English Martyrs - St John Fisher


English Martyrs

Hollis St, Alvaston

DE24 8QU

St Ralph Sherwin

Swarkestone Rd Chellaston

DE73 5UA

Christ the King – Year C

23/24 November 2013

Resp: “I rejoiced when I heard them say: ‘Let us go to God’s house’”

Sunday Masses





Tues: 10.00am Mass (Chell) Barbara Rusk Int.


Thurs: 11.00am Mass (Alv)



1 st Sunday of Advent – Year A



6.30pm Vigil Mass (Alv) Doherty Family RIP

9.00am Mass (Chell)

9.00am Mass (Alv)



Money Matters:

Parish Offertory Collection:

Sick & Retired Priests Fund:

White Flower Appeal – SPUC:

English Martyrs' Fundraising

Church Organ:

Saint Ralph Sherwin Fundraising:

Stained glass window:

10.00am Mass (Alv)

10.00am Mass (Chell)

People of the Parish

10.30am Mass (Alv) Philippines Disaster Victims RIP

12 noon Baptism of Tayarni Millward

5.00pm Mass (University)

9.00am Mass (Alv)

7.30pm SVP Meeting in the Sacristy

Hilda & Joe Moore RIP

Hester Armstrong RIP

Private Intention

9.00am Mass (Chell) People of the Parish

Sun: 10.30am Mass (Alv) Elizabeth McGarry RIP

12 noon Baptism of Nicholas Henry D’Souza

5.00pm Mass (University)

Confessions: Mon: Alv 8.30am Thurs: Alv 10.30am

Tues: Chell 9.30am Fri: Alv 9.30am

Wed: Alv 8.30am Sat: Chell 9.30am & Alv 5.45pm

Readers for next weekend

6.30 pm M Heffernan/R Merrison

M Meagher/A Bourke

C Wilson/C Gabriel






300 Lottery: The winners for the October draw are:

£100 109 E Clulow

£20 104 N Chappell

£20 53 J Murray

£10 5 S Butcher

Well done all!

£10 52 R Merrison

£50 130 A Wilkinson £10 91 C Groom,

£10 78 N & A Annable

£10 46 F & M Connolly

£10 124 M Tumulty

Christmas Lottery - an additional £300 top prize on 15 December.

£5 a number. See Dawn / Phyl at English Martyrs, or Mary /

Frances & Mick Connolly Int.

English Martyrs and new missals at St Ralph Sherwin.


Get your Christmas lottery numbers from Mary and Barbara on

24, 30 November and 8 December at English Martyrs

Churches Together in Chellaston:

6.30pm Vigil Mass (Alv) Margaret Vickers RIP

Henderson who will show a video of ecumenical activities in Derby which includes members of St. Ralph Sherwin community.

Faith in Families:

The Christmas collection for presents, food and new clothes will be a little earlier this year. The gifts have to be in

Nottingham by 9th December so that gives us three weeks. .The

collection will start on 24th November. There is a list of the numbers of children in each age group to help people with their choice of gift.

Faith in families have also asked for specific food items for hampers. Please make your choice from the following: Christmas pudding, Mince pies Teabags, Coffee, Biscuits, Chocolates, Tin Ham,

Custard, Jam, Nibbles Selection boxes. In the past Faith in families have always commented on the generosity of our parish. We are sure this year will be no exception. Parish Council

World AIDS Day:

Ecumenical Service -

To mark World AIDS Day, a seminar will be held in Derby Cathedral on Monday 25 November from 2-4.00pm. Details can be found on the notice at the back of church.

Cleaners: R Merrison, A Ward

Sanctuary Lamp: Elizabeth McGarry RIP

Sanctuary Lamp: If you would like to sponsor the Sanctuary Lamp for £3, for a special occasion or in memory of someone, then please see Fr Brentnall.

Prayers for the Sick:

Please pray for Martin Smith, Edward Foster,

Fr John Guest, Gwyn Moran, Caroline O'Hara-Smith, Gwen Lunt,

Monsignor Joseph Phelan, Monsignor Paul Watson, Anne Eames and

Bluebell Park Care Home visit:

Wed 27 November - music, prayer and refreshments. 2:30 to 3:30pm

Advent Preparation

: We are holding four weeks of Advent reflections as a preparation for Christmas. They will take place at St

Ralph Sherwin on the following dates: Wednesday 27th November,

Tuesday 3rd December, Tuesday 10th December and Wednesday

18th December. Time 7.15pm. They will last approximately one hour. for all the sick and housebound

This is an invitation to anyone who would like to come. A lift could be arranged for someone without transport. (See Helen Nutman).

Father M Brentnall [Parish Priest] Father Slawomir Hermanowicz [Assistant Priest]

Parish numbers - 01332 574474 & 07773366120 www.englishmartyrsparish.org.uk Email: englishmartyrs@nrcdt.org.uk

Editors Note: If you have any items for the newsletter next week, please contact Anne Walsh 01332 753147 or email:

St John Fisher Catholic Voluntary Academy

, Derby has vacancies for two experienced Primary Teachers – EYFS & KS2. For further details please contact the School Business Manager, Mrs

Harlow (Telephone 01332 572154 / Email: admin@stjohnfisher.derby.sch.uk) .

Closing Date for applications 27 November.

CAFOD-Syria Crisis Fundraising:

The parish is holding a Jazz

Night featuring Brookside Jazz Quartet on Saturday 30 November at

English Martyrs Church Hall 8.00-11.00pm. Doors open 7.30 pm. The music is well known standards accessible to all. Tickets £10 including light refreshments and one free drink. Bring a bottle if you wish. All proceeds to CAFOD's crisis fund for Syria.

Parishioners at English Martyrs are preparing the refreshments. St

Ralph Sherwin are asked if they can volunteer to make cakes for the event. Can anyone sell any tickets? Can anyone help on the afternoon of 30 November to set out tables and prepare the refreshments?

Please contact Helen Nutman if you can help. (792659)

Crossing the Threshold Resource Day -

Bishop Malcolm is hosting a resource day to be held at Trinity School on Saturday 7th

December, 9.30 am – 4 pm, offering a variety of workshops and resources to help us reach out to non-church-going Catholics. Bishop

Kieran Conry is guest speaker.

For more information and booking form for this important area of mission email: formation@nrcdt.org.uk

or phone Diane on 9539841.

The cost is £15, to include lunch.

Faith in Families:

The Faith in Families Boxes are being collected between 8 & 14 December. If you are a box holder, it would be really helpful if you could bring your box into the sacristy after mass. If this is not possible, please contact the Parish box collector Helen

Nutman on 792659. Thank you.

SVP Senior Citizens Mass & Party

on Sunday 15th December at

3.00pm for Mass and blessing of the sick; lists are at the back of church for those who are interested to put their name on. Please ONLY give us your address if you need a lift to Church. Please also give your phone number so arrangements can be made.

Traditional Lessons and Carols

at the Multi Faith Centre,

University of Derby from 6.00pm on Sunday 15 December; followed by refreshments appropriate to the season. All welcome – car parking ample and free in the main university car park – see poster at the back of church.

Piety Stall:

There are copies of Collins Sunday Missals to buy now at

£16.99. Paperback Mass books are also available at £4.25 each.

Please see Frances or Win on the stall after Mass. I also have some for young children with the new translation of the Mass, an illustrated guide to the Mass and why and how things are being done during Mass.

Please have a look at the new items for sale on the Piety stall at the back of Church after Mass. If there is anything specific required please ask and I'll do my best to oblige.

A Biography of Pope Francis

is on sale at the piety stall, now priced £8.99, a very interesting read about his life so far.

Christmas cards

and calendars are now in stock, also crib & nativity sets are available


Access 2 Art : Sessions are every Monday & Tuesday 10.00am -3.00pm in the

Parish Hall. There is a disabled toilet in the hall.

Contact Claire on 07792686082.

Slimming World: Monday sessions 5.30pm and 7.30pm with the new consultant Tracy Clements. For any info please ring her on 07896193797.

Rainbows: Fun and games for 5-7 year old girls. Tuesday evenings during term time, in the Parish Hall, 5.00-6.00pm. Call Diane on 07505 949034 or Claire on 07929 425133 for more details.

Brownies : For girls 7-10 years old. Tuesday evenings during term time in the

Parish Hall, 6.15-7.30pm. Fun and games, craft, cooking, trips out to bowling, cinema etc, working for badges and annual ‘Pack Holiday’. If you’re interested girls, call Diane on 07505 949034.

Line Dancing : Tuesday evening from 8.00pm till approximately 10.30pm in the

Parish Hall. These sessions are only for intermediate standard or above, no beginners. For further information please contact Lynne Breakwell on 07720

585017 .

Taekwondo: Thursday evening in the Parish Hall. Children 5.30-6.30pm,

Adults 7.00-8.00pm. Call Simon on 07584 677350 for details.

Hiring of the Parish Hall : Special charges for children’s daytime parties of

3 hours. Special rates are Monday to Friday between 9.00am-5.00pm, and

Saturday 9.00am-4.00pm – all subject to availability. Please contact Frances

Connolly on 01332 572286 for more details.

Hall Events

Sun 24 Nov:

Mon 25 Nov : Access to Art 10.00am-3.00pm

Slimming World 5.30pm & 7.30pm

Tues 26 Nov: Access to Art 10.00am-3.00pm

Rainbows 5-6.00pm

Brownies 6.15-7.30pm

Line dancing at 8.00pm-10.30pm

Wed 27 Nov: Wednesday Club 2-4.00pm

Thurs 28 Nov: Taekondo 5.30-6.30pm & 7.00-8.00pm

Fri 29 Nov: Bingo 7.30-9.00pm. Doors open 7.00pm approx.

Sat 30 Nov:

Sun: 1 Dec:


6 Dec: Sponsored Carols - Methodist Church from 10:00am

7/8 Dec: St. Peter's Christmas Tree Festival/open weekend.

Contact - Rachel Harrison - 01332 864168

15 Dec: 300 Club Xmas Lottery Draw

22 Dec: United Carol Services - St. Peter's Church at 5:00pm and 7:00pm

2 Catholic readers required for each of these services –

Contact – Liz Spencer on Derby 702260

Advent Services of Reconciliation in Derby:

Commencing Monday 16 December. See poster for details

Advance Notice:

In the New Year, there will be a new Parent &

Toddler Group starting in the church hall on Thursday mornings from

9.00am -12.00noon it will be known as " Squigglers" and will be run by the people who recently won a national award for the most successful group at Boulton St. Marys hall on Wednesday mornings, and wish to expand their success further afield.

In case of an emergency in the parish (ie: a person needing the last sacraments) firstly call the parish number 01332 574474/07773 366120; if the priest is unavailable please call one of the following: St George’s on 01332 767038, St Joseph’s on 01332 343777, St Alban’s on 01332 672914 or St Mary’s on 01332


If the person is in hospital you should ask them to call the Duty RC Chaplain.

Editor’s Note: If you have any items for the newsletter next week, please contact Anne Walsh 01332 753147 or email: atwalsh46@yahoo.co.uk
