sigma phi epsilon constitution wisconsin theta chapter

Adopted Spring 1996
Article I.
The name of the organization shall be Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Wisconsin – Theta Chapter.
Article II.
Purpose and Objectives
The purpose of this organization shall be:
A. To impress upon its members the true significance of fraternal relationship and to create and perpetuate
friendship among all persons.
B. To develop and strengthen the character of its members, promote within its members the Cardinal
Principles of Virtue, Diligence, and Brotherly Love, and preserve the ideals upon which the Fraternity
was founded.
C. To develop our members under the guidance of The Balanced Man Program.
D. To instill those principles in its members which are the responsibilities of an individual as a member of
E. To provide a positive image for the University campus, student body, faculty, administration, and local
F. To enhance members' academic careers and commitment to academic excellence.
G. To develop our members as well rounded individuals through social interaction, physical activity,
scholarly pursuit, and true brotherhood.
H. To act within the established University policies and procedures.
Article III.
Sigma Phi Epsilon will be responsible for the observance of the rules and regulations established by
UW-Platteville, and the primary control shall rest with the members of the organization.
A member of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity is a person of good moral character who is eligible to
membership therein and, having been elected to membership pursuant to the provisions of the Sigma Phi
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Epsilon Fraternity Bylaws and Administrative Policies and Procedures, as well as chapter bylaws, is initiated
according to the Ritual of the Fraternity; however, that:
A. No freshman who has obtained a high school cumulative grade point average less than 3.0 out of a 4.0
scale (or its equivalent) shall be selected for membership. If the candidate is a continuing college
student or transfer student, he must meet a cumulative grade point average no less than the minimum
requirement for an active member to stay in good standing as according to the Wisconsin Theta
Standards Code. In the event that the candidate’s cumulative GPA is insufficient, but he has attained at
least a 3.0 Semester GPA for the past two consecutive semesters, the Recruitment Committee may
decide to give the candidate a bid.
B. No person who is a member of another national, college, or other social fraternity shall be selected for
C. Eligibility for membership shall not, in any way, be affected or determined by race, color, religion, age,
physical handicap, sexual orientation, ethnic background, creed, marital status, parental status, or
national origin.
D. Eligibility for membership shall not involve pledging or hazing activities. Pre-initiation activity shall be of
a constructive nature in accordance with the purposes and objectives of the Fraternity.
E. No person shall be selected for membership who belongs to a society or organization that is
inconsistent with the purposes and objectives of the Fraternity.
F. Inactive membership, or any type of membership not specifically provided in the Fraternity Bylaws and
Administrative Policies and Procedures, shall not be permitted.
G. A member must be a full-time UW-Platteville undergraduate student.
H. In accordance with state and federal laws and University of Wisconsin System Policy, no student shall
be denied admission to, participation in, or the benefits of, or be discriminated against in any service,
program, course or facility of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville because of the student’s race, color,
creed, religion, gender identity or expression, national origin, disability, ancestry, age, sexual
orientation, pregnancy, marital status or parental status.
Article IV.
Advisor/Chapter Counselor
The advisor and Chapter Counselor are essential to the development of the balanced member. The advisor
and Chapter Counselor provide the chapter members with the continuity and help they need to attain
academic goals. The advisor serves as a liaison between the Fraternity and the university. The advisor shall
be a member of the faculty, staff, or any person approved by the office of the Assistant Chancellor for
Student Affairs. Responsibilities of an advisor are to:
A. Be accessible to the membership.
B. Conduct at least one workshop each academic year on how to improve academic performance.
C. Support the Academic Chairman in planning and executing academic programs.
D. Help the Chaplain maintain a list of referrals for members who are having academic problems.
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E. Have regular communication with the Chapter Counselor.
F. Meet with the Chaplain, Vice President of Member Development and their respective committees when
deemed necessary.
G. Attend chapter and executive meetings when possible.
H. Review new member programs to ensure that scholastic performance is encouraged and not hindered
by the development program.
Collect and file records of the chapter's academic performance with Headquarters.
J. The advisor shall have no vote.
Article V.
A. The elected officials shall consist of the Executive Board (President, Vice President of Programming,
Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Member Development, Vice President of Recruitment,
Vice President of Communications, and Chaplain) and the Standards Board (Senior Marshal, Junior
Marshal, Guide, and Guard).
B. The elected officials shall be elected in the fall semester preceding the term of which they are to serve.
C. No members of the Executive Board or Standards Board shall hold more than one position at one time.
D. Election of the elected officials shall take place the second regular meeting of November in a
democratic, membership election.
E. The term of office for the elected officials shall begin at the last regular meeting of the fall semester and
end at the last regular meeting of the following fall semester.
F. Any vacant executive board position will be filled and an election held no later than three (3) regular
meetings following the vacancy.
G. Current members of the Fraternity shall elect an Election Chairman. This person may not be pursuing
an elected position for the following term. The Election Chairman shall be elected through a secret,
written ballot and must receive a majority vote.
H. No elections shall be held without the guidance of an Election Chairman.
Written nominations for elected positions shall be accepted by the Election Chairman until the two days
prior to the meeting at which elections will be held
J. The nominations will be in written form and will consist of the person nominated, the position nominated
for, and the person nominating.
K. The nominations will be made available two (2) weeks prior to the election, by the Election Chairman.
L. No member may run for an elected position if he will be graduating in the following Spring semester.
M. No member may run for an Executive Board position if his cumulative grade point average does not
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meet 0.2 above the chapter minimum grade point average standard.
N. Soliciting of the brothers for votes by a candidate shall be allowed and encouraged, but the candidate
or any person on his behalf may not spend money in campaign activity.
O. Violation of one or more of the subsections (L) through (N) shall disqualify a candidate from the
P. Election Meeting Procedures
1. The order of election positions shall be President, Vice President of Programming, Vice President
of Finance, Vice President of Membership Development, Vice President of Recruitment, Vice
President of Communications, Chaplain, and Standards Commission.
2. All candidates shall be given the opportunity to make a statement prior to the election for that
position. After which, the floor shall be opened for questions from the remaining brothers. After
questions, the candidate shall leave the room. Once all the candidates have made their statements
and answered questions, the floor will remain open for discussion until someone moves to vote.
Speaking, questioning and discussing times shall be voted upon at the start of elections.
3. The elected Standards Commission will be appointed to their positions by the Chaplain.
4. The Election Chairman shall provide the only official ballots for each election.
5. The ballots will consist of the position and the candidates running for that position.
6. A brother unable to attend the election meeting may complete a ballot for each election and submit
it to the Election Chairman 24 hours prior to the meeting.
7. The Election Chairman shall collect the ballots and count them. The Chapter Counselor shall
confirm the count. In the absence of the Chapter Counselor, the President or Chaplain shall
confirm the count except when a conflict of interest occurs.
8. A candidate is elected to office when he receives the greatest number of votes. If a tie vote occurs,
there will be a runoff election between the candidates who previously received the largest number
of votes.
9. The election chair in consultation of the chapter shall decide if a sliding scale ballot is to be used.
Q. The only grounds for contesting an election shall be violation of the above procedures and must be
presented in writing to the Chaplain within 24 hours of the election; no electronic contests will be
1. The Chaplain, in consultation with the Chapter President, Chapter Counselor, and the Election
Chairman shall determine the validity of the contest.
2. Should they decide to void any or all of the elections, new elections shall be held the next regular
meeting and shall commence with section (P) of Article V.
Article VI.
Duties of Executive Board Officers
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A. General Duties
1. Attend all Fraternity meetings unless excused by the President or Advisor.
2. Meets with other Executive Officers prior to each Fraternity chapter meeting to prepare an agenda.
3. Each member of the Executive Board shall appoint his respective cabinet according to the current
Officer's Guide.
4. Officers must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 0.2 above the chapter’s minimum
grade point average requirement.
5. Officers must be a member in good standing with the WI-Theta Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon.
B. President
1. The President shall preside over all meetings of the chapter, and all extra sessions.
2. The President shall appoint committees as deemed necessary.
3. The President shall decide in case of tie votes (excluding Executive Board elections and Standards
4. The President shall approve all fines prior to them becoming public knowledge.
a. All fines shall be public knowledge before they are imposed.
5. The President shall fill vacancies arising from the temporary absence of an Executive Board officer.
6. The President shall sign all papers requiring authentication.
7. The President shall have the authority to suspend from a chapter meeting any member for conduct
unworthy of a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Wisconsin – Theta.
8. The President shall be the chairman of a president's cabinet separate from the executive
C. Vice President of Programming
1. The Vice President of Programming shall be responsible for the Chapter’s functions, programs,
and to keep the chapter calendar. All other calendars and events are to be submitted to him no
later than the Executive Board meeting prior to the regular chapter meeting.
2. The Vice President of Programming shall be the chairman of the programming cabinet.
3. The Vice President of Programming shall appoint the chairman of the Homecoming/Greek Week
4. The Vice President of Programming shall assume all duties in the absence or the disability of the
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5. The Vice President of Programming is also the ritualistic vice president.
D. Vice President of Finance
1. The Vice President of Finance is responsible for the oversight of all the Chapter’s general funds.
2. The Vice President of Finance shall be the chairman of the budget committee and finance cabinet.
a. The budget committee shall prepare, with the assistance of the Alumni Board and Chapter
President, a semester budget of the Undergraduate Chapter.
b. After the Alumni Board approves it, the finance cabinet shall transmit a copy to the
Undergraduate Chapter, the District Governor, and Headquarters.
3. The Vice President of Finance shall collect all dues and other charges due from the members to
the Undergraduate Chapter.
4. The Vice President of Finance shall prepare and submit the monthly financial reports required by
Section E, paragraph 20, of the Administration Policies and Procedures, to the Undergraduate
Chapter and the Alumni and Volunteer Corporation.
5. The Vice President of Finance shall be responsible for the prompt collection and transmittal to
Headquarters of all monies due to the Fraternity pursuant to Section C of the Administrative
Policies and Procedures.
6. Within one month after the conclusion of their terms of office, the Vice President of Finance and
cabinet shall turn over for audit to a qualified person appointed by the Alumni Board, in accordance
with Section E, paragraph 21, of the Administration Policies and Procedures, all records pertaining
to the financial operations of the Undergraduate Chapter.
7. The Vice President of Finance is responsible for appointing the House Manager who cannot be the
Vice President of Finance.
E. Vice President of Member Development
1. The Vice President of Member Development shall be the chairman of the membership
development cabinet.
2. The Vice President of Member Development is responsible to schedule and lead chapter retreats
and enrichment programs.
3. The Vice President of Member Development shall act to uphold, develop, and strengthen the
character of members and to preserve the ideals and principles upon which the Fraternity was
F. Vice President of Recruitment
1. The Vice President of Recruitment shall be the chairman of the recruitment cabinet.
2. The Vice President of Recruitment shall be responsible for recruiting new undergraduate members
into the Undergraduate Chapter.
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3. The Vice President of Recruitment shall conduct programs to educate current members on
G. Vice President of Communications
1. The Vice President of Communications shall be chairman of the communications cabinet.
2. The Vice President of Communications shall appoint a secretary to take minutes at all
Undergraduate Chapter meetings.
3. The Vice President of Communications shall distribute the minutes within 24 hours following any
Undergraduate Chapter meetings.
4. The Vice President of Communications shall oversee all publicity for fraternity events.
5. The Vice President of Communications shall post a weekly chapter calendar.
6. The Vice President of Communications shall conduct all public relations (thank you cards, formal
invitations, etc.).
H. Chaplain
1. The Chaplain shall fill vacancies arising from the absence of Standards Commission members.
2. The Chaplain shall be the chairman of the Standards Commission.
a. The Standards Commission shall be responsible to plan the use of the Ritual, inspect the
Ritual equipment, review proper risk management for upcoming events, and practice the
b. The Standards Commission shall be responsible to enforce Grand Chapter and local chapter
bylaws and resolve brother disputes.
c. The Standards Commission shall be responsible to enforce the Standards Code of the
Wisconsin-Theta Chapter.
Article VII.
Chapter Meetings
A. The President will notify the Executive Board, Alumni Board, and Academic Advisors of upcoming or
special Sigma Phi Epsilon meetings.
B. Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised will be the parliamentary guide of all meetings.
C. A quorum, more than half (1/2) attendance of the total members in good standing, must be met to
conduct Sigma Phi Epsilon business.
D. Special meetings may be requested by any member of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Wisconsin-Theta,
and called by the Executive Board if the Board agrees. There must be at least two (2) days’ notice of
the special meeting in writing delivered to the members of the Fraternity by the Vice President of
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E. Each good standing member of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Wisconsin-Theta shall have one (1) vote.
Article VIII.
A. Sigma Phi Epsilon, WI-Theta Chapter, shall be a primarily self-financed organization.
B. Dues for the next academic semester will be set two (2) weeks prior to the end of the current academic
C. Dues shall be set during an official undergraduate chapter meeting.
D. Collection of all monies will be completed according to the 30/60 rule unless an approval of delay is
agreed upon. The Vice President of Finance will immediately report any delinquent member to the
Standards Commission.
E. All returning members are obligated to pay dues at the set collection date determined by the Vice
President of Finance and are non-refundable. If a member should resign, or be expelled, at any time
during the semester they are still obligated to pay any remaining balance on their account.
F. For the purposes of proper management and tracking of monetary assets, accepted methods of
payment of dues will be in the form of check, cashier’s check, or money order. Cash will not be
accepted unless deemed necessary by the Vice President of Finance.
G. If a member cannot make a full payment at the beginning of the semester, the option of a payment plan
will be provided.
1. All payment plans must be approved by the Vice President of Finance and Chapter President.
2. Any payment that is ten (10) days past its original due date set by the Vice President of Finance
will be subject to an additional finance charge of 10% the amount due.
3. Any non-sufficient funds checks returned will be assessed a finance charge of $35.
H. The responsibility of collecting any debts owed to the Undergraduate Chapter from a former or nonundergraduate member requiring legal action will be handled by the Alumni and Volunteer Corporation.
Upon dissolution of the Undergraduate Chapter, all remaining funds (except segregated university fee
funds) shall be transferred to the Alumni and Volunteer Corporation. All outstanding obligations (debts)
must be satisfied prior to transfer of funds to the Alumni and Volunteer Corporation. Upon reinstatement
of the Undergraduate Chapter, all previously transferred funds will be returned to the Undergraduate
Chapter. All segregated university fee funds shall be reverted back to Segregated University Fee
Allocation Committee (SUFAC).
J. In the event that Sigma Phi Epsilon should ever dissolve, any remaining SUF money shall revert to
SUFAC. All self-generated funds will be disseminated to the Alumni and Volunteer Corporation. All SUF
organization funds shall be kept by the treasurer in one general account. The treasurer will cooperate
in every way with the agency mandated by University regulations. The advisor shall have his/her name
on all accounts, in the event the organization dissolves.
Article IX.
Constitutional Revision/Amendments
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A. Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be submitted to the Executive Board and Chapter
Counselor. The proposed amendments will then be presented at the next official Sigma Phi Epsilon
Fraternity, Wisconsin-Theta meeting by the member(s) proposing the amendments.
B. The proposed amendments shall be recorded and filed by the Vice President of Communications one
(1) week prior to a vote.
C. The amendments shall be approved by two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members in good standing at an
official Undergraduate Chapter meeting.
D. The constitution shall be reviewed for possible revision annually by a committee consisting of:
1. At least one (1) Executive Board member.
2. At least three (3) members in good standing.
Article X.
National Constitution and Bylaws
A. National affiliation, national constitution, and national bylaws shall be consistent with rules and
regulations of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville.
Article XI.
A. This constitution shall be in effect immediately upon the approval of the members of Sigma Phi Epsilon
Fraternity, Wisconsin-Theta Chapter.
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Appendix A.
Sweetheart Pinning Policies
those pinned bare a special and deep, emotional meaning to the brother requesting the pinning ceremony,
and to express those emotions the brother feels it appropriate to share his deep connection for Sigma Phi
Epsilon, and
those pinned, by current undergraduate brothers, are given the privilege of wearing the letters of Sigma Phi
Epsilon and thusly represent Sigma Phi Epsilon; and
the Greek letters Sigma Phi Epsilon bare a sacred meaning; and
by understanding the Cardinal Principles of Virtue, Diligence, and Brotherly Love of Sigma Phi Epsilon, one
can serve as a better guardian of these sacred letters; and
those pinned represent Sigma Phi Epsilon by their actions and conduct, same as any other brother, the
Chapter has the right to choose those that represent Sigma Phi Epsilon and the Chapter; and
to understand the meaning and significance behind the letters and symbols of Sigma Phi Epsilon, the
brother shall have completed the Epsilon Rite of Passage, therefore be it
with respect to the brother requesting the pinning and his judgment, the following processes for pinning is
given to give the Chapter a say in its representatives:
A. The request for a Pinning Ceremony and the person to be pinned must be announced during Chapter
meeting no later than four (4) weeks before when the ceremony is desired to take place.
B. A chapter member shall bring his appeal, in writing of no longer than 500 words, to the Chapter
President that sets forth the basis of his objection no more than one (1) week after the announcement
of the pinning.
1. The letter must be objective, unbiased, and show that the person being pinned will not be a good
representative of Sigma Phi Epsilon and its values.
2. The letter is not a personal attack on another person; it is to make the Chapter aware of issues
involving the person being pinned that could be damaging to the Chapter.
C. If no letter of objection is written the Chapter will proceed with the Pinning Ceremony.
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D. If a letter of objection is received, it will go to a Chapter discussion and vote.
E. A vote of two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Chapter is needed to stop the pinning processes.
F. All members in good standing present at the meeting shall vote by secret ballot.
G. Pinning of this person can be revisited no sooner than six (6) months from when the Chapter voted to
stop the pinning processes. The process starts over from part (A).
Appendix B.
SigEp Sweetheart Policies
We the men of the Wisconsin-Theta Chapter of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity recognize the many
accomplishments and contributions women have given to our Fraternity. We have created the SigEp
Sweetheart Program to recognize, congratulate, and embrace the many women who uphold our beliefs in
Virtue, Diligence, and Brotherly Love. The policies regarding a Sweetheart are as follows:
A. The purpose of the SigEp Sweetheart Program shall be to honor and recognize women who support
the chapter. As such, it shall be reserved for only those who truly deserve the honor.
B. Both Greeks and Non-Greeks are eligible to become SigEp Sweethearts, but they must be a student at
C. If a brother feels a woman should be honored with Sweetheart status, he shall nominate her during a
chapter meeting. If a majority of the chapter approves of the woman and finds her to exhibit SigEp’s
Cardinal Principles, an invitation will be extended to her to become a SigEp Sweetheart. Invites will be
given personally by Brothers.
D. To uphold the integrity of the chapter, Sweethearts will be subject to SigEp Standards and may lose
their Sweetheart status if they fail to adhere to those standards.
E. Sweetheart status shall be reevaluated each year by the chapter. If a brother has reason why the
person should no longer be a Sweetheart, he shall bring his appeal setting forth the basis of his
objection, in writing of no longer than 500 words, to the Chapter President.
1. The letter must be objective, unbiased, and show that the Sweetheart is no longer a good
representative of Sigma Phi Epsilon and its values. The letter shall not be a personal attack on
another person; it is to make the Chapter aware of issues involving the Sweetheart that could be,
or have been, damaging to the Chapter.
2. If no letter of objection is written to the Chapter, Sweetheart Status shall automatically be granted
for another year.
3. If a letter of objection is received, it will go to a Chapter discussion and vote.
a. A vote of two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Chapter is needed to revoke a person’s Sweetheart
b. All members in good standing present at the meeting shall vote by secret ballot.
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