Argumentative Writing Rubric - Social Studies

Argumentative Writing Rubric-Social Studies
Thesis and
including a Claim
Contains a clear, welldeveloped thesis/argument
that is presented in an
engaging introduction.
Clearly states a claim
(position) for one side of the
Contains a thesis/argument
that is presented in a
focused introduction. Claim
is mostly understood.
May contain a
thesis/argument that is
unfocused, confusing, or
incomplete. Claim is limited.
Does not contain
thesis/argument, and
introduction has no focus.
A claim is not presented.
Body with
Supports the thesis/argument in
the body paragraphs with
substantial, specific, accurate, &
relevant information.
Consistently uses evidence
(details & examples) for all
topics noted in the introduction.
Supports the thesis/argument in
the body paragraphs with some
substantial, specific, accurate, &
relevant information. Uses
some evidence (details &
examples) for most of the topics
noted in the introduction.
Limited support of the
thesis/argument in the body
paragraphs with limited
information. Uses limited
evidence (details & examples)
for only 1 or 2 of the topics
noted in the introduction.
Thesis/argument is not
supported with any relevant
information. No evidence
(details & examples) is
provided to show support of
the topics.
Is logically organized and well
written. Includes transitions and
strong word variety to prove the
Is organized and well written.
Includes some transitions and
some word variety to prove the
Is not very well organized and
not well written. Limited
transitions included, and word
choice does not support claim.
Is disorganized. Does not
Include transitions and word
variety does not prove the
Consistently analyzes and
evaluates the evidence to
support the claim, and includes
that in a meaningful conclusion
that logically follows from and
supports the original claim is
Shows effort at analysis and
evaluation of the evidence to
support the claim, and includes
that in the conclusion to show
Limited analysis and evaluation
of the evidence to support the
claim, and limited conclusion
Lacking in analysis and
evaluation of the evidence.
Analysis and
that it links back to the claim
is included.
that leaves the reader with
many questions.
Contains a few language &
grammar errors (e.g. spelling,
capitalization, and punctuation),
but not enough to detract from
the writing.
Conclusion is not
Contains language &
grammar errors (e.g. spelling,
capitalization, and
punctuation), which detract
from the writing.
Final Score __________/20 (4 points for each of the 4 criteria, 2 points for conventions, 2 points for cover
and rubric).
Research and Mini-Lessons May 21-22, May 26-28.
Rough Draft Started by May 28, on Google doc, titled “Ancient Civ Final.” Move to Social Studies folder,
but do not share with me by email.
Final Draft-Written during the week of June 1-5, (SBA testing on Tuesday and Wednesday). Most of the rest
of class time will be devoted to finishing the final draft.
Students will have an opportunity to Peer Edit during the week of June 8-10th, and work on the cover. (and
then make any last changes to the final draft before printing). Cover will be done on the other side of this
form and will need to be turned in with final copy. Rubric and cover required!
Printing will be done on Friday June 12, at the latest!
Papers received after June 12th will make Ms. Duffy very cranky . I need time to read all 112 of them
before June 18th so I can help Mrs. Molitor and Mrs. Sparks do the final Writing grades for report cards. So
turn in your paper on time!!
If I receive your paper after June 12th, and you have not checked with me to let me know it will be late, you
will receive Late Credit as a score, which is worth 75%.