J Term, Spring 2016 Memo

Cynthia M. Fasla, Associate Registrar
June 22, 2015
J-Term/Spring 2016 Master Schedule Input and Instructions
Enclosed please find information and instructions for master schedule preparation and
classroom scheduling for J-Term/Spring 2016.
January Term 2016 (use term 201605 in Banner)
Begins on Monday, January 4, 2016 and ends on Friday, January 22, 2016
Spring 2016 (use term 201610 in Banner)
Begins Monday, January 25, 2016 and ends on Thursday, May 12, 2016
*All active sections from 201505 have been rolled to 201605 & from 201510 to 201610;
please check all sections and their data elements carefully for accuracy*
Master Schedule Contacts in the Registrar’s Office
Ashley Szczesek & Andrea Hoehman are the room, master schedule, and course
input/change contacts in our office.
Course fee codes, degree attributes, and prerequisites are brought down to the sectionlevel from the catalog-level each semester AFTER the rollover process has taken place.
This process is done by our CTS department to ensure that all information is as accurate
as possible.
Review all active courses listed on the master schedule for your department. It is the
responsibility of the department to cancel any active section that they will not be
Departments can place restrictions on sections using SSARRES/SSAPREQ and can
cross-list sections as needed. Also, you have the option of using the Reserve Seats tab
on SSASECT. Reserve Seats Tab will be used for Major, Minor, Class, and Attribute
(i.e., orientation only, All College Honors Program only, or EOP only). Do not use all
forms. You need to choose SSARRES/SSAPREQ OR Reserve Seats Tab. For
additional information and screenshot reference page 13-14.
You have the option of your choice; use SSARRES/SSAPREQ OR the Reserve Seats
tab to enter restrictions for sections. Do not enter data on both forms. The system
does not work correctly and most if not all registration will be stopped.
If you use the Reserve Seats tab, you must enter detailed notes on SSATEXT to let
students know what group(s) the section is reserved for. Reserve seating detailed
information is not automatically translated to students when they are viewing sections
in SSB. Make sure you enter detailed notes so students are aware.
If you would like to make changes to your partition preferences, please be sure to
email me directly, faslacm@buffalostate.edu, with your update(s) no later than
Friday, August 14, 2015.
The following rooms have new numbering effective 08/25/14:
HOUSTON GYM 206 212 (34), 207 213 (34), 208 214 (34); all three rooms are also
HOUS212 is pre-assigned to HEW/HPR
HOUS213 is pre-assigned to HPR/HEW
HOUS214 is pre-assigned to HEW/HPR
The entire CAUDELL HALL building remains offline from 05/17/14-08/28/16.
Bulger seating capacities have changed:
BULGS: 178
BULGN: 362
BULGS2: 179
BULGE2: 87
BULGW2: 88
The following rooms are now digital (updated A/V and computing technology), able
to provide digital input and projection from newer laptops (e.g. MacBook Air) and
tablets (e.g. iPad, Microsoft Surface).
BACO 115, 117, 202, 205, 207, 209, 215, 220
CLAS B118, B119, C122
KETC 100, 106, 109, 111, 113, 207, 313, 315
Classroom spaces that are already digital:
HGYM 212, 213, 214
ROCK 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308
TECH 160, 258, 358
BUTL 316
J-Term 2015 Information:
January Term 2016 Dates:
Monday, January 4, 2015 to Friday, January 22, 2016
*Monday, January 18, 2016 there are no classes due to Martin Luther
King Jr. Day*
Classes should meet every day Monday-Friday for a total of 14 days at 3 hours
and 10 minutes total time each day to account for one required 10-minute break.
January Term 2016 Class Times:
Banner Reminder Checklist:
Use term 201605 for January Term 2016
Use term 201610 for Spring 2016
Use part of term 1 for both terms
There is no department choice in the rollover option. All active courses offered in
January Term 2015 (term 201505) will be automatically rolled over to January
Term 2016 (term 201605) and Spring 2015 (term 201510) to Spring 2016 (term
201610) with a few exceptions (see MS Instructions pages 3-6 for details).
 You have the option of entering a waitlist maximum for each course/section.
Enter data directly on SSASECT on the Enrollment Details tab in the Waitlist
Maximum field unless you are using the Reserve Seats tab. If using that tab, you
must enter the specific number of waitlist maximum for each restriction line.
Sections with up to 30 seats-WL =10
Sections with 31-59 seats-WL = 15
Sections with 60 or more seats-WL = 25
Exclusion from using the waitlist option unless desired:
1. Sections with instructor permission
2. All Student Teaching sections
3. All Graduate Courses
 Major code restrictions will be entered directly into Banner by the department
(see MS Instructions page 7-14 for details). All major codes in Banner are alpha
only. Use the supplemental Major Code reference packet.
 Section notes should be written out completely without any abbreviations. Space
is not limited. Please be sure to write complete and helpful notes for each section
as needed. SSATEXT should be done in all capital letters in Section Long Text.
 Please be sure that the decision to offer a course with a “W” as writing intensive
is made prior to the first date of registration. The department will enter the W at
the time the course is created in Banner (i.e., INS300W). The designation cannot
be added once there is registration for the section.
The instructional method field has 17 valid choices, be sure to enter the correct
method in this field. Do not use any codes other than the 17 listed here:
o TR for traditional
o LC for learning community
o FS for freshman seminar
o OL for 100 % online learning
o OL-C for online combination
o OL-S for online synchronous
o HY generic hybrid
o HY-M for hybrid Monday
o HY-T for hybrid Tuesday
o HY-W for hybrid Wednesday
o HY-TH for hybrid Thursday
o HY-F for hybrid Friday
o HY-SA for hybrid Saturday
o HY-SU for hybrid Sunday
o INT for internship
o ST for student teaching
o SL for service learning
 In addition, a detailed note should be added to SSATEXT section long text
to highlight all instructional method codes other than TR.
 WE is not a valid instructional method, do not use this code for any
 For Spring and Fall, a hybrid class SHOULD meet ONLY one day per
week, but you can use the generic HY code if there is a different meeting
When using the OL instructional method, do not enter a start or end time for the
section. This data is not needed and should not be entered for any reason. Also,
you should enter ONLINE in the building field. Never use TBA. This is confusing
to students.
If you use the Reserve Seats tab, you must enter detailed notes on SSATEXT to
let students know what group(s) the section is reserved for. Reserve seating
detailed information is not automatically translated to students when they are
viewing sections in SSB. Make sure you enter detailed notes so students are
To be considered a service learning section, the course must have a service
learning component. All SL sections must be approved by the department chair.
The Registrar’s Office will be given a list of approved SL courses by Laura Rao,
VSLC Coordinator. If you have any questions related to SL, please contact her
directly. SL courses are searchable by instructional method in Banner SSB and a
special note will also be made on the student transcript.
Graduate-level sections will automatically be assigned an Include GR restriction
from the catalog-level on SSARRES. This will ensure that only graduate-level
students will be allowed into graduate-level courses. All other students (for
example an UG) will need a level override before registration for these sections
can occur.
Building/Room Assignment Reminders:
 If you are assigning a department controlled classroom to two separate CRN’s,
please be sure to enter the same room for all of the sections using each CRN. This
will help to ensure that all the partner sections will be scheduled in the same
 All room scheduling except for pre-assignment for faculty with disabilities will be
done by our scheduling system, Resource 25 (R25). There have been no changes
or updates made to our room scheduling input process. Please pay close attention
as all requests will be entered into Banner by the departments. The paper request
form has been eliminated except for requests for pre-assignment for faculty with
disabilities or limited to back-to-back teaching requests. Refer to pages 9-12 in
the instructional packet for detailed information related to room scheduling and
data entry of requests in Banner.
 Always enter ASM in the auto-scheduler data field when pre-assigning a
department controlled room to a section(s).
 Never enter an O in the override indicator field on the Meeting Location and
Credits tab unless you are pre-assigning cross-listed sections. This can create
problems when room scheduling is done for all case scenarios other this.
 Pre-assignments in R25 for faculty with disabilities must be submitted to the
appropriate Associate Dean by Friday, August 14, 2015 (see page 18). Use the
form on page 31.
 All classrooms that are designated as general purpose/SMART but pre-assigned
by departments will become available for campus wide use after the department
final input and review window deadline which is 11:59pm on Sunday, August 23,
General Reminder Checklist:
 Courses offered for 3.00 credit hours must have a minimum of 37.5 contact hours,
or 2250 minutes. See page 15 for additional scheduling information.
 Internships: Departments who plan to offer internships must create a section for
the internship and denote INT in the Instructional Method field. Students cannot
register for internships unless the department has created the course. Registration
on a course by contract or independent study basis is not appropriate.
Deadlines Checklist:
 Pre-assignment requests for faculty with disabilities must be submitted to the
appropriate Associate Dean no later than Friday, August 14, 2015; see page 18.
Use the form on page 31. In order to be considered for a disabled faculty pre-
assignment, the course/section must exist with a CRN, day/time, and quota. No
anticipated sections will be considered for a disabled faculty pre-assignment, only
active sections with CRN, day/time, quota, and instructor assignments.
 Be sure to check your building and partition preferences (Appendix A) on pages
20-25. If you need changes made you must me directly no later than Friday,
August 14, 2015.
 All classrooms that are designated as general purpose/SMART but pre-assigned
by departments will become available for campus wide use after the department
final input and review window deadline which is 11:59pm on Sunday, August 23,
Waitlist maximum recommendation:
 Sections with up to 30 seats – WL = 10
 Sections with 31-59 Seats – WL = 15
 Sections with 60 or more seats – WL = 25
 Sections with 5 Seats or Less – WL = 0
If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact Ashley or Andrea
in the Registrar’s Office at X4811.