MSC Accession Guide Revised May 2015

Air National Guard
Medical Service Corps
Accessions Guide
Revised May 2015
Effective 1 October 2015
The Medical Service Corps
Today’s Air National Guard Medical Service (ANGMS) is seeking leaders whose attributes
include leading from the front. Taking on those challenges that seem impossible or breaking
ground on areas that “no one else has tried” or “that will never happen.” Can you relate to this
type attribute? Do you really have the passion for leadership roles that put you in positions of
forward thinking and willing to take the risk as you develop your leadership skills to match the
local, state, national, or even global challenges? The Medical Service Corps (MSC) may be the
right choice for you. The Air National Guard (ANG) Medical Service Corps will provide you
the opportunity to develop your leadership skills while pursuing a career in one of the most
diverse branches of the ANGMS. You could be involved in Wing level operations/training,
patient administration, medical logistics management, personnel administration/management at a
staff headquarters, or practicing your specialty in domestic operations or deployed field
The Medical Service Corps consists of more than 1,800 Air Force, Air Force Reserve, and ANG
officers, who serve as professional healthcare administrators throughout the world. They come
from a variety of civilian and military backgrounds and serve as leaders in the military healthcare
system. MSC Officers truly believe they are part of the best career field in the Air Force. MSCs
know that those around them depend upon proven leadership.
The quality of leaders selected to serve as future MSC Officers is vital to ensure and sustain
mission success for both the Air Force Medical Service and the ANGMS. MSCs provide that
critical link between the Group Medical Units (GMUs), Aeromedical Evacuation (AE)
Squadrons and Wing Leadership. Interested in becoming a MSC Officer? You can apply
through a Designated Officer Recruiter or an ANG GMU or AE Squadron.
The October 2015 eligibility criteria and a checklist of specific requirements are included in this
guide and will help you prepare your application package. All the components of the application
package are reviewed in order to determine if you are best qualified for a MSC commission. You
should find this information helpful and that it answers all your questions about applying.
Good luck and AIM High!
ANG Medical Service Corps Career Consultant
Office of the Air Surgeon
The USAF Medical Service Corps (MSC) recently released their MSC Applicant Information
Guide February 2015. After review of the new USAF guide, the ANG MSC Accession Guide is
now revised and ready for release as well. Changes will take effect 1 October 2015. The most
recent change(s) is summarized below:
Change to the Guide includes the following:
1. Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)/Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
scores from an examination taken within the last five years as of 1 January 2016 are
required for all applicants.
Eligibility Criteria for Application to the MSC
Education: The following qualifying degrees are acceptable for application into the Medical
Service Corps (MSC). Applicants wishing to apply for a MSC commission must have one of the
qualifying degrees listed below.
Graduate degrees: Health Administration, Healthcare Administration (or equivalent),
Healthcare Management, Health Management and Policy, Health Services
Administration (or equivalent), Hospital Administration (or equivalent), Accounting,
Business Administration, Business Management, Economics, Finance, Marketing,
Statistics, Information Systems Management, or other closely-related equivalent as
specified below.
Undergraduate degrees: Health Administration, Healthcare Administration (or
equivalent), Healthcare Management, Health Management and Policy, Health Services
Administration (or equivalent), Hospital Administration (or equivalent), Accounting,
Business Administration, Business Management, Economics, Finance, Marketing,
Statistics, Information Systems Management, and Health Management/Health Systems
Engineering, Operations Research or other closely-related degree as specified below.
Closely-related degrees: Applicants may apply to the board with either a businessrelated degree appropriate to a healthcare environment or closely related to a
healthcare/medical administration degree; however, in order for the degree to qualify, the
applicant must have successfully completed 6 of the following 11 courses within that
degree: accounting, business management, economics, emergency management,
finance, healthcare administration, information management, leadership,
marketing, research and analysis, or statistical analysis.
All closely-related degrees are reviewed by the Air National Guard MSC Consultant. To
determine degree eligibility, forward a transcript/degree plan by e-mail to
Note: Certificates are non-qualifying and cannot be substituted for a degree.
Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)/Graduate Record Examination (GRE):
GMAT/GRE scores from an examination taken within the last five years as of 1 January 2016
are required for all applicants. The minimum score for GRE, if exam was taken 1 Aug 2011 or
after, is 286; if exam was taken before 1 Aug 2011, is 800 (verbal and quantitative). GMAT
minimum score is 400. Historically, GRE and GMAT scores of individuals selected for
commissioning have been an average of 1073 (291 new) and 553 respectively. The question of
why an individual with a master’s degree needs these test scores often arises. The selection board
evaluates and compares the quality of the applicants’ degree to the respective GRE or GMAT
Note: An applicant will need to retake the examination, if he/she does not meet the minimum
score requirements for the GRE or GMAT. The GRE/GMAT exam requirement, the minimum
score, and currency of exam are not waiverable.
Grade Point Average (GPA): The desired GPA for the qualifying degree is 3.0 or above. If
his/her GPA is below the desired GPA, he/she shall submit more information, e.g. transcripts for
additional business courses, previous AFSC/MOSs and skill levels held, resumes for civilian
and/or military experience, membership in professional healthcare organizations, certificates,
OPRs/EPRs, PME, etc.
Additional Documents: To ensure an applicant has a strong package overall, he/she is
encouraged to submit additional information, e.g. transcripts for additional business or closely
related courses or degrees, previous AFSCs/MOSs and skill levels held, resumes for civilian
and/or military experience, membership in professional healthcare organizations, certificates,
OPRs/EPRs, PME, etc.
Age: IAW ANGI36-2005, Chapter 3, Table 3.1, note 3, the maximum age for initial
appointment in a health professional specialty designated by Headquarters, AF Surgeon General
(HQ USAF/SG) as a specialty critically needed in wartime is less than 47 years. Submit
exceptions to policy through ANG/DP to HQ, AF Accession and Retention Policy (HQ
Time in Military Service: There are no “time in service” limits.
Reappointments: If a military member is currently a line officer in another competitive
category or a professional corps officer holding another AFSC to include another medical corps
AFSC, he/she will need to meet the eligibility criteria for an MSC commission, since this is a
new appointment.
Constructive Service Credit
AFI 36-2005, paragraph 2.18. and Table 2.5., Rules 39-46, outlines constructive service credit
requirements. The Constructive Credit evaluation is required to be completed prior to taking the
Oath of Office, and must be approved by NGB/A1POP. Essentially, newly accessed MSC
officers will be awarded constructive service credit only for qualifying graduate degrees
accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education
(CAHME) or the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Any other
constructive credit will be assessed based on civilian work experience in the healthcare
administration field (focusing on MSC core competencies).
Constructive Service Credit for Work Experience: One half year constructive service credit (up
to 3 years) is given for each year of full-time professional work in the specialty appointed after
obtaining a qualifying degree. Because MSCs are appointed as health services administrators,
constructive credit will only be given for work as a professional health services administrator in
a healthcare setting.
Note: Constructive credit will only be granted to the individual if the degree earned is a
qualifying graduate degree for an MSC commission (see “Eligibility Criteria”) or if civilian
healthcare administration work experience is accomplished in a MSC core competency.
The applicant may initiate a waiver request (in memorandum format) and submit it to the
respective FSS Career Enhancements Office or Medical Group for coordination through the
appropriate chain of command. The waiver request must address (1) why the waiver is required
and (2) the reason(s) the waiver should be granted. A waiver may or may not be approved.
Note: The goal of the waiver process is to provide flexibility for unique cases and approvals will
be granted on a case-by-case basis. Waivers will not be considered for degree and GRE/GMAT
Waiver for Age: IAW AFI 36-2005, Table 2.1., Note 3, age waivers may be approved in
rare circumstances, if the applicant’s service would greatly benefit the Air National
Guard and the individual has prior military service. The request must be endorsed by the
gaining unit and the wing commander. NGB/A1POP is the office responsible for
processing age waiver requests. In some cases the waiver request may have to be sent to
the Secretary of the Air Force for approval.
Exception to Policy for Number of Times Applying: Individuals will be allowed to apply
twice (minimum of 12 months apart) for a MSC commission, if they have been formally
notified previously that they were not approved for a MSC commission IAW AFI 362005, Table 2.2, Item 10 and 32, Note 5. In order to apply a third time, there should be
significant improvement in the applicant’s qualifications. Before beginning a third
application package, a letter of justification should be sent to the ANG MSC Career Field
Manager for review.
Transfers from a Line AFSC,
Professional Corps AFSC, Medical AFSC,
or from one Competitive Category to
another Competitive Category to the
Medical Service Corps
Transfer from a line or another professional corps: IAW AFI 36-2101, Chapter 3, paragraph
3.19, officers designated as members of the Medical Service may not possess a line AFSC
(different competitive category) or another professional corps (HC, JA) AFSC in other than the
4XXX series, unless approved by HQ AFPC/DPAM, Division of Medical Service Officer
Management. The possession of another AFSC in addition to a 4XXX AFSC, usually only
applies to physicians/pilots. Line officers are in a different competitive category than
professional corps (HC, JA, Medical) officers and must therefore apply for reappointment. IAW
ANGI36-2005, Chapter 8, paragraph 8.1, upon acceptance of a reappointment, previous
appointments held will be withdrawn. AFI 36-2106, Competitive Category Transfers, provides
additional information on competitive categories.
IAW AFI 51-604, chapter 4, paragraph 4.2.5., an officer designated as a medical, dental,
veterinary, medical service, or biomedical sciences officer, or as a nurse, cannot exercise
command except of those organizations and installations whose primary mission involves health
care or the health professions. Therefore, a member cannot hold both a line and a medical AFSC,
since medical AFSCs cannot command line AFSCs, only medical AFSCs. The member must
relinquish their previously held medical AFSC when he/she transfers to a line AFSC and vice
versa. If the member currently has a line AFSC, but previously held a MSC AFSC, and he/she
wants to apply for a MSC commission, he/she must apply for and meet the current requirements
for a MSC commission as if this were an initial appointment, i.e. as if he/she never held the MSC
The Geneva Convention Law affords a special protection to military medical personnel that is
not afforded to military line personnel. It specifically protects noncombatants (civilians, health
workers and aid workers) and those who are no longer participating in the hostilities, such as
wounded, sick, and shipwrecked soldiers and prisoners of war. This is another reason why a
medical officer cannot be both a line and medical officer and/or have AFSCs in different
competitive categories.
Transfer from a medical/professional corps AFSC to another medical/professional corps: The
member has to meet the requirements of the medical professional corps AFSC and be approved
for a commission in that AFSC in order to be awarded that AFSC. For example, a nurse corps
officer, AFSC 46X, cannot be awarded a health services administrator AFSC, 41AX, without
meeting the requirements and obtaining approval for a commission into the Medical Service
Corps (MSC).
ANG Medical Service Corps AFSC 41A Accessions Checklist
Applicant Name and Grade (if military):
Time in Service in Years:
A list of all AFSCs/MOSs, skill levels and titles awarded if military
Graduate Degree (List exact title)
Accredited College
- 3.0 GPA
- Honors
Undergraduate Degree (List exact title)
- Accredited College
3.0 GPA
- Honors
Associate Degree (List exact title)
Accredited College
3.0 GPA
- Taken in last five years
- Verbal and Quantitative scores equal 800 or higher or 286 for new scoring
- Taken in last five years
- Score of 400 or higher
Letter of Recommendation endorsed by Senior MSC
Letter of Recommendation endorsed by Medical Group Commander
Letter of Recommendation endorsed by Wing Commander
Essay – one page
Answered question: Why do you want to be an MSC Officer?
Answered question: What do you have to offer the USAF and ANG Medical
If enlisted – last 5 EPRs
If officer – all OPRs
Resume with both civilian and military work experience
Member of Health Profession Organization (If yes, list)
Waiver Request (If yes, type of waiver,i.e. age, number of times applying)
Course Certificates
AF Form 24
Contact Information:
Mailing Address:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
References, Informational Sources, &
Contact Information
USAF MSC Applicant Information Guide, revised February 2015, Accession Year (AY) 2016
DoDI 6000.13, Medical Manpower and Personnel
AFI36-2005, Appointment in Commissioned Grades and Designation and Assignment in
Professional Categories-Reserve of the Air Force and United States Air Force
- Outlines accession procedures for Medical Service Officers
ANGI36-2005, Appointment of Officers in the Air National Guard of the United States and as
Reserves of the Air Force
Gives guidance on requirements and eligibility criteria for ANG/AFRC Commissioned
AFI36-2008, Voluntary Extended Active Duty (EAD) for Air Reserve Commissioned Officers
- Gives guidance on EAD requirements and eligibility criteria for Air Reserve
Commissioned Officers
AFI36-2101, Classifying Military Personnel (Officer and Airmen)
- Discusses the mechanisms for classifying Medical Service Officers
AFI36-2106, Competitive Category Transfers
- Provides guidance for Regular and Reserve Officers on the active duty list
AFI36-2301, Developmental Education
Reviews PME for officers
AFI51-604, Appointment to and Assumption of Command
- Provides guidance for Medical Professional Corps AFSC designations / Line Officer
limitations within Medical Service
USAF/SG1 Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Constructive Service Credit (CS) Policy Letter, 29 January
Provides guidance on constructive Service Credit for newly accessed MSC Officers
Air Force Officer Classification Directory (AFOCD) For Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) 41Ax
Contains the official specialty descriptions for all military classification codes and
Other Informational Sources:
Air National Guard MSC Society Website
HSA Homepage
MSC Education and Utilization Knowledge Junction on AFMS Knowledge Exchange
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
College Accreditation
The Commission on Accreditation of Health Management Education (CAHME)
Contact Information:
Chief, Executive Strategy and Support Divison
MSC Career Field Manager
3500 Fetchet Avenue
Andrews AFB MD 20762-5157
DSN: 612-7264
Comm: (240) 612-7264
Cell: (301) 836-2920