Animal Welfare Policy - Team Penning Australia Inc.

Team Penning Australia Inc.
Email: Phone 0457 460 559
ABN: 90 086 069 312
Animal Welfare Policy
All animals – both cattle and horses are included in the Animal Welfare of TPA.
TPA and Affiliated clubs accepts cattle from cattle suppliers in good health and they ARE returned to the supplier
in the same state. Horses at TPA affiliated events must be in good health and suitable for the sport.
Cattle are collared / uncollared or numbered / unnumbered in a safe handling environment, sturdy safe cattle
yards with a crush
TPA does not allow paint to be used on cattle for numbering
Cattle when not in use are penned in holding pens at one end of the area in mobs of 30 (team penning) or 12
(arena sorting) with water and if hot weather is consistent then they are sprinkled also. Pens are normally set up in
the shadiest or under cover end of the arena chosen
If the temperature is reaching above 38 during the event, then the event must be cancelled, No TPA and it’s
Affiliated Clubs or Events are held if extreme high temperatures’ exist
Mobs of cattle can only be run for 10 runs and then the mob must be changed on a rotating basis
Number of cattle required if the event has a minimum of 90 runs then there must be at least 120 head of cattle
Once the event has commenced as per TPA rules, any team that demonstrates hard, fast riding or rushing at high
speed into the mob, any rough handling, eg hazing, kicking, hitting or over riding and pushing of cattle whilst the
run is in progress the team will be disqualified, at the judges decision.
Cattle may not be shouldered or pushed by either horse or rider during the run.
Abuse of cattle or horses will be the cause for immediate disqualification of the run
If a beast deems to be unfit, unwell or dangerous then that beast will pulled from the mob at once and replaced
All TPA Affiliated events must have a nominated Animal Welfare Officer in attendance at each event
President: Team Penning Australia Inc - Darren Buckley - 2013
Team Penning Australia Inc documents should be read in conjunction:
Animal Welfare Policy Statement; WHS Rules and Code of Conduct; Team Penning, Arena Sorting Rules, Speed Penning/Sorting Rules
Team Penning Australia Inc. endorses the Australian Horse Welfare Protocol refer to
Team Penning Australia Inc.
Updated September 2013
Team Penning Australia Inc.
Email: Phone 0457 460 559
ABN: 90 086 069 312
WHS & Code of Conduct
WHS & Code of Conduct
Riders 17 years and under must wear an approved riding helmet, securely fastened under the chin, at all times whilst
mounted. It is recommended by the insurers of TPA that all competitors wear an approved safety helmet.
WHS / Public Liability Insurance Ruling - Stallions must be handled and ridden by a person over the age of 18 years. No
stallion is to be ridden & controlled at any time WITHOUT a bit in the mouth of the horse
All persons at any venue of a TPA affiliated event, whether a competitor or not – when mounted on a horse, MUST either
be a TPA registered member, or have paid for casual membership for the event day and have signed an indemnity waiver
Use of offensive language whilst in the penning or sorting arena during the run will cause for ejection from the event with
no refund of entries fees, at the judge’s decision
Any abuse to officials or other competitors or to horses and/or cattle will be cause for elimination from further participation
in the event without refund of entry fees, at the judges and 2 event officials decision
At any time when a judge rules either a no-time or calls for termination of a run or the time limit for a run is reached, all
competitors must cease working cattle immediately
Suitable riding pants and riding footwear must be worn. Collared, long sleeve shirts (polo shirts permissable at club events
or practice days only). Clothing which displays offensive slogans or images will result in the competitor being refused entry
to the arena.
All competitors MUST enter the arena wearing an approved safety helmet or a western style brim hat. (Caps permissible
only at club events or practice days).
All tack and equipment should be in safe condition and used only for the purpose for which it is intended.
All horses should be suitable for the riders’ ability and the sports. Horses deemed uncontrolled or unsafe (at TPA officials
decision) may be refused further entry at TPA events.
Dogs at TPA events (where venue allows) MUST be controlled on a leash or tethered/caged at all times. Dogs MUST NOT
be in areas of horse activity at any time.
Event Disputes
Initiating a Protest
When a team has a dispute about a run, a protest must be lodged with a judge before the team leaves the arena. The team
will then immediately file a protest with the Judge / Director-In-Charge, putting up a $ 50.00 deposit for a decision. If
sustained, the team will get its money back; if not, the money will go to the association.
Presenting the Dispute Findings
If a protest is filed, the Judge / Director-In-Charge shall present said dispute, along with the $ 50.00 deposit, to the Judge /
Director-In-Charge. The Judge / Director-In-Charge shall immediately present the findings and reasons to the protesting
parties. Protest results should be decided and announced after the last team prior to that set of cattle exiting the arena.
Team Penning Australia Inc documents should be read in conjunction:
Animal Welfare Policy Statement; WHS Rules and Code of Conduct; Team Penning, Arena Sorting Rules, Speed Penning/Sorting Rules
Team Penning Australia Inc. endorses the Australian Horse Welfare Protocol refer to
Team Penning Australia Inc.
Updated September 2013
Team Penning Australia Inc.
Phone 0457 460 559
ABN: 90 086 069 312
Arena Sorting Rules
Teams (3 riders) attempt to sort cattle in numerical order from the mob through a gate to the other end of arena.
The mob consists of 12 head of cattle. There will be 10 head of cattle in the end of the arena marked with visible
numbers from 0 to 9, plus 2 head of unmarked cattle (clean skins/spares).
The starting number for the team will be announced when the nose of the first horse crosses the gateway
Team starts sorting with the number given by the judge at commencement of run, and continue to sort cattle in
upwards numerical order. Eg: your number is 6 then 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Cattle are considered sorted when a front leg of the beast crosses through the gateway.
If any cattle cross the gateway out of sequence or including any clean skins the team will be judged “NO TIME”
If any cattle already sorted re-cross the gateway the team will be judged “NO TIME”
The maximum time limit is 2 minutes. A warning notice will be given with 30 seconds remaining of the run
A “ lap time” will be recorded on the first beast sorted on each run – this will be a determining factor in the case
where a definitive record be required
It is permissible for a team to stop sorting with less than 10 head sorted (eg at 7 head of cattle) and hold cattle
already sorted until the clock runs out. The head count will then be the recorded score with a time of 2 minutes
If the team sorts 10 cattle then time will become the determining factor. The clock will be stopped when the
front leg of the last beast to be sorted crosses the gateway. (spares/cleanskins going through the gate after
time recorded on the 10th correctly sorted beast does not affect the teams score)
A team must stop sorting immediately when judged a “NO TIME”
Competitors shall not attempt to or work cattle on the sorted side of the arena
Competitors will only be called three (3) times to be present for their run. If that team does not present at the
“in-gate marshall area” by the third (3rd) call, that run may be made void at the judges decision
Any team exhibiting unnecessary rough handling or rushing into or at the mob at excessive speed, may result in
disqualification at the judges decision.
Once the three (3) riders have entered the arena and the run has commenced – where a horse is deemed out of
control by the judges decision – any rider that dismounts, horse falls, rider is thrown or falls - will result in that
run being terminated without a time be recorded.
No whips may be bought into the arena. No hitting of cattle with any object is allowed. Hazing cattle with hats,
reins or rope will be cause for termination of that run. Slapping of hand or rein to own leg is permitted.
At the judges discretion, a team may be awarded a re-run if one (1) or more head of cattle is deemed unsuitable
(healthwise) or escapes the arena.
Cattle may not be shouldered or pushed by either horse or rider during the run. Abuse of cattle or horses will be
the cause for immediate disqualification of the run without refund of entry fee.
Team Penning Australia Inc documents should be read in conjunction:
Animal Welfare Policy Statement; WHS Rules and Code of Conduct; Team Penning, Arena Sorting Rules, Speed Penning/Sorting Rules
Team Penning Australia Inc. endorses the Australian Horse Welfare Protocol refer to
Team Penning Australia Inc.
Updated September 2013
Arena Layout – Arena Sorting – a guide for event organisers
Recommended arena size is 200ft (60mtrs) x 100ft (30mtrs), but may be slightly smaller or larger depending on
available facitilies.
Judges and timekeepers should be positioned in line with the gate. Ensure dividing fence is stayed on the sorted/spent
cattle side. All exposed edges/pin brackets and square corners of fence/pen panels must be padded.
Ideally 2 gates (but 1 minimum) for competitor exit and entrance at the spent cattle end of the arena. Minimum 1 gate at
the mob end for cattle rotation.
100 ft / 30 mtrs
12 head
200 ft / 60 mtrs
18 – 21mts
Judges position
4 to 5 mtrs
Sorted/Spent cattle
Team Penning Australia Inc documents should be read in conjunction:
Animal Welfare Policy Statement; WHS Rules and Code of Conduct; Team Penning, Arena Sorting Rules, Speed Penning/Sorting Rules
Team Penning Australia Inc. endorses the Australian Horse Welfare Protocol refer to
Team Penning Australia Inc.
Updated September 2013
Team Penning Australia Inc.
Phone 0457 460 559
ABN: 90 086 069 312
Team Penning Rules
30 head of cattle marked with coloured collars (or numbers) in sets of 3. (ie 3 red, 3 blue etc) are at the “mob” end
of the arena. Teams (3 riders) attempt to cut out the assigned cattle from the mob and gather them in the “pen” at
the opposite end of the arena within a 2 minute time limit.
1. The judge calls the assigned collar colour (or number) as the NOSE of the first horse crosses the start/foul line
2. A run commences timing when the NOSE of the first of the three (3) horses crosses the start/foul line
3. Within a two (2) minute time limit, a team (3 riders) will attempt to cut from the mob and pen three (3) head of cattle
with the assigned collar colour (or number). A warning bell is issued with thirty (30) seconds remaining on the run
4. A team may only call for time ONCE
5. To call for time, one (1) rider ONLY must come to a STOP and STAND in the gateway of the pen – with a minimum
of the horse’s nose to a maximum of a vertical line at the horse’s chest in the pen gate, and raise his/her hand
when all or some of the assigned cattle are penned. The remaining two (2) riders must be on the pen side of the
start/foul line, and ALL non-penned cattle must be on the mob side of the start/foul line
6. A team may call for time with only one (1) or two (2) of the assigned cattle penned - however, teams penning three
(3) head of cattle will place higher than those penning two (2) head, and two (2) head will place higher than teams
penning one (1) head – regardless of the time
7. Time cannot be called until assigned cattle are in the pen and all other cattle are on the mob side of the start/foul
line. If time is called before all “spare” (including assigned cattle not being penned) are on the pen side of the
start/foul line a “no-time” will be recorded
8. No time will be awarded if incorrect assigned cattle are in the pen when time is called
9. Any more than five (5) head of cattle at any one time on the pen side of the start/foul line will incur a “no-time” being
recorded for that run. A line person will be in place to monitor the start/foul line for too many across the line
10. NO person or horse is permitted to enter the pen at any time. All removal of cattle from the pen is to be done from
outside the pen. This is a WHS ruling
11. A team must stop working cattle immediately when called a “no-time” by the judge or at the 2 minute bell.
12. Any team exhibiting unnecessary rough handling or rushing into or at the mob at excessive speed, may result in
disqualification at the judges decision
13. Once the three (3) riders have entered the arena and the run has commenced – where a horse is deemed out of
control by the judges decision – any rider that dismounts, horse falls, rider is thrown or falls - will result in that run
being terminated without a time be recorded
14. No whips may be bought into the arena. No hitting of cattle with any object is allowed. Hazing cattle with hats,
reins or rope will be cause for termination of that run. Slapping of hand or rein to own leg is permitted
15. At the judges discretion, a team may be awarded a re-run if one (1) or more head of cattle is deemed unsuitable
(healthwise) or escapes the arena
16. Competitors will only be called three (3) times to be present for their run. If that team does not present at the “ingate marshall area” by the third (3rd) call, that run may be made void at the judges decision
17. Cattle may not be shouldered or pushed by either horse or rider during the run. Abuse of cattle or horses will be the
cause for immediate disqualification of the run without refund of entry fee
Team Penning Australia Inc documents should be read in conjunction:
Animal Welfare Policy Statement; WHS Rules and Code of Conduct; Team Penning, Arena Sorting Rules, Speed Penning/Sorting Rules
Team Penning Australia Inc. endorses the Australian Horse Welfare Protocol refer to
Team Penning Australia Inc.
Updated September 2013
Arena Layout - Team Penning – a guide for event organisers
Recommended arena size is 200ft (60mtrs) x 100ft (30mtrs), but may be slightly smaller or larger depending on
available facitilies.
The pen may be located on either side of the arena – wherever provides the best vantage point for judges and
timekeepers. Minimum size for the pen is 3 panels deep, 2 panels wide at back, with 2 wing panels, with one
panel across the front on the opposite side than the wing. All exposed edges/pin brackets and square corners of
fence/pen panels must be padded. Judges are positioned on the start/foul line and in line with the pen gate (senior
judge to rule at the pen gate).
Ideally 2 gates for competitor exit and entrance at the pen end of the arena (minimum 1 gate). Minimum 1 gate at
the mob end for cattle rotation.
100 ft / 30 mtrs
30 head
1 /3 to 1 /2
length arena
or approx
25-30 mtrs
Foul Line Judge
200 ft / 60 mtrs
Start/Foul Line
4.5 to
5 mtr
Pen Line Judge
elevated if possible
Approx ¼ arena
approx 15 mtrs
Team Penning Australia Inc documents should be read in conjunction:
Animal Welfare Policy Statement; WHS Rules and Code of Conduct; Team Penning, Arena Sorting Rules, Speed Penning/Sorting Rules
Team Penning Australia Inc. endorses the Australian Horse Welfare Protocol refer to
Team Penning Australia Inc.
Updated September 2013