Input instructions



Submit your company’s information online. Fields are listed below. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk*. Your company’s information will be referred to employees whose business area has an opportunity to use your company’s services, as aligned with your company’s top category. Complete all mandatory fields. Incomplete information will result in your company not being considered for opportunities.

Lockheed Martin usually looks for suppliers who meet niche requirements, often with specific experience, sometimes specific brands. Broad offerings might not be found in our key word searches. You are encouraged to use specific descriptions of capabilities, rather than high level categories.

You will receive an email message from the Podio platform giving you access to your record in the database. We prefer that each company have only one record. You can modify your company information as needed, or upload line cards, capability statements, or photos.

If you have a question about this process, send an email to

. We will respond within a week.

If you have difficulty in submitting your company’s information using the online portal, send a request to

for a file to be created for your company. We will then give you access to the file so you can input your information directly into the database.

Business Name*

Main Office Street Address *

Suite / Mail Stop Number

City *

U.S. States and Territories, select one

Non-U.S. State _____________

Zip / Postal Code

If Non-U.S. Country, select one















New Zealand





Republic of Korea


Saudi Arabia





United Kingdom

United Arab Emirates

Non U.S. Country, if not listed above

Additional Office Locations

Business Web Page

Add more web pages

Contact Name *

Contact Title

Contact Phone *

Contact Cell Phone (Optional)

Contact Fax Number (Optional)

Contact E-mail *

Additional Contacts

D&B DUNS Number

D&B Global DUNS Number

Year Business Started *

Number of Employees *

Annual Revenue

The following fields are key to marketing to Lockheed Martin Corporation. Provide explicit information on your niche strengths. These fields will be used for key word searches when we need specific capabilities. For example: “IT Services” is not something that would be sought, while “Java development” might be of interest. Be specific in stating what you want to market.

Are you a manufacturer? Yes/No

If yes, products manufactured: (Provide robust information. This is what will sell your company’s services.)

Are you a product reseller? Yes/No

If yes, lines sold: (Provide robust information. This is what will sell your company’s services.)

Are you a service provider? Yes/No

If yes, services provided: (Provide robust information. This is what will sell your company’s services.)

Do you engage in consulting? Yes/No

If yes, give areas of expertise: (Provide robust information. This is what will sell your company’s services.)



Do you provide subcontract labor? Yes/No

Please select what you would consider your top category * select one

Airplane Parts

A&E Services

Circuit Boards

Communications / Telecommunications



Construction Services

Electronic Components

Engineering Services


Facility Services

HBCU/MI (Historically Black College or University or Minority Institution)

Information Assurance

IR&D Services

IT Hardware

IT Services

IT Software Sales

IT Software Services

IT Software Engineering Services

Machining – Machined Parts


Navigation Systems

Office Supplies

Professional Services

Remediation Services

Search and Detection

Security Guard Services


Sonar – Surveillance & Radar Systems

Staffing Services – Recruiting & Temp Labor


Technical Services



Wiring – Cable Assemblies

Other (please list below)

Other Top Category: _______________

Is your business "United States owned?" * Yes/No

---------------------------------- United States Owned Businesses ----------------------------------

The next set of questions are United States owned businesses only, Non-United States owned businesses please skip section.

Cage Code ____________

Primary NAICS Code ____________

Additional NAICS Codes ____________

Are you registered in the database? Yes/No

Do you use a DCAA (Defense Contract Audit Agency) approved accounting system? Yes/No

Is your company Native American non-tribal owned? Yes/No


Is your company tribally owned? Yes/No

Is your company Alaska Native Corporation owned? Yes/No

Is your company Hawaiian Native Owned? Yes/No

Is your company Other Native American owned? Yes/No

Are you an HBCU/MI? Yes/No

Are you an AbilityOne agency Yes/No

Are you classified as a "Small Business?" Yes/No

Are you classified as a Small Disadvantaged Business? Yes/No

If so, what classification? _____________

If so, are you participating in the 8a program? Yes/No

8(a) exit date: (if applicable) _____________

Are you classified as a Small Woman Owned Business? Yes/No

Are you HUBZone certified? Yes/No

Are you classified as a Veteran Owned Business? Yes/No

If so, are you Service Disabled Veteran Owned? Yes/No

Is your company currently participating in any mentorprotégé program? Yes/No

If yes, please provide mentor and affiliated agency: _______________

Does your company participate in an SBIR program? Yes/No

If yes, please indicate which phase and with which company: ________________

Does your company participate in the US Customs and Border Protection C-TPAT Supply Chain Security program? Yes/No

If yes, please provide your SVI number: ________________

------------------------------ Non-United States Owned Businesses ------------------------------

The next set of questions are Non-United States owned businesses only, United States owned businesses please skip section.

What is the country of ownership?















New Zealand




Republic of Korea


Saudi Arabia






United Kingdom

United Arab Emirates

What is the country of ownership, if not listed above? _______________

What kind of small, medium sized, or socio-economic status exists?

 None

 Indigenous

 Other (please list below)

Other socio-economic status: _____________

-------------- ALL BUSINESSES: Qualifications and Past Performance History --------------

What is your primary geographic support area? ____________

Explain any current security clearance levels, and identify country issued. ____________

Do you have a "sustainability" or "green" program? Yes/No

If yes, please describe your program: ____________

Do you offer green packaging shipments? Yes/No

If yes, please describe: ____________

Do you manufacture or distribute green products? Yes/No

If so, please list your green product offerings: ____________

Does your company participate in an AEO / WCO recognized Supply Chain Security program? Yes/No

If yes, please state program name and recognition authority. _________________

IT Software Developers, are you CMMI quality certified? Yes/No

If yes, what level? CMMI level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Please select any of the following quality certifications your company holds (select all that apply): ISO

9000, AS 9100, AS 9120, Other: (please list below), None of the above

Please list any other quality certifications your company holds:

Are you currently doing business with Lockheed Martin * Yes/No

If yes, what site or business area? ____________

U.S. Federal Agency Past Performance:

Intelligence Community

Department of Agriculture

Department of Commerce

Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Department of Commerce - United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

Department of Defense

Department of Defense - Air Force

Department of Defense - Army

Department of Defense - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

Department of Defense - Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)

Department of Defense - Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)

Department of Defense - Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)

Department of Defense – Navy

Department of Defense - Marine Corps

Department of Defense - Missile Defense Agency (MDA)

Department of Defense - U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)

Department of Defense - U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM)

Department of Education

Department of Energy


Department of Health and Human Services

Department of Health and Human Services - Center for Disease Control (CDC)

Department of Health and Human Services - Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

Department of Health and Human Services - Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Department of Homeland Security

Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

Department of Homeland Security - Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

Department of Homeland Security - Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

Department of Housing and Urban Development

Department of the Interior

Department of Justice

Department of Labor

Department of State

Department of Transportation

Department of Transportation - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Department of the Treasury

Department of Veterans Affairs

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

General Services Administration (GSA)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)

National Guard Bureau

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Social Security Administration (SSA)

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

U.S. House of Representatives

U.S. Senate

U.S. Postal Service (USPS)

Other Agencies

Local (U.S.) / Commercial Past Performance _______________

Please list any international past performance (Includes Non-U.S. Federal, Local, Commercial and U.S.

Federal OCONUS) ________________

Does your company have the ability to prime contracts? Yes/No

Prime Contract History:

No prime contracts

Primed 1-3 contracts for U.S. Federal Government

Primed 1-3 contracts for Non-U.S. Federal Government

Primed 4 or more contracts for U.S. Federal Government

Primed 4 or more contracts for Non-U.S. Federal Government

Prime contractor on U.S. commercial / state or local government contract

Prime contractor on Non-U.S. commercial / state or local government contract

Prime contractor where Lockheed Martin subbed to you

Please feel free to let us know of any comments or special circumstances: ____________

