GRADE 8 SOCIAL STUDIES INSTRUCTIONAL TASK Battle of New Orleans This instructional task contains a set of primary and authentic sources about the significance of the Battle of New Orleans. Alignment This task addresses content related to the following grade-level expectations: GLE 2: Locate major landforms and geographic features, places, and bodies of water/waterways on a map of Louisiana (G-1A-M2) GLE 6: Describe ways in which location and physical features have influenced historical events in Louisiana and the development of the state (e.g., Mississippi River/swamp in the Battle of New Orleans) (G-1B-M2) Contents This sample task contains the following sections: Primary and Authentic Sources Extended-Response Task Scoring Rubric Scoring Notes Printable Student Version Task Directions Teachers may choose to use or modify this sample as part of an instructional lesson or as a formative or summative assessment. Teachers should provide students access to the printable student version of the task, which excludes GLE alignment and scoring information. Students should then read or review the sources and answer the question. For additional specifications about the task, please see the Assessment Guidance for grade 8. GRADE 8 SOCIAL STUDIES INSTRUCTIONAL TASK Primary and Authentic Sources Ask students to read and study the following sources about the Battle of New Orleans and take notes in the space next to the sources or on page 3 of the printable student version. Students should then use the sources to answer the extended-response question on pages 4 and 5 of the printable student version. Source 1: Map of the United States in 1812, Source 2: The War of 1812: The Battle of New Orleans, Source 3: Map of the Mississippi River and its Tributaries, Source 4: “Background Info” and Visuals on the Battle of New Orleans, GRADE 8 SOCIAL STUDIES INSTRUCTIONAL TASK Extended-Response Task Write a well-organized response on the lines provided on pages 4 and 5 in this answer document. The Battle of New Orleans is considered by many to be the greatest land victory of the War of 1812. Even though the Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812, why was the Battle of New Orleans fought? What did the British hope to gain and what could the Americans have lost? As you write, follow the directions below. Your response should have multiple paragraphs, begin with an introduction, and end with a conclusion. Use evidence from each of the sources to support your claims. Include information and examples from your own knowledge of social studies. Be sure to write clearly. Use page 3 in this answer document for notes and planning. Write your final response on pages 4 and 5 in this answer document. GRADE 8 SOCIAL STUDIES INSTRUCTIONAL TASK Scoring Rubric The response should be scored holistically on its analysis and content. Each response should be given the score that corresponds to the set of bulleted descriptors that best describes the response. Score 4 3 2 1 0 Social Studies Task Rubric The student’s response constructs a sophisticated argument that provides an in-depth evaluation of the significance of the Battle of New Orleans; supports the claims with ample, well-chosen evidence that o addresses or demonstrates understanding of at least four of the sources, and o integrates adequate relevant information beyond what is provided in the sources; contains valid historical understandings and interpretations with no errors significant enough to detract from the argument. The student’s response constructs an acceptable argument that provides a general evaluation of the significance of the Battle of New Orleans; supports the claims with sufficient and appropriate evidence that o addresses or demonstrates understanding of three of the sources, and o integrates some relevant information beyond what is provided in the sources; contains mostly valid historical understandings and interpretations, although less important ideas or details may be overlooked or misunderstood. The student’s response constructs a weak and/or flawed argument that provides a limited or partial evaluation of the significance of the Battle of New Orleans; supports the claims with limited and/or uneven evidence that o addresses or demonstrates understanding of two of the sources, and o integrates limited relevant information beyond what is provided in the sources; contains some valid historical understandings and interpretations, but a few significant errors may be present. The student’s response must include at least one valid historical understanding or interpretation that addresses the prompt and is stated in the student’s own words; must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the topic; may contain several significant errors. The student’s response is incorrect, irrelevant, or too brief to evaluate. GRADE 8 SOCIAL STUDIES INSTRUCTIONAL TASK Scoring Notes A strong response references the sources appropriately: o o o importance of Louisiana and New Orleans because of the Mississippi River (source 2) areas of the United States that would be impacted by British control of the Mississippi River (source 1 and source 3) outcome of the battle (source 4) includes additional information about the Battle of New Orleans, such as: o British were focused on capturing New Orleans to give them control of the new land acquired in the Louisiana Purchase. New territories acquired by Louisiana Purchase Trade and transportation opportunities via the river Would have provided the British access to the majority of U.S. territories Printable Student Version *Note: Some sources are available only in digital format. A link is provided and will require the use of a computer to view the source. Directions: Read and study the following sources about the Battle of New Orleans. As you read, take notes in the space next to the sources or on page 3 in this answer document. Then use the sources to answer the extended-response question on pages 4 and 5. Source 1: Map of the United States in 1812, Source 2: The War of 1812: The Battle of New Orleans, Source 3: Map of the Mississippi River and its Tributaries, Source 4: “Background Info” and Visuals on the Battle of New Orleans, 1 Extended-Response Task Write a well-organized response on the lines provided on pages 4 and 5 in this answer document. The Battle of New Orleans is considered by many to be the greatest land victory of the War of 1812. Even though the Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812, why was the Battle of New Orleans fought? What did the British hope to gain and what could the Americans have lost? As you write, follow the directions below. Your response should have multiple paragraphs, begin with an introduction, and end with a conclusion. Use evidence from each of the sources to support your claims. Include information and examples from your own knowledge of social studies. Be sure to write clearly. Use page 3 in this answer document for notes and planning. Write your final response on pages 4 and 5 in this answer document. 2 Use for notes and planning your response. (This page will not be scored.) 3 Final Response 4 5