small voltage proportional to the gravitational field acting when the sensor (accelerometer) is produced when the forward gesture is given. Different sets of values in X and Y axes when other gestures are used. These command signals are then transmitted wirelessly to the Bluetooth module (HC-05) via the Bluetooth module present in the transmitted side i.e. on the glove. A Gesture Controlled robot is a kind of robot which can be controlled by hand gestures not by old buttons. According to the block diagram shown in Fig 1.One just need to wear a small transmitting device in his hand. The transmitter device includes an Arduino; accelerometer and a Bluetooth device. This will transmit an appropriate command to the robot to get the desired robot. At the receiving end this data is received by another Bluetooth module which is then processed by another Arduino and is given to the motor driver IC to control the movements of the motors and also a camera is used for surveillance purpose. frequency antenna to the connected device. This not only helps the user to control his robot car freely, but also allows him to identify where his robot actually is and guide the car accordingly, without having to actually trace its motion continuously. 5. RESULT Various experiments have been conducted to determine the best fitting correlation value for this project on gesture controlled bot. A 2 axes of the accelerometer is used for the project i.e. X and Y. The analog values obtained from the accelerometer were from the range 0-5 volts which were mapped to 10 output channels which were ranging from 0-1023 using analogRead() function. For forward and backward motion, Y axis values are found to be constant. Similarly for left and right motion X axis values were found to be constant. 4.2 Reception of Command Signals: The Bluetooth module HC-05 is a standard device for wirelessly communicating with Bluetooth devices via radio frequency. As soon as it is paired with the controller Bluetooth module placed on the transmitter or glove side, it readily accepts data in the form of bytes, which are actually the command signals transmitted by the transmitter Bluetooth module. The data received by the module is then passed on to the Arduino controller. Fig3. Hand Gestures Table1. Accelerometer Readings GESTURES X axes value Y axes value Fig LEFT 309<X<327 362<Y<398 3.3 RIGHT 309<X<327 266<Y<306 3.4 FORWARD 269<X<306 344<Y<354 3.1 BACKWARD 349<X<384 344<Y<354 3.2 4.3 Driving the motors of the robot car: L293D motor driver takes digital signal as an input from the Arduino and gives digital output to the DC motors of the robot. Speed control of the DC motors can also be achieved by this IC. 4.4 Robot in Action: This is the actual robot consisting of all the hardwareBluetooth module HC-05, Arduino and L293D motor Driver circuit on the robot chassis having power supply provided by the rechargeable batteries. The entire system is simply controlled by the gesture. 4.5 Live Surveillance: The robot chassis along with the system hardware also contains a camera module affixed on top of it. This camera captures medium quality images and continuously transmits them wirelessly via its radio 6. CONCLUSION In the race of man v/s machines, hand gesture controlled bot comes as an e.g. of companionship of man and machine. Taking the technology to the next level from speech recognitions and wired connections, the technology of wireless hand gesture control is used. There is a rapid growth on application development considering gesture recognition system. So in this paper, 3 a model of a robot based on “Human Machine programmer” can also control a robot quickly and in a natural way. 7. APPLICATIONS: 1. It can be used in military operations; i.e. sent ahead of infantry to investigate potential ambushes. 2. It can be used for supervision in various hazardous places. 3. It can also be used for traffic monitoring. 4. It can also be used in home automation system in which other electrical appliances can be controlled using additional gestures. 5. Can be used in wheel chair. 8. FUTURE SCOPE Presently in the system Bluetooth is used for transmission which restricts the robot to a small range. To overcome this restriction Bluetooth can be replaced by Wi-fi or Zigbee module to increase the range and also IP cameras can be attached to improve video transmission range as well as quality. Also a secure and encrypted transmission can be done using such connections. Various sensors can be attached to it as per user’s requirement like metal detectors for detecting metals below small tunnels, gas sensors to detect gas leakage in remote areas in industries. By attaching a robotic arm on it, it can be used for picking and transporting various objects, as well as it can be used for working in hazardous conditions. Similarly by attaching an extinguishing cylinder it can be used as fire extinguishing robot. This concept can be used in home automation. In addition GPS and GSM Modules can also be attached to the system in which co-ordinates of any military base or any other activities can be directly sent to the base station. 9. REFERENCES [1] Waldherr, S., Thrun, S., and Romero, R., “A Gesture based interface for Human-Robot Interaction”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherland, 2000. [2] [3]Cannan. J. and Hu, H., “Human-Machine Interaction (HMI):ASurvey”.[Online].Available:http://www.dces.ess [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] Pedro Neto, J. Norberto Pires, and A. Paulo Moreira, “Accelerometer-Based Control of an Industrial Robotic Arm”, IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Toyama, Japan, 2009. [11] oth_module_(Master/Slave) [12] aper_11Gesture_Controlled_Robot_using_Image_Processing.pdf [13] [14] 4