2014 April EGM Minutes - Harpenden Colts FC Harpenden Colts FC

Harpenden Colts – Extraordinary General Meeting
Wednesday 30th April 7:30 – 9:00pm
Those present: Judith Codling (Club Secretary) / Ian Holden (Chair) / Ed Venner (VC) / Andrew Whitehouse (u12) / Ian Mason / Paul Grice (u9) /
Martin Leach (u10) / Andy Thomas (u13) / Martin Gittins (u13) / Susan Poole (u12) / Des Tynan (u9) / Wendy Cunningham (u18) / Elaine Norwood (u11
& u16) / Pete Edney (u11) / Tom Totty (u12) / Rob Edwards (u10) / Perete Shamir (u9) / Scott Barber (Treasurer) / Peter Northcott (u12) / Phil
Pinkham (u9) / Robert Smalley (u12) / Stephen Fairburn (u9) / Keith Marsden
Various item
Lead by
Details of what kit is
available for squads to have /
Dinner dance
What it is and why we want
Ed Venner
Ian Holden
Ian Holden
What this is and why we
want to introduce it
Ian Holden
Discuss and vote on adoption
of the new Constitution
and members
Ed detailed new equipment that is available – large banner and
respect lines. Pegs etc for goals and pennants for cup finals.
Dinner Dance reminder.
Club remembered two coaches who have passed away since the
last time we met. Our thoughts are with their families.
Details of why we want to become incorporated – so liability is
limited to Colts and Chair is no longer liable if anything happens
to the Club.
Charitable status required to ensure we can take advantage of
gift aid on any donations to the Club.
This committee is set up to help year groups to run in a
consistent way across the club. This group of lead coaches who
will make decisions on new policies and procedures within the
club. It will give each year group the same representation so that
policies etc are determined by all age groups.
Ian brought attention to section 2.25 and the establishment of
the FMC.
The committee will be determined by all the parents at the AGM
and the FMC representatives will be determined by the coaches
in each year group.
Elaine Norwood raised a concern about 2.11 – Powers of Trustees
as there is no limit to what the Trustees can commit the club to –
this should be discussed at the AGM. Also, concern was raised
Year Group
Policy Document
Discuss and vote on the
adoption of the Year Group
Policy documentation
and members
that new Trustees should be appointed by vote of the
membership rather than by the existing Trustees. The FMC
should be able to appoint an emergency Trustee in the event of a
retirement of a Trustee where this causes the number of
Trustees to be fewer than 3 (or for the Secretary of Treasurer
position). Trustees should not simply appoint new Trustees.
2.10 4) should add that they need to give 7 days notice of their
intention to stand for election prior to the meeting to any
Scott Barber responded to a question about what is the next
step, he explained that we have to complete a questionnaire on
the Charity Commission (CC) website along with submitting the
constitution and this will then be considered by the CC and
status would be granted.
Charitable status will also allow us to take advantage of
charitable giving through corporations.
Discussion about the quorum required for voting. Discussed this
but felt that proxy voting was simply not tenable given we are
volunteers and this would not entitle them to be party to the
discussions that colour people’s opinions of the matters under
2.10 (3) to be changed to say Trustees retire at the end of every
AGM but are eligible for re-election.
2.23 i) to ensure that in setting and administering policies and in
delegating roles and responsibilities account is taken of the views
of the members effected.
2.23 h) Policies and Rules should be published.
VOTE: In favour of adoption: unanimous with effect from AGM.
Against adoption: no one against
 Adding structure to the Club in order to be well governed and
ensure we have appropriate policies and procedures in place.
 Parent representative on Year Group committee was also
 Question raised about older year groups and how the Year Group
Policy document will apply and what sensitivity and transitional
arrangement that might be made. Ian Holden responded that we
would consider this document to be best practise for the older
year groups but mandatory for the younger year groups.
FMC should enable a cascade of information from one year group
to the next which will help to create more of a one club feel.
Year Group will ultimately determine what happens within each
year group but the Year Group Policy document is the overriding
principles if there is disagreement.
Policy about ‘first in’ rather than bringing children in purely
based on their ability.
FMC appoint the Year Group Lead for u7s and for each
subsequent year they are voted for by the year group’s coaches.
Need to consider adopting a policy with regard to financial
support for those who are unable to pay the subscription monies
or fees for additional training.
Charitable status should enable the club to keep rises to
subscriptions to a minimum.
Add a version number to this document.
All present agreed that we continue to develop this document as it sets
out good guidance and general support for the Philosophy and work will
continue on the policies.
Other policies
and business
All new policies and business
of the club to be discussed
at the AGM rather than at
this EGM