The Derby Dispatch

Maddy Widmann…………………………………..Block 2………………………………………….May 15, 2012
Afternoon Edition …………………$1.75
And The Winner Is…
Ingrid Law’s Scumble Receives Award
By Maddy Widmann
Derby Dispatch Staff Writer
Ingrid Law has outdone herself this time with
Scumble. It’s the book that has everyone
buzzing and kids all across Michigan scrambling
to get their hands on. Scumble won the Derby
Best Book Award, the highest honor given to
Please see Award, A3
Scumble: The Inside Story
By Madeline Elizabeth
The story is told from Ledge Kale’s point of
view. He is going to Wyoming to his cousin’s,
Fish Beaumont’s, wedding. Evidentially, Ledge
is keeping a family secret. Each generation in
his family has special powers, otherwise known
as a Savvy. His Savvy is that he can destroy
everything with just his mind, a Savvy he very
much does not want! To make matters worse,
he has the unfortunate luck in catching Sarah
Jane Cabot, a reporter for a competing B
Newspaper in town, snooping around and
witnessing Ledge use his Savvy. Not only is she
our rival, she is also the daughter of a local
banker that can single handedly take away any
home with a loan through his bank, including
Ledge’s uncle. It is up to Ledge to stop Sarah
Jane from uncovering his family secrets before
she and her father destroy everything that is
important to Ledge and his family. To learn
more about this Derby Best Book Awardwinning book, please visit the official website at
A2 The Derby Dispatch~ Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Local News
Dear Madee
Dear Madee,
My Uncle owns a farm
Dear Wondering,
in Wyoming and it is
Talk to the news reporter and try to get her to work
about to be taken
with you. Maybe she can help you destroy the papers
away by the bank. I
that say the ranch is in foreclosure. If that does not
feel like it’s my entire
work, use your Savvy! Good luck.
fault. A nosey news
Sincerely, Madee
reporter, the daughter
Please submit letters by 10am for next day publication.
of the bank lender,
wrote about my family
and their secrets. I
confronted her, she
told her dad and now
the ranch is in
foreclosure. What do I
do now?
Signed, Wondering in Wyoming
Help Wanted
Seeking mechanic for busy
garage fixing cars, trucks,
tractors, and RV’s. 15 years of
experience necessary, must
work weekends. Apply in
person: Neary’s Auto Salvage
Acres. Ask for Wiona.
Get a LOAN for a NEW
HOME now! Call Mr.
Noble Cabot, your
local banker …I put
the “NO” in Noble.
Obituaries, Memories & Remembrances
Grandpa Bomba
Age 90, died after an earthquake caused by Bomba’s own Savvy. He joins his
loving wife, Grandma Dollop. He is survived by his children and 9 grandchildren,
Mibs, Fish, Rocket, Samson, Gypsy, Marisol, Mequite, Ledge, and Fedora. Funeral
will be held in October in Wyoming on Uncle Autry’s ranch.
A2 The Derby Dispatch~ Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Continued from page A1
authors. The book was chosen from over 5,000 fictional
book entries and won by a landslide. The book was
crowned winner because it is well written so once you
start reading, you simply can’t stop! Scumble also has
important life lessons like never to lie, boast, and never
break a promise. This book has everything a young
reader could want; suspense, romance, comedy,
Ingrid Law… “ This is the best day of my life”
powers, and adventure. The characters are interesting
and funny, some are downright intrusive. It’s easy to
see why Scumble captured the award and the hearts of
many readers. Congratulations Ingrid Law!
Breaking News Alert:
Twister Created In
Derby Best
Book Award
After an exciting adventure on the ranch, the
Kale family was heading back home, when all of the
sudden one of the Kale family members, Ledge,
started a twister that destroyed the whole car!
Thankfully, the Kale’s jumped out just on time and
nobody was hurt. Their luggage and belongings,
however, were not as lucky. Police are investigating
how a person could possibly start a twister.
Dog Attacks Workers
By Madie E. Widmann
Derby Dispatch Publisher
Be on the lookout for Bitsy! She is a vicious dog,
owned by Grandpa Bomba, who attacks anyone that
makes her mad. She recently attacked men working for
Mr. Cabot because they tried to destroy her dog house.
They were on the property of Grandpa Bomba to
demolish his home. The worker’s injuries were severe
enough to land them in the hospital. Has man’s best
friend turned fierce?