English Martyrs - St John Fisher

English Martyrs
Hollis St, Alvaston
DE24 8QU
St Ralph Sherwin
Swarkestone Rd Chellaston
DE73 5UA
6th Sunday of Easter – Year B
12/13 May 2012
Resp. Psalm: The Lord has shown his salvation to the nations
Sunday Masses
6.30pm Vigil Mass (Alv)
9.00am Mass (Chell)
10.30am Mass (Alv)
Patrick Murray RIP
Patricia Kubis RIP
People of the Parish
7.00pm Mass (Alv)
Hilda & Joe Moore RIP
3.30 pm Funeral at Markeaton Crematorium
Ferdynand Kowenzowski RIP
8.00pm SVP Meeting in the Sacristy
Please let your reps have new applications and
payments by this Sunday, 13 May. Draw will take place next
Sunday, 20 May after the 9.30am Mass at Chellaston.
Sponsored Walk: Sunday 20 May Please take a sponsor form
and get family/friends to sponsor you. If you're not able to take part
then please sponsor Fr's Victor and Mark Brentnall- their sponsor
forms are at the back of Church. PLEASE TAKE PART AND
10.00am Mass (Alv)
7.00pm Mass (Chell)
6.30pm FHC Class in the Parish Hall
10.00am Mass (Alv)
Helen Booton RIP
2.10pm Mass at School
Emma Larkins RIP
6.30pm Confirmation Class in the Parish Hall
On Tuesday, 15 May 12 noon to 2:00pm £3.50 per person. As there
is no house collection this year, this is our main fund raising event. All
6.00pm Exposition (Alv)
6.30pm Benediction (Alv)
7.00pm Mass (Alv)
APF Red Boxes: If you have not yet handed in your red
Evan Liams Int.
300 Club:
Michael Hand RIP
Hunger Lunch for Christian Aid: At the Bowls Club, Chellaston
Vocations to the Priesthood
and Religious Life
Peter Doyle RIP
10.00am Mass (Chell)
Ian Blanksby RIP
11.00am Service of Reconciliation for FHC Children
Ascension of the Lord - Year B
6.30pm Mass (Alv)
9.00am Mass (Chell)
10.30am Mass (Alv)
Dennis Sherwin RIP
Dr Mazhar Chowdhury RIP
People of the Parish
Confessions: Monday: Alv 6.30pm
Alv 6.00pm
Saturday: Alv 5.45pm
Wednesday: Chell 6.30pm
Chell 9.30am
A Service of Reconciliation for First Holy Communion children,
will be held next Saturday, 19 May at 11.00am at English Martyrs.
Please remember them and their families in your prayers.
Saint Ralph Sherwin Fundraising:
St Ralph Sherwin Statue:
Stained glass window:
Dog Musher:
Cleaners: P Hand, B Booth, C O’Hara-Smith, J Smith
Prayers for the Sick: Please pray for Fr John Cairns, Fr John
Abbott, Mgr Edward Walker, Fr James Lynch, J Neary, Garry
Francis and for all the sick and housebound.
Revs: M Brentnall & V Dakwan
Doors open at 7.00pm
invited to design a card to send to Her Majesty the Queen.
Churches Together will compile these into a greeting from the
Christian Children of Chellaston. For further details contact Liz
Spencer on 01332 702260. Closing date 20 May.
English Martyrs' Fundraising
Church Organ:
+ £30
Bingo: Friday, 18 May in the Parish Hall. 7.30-9.00pm approx..
Diamond Jubilee Card (Not a competition): Our children are
Readers for next weekend
6.30 pm
T Bethell/R Merrison
L Spencer/M Spray
C Gabriel/A Walsh
Money Matters: Parish
Alv: £675.68 + Chell: £159/62
box/subscription, please ring Ann on 792652. Thank you.
Faith in Families: Please bring your collection boxes to the
Sacristy for emptying. Thank you.
Please Pray: for Rose Rowland and the children who died in the
house fire on Victory Rd. May they rest in peace. Please also
remember their families in your prayers
Eucharistic Miracles Exhibition: The Church of The Good
Shepherd, 3 Thackerays Lane, Woodthorpe, Nottingham on 18-20
May at 10am-10pm. Vatican approved. See notice for details.
Tel: 01332 574474
Email: englishmartyrs@nrcdt.org.uk
Churches Together in Chellaston: We have been invited to
take part in a weekend celebration of St. Peter's Patronal Festival on
29th June to 1st July. Flower arranging, Well dressing, Scarecrow
making! Planning meeting Wed 18th April at St. Peter's Church
7.30pm. Contact Liz Spencer on 01332 702260.
Project Arusha: The Dalesmen Male Voice Choir invites you to
an evening “Promoting Friendship through singing in Concert” on
Friday 18 May at 7.30pm in St Mary’s Church, Darley Ln, Derby.
Tickets are Adults £5 (includes refreshments) with under 16s free,
and can be purchased in advance from Frank Barke on 01332
559037 or at the door on the night. All proceeds are in aid of Project
Arusha – the Derby link between the UK and Tanzania. Our aim is
to help provide basic life skills to as many as we can of those who
are marginalised owing to circumstances.
Treetops Hospice:
Supporting Bereaved Children & Families: An Introduction
Thursday 12 July – 9.30-3.30pm £75 inc lunch
Introduction to Bereavement & Loss - One day course
Monday 2 July - 9.15-3.15pm £75 inc lunch
Bereavement & Loss Awareness – 4 day course
Mondays, 12, 19, 26 Nov & 3 Dec – 9.15-2.45pm £250 inc lunch
Access 2 Art: Sessions are every Monday & Tuesday 10.00am -3.00pm in
the Parish Hall. There is a disabled toilet in the hall.
Contact Claire on 07792686082.
Slimming World: Monday at 5.30pm and 7.30pm with a new consultant
Val. Contact Val for further info on 07986 437770
Rainbows: Fun and games for 5-7 year old girls. Tuesday evenings during
term time, in the Parish Hall, 5-6pm. Call Diane on 07877 279198 or Claire on
07929 425133 for more details.
Brownies: For girls 7-10 years old. Tuesday evenings during term time in the
Parish Hall, 6-7.30pm. Fun and games, craft, cooking, trips out to bowling,
cinema etc, working for badges and annual ‘Pack Holiday’.
If you’re
interested girls, call Diane on 07877 279198.
Line Dancing: Tuesday evening from 8.00pm till approximately 10.30pm in
the Parish Hall. These sessions are only for intermediate standard or above,
no beginners. For further information please contact Lynne Breakwell on
07720 585017.
Little Flowers Toddler Group: 10-12 noon on Thursday mornings in the
Parish Hall. If you have children from 0-5 years please come along and meet
other parents.
"Zumba" exercise classes 10.00-11.00am on Saturday mornings in the
Parish Hall. Anyone from the age of 13yrs is welcome, male or female. For
further details please contact Christiana Johnson on 07535065657.
Hiring of the Parish Hall: Special charges for children’s daytime parties
of 3 hours. Special rates are Monday to Friday between 9.00am-5.00pm,
and Saturday 9.00am-4.00pm – all subject to availability. Please contact
Frances Connolly on 01332 572286 for more details.
Full details from tel: 0115 949 1264 or email:
CTS Sunday Missals – There are now more CTS Sunday Missals
available for sale at £14.40 each. Please have a look at other items
for sale on the Piety stall at the back of Church after Mass. If there
is anything specific required please ask and I'll do my best to oblige.
Weekday Missals and paperback order of Mass books are not now
expected until June. I will notify anyone concerned personally when
I have more information.
Anyone wishing to order First Holy Communion Gifts please see
Frances to view the catalogue and select items you would like please do this as soon as possible to allow delivery of goods as they
come from Ireland and take approx. 10 days to 2 weeks for delivery.
There are also small gifts available now on the stall from 25p, also a
big choice of special cards for the occasion, please have a look.
Offertory Envelopes: If anyone wishes to join the "envelope
scheme" for planned giving, then please contact Barbara on
Hall Events
Sun 13 May:
Mon 14 May :
Tues 15 May:
Wed 16 May:
Thurs 17 May:
Fri 18 May:
Sat 19 May:
Sun 20 May:
Access to Art 10-3.00pm
Slimming World 5.30 and 7.30pm
Access to Art 10-3.00pm
Rainbows 5-6.00pm
Brownies 6.16-7.30pm
Line Dancing 8-10.30pm
Wednesday Club 2-4.00pm
FHC Class 6.30pm
Mother & Toddler 10-12noon
Confirmation Class 6.30pm
Bingo: 7.30-9.00pm approx. Doors open 7.00pm
Zumba 10-11.00am
Private Party 8-10.30pm
Sponsored Walk
Diary Dates:
27 May:
United service of Prayer & Praise, Chell Methodist Church 6pm
6 June:
Prayers for Chellaston 6.30-7.00pm Methodist Church
24 Jun:
Rodsley Pilgrimage
29 Jun:
St Peter’s Patronal Festival, Chellaston
OFSTED Registered Child-minder: Breakfast club and after
school club spaces available for St John Fisher children. Holiday
club days are available!
Call Helen Claxton on 07868317039 or 01332 758969.
Editor’s Note: If you have any items for the newsletter next week, please contact Anne Walsh 01332 753147 or email: