St. Bernard Parish In the Heart of Akron, Ohio Diocese of Cleveland Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil 4:30 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. (en Español) 8:00 p.m. Daily and Holyday Masses See Mass Intentions inside for times Sacraments Baptism – On Saturday mornings, call the Parish Office to attend a Pre-baptismal class and to schedule a baptism date. Confirmation or Eucharist – Call the Parish Office to register your child for instructions. Penance – Confessions are on Saturday afternoons from 3:00-4:00pm or by appointment. Marriage – Limited to residents of the parish or long-standing volunteers of the parish. Anointing of the Sick – At any time upon request, call the Parish Office for scheduling. RCIA – Interested in becoming Catholic? Call the Parish Office for more information. Funerals Please have your Funeral Director contact the Parish Office to finalize arrangements. Pastoral Staff (Se habla español *) Fr. Daniel J. Reed, Pastor * Fr. Frank Basa, Parochial Vicar Deacon Ray DiMascio Mrs. Cheri Colianni, Business Manager Mrs. Marian Neugebauer, Secretary * Miss Anne Pirie, Secretary * Mr. Jim Kintz, Music Ministry Mr. Ralph Reese, Custodian Parish Office 44 University Avenue Akron, OH 44308 330-253-5161 / 330-253-6949 (Fax) (Email) (Website) Hours: 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon. – Fri. 9 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. Sundays Hunger Ministries Call the Parish Office to volunteer or donate. Newman Center Campus Ministry Mr. John Szarwark, Campus Minister Parish Offices, 3rd Floor; 330-376-3585 Heart-to-Heart Communications Fr. Norm Douglas, Co-founder, in residence Ms. Sarah Leiendecker, Executive Assistant Parish Offices, 1st Floor; 330-434-3278 Your Sacrificial Offerings St. Bernard Mass Intentions December 8, Second Sunday of Advent 9:30 +Dec. Mem. of Prause & Kasunic Fam. 11:30 Intention of Edward F. Bedford 1:00 NO SPANISH MASS TODAY 8:00 +Maria Gomes Monday, December 9 – The Immaculate Conception 12:10 +Mary & Fred Gerstenslager Tuesday, December 10 12:10 +Randall P. Keenan Wednesday, December 11 12:10 +Katie Smith Thursday, December 12 – Our Lady of Guadalupe 9:30 +Joan Marie Scherer Weekend of November 24: $7,053.00 Weekend of December 1st: $8,264.00 Monthly Parish Expenses: $1,058.00 Monthly Fr. Hilkert School Fund: $522.00 Thank you for your generous sacrifice! nd 2 Collection Today: Religious Retirement Fund Help aging sisters, brothers, and religious order priests. “Each year the need to provide for our elderly (members) becomes more pressing, and we are ever more grateful for these providential funds,” writes a religious sister about the financial assistance received from the Retirement Fund for Religious. Your donation helps provide necessities such as prescription medication and nursing care. Please give to those who have given a lifetime. Friday, December 13 – St. Lucy 12:10 +Maria Gomes Special Events this week at St. Bernard Saturday, December 14 – St. John of the Cross 4:30 Intention of Eda Sagman Monday December 15, Third Sunday of Advent 9:30 +Maria Gomes 11:30 Intentions of Douglas Bowman 1:00 +George Kozarevic 8:00 +Dino Baldino Scripture Readings for the Week Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Gn. 3:9-15,20; Eph.1:2-12; Luke 1:26-38 Is. 40:1-11; Matthew 18:12-14 Is. 40:25-31; Matthew 11:28-30 Zec. 2:14-17; Luke 1:26-38 Is. 48:17-19; Matthew 11:16-19 Sir. 48:1-4, 9-11; Matthew 17:9-13 Is. 35:1-6, 10; Jas. 5:7-10; Matthew 11:2-11 DEADLINES FOR HOLIDAY BULLETINS: Due to Publisher Deadlines for the Holidays, requests for bulletin inserts must be submitted earlier than usual. The dates are: For December 29th Bulletin info due by Monday, December 16th For January 5th Bulletin info due by Monday, December 23rd Please drop these requests off at the parish office; or email them to Sunday 12/8 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Children’s Liturgy & Youth Sessions Children’s Christmas Choir – 10:30am PSR Class 6:30 p.m. at St. Mary School Alcoholics Anonymous 8pm No 5:30 Mass until January Advent Vespers @ St. Mary’s 6:30pm Church Cleaning-10am Alcoholics Anonymous – Noon Choir Practice – 7:30pm Alcoholics Anonymous 1:00pm Friday Saturday Sunday 12/15 10:45 PSR 2:00 Charla sobre nuestra Fe Please pray for those infirmed, including: Anne Miller, Marilyn Maximovich, John Richards, Lee Friend, “J.T.” Terault, Mary Bouschere, Martha Rodriguez, Ray Knolles, and Georgina Valeria. ST. BERNARD PARISH BETHLEHEM GIVING TREES This year our parish will sponsor the Akron Pregnancy Center and the Hot Meals Program. Trees will be located in the Upper Room (right of the sanctuary) beginning November 15 and latter in the church proper. Take an ornament, bring back a gift by NEXT Sunday - December 15. God bless you. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES CHRISTMAS TREE SET-UP – All hands (especially youth!) are needed Wednesday, December 18 to put up those monster Christmas trees in the church sanctuary. Start time: 5:00 PM –Please sign up by calling the parish office or email, so we know how many pizzas to order. Faith Enrichment Events ADVENT LESSONS/CAROLS AND VESPERS: On Tuesday, December 10th all are invited to an ADVENT Vespers Celebration of Prayer, Scripture and Adoration in preparation for Christmas. On Tuesday, December 17th all are invited for a special celebration of Scripture, Prayer and Song (Lessons/Carols) in preparation for Christmas. Both celebrations will be at: St. Mary’s Church starting at 6:30pm. ADULT FAITH ENRICHMENT CLASSES – Have concluded for the semester. Tuesday Confessions and Mass will resume in January with our next session. LESSONS & CAROLS – St. Sebastian Parish featuring Handbells, Parish Choir, Praise & Worship Ensemble and Gregorian Schola on Sunday, December 15th at 3:30pm. Please call 836-2233 for more information “Go and Make Disciples” – We still haven’t heard from you. Please fill out the insert to the Volunteer Guide you received recently at Mass. Participation in the ministries and mission of the parish is vital to her vibrancy. If you did not receive a Volunteer Guide for your household, please contact the office. Check the Kiosk in the church vestibule for Inserts. Thanks. 2014 St. Bernard Sunday Envelopes NO LONGER mailed to your home every two months due to high cost Now one BOX per household or adult for all of 2014, including special collections Can be picked up in the church or office from Dec. 7 – Jan. 5, 2014 Available to all who want them, especially for IRS reporting Are NOT needed if you donate by check; but their use saves us time Christmas Eve 4:30 Mass Boys and girls needed for either the choir or pageant. Practice is after the 9:30am Mass. Parents are welcome to enjoy coffee and donuts while waiting. Any questions please call: Becky Graham 330.990.1965 ____ ____ __Area Social Events NEWMAN CAMPUS MINISTRY NEWS Watch for details in the new year! If you have any questions please contact us at: ____ ___ Comunidad Hispana POSADAS – a las 7:00 P.M. Lunes – 16 dic. @ St. Mary PSR Martes – 17 dic. @ 838 Princeton Miercoles – 18 dic. @ St. Bernard Viernes – 20 dic. @ 844 Princeton Sabado – 21 dic. @ 3811 Lake Run Blvd., Stow LAS MANANITAS – Jueves, el 12 de diciembre a las 6:00 de la mañana en la Iglesia de San Bernardo, MISA NAVIDEÑA – La Noche Buena, 24 de diciembre, a las 7:00pm en español en La Iglesia San Bernard . CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE Confessions 3:00-4:00 PM Saturdays Christmas Eve Masses: 4:30 PM – Children 7:00 PM – Spanish/Español Christmas Day Masses: 12:00 AM – Midnight 11:30 AM – Christmas Day Christmas Day at St. Mary church – 9:00 A.M. Dear Parishioners, This past week we had a good turnout for the Penance Service sponsored by St. Mary Parish. All the priests from the cluster were on hand to hear confessions of sixty-plus people. The service ended in about an hour. Confessions will be at the regular time on Saturdays (3:00-4:00 pm). As we get closer to Christmas, two priests will be available. No confessions will be heard on Christmas eve. This coming week Deacon Ray will lead us in the Advent Lessons and Carols on Tuesday, Dec. 10 at 6:30 P.M. in St. Mary church (750 S. Main). All are welcome to come, pray, and sing as we prepare for Christmas and wait for His coming again. Also in this Advent Season, the Spanish-speaking community will be holding the traditional Posadas (Inns). On consecutive nights people go to one another’s home and reenact St. Luke’s telling of Mary and Joseph’s search for an Inn to lodge in for the night. Traditionally people walk from house to house in the neighborhood until someone lets them in to a prepared meal. We will simply meet at various places the week of December 16. You are most welcome to participate. You can find the listing of addresses where we will gather under “Comunidad Hispana” in today’s bulletin or by calling the parish office. Next Sunday at the 9:30 A.M. Mass we will celebrate the Rite of Acceptance with the 8 people attending the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). With the support of their sponsors, they will be welcomed into the Catechumenate; a period of intense formation in the Christian Faith within the Catholic Church. Please pray for these candidates, their sponsors, and the RCIA team led by Mr. Jim Griggy. Also, next Sunday is the final day to bring in your gifts for the Bethlehem Giving Trees. Please bring your wrapped gift to the sacristy for the Akron Pregnancy Center and/or the St. Bernard Hot Meal Program. People have called with questions about the new Church Envelope system. There are only two changes: 1. Church envelopes will no longer be mailed to your home. A box of envelopes for all of 2014 (including the special collections) will be available for PICK-UP here in the church or in the office. We’ll let you know when they arrive and are available for pick-up. 2. Every envelope in the box will have a number on it, but will no longer have your name and address on it. If you want to write that on every week – knock your socks off! – but we will be recording your contributions by the number on your envelope. These are the only two changes. If you regularly contribute by check, you will still be assigned a number in our system. If you like, pick up a box of envelopes and use them for your check. They make our recording easier when you need a yearly IRS statement. If you used to get envelopes but no longer do, please contact the office so we can explain the change or assign you a box. This is worth repeating: on the back of this bulletin are local businesses that provide us this weekly bulletin. I am grateful to these sponsors to our parish, I ask you to show them your appreciation by supporting their ventures to our Akron and Catholic communities as often as you are able. Another method of communication between us is our parish website. Although I’ve been tinkering with it lately (trying to learn), I am grateful to Will Holland who designs and maintains it for the parishioners. Check it out! A blessed and peaceful Advent, Fr. Dan Feligreses de Cristo: Como fue anunciado, NO HAY MISA a la 1:00 P.M. el 8 de diciembre. La Misa fue cancelada para asistir la Misa Guadalupana. El jueves, el 12 de diciembre por la mañana, celebraremos Las Mañanitas a la Virgencita. La hora de la celebración será a las 6:00 de la mañana. A causa que la gente tiene que trabajar o asistir a la escuela, no tarda mucho; casi media hora. En la parroquia de La Natividad del Señor en Akron (Norton) hay un museo que contiene una multitud de Nacimientos. El 15 de diciembre vamos a visitar esta exhibición. Y después nuestra visitación, vamos a comer en un restaurante cercano. Celebraremos Las Posadas la semana del 16 de diciembre hasta el 23 de diciembre. Todos estamos invitados. Favor de llevar algo para compartir. Posadas Y Villancicos 7:00PM Favor de llevar algo para compartir. 16 Posada Clases de PSR de la escuela de Santa María, 750 S. Main St. 17 Posada Casa de la Paz, 838 Princeton St., 330.384.1112 18 Posada Rectoría de San Bernardo, 44 University Ave., 44308, 330.253.5161. 20 Posada Familia Silva, 844 Princeton St., 330.701.1430 21 Villancicos Ana Isabel Díaz Rongel, 3811 Lake Run Blvd., Stow, 330.714.2451. 22 Posada Familia Reyes Guytan, 106 Brighton 23 Posada Familia Meléndez, 634 Columbia Ave., 330.671.1768. Favor de recordar que el 24 de diciembre celebraremos La Noche Buena con Misa en español a las 7:00 de la tarde. Antes de la celebración familiar en casa vamos a celebrar el Nacimiento de Nuestro Salvador Jesús en la Casa de Dios dando le gracias por nuestra salvación en Él. La paz, Fr. Dan St. Bernard Knights of Columbus Council is offering a beautiful outdoor nativity scene for sale. The beautiful yard decoration features the Holy Family nestled inside a Christmas tree. It is 4 feet tall and manufactured with durable double walled rotational plastic for years of carefree beauty; available in Summit White and Golden Yellow. Share your faith with the world this Christmas. Keep Christ in Christmas and help raise money for the Knight’s Charities. Each Nativity Tree is only $70.00. Call Fred Kramer at order your Nativity Tree today! Makes a great Christmas gift too! At the request of some interested parishioners, here is what it costs to keep us operating monthly: We need on average $33,000.00 ($38,000 in winter) to pay utilities, salaries, assessments (both city and diocesan), and to maintain the facilities.. (Our Christmas and Easter collections combined help pay the enormous annual insurance premium.) Currently, we receive on average $37,000.00 from your giving at Mass, rents, and that Parish Expense Envelope. This $37,000 does not include designated income for the Hunger or Hispanic Programs, or from the Capital Campaign, Fr. Hilkert Fund, or our one and only investment account.