MAY_34 - Lund University Publications

Christer Gunnarsson
Fredrik NG Andersson
Theo Capriles and Liu Shuai
Friday, May 28, 2010
The superior power of population cannot be checked without producing misery or vice.
Thomas Malthus, 1798
Both the jayhawk and the man eat chickens;
but the more jayhawks, the fewer chickens, while the more men, the more chickens.
Economist Henry George, dismissing Malthus
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................................................4
I. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................................5
II. EVOLUTION OF FOOD SECURITY................................................................................................................7
2.1. THE RIGHT TO FOOD ................................................................................................... 7
2.2. SUPPLY FOCUSED DEFINITIONS .................................................................................. 8
2.3. CONTEMPORARY DEFINITIONS .................................................................................. 9
III. FOOD SECURITY’S FRAMEWORK: A LOOK AT THE DETERMINING ELEMENTS ...................................... 11
3.1. DEFINITION ............................................................................................................... 11
3.2. FOOD AVAILABILITY .................................................................................................. 11
3.2.1. Domestic Production ..................................................................................... 13
3.2.2. Imports .......................................................................................................... 18
3.2.3. Food Reserves................................................................................................ 20
3.3. ACCESSIBILITY ........................................................................................................... 21
3.3.1. Poverty........................................................................................................... 22
3.3.2. Population ..................................................................................................... 27
3.3.3. Food Preference ............................................................................................ 29
IV. METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................................... 30
4.1. UNIT ROOT TEST REVIEW ......................................................................................... 30
4.1.1. Dickey-Fuller (DF) test ................................................................................... 30
4.1.2. Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) Test............................................................. 31
4.1.3. Phillips-Perron (PP) Test ................................................................................ 31
4.2. COINTEGRATION TEST REVIEW ................................................................................ 32
V. EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................. 33
5.1. FOOD PRODUCTION (AVAILABILITY) ........................................................................ 34
5.1.1. Data Description ............................................................................................ 35
5.1.2. Cointegration Test ......................................................................................... 38
5.1.3. Results ........................................................................................................... 40
5.2. POVERTY MODEL (ACCESSIBILITY) ............................................................................ 41
5.2.1. Data Description ............................................................................................ 42
5.2.3. Testing for Cointegration with a Structural Break ......................................... 46
5.2.4. Results ........................................................................................................... 48
VI. DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................................... 49
6.1. AVAILABILITY ............................................................................................................ 49
6.1.1. Domestic Production ..................................................................................... 50
6.1.2. Imports .......................................................................................................... 52
6.1.3. Reserves......................................................................................................... 54
6.2. ACCESSIBILITY ........................................................................................................... 54
6.2.1. Poverty........................................................................................................... 54
6.2.2. Population ..................................................................................................... 56
6.2.3. Food Preference ............................................................................................ 57
VII. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................ 57
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................... 59
List of Table of Figures
figure 3. 1 a:Export Market (Unit: Billion dollars b:Import Market (Unit: Billion
dollars) ......................................................................................................................... 20
figure 3. 2 a: Total Population China, b: Population Development Trend ................. 28
figure 5. 1 Amount Of Grain Production(1000 Tons).................................................. 35
figure 5. 2 Amount Of Total Sown Area(1000 Hectares) ............................................ 36
figure 5. 3Amount Of Total Fertilizer Consumption(1000 Tons) ................................ 37
figure 5. 4Amount Of Rural Employment In Farming,Forestry, Fishries(1000)......... 37
figure 5. 5Amount Of Total Power Of Ag Machniery(10000 Kw) ............................... 38
figure 5. 6 Government Expenditures On Agriculture Science &Technology
Promotion& Trials(Billion) ......................................................................................... 38
figure 5. 7 percentage of poverty % ............................................................................. 42
figure 5. 8 National Cross Price Index Of Grain ........................................................ 44
figure 5. 10 Percentage Of Population In Rural Having Completed High School % . 45
figure 5. 11 Residual Graphs ....................................................................................... 47
List of Table of Tables
table 5. 1 Conclusion Of Variables In Production Model: Order Of Integrated ........ 39
table 5. 2 Critical Values ............................................................................................. 40
table 5. 3 Regression Results Of Production Model .................................................... 41
table 5. 4 Regression Results Of Poverty Percentage................................................ 43
table 5. 5 Prediction Data Of Poverty Percentage ...................................................... 43
table 5. 6 Regression Result S Of Education ............................................................... 45
table 5. 7 Prediction Data Of Education ..................................................................... 46
table 5. 8 Conclusion Of Variables In Poverty Model: Order Of Integrated .............. 46
table 5. 9 Critical Values ............................................................................................. 48
table 5. 10 Regression Results Of Poverty Model........................................................ 49
This study contributes to the literature addressing food security in China. This
study defines food security to rest on two complementary dimensions: food
availability and food accessibility. Food availability depends on domestic production,
imports and food reserves elements. A look at the availability elements reveals that
domestic production is critically important to China. China faces serious production
hurdles and due to its size, neglects in its domestic production can result in severe
repercussions to its food security status. Therefore, this study explores with time
regressions the effect of the input factors affecting China’s domestic production. The
regressions indicate that science and technology investments have been the engines of
China’s grain production. Regarding the food accessibility dimension, this study
deems it to depend on poverty, food prices and populations elements. A review of the
accessibility elements reveals that in China’s case poverty is the critical element to
focus on. In China salaries are very low and the buffer separating the food secure and
food insecure is thin. Thereby, this study explores empirically with time series
regressions the relationship between the poverty and four independent variables
including growth and food prices. The regressions indicate that higher food prices
have negative effect on poverty, and that economic growth is crucial to poverty
reduction. When incorporating the domestic production and poverty regressions’
results with the complete food security framework, it is reasonable to suggest that
looking forward investments in science & technology can play a crucial role in
safeguarding China’s food security by promoting domestic demand. Further,
promoting growth, while critical to poverty reduction, will be more effective in
promoting food security if complemented with measures addressing transitory poverty
and income inequality.
The future has a way of making even the brightest minds look foolish. In 1798,
in an Essay on the Principles of Population Thomas Malthus wrote: "The power of
population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence
for man." The world’s population was then only nine million people and yet thanks to
the ingenuity of mankind, six billion people later Malthus’ view seems obsolete.
But in a way Malthus concerns about population increases being married to
misery today are more relevant than ever. By most accounts nearly one billion people
worldwide go to sleep without sufficient food every night, and another couple of
billion people have only a thin buffer to stand food price hikes or unemployment
shocks. Furthermore, the world’s largest countries today remain rural and as these
countries industrialize, urbanize and consume more; the question as to where the food
to feed them will come from still remains unanswered. Indeed, neglecting the
importance of food production and food distribution can lead to food price increases
paralleling those of other commodities like oil – the consequences of which would
certainly be unwanted.
China, with nearly 1.4 billion people and a rapidly growing economy; and food,
which is essential to human’s survival, stands at the epicenter of this study.
Specifically, this study takes a look the main elements determining the status of food
security in China. It defines food security as depending on two equally important and
complementary dimensions: food availability and food accessibility.
The food availability dimension refers to on aggregate there being enough
physical food for all. This dimension is about proving Malthus wrong by showing
that the earth can produce enough food to feed all. The three elements determining a
nation’s food availability are domestic production, imports and reserves. An analysis
of these elements reveals that for China the domestic production is the most important
element. As China is big, the extent to which it can rely on global food market is
uncertain. So, as China marches forward it must safeguarding domestic production.
But to march forward firmly one must look back analytically, and so does this
chronicle. It runs time series regressions on China’s grain domestic production
between 1978 and 2008. In these regressions it explores the relationship between
China’s grain production and the effects of the input factors of land, labor, fertilizers,
machinery power and government’s spending on agricultural science & technology.
The regressions’ results are in general consistent with expectations: Labor, fertilizers,
and spending on agricultural & technology have been the engines of Chinese
agricultural growth. Looking forward, as China continues to urbanize, the key
conclusion to draw is that investment in science & technology, which is consistent
with China’s WTO’s commitment and food trade liberalization, should be the key
component of safeguarding and promoting domestic food production.
As this study moves to the accessibility dimension of food security, valuable
findings and insightful recommendations blossom once again. The food accessibility
dimension is by the most part concerned with the distribution of food rather than with
the total availability of food. This study tackles this dimension by looking at three
critical elements: poverty levels, population and food preference. When reviewing
China’s food security status through these elements it becomes obvious that China has
also made astounding improvements in this dimension. In the last thirty years poverty
declined significantly, population growth has leveled off, and a trend towards a diet
associated with a higher income country is evident.
However, in China transitory events like financial crisis and food hikes can turn
food secured individuals into food insecure ones quickly. Accordingly, this thesis
identifies domestic poverty level to be critical element in the accessibility dimension.
To gain a better quantitative insight of the poverty element, this study looks at
China’s rural area poverty using time series regressions. The relationship of poverty
to food prices and growth provides the most meaningful results. As to food prices,
the regression results indicate that higher food prices did not reduce poverty in rural
China. The important conclusion to draw here is that even in China’s rural area
individuals are by large net food buyers. Regarding growth, the results indicate a
strong inverse relationship supporting the view that growth is the main engine for
poverty reduction. Nonetheless, looking forward this study recommends taking
additional measures such as investing in education and establishing safety nets to
address the widening income disparities in China and the risk of transitory poverty.
All said, others studies available discussing China’s food security follow the
simpler task of focusing only one of the elements affecting food security but in the
process leave the reader hanging as to how the results fit in the food security puzzle.
This study, instead, dares to provide the reader with holistic framework for
understanding food security and domestic production and poverty empirical work fit
in the food security puzzle.
This essay proceeds in section II by providing a summary of the concept of food
security. Section III defines and takes a closer look at each of the elements
determining food security. Section IV presents the methodology theory this study
follows. Section V presents the empirical analysis for the grain domestic production
and poverty level regressions. Finally, section VI is the discussion and Section VII is
the conclusion.
Food has always been essential to human’s survival but the concept of food
security is complex and multidimensional, varies with the beholder, and has
undergone major shifts in the last six decades. This section first discusses the
development of the right to food. Secondly, it discusses the development of food
security definition oriented towards food supply. Finally, it discusses the
development of more holistic food security definitions.
From an international perspective, 1948 marks a milestone in the development
of the food security as a universal concept. In 1948 the United Nations General
Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration on Human Rights recognizing the right
to food as a core element of an adequate standard of living (Article 25).1 Similarly,
from an international perspective 1966 is also recognized as important year because
United Nations. Universal declaration of human rights. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December
10, 1948.
the General Assembly developed further the concept of the right to food in Article 11
of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.2 Finally, the
next milestone came later in the 1974 World Food Summit, when building on the
work from 1948 and 1966, governments examined the global problem of food
production and consumption, and proclaimed that "every man, woman and child has
the inalienable right to be free from hunger and malnutrition in order to develop their
physical and mental faculties" in the “Universal Declaration on the Eradication of
Hunger and Malnutrition.”3
As the idea of humans having the right to food developed so did the need to
come up with a definition. The World Food Summit in 1974 marks a milestone in the
development of a definition of food security at an international level. This summit
resulted in the first globally accepted definition of food security. It defined food
security as: “availability at all times of adequate world food supplies of basic
foodstuffs to sustain a steady expansion of food consumption and to offset
fluctuations in production and prices” 4 A look at this definition indicates that the
focus is on food availability. The implication being that the key to securing food for
all is escaping the Malthus trap of there not being enough food. Indeed, in the 1960s
and 1970s, the general view was that food insecurity was solely caused by lack of
aggregate food availability at either at the local, regional, national, or global level. In
this sense, at the global level was understood mainly as a supply issue at the national
It should not be surprising that the first globally accepted definition focus on
supply. This was likely motivated by the significant shortage in food supply and high
food prices world experience in the early 1970s. The main concern was that the
world was running out of food, and there would not be enough food to feed all. This
worried was in line with the work by Robert Malthus presented in An Essay on the
Principle of Population in 1798, arguing that food supply expansion is linear whereas
The United Nations. The International Covenant Universal declaration of human rights. Adopted by the General Assembly.
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Universal declaration on the eradication of hunger and malnutrition.
Adopted November 16, 1974, by the World Food Conference convened under General Assembly resolution 3180 (XXVIII) of
December 17, 1973, and endorsed by General Assembly resolution 3348 (XXIX) of December 1, 1974.
United Nations, Report of the World Food Conference, Rome 5–16 November 1974, United Nations, New York (1975).
human growth is exponential, and that since population growth is bound to exceed
agricultural growth, there must be a stage at which the food supply is inadequate for
feeding the population.
Furthermore, the focus on equating food security with having enough aggregate
food at the national level probably also had to with the special stigma attach to food
by policy makers around the globe, whom particularly in closed and militarized
economies tend to equate food security to food self-sufficiency. In fact, looking at the
national level, through history many countries have equated to some extent or another
food security with self-sufficiency. China, for instance, has been among the countries
that have narrowly defined food security as the state of being self-sufficient. The idea,
rather than the Malthus trap, that due to food strategy’s importance, and its potential
use by other countries as political weapon, it is not sufficient for a country to rely on
other countries for food. Indeed, as recently as 1996 China still had an official target
of 95 percent net self-sufficiency in grain specified (Information Office of State
Council, 1996). This, although, loosened, still remain somewhat of an official policy
with the focus having lessened to remaining 95% self-sufficient only on wheat.
Over the past three decades, even though some countries' rhetoric and agenda
have remained stagnated on the narrow viewed that food security equals food selfsufficiency, the general perception on food security has shifted away from the food
supply led view. The driving force behind this change in perception has likely been
the reality that widespread hunger at the individual level have existed globally despite
favorable supply conditions and low food prices level after the 1970s. (Sijm 1997). In
general the shift in thinking regarding food security has been characterized by greater
focus on household and the individual instead of national aggregate food supply.
(Maxwell 1996).
Indeed, this shift in perception is evident in the definitions adopted by world
organizations in the decades after the 1970s. For instance, in 1983, marking an
important milestone in food security which imprint is still widely recognized today,
the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) expanded the
definition of food security to include not just sufficient food availability but “both
physical and economic access” to food to meet dietary needs.5 Building on the
accessibility concept, in 1986, the World Bank (1986, p. 1) defined food security as
“access by all people at all times to enough food for an active and healthy life.”
Along similar lines the 1996 World Food Summit added another layer to the
definitions by including the concept of “safe and nutritious” food commensurate with
dietary needs and “food preferences” required for an active and healthy life.6
In fact, numerous organizations currently use slightly different versions. For
instance, the USAID definition holds food security to exist “When all people, at all
times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to
meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.7 Along
similar lines, the current U.S. Department of Agriculture’s definition holds that:
“Food security for a household means access by all members at all times to enough
food for an active, healthy life. Food security includes at a minimum (1) the ready
availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods, and (2) an assured ability to
acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways (that is, without resorting to
emergency food supplies, scavenging, stealing, or other coping strategies).” 8
Furthermore, the current FAO’s definition states that “Food security exists when all
people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and
nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and
healthy life.”
Indeed, all together since 1948 hundreds of definitions for food security have
emerged.9 However, it is futile and unnecessary to list them all. It is only necessary
to highlight that they all highlight the importance of both food availability and food
accessibility. Furthermore, they also support the view that food security can be either
chronic resulting from inadequate food intake over a longer period of time, or
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 1983. World food security: a reappraisal of the concepts and
approaches, Food and Agriculture Organization, Director General's Report. Rome
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome declaration on world food security and World Food Summit
plan of action. World Food Summit; Rome, Italy; November 1–17, 1996.
USAID / PD-19, 1992, as quoted in Christian Children’s Fund, Food Security Guidelines. 2005.
FAO. 2008. The State of Food and Agriculture. Chapter 6.
Over a decade ago there were more than 200 different definitions of food security alone according to Maxwell, S. 1996. Foodsecurity: a post-modern perspective. Food Policy. 21(2), 155-170.
temporary (for instance, the phrase “At all times” is commonly included in food
security definitions).
This section first states this study’s food security definition. Then it discusses
in detail the elements composing the availability dimension of food security. Finally,
it discusses the elements composing accessibility dimension.
This study holds food security to rest on there being sufficient food availability
and food accessibility by all. This definition can be understood as resting on two
dimensions: food availability and food accessibility. The food availability dimension
of the definition reflects the supply side of food security.10 This study holds that the
elements affecting food availability are:
Domestic production
Imports, and
Food reserves.11
The accessibility dimension reflects the demand side of food security. This study
holds that the elements determining food accessibility are:
Population, and
Food preference.
Food availability refers to the supply side of food. As mentioned in Section II,
the ample global food supply in the last decades has shifted the focus away from food
availability as a determinant of food security to food accessibility. However, food
For the most part this definition is in line with those discussed in Section II. However, note that the utilization dimension is
not incorporated into this study both because it is diminutive in importance when compared to the other and because it is
particularly difficult to quantify.
In general this framework it is in line with FAO view of food availability. It differs in that it does not hold food aid to be
relevant for studying China’s food security. China is just too large and by now too rich to rely on food aid.
availability still remains a precursor to food security.12 If on average there is not
enough food for all, certainly there will be bound to be food insecure individuals.
Food availability depends on domestic production, imports, and food reserves.
There are various views as to the role that domestic food production and imports will
play in determining China’s long term food availability. On one hand some
projections estimate that there will be a substantial supply–demand gap of grain
production in China in the next few decades, even with a steady and continuous
domestic output growth. (see Fan and Agcaoili-Sombilla 1997; Huang et al.1999 , Ye
et al. 2000; Rosegrant et al. 2001) For instance, Ye et al. (2000) note that in per
capita terms, the relationship between food supply and demand will turn from an 18%
surplus in 2005 to 14–18% by 2030–2050.
On the other hand, some have argued that China’s capacity to increase
production does not make it necessarily dependant on foreign food. (see Tao et al
2008; Zhang 2009). For instance, Zhang et al (2009) estimates that in 2004 the gross
grain potential of Mainland China was 0.92 billion ton which is much higher than the
2004 level of consumption (382 million tons).
Somewhat reconciling the two opposite views, Kran et al.13 notes that what is
clear is that given China’s size and endowment, China will depend on domestic
production productivity gains and or increases in imports. Similarly, Rozelle and
Rosegrant (1997)14 notes that China will have to rely on international markets, stable
trading relationships with the rest of the world, and its agricultural comparative
This section proceeds by first discussing the domestic production element,
secondly the imports element, and finally concluding with food reserves element.
For instance, Atwood (1991) notes that failure to avert food crises has occurred when substantial attention is paid to food
accessibility but supply indicators are ignored. Similarly, more recently Devereux (2002)12note that the Malawi 2002 famine
resulted largely due to exaggerated forecast of food production coupled with mismanagement of food reserves.
Khan, S; Hanjra, M.A.; Mu, J. YEAR . Water management and crop production for food security in China: A review.
Rozelle, Scott; Rosegrant, Mark W. 1997. China's past, present, and future food economy: can China continue to meet the
challenges? Food Policy, Volume 22, Issue 3, Pages 191-200
3.2.1. Domestic Production
Domestic production matter because by adding to the global supply domestic
production determines both national and global supply. This thesis explores the
relationship between domestic production and the following input factors:
Public Investment in Science and Technology,
Labor, and
Each of the above factors is discussed below in detail. Public Investment in Science & Technology
Public investment in Science and Technology is an important factor to consider
when exploring China’s domestic production because it has the theoretical potential to
increase productivity. Looking back, many studies have confirmed that agricultural
R&D investment has been a major source of growth in agricultural production in
China. (see Fan and Pardey 1997; Fan 2000; Huang and Rozelle 1996; Pratt et al.
2009;Zhu 2004;Rozelle and Rosegrant 1997; Altons et al. 2000; Liu and Wang 2005;
Zuhui and Bolin 1997). For example, Pratt et al. (2009) note that while efficiency
rarely changed in the last decades, agricultural research has significantly contributed
to improve agricultural productivity in China. They note that in China the present
returns to agricultural R&D investments are very high, with benefit/cost ratios
ranging from 20.7 to 9.6. Similarly, Fan and Pardey claim that more than 20% of the
production growth in Chinese agriculture from 1965 to 1993 came from increased
agricultural research investment. Likewise, Fan (2000) estimated that the internal
rates of returns (IRR) for Chinese agricultural research range from 35% to 90%.
Along the same lines, Liu and Wang (2005) argue that technological progress played
the most prominent role in explaining productivity growth in Chinese agriculture
during the 1990s, with the former contributing 58 percent to growth in compared to
21 of tenured security and 21 of other factors.
Furthermore, looking forward, Zuhui and Bolin (1997) predict that China has a
potential to increase production because it has the possibility to improve the
application of science and technology on their basis of their analysis of China’s 1978
to 1995 grain production. This is because in China less than 30 percent of annual
agriculture growth is due to application of science and technology, compared with 60
percent in developed nations. Similarly, Rozelle and Rosegrant (1997) conclude that
the key to China domestic production is to prioritize investments in agricultural
research for new technologies raising agricultural productivity, and mitigating rural
environmental problems. Fertilizer
There is widespread consensus that fertilizer is an important input in food
production. Fan (1997) notes that the share of chemical fertilizer has increased from
almost none in 1952 to more than 12% of the total production cost in 1995. However,
Tian (2000) notes that the environmental cost arising from further application of
chemical fertilizer also needs to be taken into account. For instance, Zhang Fusuo
(2010), from the China Agricultural University in Beijing finds that heavy use of
nitrogen fertilizers in China since the 1980s has resulted in severe acidification of its
soil. Furthermore, Tian (2000) notes that the marginal productivity of fertilizers has
become low and is declining rapidly for rice and corn. Land
Poet Butler Yeats exclaimed, “All that we did, all that we said or sang must
come from contact with the soil…” Indeed, despite humans technological
advancements land remains an essential input to grain production. Furthermore, with
a population nearing 1.4. billions people, and undergoing rapid industrialization and
urbanization, looking at the role land plays as an input factor in China’s agriculture is
There is much literature supporting the view that urbanization and
industrialization could jeopardize China’s domestic production by affecting soil
availability. (See Fan 1997, Lichtenberg and Ding 2008, Yang and Li 2000, Yan et al.
2009). For instance, Fan (1997) notes that the land share of total cost has increased
over time indicating that land has an increasingly higher opportunity cost.15
Likewise, Lichtenberg and Ding (2008) notes that cropland continues to decline
despite China's farmland protection policies. Further, looking into the causes of loss
of land, Yang and Li (2000) note that constructions encroachment were the major
causes of the loss in cultivated land and Yan et al. (2009) note the productivity of
arable lands occupied by urban expansion was 80% higher than that of other
abandoned arable lands.
Furthermore, there is also much existing literature arguing that the impact of
urbanization and industrialization extent beyond the quantity to the quality of China’s
soil. (See Tian and Zhang-Yue 2005, Monchuk et al. 2010, Jikun and Rozelle 1995,
Ye et. Al. 2000). For instance, Tian and Zhang-Yue (2005) note that multiple
cropping which is widely practiced throughout China as a way to raise land
productivity has led to soil degradation. Likewise, Monchuk et al. (2010) finds that in
China heavy industrial presence reduces agricultural production efficiency. In a
similar fashion, Jikun and Rozelle (1995) find that the breakdown of the environment
contributed to the decline in the rate of increase of yields in China during the late
1980s. Furthermore, Chen (2007) relying on data derived from satellite imagery finds
that in China urbanization’s waste disposal deteriorates soil quality. Indeed, looking
forward, Ye et al. (2000) projects that China's capacity for producing food from
agricultural crops will be affected by the loss of cropland area causing a 13–18%
decrease in China's food production capacity by 2030 to its 2005 level of 482 million
However, both Chen (2007) and Lichtenberg and Ding (2008) argue that the
land loses are not significant constraint to increasing production because productivity
can come from elsewhere. In fact, Tien and Zhou (2005) argue that having 248
million household farms in China working on tiny blocks of land is not efficient.
Indeed, Wang and Chen (2000) estimate that China could increase grain output by
nearly 50 million tones if land fragmentation were completely eliminated due to
reduce transportation costs and specialization. Likewise, Yang and Tian (2000) note
Fan, Shenggen. 1997. Production and productivity growth in Chinese agriculture: new measurement and evidence . Food
Policy, Volume 22, Issue 3, Pages 213-228
the 30- year contract used by the Chinese government is short by international
standards and China must delineate property rights for land by either having much
longer leases or privatizing land.
Nonetheless, Hayami (2002) points out that smallholders have certain
advantages over plantations in that they can avoid problems related to supervision and
monitoring and can be more flexible. Further, Wang and Chen (2000) see little
evidence of economies of scale benefits in China and point out that policies aimed at
increasing farm holdings are misguided and could result in high social and economic
costs without commensurate economic benefits. Furthermore, Blesser (2010)
suggests that tenure security may not lead to greater investment in the land or food
production increases and the social consequences of land consolidation cannot be
neglected. Indeed, Owen (1966) note that smallholder farming serve as safety nets for
urban population when jobs are lost in crisis conditions, giving farmers what Owen
called, "Farm-Financed Social Welfare." (Owen 1966).
Still, much literary review provides support for the argument that additional
reforms can yield great benefits to compensate for the land being lost to urbanization
and industrialization. (see Ellman 1981; Ravallion 2009; Wen 1993; Kalirajan et al.
1996; Tian 2000; Colby et al. 2000; Fan 1997; Fan et al. 2004). For instance,
Ravallion (2009) maintains that productivity growth in smallholder agriculture
depends on market-based incentives. Similarly, Fan (1997) notes that from 1950 till
1978, the annual rate of agricultural output jumped from 2.83 % between 1950 till
1978 to 6.5% between 1979 to 1995 largely due to institutional reforms. Labor
Labor is an important input in agriculture. As John Locked noted: “All wealth
is product of labor.” However, labor’s importance as an input factor in agriculture
can vary drastically between abundant labor abundant countries to land abundant
countries; and between industrialized nations and non industrialized nations. China is
a labor abundant country (Huang 2000a, Huang and Chen 1999), rapidly undergoing
industrialization and urbanization, but with a rigid labor system between urban and
rural population.
Ravallion and Chen (2007) note that the restrictions on labor mobility in China
have slowed the reallocation of labor out of agriculture, created a relative urban labor
shortage, and widen rural urban income disparities. Along similar lines, Xiurong et
al. (2003) notes that China’s registered permanent residence system restricting the
population and labor flow have contributed to a large rural population and labor force
living on agriculture, and negatively affected farmer’s income. Furthermore, Yang
and Tian (2000) argue that land market will permit more farmers to move out of
agriculture for China to be industrialized. With a complementary view, Monchuk et
al. (2010) find evidence that counties with a large percentage of the rural labor force
engaged in agriculture tend to be less efficient, and suggests that integrating the labor
markets and nurturing and promoting growth of non-primary agriculture may lead to
more efficient use of labor resources in agriculture. Machinery
Agricultural Mechanization is important because it can free labor and lead to
increasing productivity. Indeed, historically it has been a critical factor to enhance
production scale. Machinery’s demand is affected by natural, economic,
technological and social factors. For instance, labor abundant countries are less likely
to rely on machinery than land abundant countries.
Analyzing the role of machinery power, Fan (1997) notes that despite increasing
in total amount between 1978 and 1995 total power of machinery had a declining
share of total cost in this period. He argues that this is mainly a result of more
efficient allocation of inputs by farmers when production was decentralized to
household. This is consistent with Fan and Ruttan’s (1992) finding that centrally
planned economies often overused capital because of the ideology belief.
Nonetheless, Fan (1997) notes that it is reasonable to expect machinery usage to
increase as China industrializes and becomes richer. Indeed, China Ministry of
Agriculture states that agricultural mechanization should play an increasing role in
China in the last decades.16
China’s Ministry of Agriculture. General Surveys—Agricultural Mechanization. Jun. 2009. (Bureau of Agricultural
Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture).
3.2.2. Imports
Food imports depend on trade liberalization, a country’s import capacity, and
the available amount of food in exporting countries. A major significance of imports
is that it permits a country to specialize where its comparative advantage mandates it
should. Economic theory, as well as history, is pretty clear about the advantages that
can result from a countries’ exploiting its comparative advantages. Trade Liberalization
Food trade liberalization involves the removal of domestic support measures,
export subsidies and tariffs. There is much support out for the economic theory that
reliance on agricultural trade liberalization market is beneficial to food security.
Crook (1997) and Crook (1999) remark that the practice to boost food production can
bear great opportunity cost in countries with limited agricultural potential and
comparatives advantages. With the same view, Anderson and Valenzuela (2007)
estimate that the removal of current distortions affecting cotton markets would boost
global economic welfare by US$283 million per year and raise the price of cotton by
about 13 percent. Along similar lines, Hopkins and Puchula (1978) find that trade
restrictiveness is most clear cause of food insecurity. Likewise, Carmichael (2010)
looks at different explanations for food insecurity in 25 developing countries between
1990 and 2005 and finds that trade restrictiveness is a better indicator of food
insecurity than domestic agricultural policies.
However, there is also support for the view that import reliance has major
shortcomings. This view points out that food exporting countries may exercise food
power. (see Doughty and Harold 1991; Paarlberg 1982; Danaher and Kevin 2009;
Wallensteen 1976; Lu 1997; Yang 2000). For instance, Wallensteen (1976) notes
that food embargoes or the threat of food embargoes could give exporting countries
bargaining power. On the same subject, Doughty and Harold (1991) point out that
embargoes have presented complications to food importers throughout history. Along
similar lines, Carmichael (2010) suggests that the trade restrictiveness levels of
developing countries’ trading partners should be used in food security empirical
Nonetheless, discounting the food power’s importance; Yang (2004), and
Yang and Huang (2000) maintain that the free rider problem makes an embargo
unlikely. Further, Robert (2000) suggests that conditions have changed for the use of
food power to be effective because the world grain markets are no longer directly
linked to transitory food insecurity in poor countries. Furthermore, Will (2003) points
out that though international organizations China can seek tighter disciplines on the
use of food export restrictions. Finally, both Lu (1998) and Rozelle and Summer
(2003) find an evolving pattern of exchanging food for food in China whereby China
exports labor intensive products and imports land intensive product. Thereby,
suggesting that in the end trade liberalization could simply result in China trading
food for food in the future Import Capacity
A country’s import capacity matters for the obvious reason that as long as there
is ample food availability abroad a country can increase its total food availability by
buying food from other countries. A country’s import capacity depends on two
intertwined factors: foreign reserves and trade policy. While China had limited
foreign reserves early on, its reserves are now astronomical. Similarly, China now
has an open door economy. Accordingly, China’s import capacity is not a concern.
Instead, today trade liberalization and food supply abroad are more relevant to China. Supply Abroad
Food availability in other countries depends among other factors on the
exporting countries’ physical endowments, reliance on market mechanisms, public
agricultural investment, political stability, and climate. Supply abroad matters for the
obvious reason that for a country to be able to import food there has to be sufficient
abroad. Exporting countries’ willingness to export food will be affected by their food
supply. It is sensible to expect that the tighter the food supply in a country the higher
the risk of the country halting its exports.
There is support for the view that even if China substantially increases its grain
imports, there is enough grain in the world market (see Yang and Tian 2000, Reeves
et al. in Chapter 13, Yang and Huang 1996, Anderson et al. 1996, Rozelle and
Rosegrant 1997). For instance, Rozelle and Rosegrant (1997) note that a good
scenario is for China to continue producing most of its own food while gradually
increasing its food imports without exerting severe upward pressure on the world
markets. Nonetheless, others highlight that additional investment in agriculture is
needed to increase food supply globally. For instance, De Javry (2009) notes that a
green revolution for Sub-Sahara Africa is still years away as cereal yields in Africa
remain by far the lowest in the world -- 1.3 tons per ha in Sub Saharan Africa
compared to 4.7 in East Asia.
Looking forward, China’s 2009 food balance of trade could be a guide as to
where the food will come from. China’s 2009 balance of trade reveals that China’s
imports are heavily concentrated on a few countries, with the top two countries
accounting for over half of China’s imports. Specifically, in 2009, China’s three
largest food suppliers were the U.S. accounting for 32 per cent of all imports, Brazil
accounting for 20 per cent, and South East Asia accounting for 20 per cent. The other
major suppliers were Australia, Canada, Argentina and EU accounting for 6, 6, 8, and
8 per cent of all imports respectively. Imports from Argentina have experienced the
highest increased, 58.5% from the previous year.
1.49, 5%
2.83, 9%
7.68, 25%
Hong Kong,
3.53, 11%
3.49, 8%
USA, 4.7,
figure 3. 1
2.65, 6%
EU, 3.38,
5.34, 17%
5.75, 18%
8.44, 20%
2.49, 6%
USA, 14,
8.57, 20%
a:Export Market (Unit: Billion dollars)
b:Import Market (Unit: Billion dollars)
source: webside of China Customs Statistic
3.2.3. Food Reserves
Strategic grain reserve is stocks of grain held in reserve intentionally by the
government (or government affiliated programs) for the purpose of meeting future
domestic and international needs. Reserves are important because they can be used
during periods of tight supplies and high prices. Xu Guang-qi (1985) examining the
Treatise on Agricultural Administration, compiled in the Ming Dynasty, notes that
importance of reserves are ingrained in China’s subconscious because throughout its
history droughts or floods have resulted in famines.17 Xu highlights a citation in the
ancient Chinese Book of Rites, which dates to the 8th–5th century BCE, stating that
‘‘a country without (food grain) stocks for nine years requirements has insufficient
reserves; with less than six years reserves the situation becomes tense; and with less
than three years of stocks, the government will not survive’’.18 Along similar lines
Bruins et al. (2006) note that large reserves are particularly important to China
because of China’s size. This is because the volume of annual world trade buffer is
small to potential demands that could arise from sudden domestic production
reductions in China. (Bruins et al. 2006). Thus, they conclude that reserves play an
even more important role in China than in smaller countries.
The accessibility dimension reflects the demand side of food security. Whereas
availability is about proving Malthus wrong, the access dimension of food security
addresses food security’s close relationship to social, economic and political
disenfranchisement. Abundant literature support the importance of accessibility as a
dimension food security ( see Sen 1980, Iram and Butt 2004, Bohle 1993, Smith et al.
2000). For instance, Sen (1980), analyzing historical famines rejects food availability
notion of food security as too simplistic. Along similar lines, Smith et al. (2000)
measuring food insecurity in 58 countries finds little correlation between national
food availabilities and food security. Likewise, Iram and Butt (2004) study the
determinant of household food security in Pakistan and conclude that even with a per
capita income of US$443 food, availability measures alone have a limited effect on
determining the nutritional well being of individuals.
(Xu Guang-qi, 1985). Xu, G. 1979 , Complete Treatise on Agricultural Administration, compiled in the Ming Dynasty.
Modern version edited by Shi Shenghan in Collated and Annotated Version of the Complete Treatise on Agricultural
Administration, Shanghai Ancient Books Press, Shanghai.
(cited in English translation from Crook, 1997)… Bruins, Hendrik J. and Bu, Fengxian, Food Security in China and
Contingency Planning: The Significance of Grain Reserves. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Vol. 14, No. 3,
pp. 114-124 September 2006.
Accessibility is more difficult to measure than availability. However, certain
indicators can serve as guidance to the accessibility status of a country.19 This thesis
holds food accessibility to depend on three elements:
Population, and
Food preferences.
3.3.1. Poverty
Poverty is a crucial indicator of accessibility because the poor are most
vulnerable to food insecurity. The poor are generally more vulnerable because people
who earn less money have less money to spend on food.20 Along the same lines,
ceteris paribus, it is reasonable to expect that the poor in developing countries are
more vulnerable than in developed countries. This is because in developed countries
the poor are likely to spend less of their income on food than in developing
Poverty’s major shortcoming as an indicator is that relationship between
poverty and food security is not one to one. (see Bane and Ellwood 1986, Walker and
Ashworth 1994, Chaudhuri 2003). For instance, Chaudhuri (2003) finds that the
current poverty level of a household may not necessarily be a good guide to the
household’s expected poverty in the future. Nonetheless, it is still the poor who are
more likely to be food insecure.22 For instance, Smith et al. (2000) examining 58
developing countries finds that the groups of countries that exhibit the highest
severity of food insecurity are those with high poverty. Similarly, Rose (1999) finds
strong relationship between poverty and food security.
For support see Timmer, P. 2000. The macro dimensions of food security: economic growth, equitable distribution, and food
price stability. Food Policy, Volume 25, Issue 3,Pages 283-295.
For instance, Block et al. (2004) found that when rice prices increased in Indonesia in the late 1990s, mothers in poor families
responded by reducing their caloric intake in order to feed their children better, leading to an increase in maternal wasting.
Dessallien, R. L. 1999. Review of Poverty Concepts and Indicators. UNDP Poverty Programme. provides an overview of
different concepts of poverty and approaches to its measurement. It notes that povery can be chronic or temporary.
22 For insance, Sheeran (2008), from the World Food Institute, studying the impact of the 2008 price increases on the poor
concludes that “People living on less than US$ 2 a day have cut out health and education and sold or eaten their livestock, those
living on less than US$ 1 a day have cut protein and vegetables from their diet, those living on less than US$ 0.50 cents a day
have cut out whole meals..”
All said poverty is a very complex subject depending not just on economic but
also on social and political factors. This study approaches poverty economically by
looking at its relation and dependence on:
Food prices,
Education, and
Government’s Investment in Agriculture.
The relationship between these factors and poverty are discussed below. Food Prices
It is reasonable to expect food prices to have a relationship with poverty if for
no other reason that people must eat. Further, it is sensible to expect that the effects
of food price rises will differ on individuals with different professions and income
levels. While higher food prices will likely directly hurt those in the urban areas, they
may benefit food producers. Similarly, while the well off maybe able to sustain food
consumption by cutting other expenditures, the poorest may need to reduce food
consumption itself, and the households just above the poverty line may fall below the
poverty line.23
There is much support for the view that high food prices are bad for the poor
because most of the poor are net food buyers, even in rural areas (Ravallion 1989,
Christiaensen and Demery 2006; Seshan and Umali-Deininger 2007; Byerlee, Myers
and Jayne 2006). For instance, FAO (2008) estimates that the increase of food prices
between 2003–2005 and 2008 increased the number of people that went hungry
worldwide by 75 million. Likewise, Ivanic and Martin (2008) based on data from nine
low-income countries show that for the most part the 2006 and 2007 spikes in food
prices raise overall poverty in low income countries substantially. Similarly, Senauer
and Sur (2001) estimate that a 20 percent increase in food prices in 2025 relative to a
baseline will lead to an increase of 440 million in the number of undernourished
people in the world. Furthermore, Msangi (2008) estimates that increases of 26, 18,
For instance, Block et al. (2004) found that when rice prices increased in Indonesia in the late 1990s, mothers in poor families
responded by reducing their caloric intake in order to feed their children better, leading to an increase in maternal wasting.
11 and 8 percent maize, oilseeds, cassava and wheat, respectively, will lead an in
child malnutrition of 4 percent, on average.
However, there are some who argue that high food prices could lead to food
security improvements. For instance, FAO (2009) argues that many of the developing
nations where poverty prevails continue to be characterized by producing
commodities population and thus can benefit from higher income prices. Similarly,
Aksoy Isik-Dikmelik (2008) examining the characteristics of net food sellers and
buyers in nine low-income countries finds that food price increases, ceteris paribus,
would transfer income from generally higher income net food buyers to poorer net
food sellers. Along similar lines, Schutter (2006) holds that trade liberalization
leading to a supply of low cost food on global markets harms 85 percent of farms with
less than 2 hectares, and suggesting that high food prices can be food for the farmers.
However, the FAO (2009) report notes that the key for high food prices to lead
to more food security depends on developing countries’ ability to assist in passing
higher commodity prices to farmers and to assist farmers to raise agricultural
production and productivity by effectively and fully utilizing input resources. On the
same topic, Evenson and Gollin (2003) reviewing effects of the green revolution in
developing countries remark that consumers generally benefited from declines in food
prices but farmers benefited only where cost reductions exceeded price reductions,
which was not often. Growth
It is reasonable to expect economic growth to have a strong relationship with
poverty if for no other reason that economic growth determines the total size of the
income pie. There is widespread support for the view that poverty can lead to poverty
reduction. (see Huang et al. 2008; Goh et al. 2009; Janvry et al. 2005; Appleton et al.
2010; Timmer 2002; Fan et al. 2004). For instance, Huang et al. (2008) examining
the driving forces of poverty reduction in China using time series and cross-sectional
provincial data find that that economic growth is a necessary condition for
nationwide poverty reduction. Similarly, Goh et al. (2009) examining the growth
performance and income inequality in during the period of 1989–2004 find that
poverty incidence has fallen thanks to growth. Likewise, Appleton et al. (2010)
relying on the Chinese Household Income surveys note that poverty has fallen almost
entirely due to overall economic growth rather than redistribution. Furthermore, Fan
et al. (2004) remark that in China 51 percent of the reduction in rural poverty from 33
to 11 percentage points resulted from institutional reforms promoting growth..
However, there is supporting literature for the view that growth alone is not
sufficient to reduce poverty. Zhang and Rozelle (2008) note that while economic
growth played a dominant role in reducing poverty through the mid-1990s, its impact
has diminished since then. Specifically, Ravallion and Chen (2007) find that as
industrial growth accelerated the difference between urban and rural mean incomes
increased by 150 per cent 1980 and 2002. Along similar lines, Chen et al. (2003)
observe that while there are less poor people in 2002 than in 1988, incomes of the
poorest fell during 1988–95, contributing to a rise in inequality. Further, the World
Bank (2005) and Ravallion (1997) note that high levels of inequality may hinder
growth and poverty reduction. Furthermore, Jalan and Ravallion (2000) argue that
successful policy responses to chronic poverty may still leave considerable transient
poverty because some of the factors determining transient poverty do not matter to
chronic poverty.
Indeed, there is support for the view that policies solely focusing on growth can
have negative side effects. For instance, Ferreira et al. (1999) note that growth
policies do not necessarily mitigate macroeconomic shocks. Likewise, Will (2003)
points out that any changes in China’s agricultural policy are likely to have significant
redistributive policy impact. Further, Huang et al. (2007) analyzing the impact of
trade liberalization on China by region find that while the trade impact will overall
positive on farmers, poorer households, will be hurt. Furthermore, Schutter (2006)
notes that policies promoting growth such as food trade liberalization tends to benefit
the 1 percent of farms larger than 100 hectares, while harming the 85 percent of farms
with less than 2 hectares. Indeed, Hayami (2005) notes that the rising gaps between
rural and urban incomes has been a major source of political tensions in China.
26 Education
Education is well recognized as an important tool to reduce poverty. For
instance, Rozelle (2001) has emphasized the burden imposed by high costs and
declining quality in rural education services in China. He notes that increasing
support for rural education could reduce the immediate burden by raising the
educational attainments of rural children. Similarly, Zhang et al. (2005) estimating
the returns to schooling in urban China find a dramatic increase in the returns to
education, from only 4.0 percent per year of schooling in 1988 to 10.2 percent in
2001. They observe that most of the rise in the returns to education occurred after
1992 and reflected an increase in the wage premium for higher education. Further,
Goh et al. (2009) hold that income growth can largely be attributed to the increase in
returns to education and to the shift of employment into secondary and tertiary
With a similar view, Johnson (1997) notes that in most developing countries,
such as China, education is tied to gains in agricultural productivity and productivity
gain is central to the growth of national wealth. Likewise, Chen and Wang (2001)
recommend focusing on education as a way to facilitate urban migration.
Furthermore, Luh et al. (2008) note that for foreign knowledge to contribute to
productivity growth either through innovation or through catching up, the host
economy has to develop a sufficient learning capacity from education. They remark
that countries that do not attempt to develop the learning capability to assimilate and
exploit the freely available knowledge may not benefit from international spillovers of
agricultural R&D. Government Spending in Agriculture
Since such a large percentage of the population in China is rural it is
reasonable to expect that government spending in agriculture supporting growth could
have a significant effect on poverty. There is much support for the view that
investment in rural areas is an effective poverty reduction tool. (see World Bank
2007, Bravo-Ortega and Lederman 2005, Bezemer et al. 2008, Strasberg et al. 1999,
Timmer 2002). For instance, World Bank (2007) highlights that 75–80 percent of the
dramatic drop in national poverty in China during 1980–2001 was the result of
poverty reduction in the rural areas and that that GDP growth generated in agriculture
was at least twice as effective in reducing poverty as growth generated by other
sectors. Similarly, Bravo-Ortega and Lederman (2005) finds that in developing
countries agricultural labor productivity leading to increases on GDP is on average
2.9 times more effective in raising the incomes of the poorest quintile than an
equivalent increase in GDP coming from nonagricultural labor productivity.
Likewise, Timmer (2002) finds that growth in the primary sector has an impact on the
living standards of the poor well beyond that suggested by its role in the economy.
However, the view investing in agriculture is per se the best tool to reduce
poverty is not universal. (see Huang et al.2007, Christiaensen and Demery 2007,
Hasan and Quibriam 2004, Zhu Zhongyi 2004, Timmer 2002). For instance,
Christiaensen and Demery (2007) find support for the view that the advantage of
agriculture in reducing poverty declines as countries get richer. Along similar lines,
using cross-country regressions per region, Hasan and Quibriam (2004) find that in
East Asia larger poverty-reducing effects of growth originate in other sectors.
3.3.2. Population
Population levels are crucially important for determining accessibility. It is
reasonable to expect that ceteris paribus increases in population will increase the
aggregate demand for food. This aggregate increase in food demand if
unaccompanied by an increase in total supply can lead to worsening of food security
There is literature pointing out that the growth of population exceeding the
increase in food production is one of the important reasons resulting in food
insecurity. For example, Bhattacharjee (1976) looking at 86 developing countries
over the last 15–20 years notes that the increase in food production was less than that
in domestic demand for food in as many as 53 of the countries, and 34 countries failed
to even keep up with population growth. Similarly, Xiurong et al. (2003) point out
that obligatory family planning policy had an important impact on food security.
They estimate that if the family planning policy did not exist, China’s population
would have increased by 300 million during 1976 – 2001, which would reduce
China’s per capita food by 20%. Furthermore, Lu (2004) on the basis of a case study
notes that soil loss, food insecurity, population pressure and low income of the rural
population are interrelated problems in the Loess Plateau of northern China and result
in a spiral of unsustainability.
Looking back, a look at China’s population levels reveals that despite China’s
family policy population has continued to increase. In 1978 China’s population was
962,590,000, while in 2008 it was 1,328,020,000. Nonetheless, as shown in the graph
below, since the one child policy implemented in China, the birth rate decreased
Looking into the future, Men Kepei and Zeng Wei (2004) forecast that China’s
population will achieve 1.36 billion at the end of 2010, increase to 1.372 in 2030 and
in 2050 will be around 1.39 billion population in China. They also said that if
Chinese government efficiently continues to carry out one Child policy, the max
population will not exceed 1.45 billion.
Birth Rate
Death Rate
Natural Growth Rate
figure 3. 2 a: Total Population China, b: Population Development Trend
source: China’s Population Yearbook 2008.
3.3.3. Food Preference
A look across time and countries supports the view that as income grows people
undergo changes in food consumption.24 The general consensus is that people move
away from a diet consisting largely of staple food crops such as wheat and corn and
into a diet that includes more fish, meat, and dairy products. This trend means that
the demand for food as measured in terms of feed grain equivalents will grow much
more rapidly than either growth in population or caloric consumption. (see ByronNelson, 2005; Delgado et al., 1999; Kristjanson et al., 2004; 2007; Steinfeld et al.,
2007; Upton, 2004). This is so because it takes many more calories of feed to make a
calorie of animal protein.
There is much support for the view that China is no exception to this trend. For
instance, Yen (2004) investigates household food consumption in urban China using
data from the 2000 Survey of Urban Households and finds high expenditure
elasticities for milk and most meat products. This suggests that demand for these
products will grow faster than demand for other products as incomes increase.
Furthermore, according to the calculation by Liu Xiumei and Qin Fu (2005), the
elasticity of poultry and pork demand in urban area are around 1.98% and 1.2%, and
in rural areas these two elastics are not as sensitive as in urban which are about 1.16%
and 1.12%. This suggests that as China urbanizes meat consumption per person
Along the same lines, He and Tian (2000) analyzing the empirical trend note
that the developing world’s consumption patterns suggest that there are likely to be
substantial changes in the structure of demand for livestock and seafood products.
They note that if in 2050 people in low-income countries, including China and India,
consume as much meat and dairy as was consumed per person in the United States
and Europe in 1966, and if feed conversion efficiencies improve at the same rate from
2009 to 2050 as they did from 1966 to 2008, then demand for feed grains will more
than double between now and 2050.
The World Bank (2008), for instance, notes that rising incomes shift the composition of food expenditure from basic and
unprocessed staple foods to more varied diets with processed foods
In parallel lines, Yang and Tyers (1989) used a global agricultural sector model
to examine the impact of rapid income growth in China on the composition of food
consumption and the implications of this for food self sufficiency. They found that the
anticipated redistribution of consumption towards livestock products would raise
import demand for feed grains and that this would make the maintenance of selfsufficiency through protection very costly.
This section describes the econometrics theory used in this study. First it
discusses the unit root test. Secondly, it discusses the conintegration test.
The three test described below are:
Dickey-Fuller (DF) test
Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) Test
Phillips-Perron (PP) Test
4.1.1. Dickey-Fuller (DF) test
The simplest form of the DF test amounts to estimating:
yt   yt 1   t
Where:  t is white noise, and the value of  determines the property of the
If the coefficient of  <1, the time series of yt is stationary
If the coefficient of  >1, the time series of yt is explosive which make no
If the coefficient of  =1, the time series of yt is non-stationary
Thus, the null hypothesis should be H0:  =1 against the alternative H1:  <1.
However, in the practice, the test equation is always in the form of
yt   yt 1   t and the null hypothesis is changed to be H0:  =0 against the
alternative H1:  <0.
When y0 is not equal to zero, then it is better to allow a constant to enter the
regression model when testing for a unit root. Thus:
yt  c   yt 1   t
It is also possible that there is a time trend t to in the regression model used to
test for a unit root changing the equation to:
yt  c   t   yt 1   t
4.1.2. Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) Test
In the DF test, if yt follows an AR(p) process rather than an AR(1), then the
error term will be auto correlated. This is so in order to compensate for the
misspecification of the dynamic structure of yt, which will invalidate the assumption
that u, is 'white noise' in the DF. Therefore, it does not suffice to use the DF test.
Instead, the ADF test is used. Thus, assuming yt follows an pth order of AR
process, then the equation is:
p 1
yt   yt 1   i yt i   t
i 1
The hypothesis test of ADF is the same as that of the DF test and the value of p
will be given by EVIEWS automatically. There are also two other kinds of equation
which include the intercept and trend.
4.1.3. Phillips-Perron (PP) Test
PP test is also a method test for unit root. It builds on the Dickey–Fuller test of
the null hypothesis  = 0, in yt   yt 1   t .
Like the ADF test, the Phillips–Perron test addresses the issue that yt might have a
higher order of autocorrelation than is admitted in the unit root test equation. This would
make yt − 1 endogenous and thus invalidate the Dickey–Fuller t-test. While the ADF
test addresses this issue by introducing lags of yt as regressors in the test equation, the
Phillips–Perron test makes a non-parametric correction to the t-test statistic. The test is
robust with respect to unspecified autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity in the
disturbance process of the test equation.
This study uses Engel-Granger (EG) test to check for cointegration. EG test is
the most popular way to test cointegration.
First, this method requires testing that all variables be first order of integrated.
Secondly, the EG test tests the unit root of the residual in the long run equation
in the following form:
y t  c  xt   t
The null hypothesis is that yt and xt are not cointegrated. The way to test this
null hypothesis is to check whether the residual (  t ) is of first order of integrated.
That is to test whether  t ~ I (1) against the alternative that  t ~ I(0). To test whether
the residual is of first order integrated, Engle and Granger advocated using the ADF
tests in the following form:
P 1
  t  c  t    t 1    i   t i   t
i 1
If the residue has a unit root then there is no cointegration. The null hypothesis
of the unit is based on a t-test with a non-normal distribution.
Nonetheless, it is important to note that we can not use the standard DF tables of
critical values. There are two main motives for this. First, since OLS methods aims
to minimize the square of the residue with the smallest variance, the  t appears as
stationary as possible. Therefore, the standard DF distribution tends to over-reject the
null. Secondly, the number of regressors (n) included in long run equation affects the
distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis. Thus, different critical
values are needed as n changes.
Therefore, a different approach must be followed to calculate the critical value..
MacKinnon provides guidance as to how to proceed. MacKinnon linked the critical
values for specific test to a set of parameters of an equation of the response surface.25
Accordingly, to obtain the appropriate critical value for any test involving residuals
from an OLS equation we can use MacKinnon’s table of Response surface estimates
of critical values, and the following relation:
cˆ p, T   ˆ  1T 1   2T 2
Where ĉ is the critical value, T is the observation number, ˆ , 1 ,  2 are given in
the table.
First, this section discusses the Food Production Model (availability). It begins
by introducing the Food Production Model used. It continues by describing the data
variables. Next, it tests for cointegration. Finally, it presents the results. Secondly, this
section discusses the Poverty Model (accessibility). It begins by introducing the
Poverty Model. It continues by describing the data variables. Next, it tests for
cointegration with structure break. Finally, it presents the results.
This section uses EVIEWS 6.0.
Richard Harris, Robert Sollis,2003, Applied Time Series Modelling Forecasting. John Wiley & Sons Ltd Press
The Food Production Model relies on the classical Cobb-Douglas function form
of production functions. In economics, the Cobb–Douglas functional form of
production functions is widely used to represent the relationship of output to inputs.
For production, the function is:
Y  AK  L
Y = total production (the monetary value of all goods produced in a year)
L = labor input
K = capital input, always mean net fixed asset
A = total factor productivity
α and β are the output elasticities of labor and capital, respectively. These
values are constants determined by available technology
However, it is obvious that only labor and capital variables could not explain
the production perfectly. Considering other impact factors, the expansion of C-D
model could be:
f ( x)  A  X i ai
I 1
f(x)= total production
Xi = affecting factor on production
A = total factor productivity
αi is the output elasticity of affecting factors on production, respectively.
This study takes advantage of the expansion of Cobb-Douglas model. The
expansion Cobb-Douglas model form is:
ln Yt  A   1 ln Ft   2 ln M t   3 ln Et   4 ln S t   5 ln Lt   6 ln N t   t
Y= amount of grain domestic production (1000tons)
A= constant
F= amount of total fertilizer consumption (1000tons)
M= amount of total power of ag machinery (10000kw)
E=government expenditures on agriculture: science & technology promotion
& trials (billion)
S=amount of total sown area (1000 hectares)
L= amount of rural employment in farming, forestry, fisheries (10000)
N= areas affected by natural disaster (1000hectares)
5.1.1. Data Description
The dependent variable in the Availability Model is China’s Grain Domestic
Production. The independent variables are total sown area, fertilizer consumption,
machinery power, labor and investment in science and technology. The control
variable is areas affected by natural disaster. Dependent Variable: Grain Domestic Production
Grains, either directly or indirectly represent the major source of food. Indeed,
China has commonly equated food security to grain security.26 Accordingly, this
study focuses on grains. China experienced considerable increased in grain
production between 1978 and 2008. While in 1978 it produced 304,765,000 tons, in
2008 it produced 528,710,000 tons. This adds up to a total increased of 73.5 per cent
which averages 1.97 % yearly rate. The six years following the reform period
experienced rapid growth.
figure 5. 1 Amount Of Grain Production(1000 Tons)
source: website of state data bank of China (
(Information Office of State Council, 1996)
36 Independent Variables
The independent variables are total sown area, fertilizer consumption,
machinery power, labor and investment in science and technology.
Total sown area is used to capture the input factor land. In China the amount of
total sown area has increased only slightly since 1978. In 1978 it was 150,105
thousands hectares while in 2008 it was 156,266 thousand hectares. This only a total
of 4 per cent increase for the whole period. However, there have been significant
changes throughout the period. Following the reform period of 1978 the total sown
area decreased to a minimum of in 143,626 in 1985. Thereafter, there a nearly
uninterrupted increased to 156,373 in 1999. Since then, total sown area has mainly
constant experiencing small increases or decreases in different years.
figure 5. 2 Amount Of Total Sown Area(1000 Hectares)
source: website of state data bank of China (
China’s total fertilizer consumption measured in tons has experienced very
rapid increase. It increased more than five folds from 8,840 thousand tons in 1978 to
52,390 thousands tons in 2008. The increased was pretty constant though the whole
figure 5. 3Amount Of Total Fertilizer Consumption(1000 Tons)
Source: the website of USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)
In China, the amount of rural employment in farming, forestry, fisheries has
experienced a small increased in the 1978-2008 period from 284,556,000 in 1978 to
348,740,000 in 2008. However, since population has increased, as a percentage of the
population, rural employment has experienced a significant decreased from 29.56% in
1978 to 26.53% in 2008.
figure 5. 4Amount Of Rural Employment In Farming,Forestry, Fishries(1000)
source: the website of USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)
This study uses machinery power to represent machinery. China has
experienced large increases of machinery power since 1978. In 1978, the amount of
total power was 11,749.9 ten thousand kw while in 2008 it was 82,190.4 ten thousand
kw. This is nearly a seven fold increase. The increase has been mainly constant.
figure 5. 5Amount Of Total Power Of Ag Machniery(10000 Kw)
source: website of state data bank of China (
Government Expenditures on Agricultural Science & Technology
Government Expenditures on Agricultural Science & Technology increased
from 0.11 billion in 1978 to 2.14 billion in 2008.
figure 5. 6 Government Expenditures On Agriculture Science &Technology Promotion&
source: the website of USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)
5.1.2. Cointegration Test
All the variables above are time series which may have spurious regressions.
Spurious regressions are caused by the independent non-stationary series spuriously
related due to the act that they are trended. In order to make sure the regression is
sensible; here we will test cointegration firstly. Testing the Integration Order of All Variables
The conintegration testing results are listed below in table 5.1. The table shows
that all the variables are I(1), thus the study should go to the second step to test the
unit root of the residual. The variables F, E, S, L and N were found to be I(1) using
the ADF Test. However, the variables of Y and M turned out to be of second order
integrated using the ADF test. Nonetheless, according to experience from other
countries’ data, these time series should be first order integration. In case of China,
ADF may have generated the incorrect results because of the small sample. Thus, we
use PP test instead of ADF for unit root testing of Y and M. And the test result
suggests that these two variables are of first order integrated as well.
table 5. 1 Conclusion Of Variables In Production Model: Order Of Integrated
Level series
log of grain
production(lnY) #
First difference series
intercept & trend
log of fertilizer
log of ag machinery
(lnM) #
I (1)
log of science &
I (1)
log of sown area(lnS)
I (1)
log of
log of areas affected
by natural
I (1)
I (1)
responds to using PP test, and others using ADF test
***,**,* responds to rejecting the null hypothesis about non-stationary variables at the 1,5 and 10% level
respectively Unit Root Test for Residual
First we estimate the long run equation as follows:
ln Yt  A  1 ln Ft   2 ln M t   3 ln Et   4 ln St   5 ln Lt   6 ln Nt  t
We obtain the residuals and do unit root test. The null hypothesis is H0:  = 0:
ût . it has a unit root and there is no cointegration. Against the alternative H1:  <0:
ût , it has no unit root and there is cointegration.
p 1
t  c  t 1   i t i   t
i 1
The observed ADF t-statistic value is -5.9337.
Then we calculate the critical values, where the number of observation (T) and
independent variables are 29 and 6 respectively; the critical values ĉ (p) are the:
table 5. 2 Critical Values
Size (%)
 1*
 2*
ĉ (p)
ˆ ∞, Β1, Β2 were taken from TableA.6 in Harris and Sollis (2005).
Where the above values for cˆ p, T  is calculated with: cˆ p, T   ˆ   T   T
* The values for
By comparing the two observed ADF t-statistics with the manually calculated
critical values we can conclude that the ADF t-statistic value is smaller than the ĉ (p)
under both 5% and 10%. Therefore the null hypothesis should be rejected. In other
words, the estimated residuals do not have a unit root. Thus, there is cointegration
among these variables which make support the significance of this regression.
5.1.3. Results
The domestic production, table 5.3 shows the effects of the input factors of land,
labor, fertilizers, machinery power and governments’ spending on agricultural science
& technology.
The coefficient stands for the elasticity of independent variable towards
dependent variable. For instance, the coefficient of lnF indicates that a 1% change of
lnF would lead to 0.63% change of lnY. The results in general are consistent with
expectations. Labor (lnL), fertilizers (lnF) and spending on agricultural & technology
(lnE) have significant impact on domestic production, with elasticity of 0.33%, 0.64%
and 0.11% respectively. In the past thirty years, sown area (lnS) and areas affected by
natural disaster (lnN) have small and negative effect on production.
table 5. 3 Regression Results Of Production Model
Fertilizer Consumption(lnF)
Power of ag Machinery(lnM)
Government Expenditures on Agriculture:
Science & Technology Promotion & Trials (lnE)
Sown Area(lnS)
Rural Employment(lnL)
Areas Affected by Natural Disaster(lnN)
This model relies on the linear equation to explore the relationship between
poverty and its affecting factors:
food prices,
gross domestic product,
education level, and
government investment in agriculture.
Because different variables have different units, we log all the variables to
delete the unit impact. Then, in this case, we use the linear model to find the
relationship between poverty and other affecting factors. Our model looks like this:
ln Yt  c   1 ln Pt   2 ln Gt   3 ln I t   4 ln Et   t
Y= percentage of poverty in rural area
P= index of grain price
G = Gross Domestic Product (%)
I= amount of investment on agriculture(one hundred million)
E= Percentage of people in rural area who educated upper than high school
5.2.1. Data Description
The dependent variable in the accessibility model is China’s Poverty level in
percentage. The independent variables are food prices, growth rates, investment in
agriculture, and education. The data in this model comes from China’s Statistics
Yearbook. Independent Variable: Poverty Percentage
This study uses the China Yearbook Poverty line. Rather than look at poverty
at the national level this model focuses on poverty on the rural area. This makes
sense for several reasons. For instance, there is a wide pronounced gap between the
rural and the urban area, the rural area being much poorer.27 Further, in contrast to
the urban population, the government provides no basic living allowances to the rural
population. Therefore, in light of the above reasons and the majority of population in
China being rural focusing solely on the rural area makes sense.
Although the poverty percentage data is nearly complete there are three missing
values: 1979, 1993 and 1996, respectively. In order to make sure the continuity of the
sample data, this section first predicts the missing values.
The first step is to graph the available data to obtain the trend form.
figure 5. 7 percentage of poverty %
source: China Yearbook of Rural Household Survey, 2009
For instance, Chen and Wang (2001) report that 25 per cent of rural people in China lived on less than one dollar per day in
1999, as against .5 per cent of the urban population.
A visual analysis reveals that the percentage of poverty decreased dramatically
since 1978, with the number decreasing from 30.7% in 1978 to 2.5% in 2005. The
poverty percentage decreases fast between 1978 and 1998, and afterwards, the trend
remains constant at around 4%.
In light of the visual analysis, we assume the trend of poverty percentage
follows the form of logarithm:
y t  c   ln t   t
The outcome calculated by Eviews 6 is shown in table 5.4. The high value of
R-squared indicates the high correct probability of prediction and the prediction of
missing data in 1979, 1993 and 1996 as shown in table 5.5.
table 5. 4 Regression Results Of Poverty Percentage
Adjusted R-squared
Std. Error
table 5. 5 Prediction Data Of Poverty Percentage
percentage of poverty%
percentage of poverty%
44 Independent Variables
The independent variables are food prices, growth, investment in agriculture,
and education. The data in this model comes from China’s Statistics Yearbook.
Food Prices
The national cross price index is used to measure food prices. A brief look at the
price index of agricultural products in China reveals that it increased more than 6
times since 1978. During the period of 1992 and 1997, this number experienced rapid
growth, increasing from 277.64 to 525.54. But after 1997, it back to normal situation.
figure 5. 8 National Cross Price Index Of Grain
source: China Yearbook of Agricultural Price Survey, 2008
A quick look at the graph shows that in the 1978-2008 period China has
experienced rapid growth. It has averaged 9.8% per year. The highest increase rate
happened in 1992, achieving 14.24%.
figure 5. 9 Cross Domestic Product %
Source: China Statistical Yearbook 2009
This variable measures the percentage of population in rural area that completed
high school. The data in this model comes from China’s Statistics Yearbook.
However, it is missing some values: the data between 1978 and1982.
To predict the missing values we first graph the available data to obtain a
general trend.
figure 5. 9 Percentage Of Population In Rural Having Completed High School %
source: China Yearbook of Rural Household Survey, 2009
The data value in 1985 is 7.4% which is close to the number of 7.6% in 1990.
However, a visual analysis reveals that after 1990 there was a rapid increase. Thus
we assume the trend of this variable obey the form of an exponential function:
Et  ce t , ln Et  c  t   t
After running the regression, the results obtained below are listed. The high Rsquared supports the results.
table 5. 6 Regression Result S Of Education
Adjusted R-squared
Std. Error
table 5. 7 Prediction Data Of Education
5.2.3. Testing for Cointegration with a Structural Break
First, this study uses the ADF test to determine order of integrated. After, this
study tests the unit root of the residual. Test the Integration Order of All Variables
The conintegration testing results are listed below in table 5.8. The table shows
that all the variables are I(1). Thus the study can proceed to the second step to test the
unit root of the residual.
table 5. 8 Conclusion Of Variables In Poverty Model: Order Of Integrated
Level series
log of grain
intercept &trend
First difference series
& trend
none comment
log of grain
log of ag growth
I (1)
log of investment in
I (1)
log of education(lnE)
I (1)
47 Unit Root Test for Residual
The first step is estimate the long run equation as follows:
ln Yt  c   1 ln Pt   2 ln Gt   3 ln I t   4 ln Et   t
The next step is to run the regression and obtain the residual graph. It is clear
that there is structure break during the period of 1980 to 1984. This structural break
likely relates to the major institutional reforms implemented early in the reform
period. Thus, it is better to add a dummy variable into the equation. When adding the
dummy variable the long run equation is:
ln Yt  c   1 ln Pt   2 ln Gt   3 ln I t   4 ln Et   5 d1   t
 1 1980  1984
Where, d1  
0 other years
a: long run equation without dummy
b:long run equation with dummy d1
figure 5. 10 Residual Graphs
However, according to the above graph figure 5.11b, there is still a structure
break during the period between 1997 and 2000. This structural break could relate
the temporary agricultural price hikes experienced in 1996. Therefore, it is
appropriate to add another dummy into the equation. This becomes:
ln Yt  c   1 ln Pt   2 ln Gt   3 ln I t   4 ln Et   5 d1   6 d 2   t
 1 1980  1984
Where, d1  
0 other years
1 1997  2000
d2  
 0 other years
Here the observed ADF t-statistic value is -5.5759. The critical values are
listed below in table 5.9. .
table 5. 9 Critical Values
Size (%)
 
 1*
 2*
ĉ (p)
ˆ ∞, Β1, Β2 were taken from TableA.6 in Harris and Sollis (2005).
Where the above values for cˆ p, T  is calculated with: cˆ p, T   ˆ   T   T
* The values for
By comparing the two observed ADF t-statistics with the manually calculated
critical values we conclude that the ADF t-statistic value is smaller than the ĉ (p)
under both 5% and 10% significance level. Therefore, the null hypothesis should be
rejected. In other words, the estimated residuals do not have a unit root. Thus, there
is cointegration among these variables which make sure the significance of this
5.2.4. Results
Table 5.10 below shows the relationship between poverty and education level,
GDP, investment in agriculture and grain price.
The coefficient here stands for the elasticity. Firstly, growth (lnG) plays the
most important role in poverty reduction. The elasticity of growth (lnG) is 1.297
which means when lnG increase 1% and poverty is reduced by 1.297%. Further,
there is a positive relationship between education (lnE) and poverty reduction (lnY).
The coefficient of investment in agriculture (lnI) is negative but small. With regards
to the effect of grain price(lnP), it turned out to be positive, indicating that higher
grain prices did not reduce poverty in China.
table 5. 10 Regression Results Of Poverty Model
Education Level(lnE)
Investment in Agriculture(lnI)
Grain Price(lnP)
This section first analysis the availability elements and then the accessibility
The elements affecting the availability dimension are domestic production,
imports and food reserves. The role of domestic production, imports and reserves are
complementary. China’s domestic supply is critically important to China’s food
security. This is so in part because due to China’s current production size its food
production affects total global food supply significantly. Furthermore, it is also
important because due to geopolitical reasons, China may have a more difficult time
relying on the global market than smaller countries like Sweden would.
However, imports and reserves are also very important. Imports are relevant
because by importing grains from abroad China can free resources such as water and
land for more productive activities. Additionally, as China continues to urbanize and
grow rich China may not be able to physically and sustainably be self sufficient.
Reserves are important because they can help China absorb supply shocks due to
weather or geopolitical reasons.
First this part will analyze will focus on domestic production element and
analyzed domestic production regression results. Secondly, this part will discuss the
import element focusing on the economic and political implications this element.
Thirdly, it will discuss the reserves element.
6.1.1. Domestic Production
China’s size is a critical factor to consider when weighing the importance of its
domestic production to China. China is such a large country that drops in its supply,
particularly sudden drops, could result in severe food prices increases. Indeed, the
prices of energy and metal commodities where China has become a massive importer
have experienced triple digits increases in the last decade. However, because of food
importance and the stigma attached to it, increases in prices paralleling those in other
commodities, would be less welcome both in China and worldwide. They could lead
to famines, chaos and politically instability. Therefore, it is important to China and
the world that China takes measures to safeguard its food domestic productions.
This study gains some insights as to how China could safeguard domestic
production in the future by exploring the effects of different input factors with a time
series regressions. In a way, the most meaningful result from the regressions is the
positive impact the government’s investment in science and technology have had in
the 1978-2008 period this study looked at. This positive result is consistent with the
existing literature which by the most part argues that science & technology has played
play a significant role in China’s grain production. Looking forward, considering
China’s commandment to the WTO, the potential role of investment in science &
technology in the future gains even more importance. The WTO restricts many of the
tools that China used in the past to support its agriculture. This includes some price
support, prohibitive tariffs and subsidies. However, the WTO allows unlimited
government investment in agriculture. Thereby, this studies main recommendation is
to invest heavily in science & technology.
Regarding fertilizers the positive result is not surprising. China’s labor
abundance means that it is reasonable to expect that it is fertilizer, instead of
machinery, that has a large effect on food production. Furthermore, fertilizer by large
play an important role in the green revolution. Indeed, there is an illustrious phrase
regarding the green revolution that describes it as the process of turning oil into food.
The point being that fertilizer usage, which significantly relies on natural gas, led to
massive productivity increases. However, looking forward, the large and positive of
this equation should be with some caution both because the literature shows
diminishing marginal productivity of fertilizer as well fertilizers potential to harm the
environment. In this sense, looking forward, investment in science & technology can
be valuable to agriculture by providing guidance as to how to continue exploiting the
potential benefits of fertilizers without harming China’s environment.
Moving on to machinery, the regression results provide ground for speculation.
The coefficient for machinery is negative. This indicates that machinery power has a
negative impact on domestic production. An explanation for this could be that since
labor is so abundant in China, machinery does not have the same explanatory power
as it would have in land abundant countries where it can be used to replace labor.
Nonetheless, looking forward, as China continues to industrialize and urbanize, it is
reasonable to expect that machinery will play an increasingly more important role in
China’s Agriculture. Indeed, the results for machinery should be viewed in light of the
positive results for labor. This is so because machinery and labor are deeply tied
together, and often machinery displaces labor. The coefficient for labor turned out to
be positive. This result indicates that labor remains an important input factor in
China’s domestic grain production. However, this result should be interpreted with
caution. As mentioned in the literary review, China’s labor and urban markets are not
well integrated. The absence of integration has led to an abundance of labor in the
rural market and relative shortage of labor in the urban market and has made worse
the income divide. Looking forward, China should loosen up the labor restrictions to
both alleviate the urban labor shortage and provide more opportunities to those in the
rural are. Following this policy will likely increase machinery usage.
Finally, the coefficient for land is negative and small. This is not unexpected.
As mentioned in the literary review, China faces major land quantity and quality
constraints. This negative coefficient could be interpreted to indicate, in line with the
literary review, that the most productive agricultural land is already currently in used.
It could equally mean that urbanization is both affecting the quality of the existing
land and taking away the most productive land. Looking forward, whether land
reform can have some positive effects in production remains to be seen. Certainly,
there being 248 millions farm owners in China does not seem efficient use of land.
However, there are social benefits to having 248 million farm owners in a country
where labor is so abundant. For instance, as Owen (1966) pointed out, note that
smallholder farming can serve as safety nets. Regardless of which land reforms take
place, looking forward the major implication of the negative coefficient is that
increases in land will not be a part of China’s agricultural growth. Thereby, giving
more support to the recommendation that China should invest in science &
6.1.2. Imports
Basic economics provides a straight forward recommendation as to how China
should safeguard and improve its status of food security: let China’s food trade of
balance be determined by the invisible hand. But economist Joseph Schumpeter
teaches us that if economists have always something to say on the theme of economic
development “this is only because they did not restrict themselves to economic
theory… but studied historical sociology.” (Schumpeter 1961).
With this in mind, while in generally adhering to the view that food trade
liberalization is appropriate, this study sympathizes with Chinese policy makers’
reluctance to apply a laissez fair approach to the food markets. It is understandable
that there exists genuine concern for food self-sufficiency in China. Throughout its
history China has experienced widespread famines. Even if in hindsight these
famines resulted from the bad economic policies (such as a closed economy), the food
famines have left an imprint in the Chinese national.
Furthermore, this study also sees some wisdom in Chinese policy makers’
reluctance to apply a laissez fair approach to the food markets. If China’s bad
policies led to famines, depending on exporting countries to have sound policies could
have repercussions. This is because political instability and bad economic policies in
other exporting countries can have serious effect on global food supply. While it is
true that major grain exporters like the United States and Canada have a history of
solid domestic policy. Others, upcoming player such as Argentina, Russia, Ukraine
and Brazil; have a less reliable history.
Moreover, on the risk of political embargoes, the skepticism towards complete
reliance on trade liberalization is not 100 percent unfounded. Even the food exporting
countries with a more stable political history have a history of weak policy regarding
grain exports. Indeed, during the 20th century there were dozens of food international
embargoes including the U.S. embargo of food exports to the former Soviet Union to
protest the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan. Similarly, in 1996, the European
Union imposed a wheat export tax in an attempt to reduce exports and forestall a rise
in domestic wheat prices. (Long 1999). Furthermore, more recently, in 2008 it
became obvious that depending on other countries food can still be a concern. As
prices spiked in 2008, so did the exporting countries rhetoric that they would halt food
exports, creating anxiety on importing countries and speculations and higher price on
food markets. Sure, much economic work has been done on determining the cost of
trade embargoes and showing that trade embargoes are quiet ineffective. Indeed,
even during the Cold War, other grain exporting countries did not follow the U.S.
policy of grain embargo against the former Soviet Union. But history, including the
experience as recently as 2008, seem to show that it is still the case that when
importing countries are in greater need of food, the exporting countries are more
inclined to halt (or consider halting) food exports. It is not necessarily wise to
underestimate the power of politics to mess with economics when it comes to food.
In light of the discussed above reasons one can see that there is rationality to a
healthy skepticism to a hands off approach to food markets as a way to feed a large
nation like China. However, the threat of export embargoes or the possible negative
income distribution effect does not suffice to avoid trade liberalization. China is too
large and too labor abundant to feed itself on its own. Much of the literature also
shows that trade embargoes can be prevented by maintain good relationships with
other countries. Further, as discuss in the next section the presence of large reserves
can discourage trade embargoes. Furthermore, history shows that those nations with a
more open economy are more food secured. And so should China. Nonetheless,
China can still, and should, promote domestic production in ways that do not conflict
with trade liberalization. This include, for instance, both investing in education and in
agricultural science and technology.
6.1.3. Reserves
Reserves are crucial to China. Because of its size China has to be more careful
about its food availability than other smaller countries. Temporary shocks to the
domestic production and global production can drastically temporarily affect food
availability. However, because of China’s size, in the absence of domestic reserves,
the world annual production may not be able to make up for it. Furthermore, the
presence of large reserves lowers the risk and damage that food exporting countries
can cause to China.
This thesis’ review supports the view that the poverty, population and food
preference are relevant to China’s food security status. This study views poverty as
the most critical element of the accessibility dimension in China. First, in China most
of the population live on a few dollars a day spends over 40% of their expenditure on
food, and lack safety nets. Thus, financial crisis, shocks to agricultural prices, or
being fired can turn food secure individuals and family into food insecure quickly.
Secondly, the poverty element is also critical because it is deeply intertwined with
both population growth and changes in food preference. For instance, a lower
population can lead to less poverty resulting in higher per capita income, which in
turn lead to changes in food preference that require a higher per capita food to suffice
the required calories for having a healthy life style. In this sense poverty captures the
critical elements of population and food preference.
This subsection will proceed by first analyzing the poverty element. Then it
will discuss the population element. Finally, it will conclude by discussing the food
preference element.
6.2.1. Poverty
This study explored the relationship between poverty and food prices, growth,
investment in agriculture and growth. The results main showings are that growth and
food prices had a significant effect on poverty reduction. Regarding growth, it plays
the most important role in poverty reduction since 1978. This result is consistent with
economic theory and the predominant economic literature. The implications are that
China should continue to promote growth policies like market and trade liberalization.
Nonetheless, the economic literature while supporting the view that growth is a
crucial ingredient for addressing the poor needs, also supports the view that growth
along is not sufficient. Inequality has increased and disparity between the urban and
the rural area have widened in the last decade and it could hinder growth (World Bank
2005). Furthermore, the literature argues that transitory poverty is not necessarily
reduced by growth. Jalan and Ravallion 2000).
Regarding food price, the discussed literature and economic theory was divided
as to what effect it would have on poverty reduction – some arguing that higher prices
are good for the poor (for instance De Schutter 2006) while other suggesting that they
can be beneficial. The poverty regression in this study suggests that even in rural
areas food prices do not lead to lower poverty. Accordingly one can deduce that
higher food prices in China hinder poverty reduction and thereby likely does not lead
to greater food security. One reasonable implication of this conclusion is that policies
promoting higher domestic food prices overall will not be beneficial to the rural area
where incomes tend to be lower. Another reasonable implication is that food tariffs
resulting in higher food prices are not beneficial to food security.
With regards to education, as expected the coefficient indicates that a higher
education is related to a lower poverty. The positive relation makes sense because
education facilitates learning capacity and productivity gains. As Luh et al. (2008)
note, even to acquire agricultural productive technology sufficient learning capacity
necessary. Furthermore, education facilitates migration to urban areas where salaries
are higher because by large urban jobs requires more skills that rural jobs. However,
the education coefficient from the regression is small. This could suggest that the
government is not investing enough in education. Further, the small size of the
coefficient could indicate that investment in education takes a long time to produce
effects. Equally, it is also possible that the lack of integration between urban and
rural areas limit the benefits of education. Since those in the rural area cannot go to
the urban area they cannot exploit the benefits of their additional education. In this
sense, it is reasonable to recommend that China has much to gain by integrating the
urban and rural labor market. Moreover, to address the growing inequality that could
hinder growth (World Bank 2005), China must continue to invest in education as a
means to reduce poverty and inequality. The costs of education relative to the rural
salaries are so high, that in the absence of government’s support most in the rural
area will difficult to obtain an education and find nearly to impossible to attend
Concerning investment in agriculture the results are somewhat inconclusive.
The coefficient is positive indicating that government investment leads to higher
poverty, however the coefficient is small. The negative size could indicate that the
government is investing in those areas that are poorest and thus it is the low poverty
that is causing the investment and not the government investment that is causing more
poverty. Further, the small size of the coefficient could indicate that that the
government’s investment have been so low that it has not reached a thresh hold where
it can have a strong effect. Thereby, suggesting that the government should increase
its spending in this factor to increase. Furthermore, the negative relationship to
poverty could of course indicate that government spending in agriculture as a tool to
reduce poverty is simply ineffective. This could be because the type of investment
the government has been conductive is in conflict with policies promoting growth.
Nonetheless, in light of the food security framework and China’s rising urban rural
divide, the role of the government in promoting food security remains crucial.
Therefore, this thesis recommends that government invests in agriculture in ways that
do not conflict with the market mechanisms that promote growth such as investment
in science & technology and education.
6.2.2. Population
It is understandable that economic literature by large focuses on the market
mechanisms as the critical to China’s poverty reduction since the reform period.
However, it is commonly overlooked that population control’s has likely played a
significant role in reducing poverty in China. China’s one child policy led to
significant decreases in fertility and population growth rates. It is of course
impossible to know exactly what path would China have followed had China not
implemented a population control policy. But it seems likely that China’s population
would have increased significantly since during the same period China experienced
increases in life expectancy.
The implications of a more populated China are worth exploring. With a larger
population, workers would likely have exerted a lower salary since there would be a
greater supply of them. Further, the land parcels, already tiny and inefficient, may
have been even smaller than they are now, and provided individuals families with less
food. Furthermore, likely, if they had more children, parents would like have invested
less in each child’s education, which is widely acknowledge as a valuable way to
increase individual’s purchasing power and thereby their food security. All of these
are of course speculations. What is certainly clear is that, ceteris paribus, China’s
aggregate food demand would have been higher, and needed to have the same food
security status China has now would have to be much higher.
6.2.3. Food Preference
China feeds the classical case where higher income have led to change in diets
towards more meat based diet. This change in taste is relevant because it means that
since a meat based diet requires more calories, as China grows richer, Chinese food
demand will increase regardless of population growth. Coupling in the additional
demand that could come from population growth, China’s need to rely on trade
liberalization to feed its people becomes more imminent. As Yang and Tyers (1989)
point out, if food demand increases, at the least, the maintenance of self-sufficiency
through protection will costly.
This study held food security to rest on two dimensions: the food availability
dimension and food accessibility dimension. The food availability dimension
depends on domestic production, imports and food reserves. Looking back, the
combination of increasing domestic production and imports has led China to have
sufficient food at a national level for all Chinese. Nonetheless, the fact that there has
been ample food in the last decades does not mean that food availability should be
taken for granted in the future. Environmental degradation and political instability
among other causes could bring back to life food shortages.
Therefore, to gain insights into China’s domestic production, this study
conducted a time series regression exploring the relationship between grain
production and its input factors. The results show that fertilizers, labor and science &
technology played a significant role in China’s domestic output. Looking forward, it
would be wise for China to invest heavily in agriculture, ideally in ways which
conflict the least with free markets. In this sense, government’s investment in science
& technology increasing food productivity should be the cornerstone of China’s food
security policies.
Regarding the food accessibility this study also reached an insightful and
valuable conclusion. The food accessibility dimension depends on the level of
poverty, population and food preference. In this dimension China has also made
astounding progress. Poverty has decreased dramatically, population growth rate
have leveled off, and more people are eating a more meat based diet. Nonetheless,
most people in China still spend over 40 % of their income in food.
Therefore, this study runs a time series regressions which reveal that growth
plays the most important role in poverty reduction. Nonetheless, looking forward, this
study concludes that the power of growth to reduce poverty however great is not
absolute. Indeed, salaries in China remain very low, inequality has increased and the
urban and rural income disparity continues to widen. In this sense, government’s
investments in education and safety net measures in rural areas that assist the poorest,
as well as investment in science & technology leading to increases in productivity and
lower food prices, should be the cornerstone of China’s food security policies.
Friedrich Nietzche pointed out that “In the mountains, the shortest ways is from
peak to peak; but for that you must have long legs.” Just like the peaks in the
mountains, straight forward economic theory views laissez faire as the shortest way to
way to safeguard and promote food security. But, just like in the mountains, in
practice the legs often turn out not to be long enough. Indeed, a laissez faire approach
to food security is not a viable option for China. China is simply too big and food is
simply too important for China to sit back and see if the unguided invisible hand does
the trick. Neglecting investment in agriculture investment and the vulnerability of
those of low income to fall into poverty would be an unnecessary gamble that could
jeopardize China’s political stability, its economic rise, and its food security status.
After all, as John Gunther remarked, “All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.”
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