Guidelines for registration and identification fire blight of fruit trees

Department of Agriculture
Republic of Kazakhstan
GU "The Committee of state inspection in the agricultural sector"
GU "Republican Methodical Center phytosanitary diagnostics and projections"
Guidelines for registration and identification
fire blight of fruit trees
Astana 2013
Rekomendaii prepared for the official use of experts in the field of plant quarantine
and protection.
Guidelines prepared by:
SS Khasenov, AM Mars R.SH Amerguzhin, KM Bhutan (GU "The
Committee of state inspection in AIC MA RK"); MS Aliyev AAMuhyshov,
GG Satin, ZH Tokmurzina, SK Hodzhanazarova. (GU "Republican Methodical
Center phytosanitary diagnostics and forecasts").
It recommended to zsedanii section of the Scientific - Technical Council of
the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.04.2013
(Minutes №1)
Bakteriyalny derevev- fire blight Erwinia amylovora (Curill.) - Bakterialdyқ
kүyіk. The disease poses a great danger for gardening in our country. The
economic damage is expressed in crop losses and destruction of fruit trees, and the
uprooting of diseased trees. Especially detrimental to the pear and apple orchards
and nurseries. Other diseases of fruit trees do not have such destructive acts like a
burn. This disease can be imported into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan
with the planting and inoculum, with fruits.
Burn fruit trees was first detected in North America.
Spread. The United States, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, New
Zealand, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Armenia and most
European countries (Britain, France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland,
Italy as well
as since
2009 disease given status limitedly widespread onterritory Russia.
2. Host plants. The pathogen affects more than 100 plant
species. Most Affected plants are Rosaceae semeyst count: pear,
apple, peach, apricot, plum, quince, almonds, mountain ash, raspberry,
strawberry, rose, hawthorn, cotoneaster, Saskatoon, persimmons, walnuts,
pyracantha, straveziya, chaenomeles (quince Japanese), loquat and
others. Hawthorn and cotoneaster, planted on roadsides and as a hedge, are
reservations of infection.
Harmfulness. The harmfulness of fire blight is very high due to the
very rapid proliferation. In heavily infected orchards of fruit trees burn can
affect 20 to 50% of plantations, of which 10-20% is completely killed. In
some gardens burn infected up to 90% of fruit trees. In such cases, under
favorable weather conditions during the flowering gardens, the harvest is
disappears. Presence Bacterial burnsfruit at country can be disastrous as for p
ear and apple gardens,
so and for nursery:
Many decorative plants are reservations
of infection.
Becausestrong dissemination burns foreign
countries visited cases significant reduction area under greenery fruit cultures
Biological features. Pathogen hibernates at infected plant - host. In
spring, the beginning Sap, bacteria activated and begin to multiply.Breeding
contributes to high humidity and temperatures above + 18-20 º C. The a
result of reproduction bacteria appears exudates dischargedon surface at form
of small drops or inconspicuous fine film and It
is source primary infection flowers,
leaves and annuals shoots.
Pathogenusually develops
stigma. Actively infection can develop at the
of loss rains,
abundant dew, flushing bacteria from stigmas. On leaves, green fruits,
sprouts and skeletal parts plant bacteria permeate across wounds,
fractures or Natural openings (stomata).
In sunlight in drops of fluid bacterium can survive for up to 22 hours, and
without light for more than 2 months. The development of fire blight is influenced
by the relative humidity and temperature. The latent period increases markedly
when the temperature drops to + to + 16ºS 29ºS.Optimum Temperature + 25-30ºS,
minimum of about + 3 ° C, at + 43-50ºS die.
Symptoms defeat bacterial burn. Affects all Overhead parts plants.
first signs infection can discover soon after flowering plants.
Affectedflowers become watery on view,
then darken and wither.
Dried flowers apple purchase dark brown color,
pear - nearly black,
and those and othernot fall at flow season.
In immature apples and pears appear oily reddish
brown or black
brown stains,
for a
short time cover all surface fetus
sometimes from fine drops exudate. With time fruit mummified.
On the leaves of apple trees in the beginning there are small reddish (pear
dark brown) necrosis between the veins, which spread to the periphery, increasing
in size. Young green shoots wither, the top of their bent in the form of staff. First,
the infected tissue becomes shiny and covered with an oily substance, then necrotic
and shrinking. In wet weather there is copious exudate bacterial milky white.
Infected young fruits also turn brown or black and shrivel like flowers
remain on the spurs do not litter.
On the tree, the infection spreads from the top down, that is, on-year increase
in more mature branches and trunks. Cora skeletal branches on the site of infection
becomes swollen, wet, pressurized syrup seeping through the cracks. The defeat of
the woody tissue at the end of the growing season may show subtle necrosis. With
extensive lesions of branches or the trunk going on dying parts of the crown above
the site of infection.Severely affected tree looks as if scorched by fire. The
causative agent of fire blight overwinters exclusively in infected host plant is
resistant to drying and freezing.
Optimum conditions for disease development during the flowering period is
the high humidity is above 70% and the temperature above 18 ºC.
In the spring of bacteria enter the plant through flowers, wounds, fractures,
stomata. The disease begins with the top of the shoot, and as the disease
progresses, symptoms on flowers, branches, leaves and fruits. Buds, flowers do not
open brown, blacken, but do not fall down. Young shoots are brown and most of
the shoot tip is bent to form a "shepherd's hook". The leaves turn brown and
blackened from outside to inside, remaining on the tree the whole growing
season. In the affected areas of the trunk appear "dark green watery spot at these
locations crust softens and observed secretion of fluid in the form of droplets of
liquid milky - white color. In the cortex are formed wedge-contoured ulcers that
result in girdling the stem can cause death of the whole tree. To cut ulcer tissue
looks reddish-brown, and vascular lesions form a "marble" pattern. Infected fruits
are reddish-brown, shrivel and mummified remains hanging on the
tree. Overwintered ulcers are the most important source of infection and exudates
of flowers in spring. Bacteria enter the plant through flowers, wounds, fractures,
stomata. As the disease spread bacteria and stem bark of branches, infect the whole
tree and destroy it.
Morphological description. Erwinia amylovor
a It
has view moving peritrialnyh sticks size (1.1 - 1.6 x 0.6 - 0.9) mm;
disputes and capsulesnot form.
On agar Colony round,
with smooth edges slaboopalestsiruyuschie, white, shiny, oily konsitentsii.
Methods of propagation. On b olshie distances fire blight transported
m superior way host plants, which have a latent infection (planting and
inoculum). And the same applies to insects, birds, rain and air masses.
8. The methodology of the survey. In order to identify fruit trees burn, burn
and spread establishing urgent measures to localize and eliminate the identified
centers of the survey is conducted horticultural areas.
To identify the affected plants should be carried out a survey of gardens and
plants from the beginning of flowering until late summer.Bacteria from the group
of fluorescent Pseudomonas syryngae, Pseudomonas cerasi cause similar diseases
of fruit.
The hallmark of E. amylovora is the isolation of bacterial milky white
exudates, but it takes place under conditions of high humidity, and under
unfavorable conditions for the pathogen exudate may be omitted, which may lead
to an incorrect determination of the disease. So, the symptoms may resemble a
burn winter abiotic damage, the development of various fungal infections bark and
wood, some insect damage, etc.
A survey carried out by the inspection of large areas of at least 20% of the
trees in the areas inspected at least 3 hectares of 25-50%, on private land - 50100%.
A survey carried out by two diagonals and the four sides of the subject area.
Timing of the survey. In order to timely detection of disease survey
conducted in the spring at the start of flowering fruit trees. During this period, one
can observe the so-called "color burn". This survey is the most favorable period for
the manifestation of the general observations of bacterial diseases on fruit
plantations, since the outbreak of bacterial diseases in summer fade. In the fall, you
can conduct surveys and nurseries and fruit-bearing orchards.
The procedure for conducting the survey. The first examined nursery
gardens, planting and producing inoculum, then private farms, botanical gardens,
gardens, research institutions, private sector receiving planting material from
Survey to be planting apple, pear, stone and other. Rozatsvetnyh plant
family, including dikorastushih.
In pitomnikovodcheskih farms inspect each tree.
In large arrays, in the gardens with a larger inspect every tenth tree. Prior to
the inspection of trees interviewer finds out whether there is in the economy and
the destruction of fruit trees of any reasons which varieties and at what time are
dying, economic damage, many trees died in the nursery garden for the past three
years. This information is made in the certificate of inspection, which make up for
each surveyed household.
Sampling. The bacteria from the group of fluorescent Pseudomonas
syryngae, Pseudomonas cerasi cause similar diseases of fruit, but it has never been
the allocation of milky-white exudate, characteristic only for the Erwinia
amylovora. In all cases, the detection of the trees, a suspect of their burns,
interviewer must select samples to identify and study the pathogen. Samples can
serve slices crust segments of branches, shoots, buds, ovaries with obvious signs of
disease. Sections of branches, twigs and bark should be cut with the capture of the
healthy parts of the plant so that the well was noticeable boundary between healthy
and diseased tissue. With one tree is necessary to select a few samples (5-10). One
sample may consist of different parts of the plant, selected from a single tree or a
different tree of the same variety.
Each sample shall be labeled with the name of the tree, place and time of
collection and description of symptoms of the disease.
Samples of each class must be packed separately from samples of other
varieties, using this paper for packaging, cardboard boxes or wooden crates. You
can not packaging plant specimens in chlorinated or cellophane bags and wrappers,
not breathable. In this package the samples quickly decompose, rot and become
unsuitable to work with them.
For the analysis of selected plants with signs of bacterial blight and plants,
have probably latent infection. Selected suspected and infected samples were
delivered to the LCR to confirm the presence of the pathogen isolation Erwinia
amylovora, this method is used for serological analysis, ELISA, PCR diagnostics.
With the onset of hot days the disease becomes less active form, and
between healthy and diseased tissue there is a noticeable border, manifested the
characteristic crack crust. This center is at rest in the winter, and spring again is a
mass spread of the disease. There is also evidence of latent infection of the
pathogen to burn wood tissues, growing without visible external manifestations.
The examination must be remembered that the causative agent is stored in
the cut branches from 3 to 10 days, and in this connection on bacteriological
analysis is directed only freshly drawn sample.
Susceptible varieties. Modern varieties of apples and pears have different
susceptibility to bacterial blight lesion. Immune varieties not. Very susceptible
apple varieties: Idared, Jonathan, Gala, Geneva, Sic, Spartan Champion. Average
and little susceptible varieties: Jonagold, Empire, Golden Delicious, RedDilicious,
Melba. The susceptibility of plants largely depends on the apple rootstock. Most
dwarf rootstocks (M9, M26, B9, P2, P22, P29) are very susceptible to the pathogen
burn. Less sensitive: MM106, M7, MM111, 62-396, 54-118 (VanderZwet,
Bell, Blake, 1984). Pear trees affected more than apple. Among foreign varieties
are most susceptible: Genral Leclair, Durand, Triumph Pakgama, Santa Maria,
pear Williams and others. Relatively stable variety Conference, which occupies the
largest areas in Western Europe.
9. Control measures. 1. In view of the fact that the main mode of spread of
fire blight at long distances is a fruit planting and inoculum, to ban the export of
seed and inoculum from infected areas to free.
2. The main element in preventing the spread of fire blight trees is to use
healthy planting or grafting material.
3. Conduct regular surveys of gardens, leave to the end of the period of
flowering and before harvest.
4. All imported planting and inoculum (fruit) the material must pass a
mandatory test for introduction and quarantine kennel for detecting hidden
infestation by quarantine objects.
5. Uprooting and incineration plants in plantations where trees drying up to
30% or more. At low infection of trees allowed the removal of the affected
individual branches of the crown with the capture of healthy tissue 20-40sm. below
the visible boundary of the lesion. Disinfection is a mandatory element of the
cutting tool 10% solution of copper sulfate, 70% methanol, disinfection slices 1%
solution of copper sulfate and daubing their garden pitch, or emulsion paint
6. Removal of wild plants, especially hawthorn and cotoneaster growing
closer than 500m from the garden.
7. Vector control: the disease, aphids, sucker and others. Insects.
8. Failure to make high doses of nitrogen fertilizers, increased non-specific
resistance of plants to adverse environmental factors
9. Refusal of summer green operations in the affected plantations.
Annex 1
Survey to identify burn fruit crops
__________________________ "____" _________________ 20__.
_______________________ Farm, c / District ____________________________
The Commission as part of the state inspector on plant quarantine
State surveyors' RMTsFDiP "OIG in AIC MA RK, _____________________,
Representative economy
Set the following:
Owner section ____________________________________________________
(legal name. Name of the person or Phys. person)
Culture ____________________________________________________________
Sort ______________________________________________________________
The total area under crop hectares ______________________________________
Weather conditions during the survey ___________________________________
The study ______________ ha., The trees ______________ pcs.
Infected _________________ ha., The trees ______________ pcs.
Number labels sampled _______________________________________
_______________ ____________________________________
(Name) (Signature)
Representative x-va _______________ ________________________________
(Name) (Signature)
Note: Separately indicated section of the state and household.
Annex 2
2. State ____________________________________________________________
3. Locality _________________________________________________
4. The farm ________________________________________________________
5. Name grounds ____________________________________________________
6. The origin of the seed or planting material ___________________
7. Age tree _____________________________________________________
10. Name interviewers ____________________________________________
1. "Collection of guidance materials on plant quarantine", Smolensk, 1984.
2. Reference "pests of agricultural crops having quarantine significance for
the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2008.
3. The textbook "Plant quarantine in the Russian Federation", PR Doctor of
Economics of the Russian Federation AS Vasyutin, d.b.n RF Smetnik AI, Moscow,
"Kolos" in 2001;
4. Textbook "Interim guidance on inspection and quarantine inspection of
imported seed and posadolchnogo material" Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR,
Moscow 1971;
5. "Methods of screening for the establishment of a quarantine status of
crops, plants, land and warehouse border areas with neighboring countries of the
USSR," the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR, Moscow 1975;
6. "Interim guidance on identifying obsdedovaniyu fruit on fruit trees Burn"
PR Director of CL Plant Quarantine Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR M.
Shamonin, Head. Department of Bacteriology N. Kabalkinoy, 1965.
7.Atlas diseases of fruit and berry crops. Isaeva EV, K ,. "Harvest", to
Plant - home
Biological features
Symptoms of bacterial blight
Morphological features
Methods of Distribution
Survey procedure
Control measures