ANGELA SAUAIA, MD, PhD CURRICULUM VITAE Current Position Associate Professor of Health Services, Management and Policy, Medicine and Surgery University of Colorado Denver, Colorado School of Public Health and School of Medicine Address: 13011 E. 17th Place Room E-3360-C Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: 303-7242498 Email: Education 1983: M.D. degree from the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine, Brazil 1984-85: PGY 1 and 2 - Internal Medicine, University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine 1986: PGY 3 - Critical Care Medicine, University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine 1991-97: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Trauma Research at the Department of Surgery of the Denver Health Medical Center 1997: PhD in Epidemiology, Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine. Dissertation: Predicting Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure Academic appointments and positions 1987-1991: Instructor of residents, Internal Medicine, University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine (USPSM) and Attending physician, Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Room, University Hospital, University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine 1 2002-2006: Assistant Professor of Medicine and Preventive Medicine & Biometrics, Division of Health Care Policy and Research at the Department of Medicine and the Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, University of Colorado Denver (UCD) School of Medicine 2006-present: Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Health Care Policy and Research at the Department of Medicine 2006-present: Associate Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery, UCD, School of Medicine 2009- present: Associate Professor of Health Services, Management and Policy, UCD, Colorado School of Public Health Professional positions 1987-1991: Attending physician, Intensive Care Unit of the School Hospital and Maternity of V.N. Cachoeirinha, Sao Paulo, Brazil (critical care in pregnancy) 1987-1991: Instructor of residents, Internal Medicine, University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine (USPSM) and Attending physician, Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Room, University Hospital, University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine 1991-1997: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Trauma Research at the Department of Surgery of the Denver General Hospital, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. 1997-2002: Medical Epidemiologist, Colorado Foundation for Medical Care (CFMC), the largest health care quality improvement organization in Colorado. 2002-2006: Assistant Professor of Medicine and Preventive Medicine & Biometrics, Division of Health Care Policy and Research at the Department of Medicine and the Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, University of Colorado Denver (UCD) School of Medicine 2006-present: Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Health Care Policy and Research at the Department of Medicine, UCD School of Medicine 2 2006-present: Associate Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery, UCD School of Medicine 2009- present: Associate Professor of Health Services, Management and Policy, UCD Colorado School of Public Health 2011-present: Biostatistician, Editorial Board Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery Honors and awards 2010: University of Colorado Denver- Anschutz Medical Campus Chancellor’s Diversity Recognition Award for Faculty Leadership 2012: Delta Omega National Honorary Society in Public Health Professional Affiliations 2007-2010: Founding member and Executive Committee member: Academy for Health Equity, a national organization aimed at eliminating health disparities Professional Service and Committees 2001-2002: Appointed Member of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (formerly Health Care Financing Administration) National Intervention Peer Review Panel for projects directed at reducing disparities in care for minorities and persons with low income. 2002-2004: National Hispanic/Latina Task Force of the Susan G. Komen Foundation 2003-2005: University of Colorado Annual Diversity Research Exchange Organizing Committee 2004-2005: Steering Committee, “Healthy Impact!” A collaborative project between the Anti-Defamation League, the local PBS and the Colorado Foundation for Medical Care to increase awareness of the importance of culturally competent care among communities of color 3 2007-2010: Founding member and Executive Committee member: Academy for Health Equity, a national organization aimed at eliminating health disparities ( 2009-present: UCD Health Disparities Steering Committee 2009-2010: Scientific Advisory Board, Hampton University Skin of Color Research Institute 2009-present: P-20 Advisory Council, Aurora Public Schools 2011-2012: Nominated member of the Colorado State Cancer, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Disease (CCPD) Amendment 35 Grant Program Committee 2012-present: Nominated member, Colorado Public Health Standards Committee Licensure and board certification 1983-present: Brazilian Medical License by the Brazil Federal and Sao Paulo Regional Medicine Councils (the medical licensure agencies in Brazil) 1991-present: Board certified in Critical Care Medicine, Brazilian Society of Critical Care Medicine Review, Referee and Editorial Activities 2011-present: Biostatistician, Editorial Board Journal of Trauma Invited to participate as a member of a special emphasis panel (SEP) in the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (declined due to time conflict) 1997-present: invited to be a reviewer for multiple articles in multiple journals to include Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved, Journal of General Internal Medicine, Journal of the American Geriatric Society, Health Services Research and other journals in the areas of trauma and health disparities. 4 Invited Lectures, Presentations, Workshops The Tepeyac Project: a Church-based approach to increase breast cancer screening among Latinas in Colorado. Colorado Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Colorado Springs CO, 2001. Faith-based Research. National Hispanic Medical Association's Seventh Annual Conference, Washington D.C., March 2003. Health Disparities: Latinos. Keynote Speaker, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Diversity Week Research Exchange. Denver CO, 2003. 5th Annual Rocky Mountain Evidence-Based Health Care Workshop. Invited tutor. Keystone CO, 2003. Evidence-based Medicine. Introductory course to State Legislators. Promoted by the Milbank Memorial Fund. Invited tutor. Dallas TX, 2003. Breast Cancer among Latinas. National Hispanic Medical Association's Eighth Annual Conference, Washington D.C., March 2004 Health Disparities: Latinos. Keynote Speaker, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Diversity Week Research Exchange. Denver CO, April 2004. Culture of Data. What is Evidence-Based Practice in a Community Setting? (Participatory Action Research principles). Panel Member. October 2004. Annual Health Disparities meeting. National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators/ National Black Caucus of State Legislators. Moderator. Boston MA, August 2004. Colorado Health Disparities Conference: meeting sponsored by the UCHSC Chancellors's office and the Honorable Peter C. Groff, Colorado State Senator. Moderator and Keynote Speaker. Planning Committee Member. Report editor. Denver CO, October 2004. Health Care Challenges for the Latino Community. Sponsored by the Policy Exchange Foundation and the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators. Keynote Speaker. Scottsdale, Arizona, 2005. 5 The National Organization of Black Elected Legislative Women (NOBEL/ WOMEN) Health Symposium. Keynote Speaker: Health disparities among women, Denver CO, 2005. Colorado Legislature. Reducing cancer deaths: No one left behind, Denver, CO, 2005 Colorado Health Strategy and Management. Culturally competent health care. Denver CO, 2006. National Hispanic Medical Association Annual Meeting, 2007, San Antonio, Texas. Cultural Competence Training in Medical Schools: the Quest for Health Equity National Physicians Alliance. 2007 Colorado Regional Meeting. Physician Leadership Institute: Strategies for Serving Vulnerable Populations. Invited Speaker, October 2007, Denver, Colorado. Colorado Public Radio: Racial Disparities in Health Care, Part I, Colorado Matters, July 15, 2007 (available at Disparities in Research: sponsored by the UCD Public Health Student SAC, the Diversity & Health Care Student SAC and the UCD Office of Diversity, Feb 21, 2008 Translational Research Session: Chair and Speaker. Academy for Health Equity, Denver, Colorado, June 2008 Health Disparities among Latinos: Key note Speaker, meeting sponsored by the CDPHE Office of Health Disparities, August 2008. Annual Health Disparities meeting. National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators. Moderator and Key Note Speaker, Wilmington, Delaware, September 2008. Healthy Child Development and School Readiness: Moving the Agenda Forward. Sponsored by Colorado Trust and Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Organized by the National Center for Children in Poverty and the BUILD initiative, Key Note Speaker, Denver, 2009 6 Health Disparities in Children, the BUILD Initiative, Key Note Speaker, Phoenix, AZ, 2009 Easy access to county/regional public health and health disparities data via the web, Public Health in the Rockies Conference, Copper Mountain, Colorado, 2009. Regional Health Disparities Profiles. Culture of Data sponsored by US Public Health Service region VIII and the CDPHE, Denver 2009 Regional Health Disparities Data Session: Chair and Speaker. Academy for Health Equity, Denver, Colorado, 2010. Invited panelist, 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Emerging Technologies and Public Health Leadership: Exploring the Interface of Social and Technical Systems. Project TEACH: using technology to empower community-based organizations, Denver Colorado, 2010. Teaching Record Courses developed and taught: 1987-1991: Director, Internal Medicine Internship offered to sixth year medical students of the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine 2002- 2010: Education Coordinator, Division of Health Care Policy and Research. Responsible for biweekly seminars in Health Services Research Methods to Geriatrics’ Fellows. 2004- 2008: Director, Cultural Competency and Diversity Curriculum, UCD School of Medicine: a four-year curriculum developed, delivered and evaluated by Dr. Sauaia; a piece of it was featured in the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) 2007 Medical School Objectives Report: Prevention and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity: Examples of innovation (Sauaia, A; Michaels R; Bessesen D; Sarapura V. Overweight and Obesity in the Context of Health Inequalities, available at 2007- present: Developed and directed, HSMP 6602 (formerly PRMD 6670) Health Equity. Class sizes varied from 8- 17 students. 7 2008: Director, HSR 6617 Introduction to Health Services Research. UCD Graduate School 2011-present: Developed and directed, HSMP 6630: Grant Writing for Public Health Professionals. Class size=11 students. Guest lecturer/ Tutor/ Small group facilitator 1997-1998: PRMD 6630 Epidemiology 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006: Guest lecturer PRMD 6617 Introduction to Health Services Research 2003: Annual Rocky Mountain Evidence-Based Health Care Workshop, Keystone, CO 2003: Evidence-based Medicine. Introductory course to State Legislators. Promoted by the Milbank Memorial Fund. Dallas, Texas. 2006, 2007: PRMD 6606 Community Health Practice 2006, 2007: UCD School of Medicine Hidden Curriculum Faculty Facilitator 2009: CBHS 6610 Social and Community Factors in Health, UCD CSPH 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012: EPID 6622 (formerly PRMD 6622) Cancer Prevention and Control Advising: MSPH Thesis committees: Jane Brock, MD (Preventive Medicine resident). Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine. Thesis: Brock, J; Sauaia, A; Ahnen D; Marine W; Schluter WW; Stevens B; Scinto JD; Karp, H; Bratzler D. Process of care and Outcomes for Elderly Patients Hospitalized with Peptic Ulcer Disease: Results of a Quality Improvement Project. JAMA 286:1985-93, 2001. (Senior author). Graduated in 2000, currently the Medical Officer of the Colorado Foundation for Medical Care, the healthcare quality improvement organization for the state of Colorado Dan McCall, MD, Endocrinology fellow. Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine. 8 Thesis: McCall DT, Sauaia A, Hamman RF, Reusch JE, Barton P. Are Low-Income Elderly Patients at Risk for Poor Diabetes Care? Diabetes Care, 27: 1060-1065, 2004. (Senior author). Graduated in 2002, currently practices Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism in Hattiesburg, Mississippi and has board certifications from the American Board of Internal Medicine in endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. Suzanne Fiorillo. Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine. Thesis: Predicting Depression among Elderly Medicare Patients in the Managed Care Setting: a practical application of the Medicare Health Outcome Survey. (Senior author). Graduated in 2002, currently holds the positionbe Adrienne Welsh, PhD. Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine. Thesis: Welsh AL, Sauaia A, Jacobellis J, Min S, Byers T. Effect of a Church-Based Approach to Increase Breast Cancer Screening Among Latinas on Medicaid. Prev Chronic Dis [serial online] 2005 Oct. Available from: URL: (Senior author). Graduated in 2004. Tyler Watlington, MD. Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine. Thesis: Watlington AT; Byers T; Mouchawar J; Sauaia A; Ellis J. Does Having Insurance Affect Differences in Clinical Presentation between Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Women with Breast Cancer? Cancer, 2007 (reply Cancer, 109(10):2093-9.2007). Graduated in 2006. Advising: MPH Masters Project/Capstone experience Margaret Moore. Colorado School of Public Health. Project: regional health disparities profiles, the product can be seen at es.aspx. Graduated in 2009. Study presented in two regional meetings. Katherine Vonrueden. Colorado School of Public Health. Project: GIS maps of regional health profiles, the product can be seen at the project TEACH website at development/project-teach. Graduated in 2010. Study presented in two regional meetings and one national meeting. Ian Abeyta Colorado School of Public Health. Project: Abeyta, IM, Tuitt NR, Byers, TE, Sauaia A, Community Affluence and Individual Socioeconomic Status on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors. Preventing Chronic Disease. Volume: 9; Year: 2012 (in press). Expected to graduate in 2012. Joshua Miller: Colorado School of Public Health. Project: Pediatric injuries: the role of violence. Graduated in 2011. Advising: PhD Dissertation Committee Colleen Dingmann, RN, MS. University of Colorado School of Nursing Dissertation: Functional Status: its relationship to pain and its utility as an outcome measure of pain management. Graduated in 2002. Currently she is an Assistant Professor in the Anesthesiology Department in the UCD School of Medicine, with 5 peerreview publications. Nelda F New, RN: University of Colorado School of Nursing.Dissertation: Effect of a diabetic education modality on adaptation to the disease. Published in the J Am Acad Nurse Pract. 2010 Jun;22(6):316-25. Teaching so they hear: using a co-created diabetes self-management education approach. Graduated in 2007, currently an Assistant Professor and Graduate Program Director in the Arkansas State University School of Nursing. Stacy Fisher, MD: University of Colorado at Denver, Health and Behavioral Sciences. Dissertation: End of life care in ethnic minorities (in progress) Awarded a 2006 Paul Beeson Career Development Award Aging Research Program on “Improving Care at the End of Life for Latinos: A Cultural Navigator Intervention”, currently holds solid research grant and publication records and is an Assistant Professor of Medicine, UCD Advising: MS- HSMP concentration, faculty advisor 2011 Sum Eblovi, Darren 10 2012 Fall 2012 Fall 2011 Sum 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Spring 2012 Spring Eichenberger, Erika Ehler, Erin Elwell, David Jackson, Jay Lozano, Rosa Mouton, Melissa Sippl, Rachel Recktenwall-Work, Sara Advising Junior Faculty/ Fellowship mentoring 2002- 2011: Stacy Fisher, MD. Awarded a 2006 Paul Beeson Career Development Award Aging Research Program on “Improving Care at the End of Life for Latinos: A Cultural Navigator Intervention” Advising: Medical Students at the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine 2006-2010: Katherine Kenerson, MD. CU medical student in the Global Health Track. Project: Trauma care in urban settings in Brazil and USA. Advising: MS-HSMP Concentration Director beginning August 22, 2012 Other Advising: Independent study advisor for several MS and PhD students Research Record Grants: current funding 1. US Department of Defense. Control of Major Bleeding in Acute Trauma (COMBAT Study) ($6.5 millions). (PI: E. Moore). This is a RCT to determine the role of FFP in early resuscitation of injury patients. Role: Co-investigator (15% FTE) Period: June 2012-May 2014 11 2. HRSA. Colorado Public Health Training Center (PI: T. Byers). It funds a training center for the state public health workforce. Role: Co-investigator (15% FTE) Period: Sept 2010-Aug 2014 3. Colorado Health Foundation, Project TEACH. (Teaching Equity to Advance Community Health)”. ($379,000) (PI: A Sauaia) This 2-year grant, in partnership with the Colorado AHEC system builds capacity among community-based organization across Colorado to empower them to obtain financial funding and to scientifically evaluate programs aiming at improving healthy living and access to healthcare. Role: PI (30% FTE) Period: Sept 2010-Oct 2012 4. NIH Trauma Center Grant 2P50GM049222-12A1 "Trauma Primes For Multiple Organ Failure”. (PI: A. Banerjee). This is the 5th cycle of this 5-year center grant. I am a co-investigator in its clinical core, since its first cycle, conducting health outcomes and health services research in postinjury care. Role: Co-investigator (50% FTE) Period: April 2011- March 2016 5. Contract with the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery Role: Biostatistician, Editorial Board (20% FTE) Period: Oct 2011-Sept 2014 Grants: past funding (in chronological order) 1. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Contract 500-99-CO01: The Tepeyac Project: Decreasing disparity in breast cancer screening between Latinas and non-Latinas. (PI: A. Sauaia). A partnership with the Catholic Church in Colorado and La Clínica Tepeyac, the project involved engaging Promotoras in four pilot churches. Role: PI (30% FTE) Period: 1999-2002. 2. CMS, Special study added to Contract 500-99-CO01: Antibiotic ResistanceRelated Projects in Alternative Settings: "Improving physician prescribing behavior for acute respiratory infections in the ambulatory setting" (PIs: A. Sauaia, R. Gonzales). This special study was funded in January of 2001 through July 2002. It involved a partnership with the group who developed the 12 CDC guidelines for antibiotic prescription in acute respiratory infections (Gonzales R. et al.) to undertake two major tasks: 1. to validate administrative data driven quality indicators for antibiotic prescription; 2) evaluate a novel intervention targeting households in decreasing antibiotic prescription rates. Role: Co-PI (20% FTE) Period: 2001-2002 3. CMS, Special study added to Contract 500-99-CO01. Performance Measures for Adequacy of Pain Management in the Acute Care Hospital Setting. (PI: A. Sauaia). This special study was funded in January of 2001 through July 2002. It involved the development and psychometric testing of a medical record abstracted score that accurately reflects patient satisfaction with postoperative pain management. Role: PI (30% FTE) Period: 2001-2002 4. CMS, Contract 500-02-CO01 Subcontract from the Colorado Foundation for Medical Care. ($518,000) The Tepeyac Project: Reducing disparities in breast cancer screening between Latinas and the general population. (PI: A. Sauaia). This project aimed at improving breast cancer screening among Latinas using the Church as a vehicle for health education and behavior modification. Role: PI (34% FTE) Period: August 2002 - July 2005 5. NCI/NIH RO3 CA110820-01, The Tepeyac Project: A Four-year Churchbased Intervention for Latinas. (PI: A. Sauaia). The goals of this project were:1) to describe the implementation of the 6-year long Tepeyac Project a community-based, church approach to increase breast cancer screening among Latinas; 2)to analyze the impact of the intervention on the enrollees of the state major insurance groups (Medicare, Medicaid and HMOs) Role: Principal Investigator (20% FTE) Period: August 2004-July 2006 6. The Colorado Trust Health Equality Initiative, “Cross Cultural Care Training for Private Pediatric Practices”. (PI: Steve Poole, MD). This grant funded by The Colorado Trust Health Equality Initiative promoted training in crosscultural care for pediatricians. Role: Consultant (5% FTE) Period: October 2006 –December 2007 13 7. The Colorado Trust Health Equality Initiative “Instilling cultural competency in tomorrow’s physicians at the CU School of Medicine” (PIs: Sauaia, Krugman). This grant supports the development, implementation and evaluation of the cultural competence curriculum at the CU School of Medicine Role: Co-PI (30% FTE) Period: Jan 2006 – Feb 2008 8. Amendment 35, Cancer, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Disease Grant Program, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment: “Colorado Colon Cancer Screening project.” (PI: T. Byers). This 3 –year grant aimed at implementing a statewide, culturally competent colorectal cancer screening program for Colorado. Role: Co-investigator, Clinic Outreach and Navigator Program (5% FTE) Period: Jan 2006-Aug 2009 9. Amendment 35, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment-Office of Health Disparities Grant Program. “Project TEACH (Teaching Equity to Advance Community Health)”. ($425,000) (PI: A. Sauaia). This 2-year grant, in partnership with the Colorado AHEC system, aimed at building capacity of community-based organization across Colorado to empower them to obtain financial funding and to scientifically evaluate programs aiming at reducing health disparities. Role: PI (30% FTE) Period: July 2008-June 2010 10. HRSA, Aurora LIGHTS (PI: J. Westfall). A pipeline program in partnership with the Aurora Public Schools. Role: Director, Health disparities component (10% FTE on 1st year, 5% in years 2 and 3) Period: Oct 2009-Sept 2011 Grants pending: 1. Caring for Colorado, Project Tools to TEACH; PI: A. Sauaia 2. Colorado Health Foundation, Project TEACH-DL; PI: A. Sauaia 3. Amendment 35, Colorado Department of Public Health and EnvironmentOffice of Health Disparities Grant Program, Project TEACH-DL; PI: A. Sauaia. 14 Bibliography Peer-review publications in scientific journals 1. Sauaia N, Sauaia A: Editing a scientific article. Arg Bras Cardiol.39 (5):28995, 1982. 2. Sauaia N, Sauaia A: Editing a scientific article. II. Citations and list of bibliographic references. Arg Bras Cardiol.39 (6):359-66, 1982. 3. Sauaia N, Sauaia A: Editing a scientific article.III. Tables.Arg Bras Cardiol. 40 (2):77-82, 1983. 4. Sauaia N, Sauaia A: Editing a scientific article.IV. Graphs and Illustrations. Arg Bras Cardiol. 40(3):126-130, 1983. 5. Sauaia N, Sauaia A: Editing a scientific article.V. The case report.Arg Bras Cardiol. 40(4):229-231,1983. 6. Paiva EF, Sauaia A, Masuda Z, Rocha AS: Septicemia: clinical and laboratorial data and prognostic factors in 50 Intensive Care Unit patients. Rev Ass Med Bras. 32:169-174, 1986. 7. Nascimento LOT, Mendes CMF, Sauaia A, Rocha, AS: Evaluation of bacterial resistance in an Intensive Care Rev Hosp Clin Fac Med S Paulo. 43 (6):272278, 1988. 8. Sauaia A, Moore FA, Moore EE, Haenel JB, Read RA: Pneumonia related multiple organ failure is not a primary cause of death in head trauma. Pan J Trauma 3 (2):90-95, 1992. 9. Sauaia A, Moore FA, Moore EE, Haenel JB, Kaneer L, Read RA: Diagnosing pneumonia in mechanically ventilated trauma patients: the role of endotracheal aspirate versus bronchoalveolar lavage cultures. J Trauma 35(4):512-17,1993. 10. Sauaia A, Moore FA, Moore EE, Haenel JB, Read RA: Pneumonia is not an inconsequential symptom of postinjury multiple organ failure. Am J Surgery 166(6):606-11,1993. 11. Sauaia A, Moore FA, Moore EE, Haenel JB, Read RA, Lezotte DC: Early predictors of postinjury multiple organ failure. Arch Surg 129:39-45,1994. 12. Sauaia A, Moore FA, Moore EE, Moser KS, Brennan R, Read RA, Pons PT: Epidemiology of trauma deaths: a reassesment. J Trauma 38:185-93, 1995. 13. Biffl WL, Moore FA, Moore EE, Sauaia A, Read RA, Burch JM. Cardiac enzymes are irrelevant in the patient with suspected myocardial contusion. Am J Surgery 169:523-28, 1994. 14. Botha AJ, Moore FA, Moore EE, Biffl WL, Sauaia A, Read RA. Early postinjury neutrophil priming status predicts multiple organ failure. Procedings 15 of the 3rd International Congress on the Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock and Sepsis,1994 15. Sauaia A, Moore FA, Moore EE, Lezotte DC: Early Risk Factors for Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure. World Journal of Surgery.20:392-400, 1995. 16. Haenel JB, Moore FA, Moore EE, Sauaia A, Read RA, Burch JM.Extrapleural bupivacaine for amelioration of multiple rib fracture pain. J Trauma.38: 22-27, 1995. 17. Botha AJ, Moore FA, Moore EE, Sauaia A, Banerjee A, Peterson VM. Early neutrophil sequestration after injury: a pathogenic mechanism for multiple organ failure. J Trauma.39:411-17, 1995. 18. Moore FA, Sauaia A, Moore EE, Haenel JB, Burch JM, Lezotte DC: Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure: A Bimodal Phenomenon.J Trauma, 40: 501-12, 1995. 19. Partrick DA, Moore FA, Moore EE, Biffl WL, Sauaia A, Barnett CC.The inflammatory profile of interleukin-8 and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (cICAM-1) in postinjury multiple organ failure. Am J Surg. 172(5): 425-429,1995. 20. Moore FA, Moore EE, Sauaia A. Blood transfusion: an independent risk factor for postinjury multiple organ failure. Arch Surg. 132:620-625, 1997. 21. Cosgriff N, Moore EE, Sauaia A, Kenny-Moynihan M, Burch J, Gallaway B. Predicting life-threatening coagulopathy in the massively transfused trauma patient: hypothermia and acidoses revisited. J Trauma. 42:857-61, 1997. (*) 22. Meldrum D, Moore FA, Moore EE, Franciose R, Sauaia A, Burch J. Prospective characterization and selective management of the abdominal compartment syndrome. Am J Surgery. 174:667-72, 1997. 23. Moore FA, Sauaia A, Moore EE. Predictive model for multiple organ failure: risk assessment of trauma patients. Critical Care State-of-the-Art. Critical Care Symposium-1997. Society of Critical Care Medicine. 24. Sauaia A, Moore FA, Moore EE, Lezotte D, Norris JM, Hamman RF. Multiple organ failure can be predicted as early as 12 hours postinjury. J Trauma. 45:291-303, 1998. 25. Hoffenberg EJ, Sauaia A, Maltzman T, Knoll K, Ahnen DJ. Symptomatic colonic polyps in childhood: not so benign. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 28:175-81, 1999. 26. Gago LA, Moore EE, Partrick DA, Sauaia A, Davis CM, Toal TR Jr., Silliman CC. Secretory phospholipase A2 cleavage of intravasated bone marrow primes neutrophils. J Trauma. 44: 660-4, 1998. 27. Hoffenberg EJ, Fidanza S, Sauaia A. Serologic testing for inflammatory bowel disease. J Pediatr. 134:447-52, 1999. (Senior author) 16 28. Sauaia A, Alexander W, Moore EE, Stevens BR, Rosen H, Dunn TR. Autologous blood transfusion does not reduce postoperative infection rates in elective surgery. Am J Surg, 178(6):549-55, 1999. 29. Schluter WW, Ralston DL, Delaney RJ, Sauaia A, Dunn TR. Increasing influenza and pneumococcal vaccination and tuberculosis screening among residents of Colorado long term care facilities. Eval Health Prof. 22(4):46683, 1999. 30. Sauaia A, Ralston D, Schluter WW, Marciniak TA, Havranek EP, Dunn TR. Influencing care in acute myocardial infarction: a randomized trial comparing two types of intervention. Am J Med Qual 15:197-206, 2000. 31. Brock J, Sauaia A, Ahnen D, Marine W, Schluter WW, Stevens B, Scinto JD, Karp, H, Bratzler D. Process of care and Outcomes for Elderly Patients Hospitalized with Peptic Ulcer Disease: Results of a Quality Improvement Project. JAMA, 286:1985-93, 2001. (Senior author) 32. Gonzales R, Sauaia A, Corbett K, Maselli J, Erbacher K, Leeman-Castillo B, Darr C, Houck P. Antibiotic Treatment Of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections In The Elderly: Effect of A Multidimensional Educational Intervention. JAGS, 52: 39-42, 2004. 33. Steinman MA, Sauaia A, Maselli JH, Houck P, Gonzales R. Office evaluation and treatment of elderly patients with acute bronchitis. JAGS, 52: 875-9, 2004. 34. Ciesla DJ, Moore EE, Johnson JL, Sauaia A, Cothren CC, Moore J B, Burch JM. Multiple Organ Dysfunction During Resuscitation Is Not Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure. Arch Surg, 139:590-594,2004 (Senior author) 35. Sauaia A; Dauchot CP; Borrayo E; Min S; Leyba J ; Gallo SM; Kramer AM. The Tepeyac Project: A church-based approach to increase breast cancer screening among Latinas in Colorado. 9th Biennial Symposium on Minorities, the Medically Underserved and Cancer, Intercultural Cancer Council, Washington, D.C. Proceedings, 2004. 36. McCall DT, Sauaia A, Hamman RF, Reusch JE, Barton P. Are Low-Income Elderly Patients at Risk for Poor Diabetes Care? Diabetes Care, 27: 10601065, 2004. (Senior author) (*) 37. Gonzales R, Corbett KK, Leeman-Castillo BA, Erbacher K, Darr CA, Wong S, Maselli JH, Sauaia A, Kafadar K. The MARC project: the impact of patient education in improving antibiotic use in private office practices. Health Services Research, 40: 101-16, 2005. 38. Sauaia A, Min SJ, Leber C, Erbacher K, Abrams F, Fink R, Parks P. Postoperative Pain Management: Correlation between adherence to treatment guidelines and patient perceptions among elderly patients. JAGS, 53: 274-82, 2005. 17 39. Ciesla DJ; Moore EE; Johnson JL; Burch JM; Cothren CC; Sauaia A. A 10year Prospective Study of Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure: Has Anything Changed? Arch Surg, 2006 (in press) (Senior author) 40. Ciesla DJ; Moore EE; Johnson JL; Burch JM; Cothren CC; Sauaia A. The role of the lung in postinjury multiple organ failure. Surgery. 138(4):749-57; discussion 757-8, 2005 (Senior author) 41. Ciesla DJ; Moore EE; Johnson JL; Burch JM; Cothren CC; Sauaia A. A 12year Prospective Study of Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure: Has Anything Changed? Arch Surg. 140(5): 432-8; 2005.(Senior author) 42. Welsh AL, Sauaia A, Jacobellis J, Min S, Byers T. Effect of a Church-Based Approach to Increase Breast Cancer Screening Among Latinas on Medicaid. Prev Chronic Dis [serial online] 2005 Oct. Available from: URL: (Senior author) (*) 43. Fischer SM, Gozansky W, Sauaia A, Min SJ, Kutner JS, Kramer AM. A Practical Tool to Identify Patients Who May Benefit from a Palliative Approach: The CARING Criteria. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 31: 285-92, 2006. (*) 44. Ciesla DJ; Moore EE; Johnson JL; Burch JM; Cothren CC; Sauaia A. Obesity Increases the Risk of Organ Failure After Severe Trauma. J Am Coll Surg, 203:539-45, 2006. (Senior author) 45. Fischer SM; Gozansky W; Sauaia A; Min SJ; Kutner JS; Kramer AM. Lack of Ethnic Differences in End-of-Life Care in the VA. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Aug-Sep;24(4):277-83, 2007. (*) 46. Sauaia A, Michaels R, Bessesen D, Sarapura V. Overweight and Obesity in the Context of Health Inequalities. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) 2007 Medical School Objectives Report: Prevention and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity: Examples of innovation, available at 18 47. Watlington AT; Byers T; Mouchawar J; Sauaia A; Ellis J. Does Having Insurance Affect Differences in Clinical Presentation between Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Women with Breast Cancer? Cancer, 109(10):20939.2007 (*) 48. Sauaia A; Min S; Lack D; Apodaca C; Osuna D; Stowe S; McGinnis GF; Latts LM; Byers T. A church-based community-health worker health education: impact on Latinas enrolled in public and private health insurance plans. Prev Chronic Dis [serial online], 2007, October online issue. 49. Fischer SM, Sauaia A, Kutner JS. Patient Navigation: A Culturally Competent Strategy to Address Disparities in Palliative Care. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 10(5):1023-8, 2007. (*) 50. Kashuk JL, Moore EE, Johnson JL, Haenel J, Wilson, M, Moore JB, Cothren CC, Biffl WL, Banerjee A, Sauaia A. Post Injury Life Threatening Coagulopathy: Is 1:1 FFP:RBC the Answer? J Trauma, 65(2):261-70 2008 (Senior Author) 51. Sauaia A, Moore EE, Banerjee A. Blood Substitutes and risk of myocardial infarction and death. JAMA, 300(11):1297, 2008 (letterr) 52. Sauaia A, Moore EE, Johnson JL, Ciesla DJ, Biffl WL, Banerjee A. Validation of Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure Scores. Shock, Oct 2008, (e-publication ahead of print). 53. Peltz ED, Moore EE, Eckels PC, Damle SS, Tsuruta Y, Johnson JL, Sauaia A, Silliman CC, Banerjee A, Abraham EHmgb1 is markedly elevated within six hours of mechanical trauma in humans. Shock. 32(1):17-22, 2009. PMID: 19533845 (*) 54. Kulungowski A, Kashuk JL, Moore EE, Gallup H, Sandaria M, Biffl WL, Cothren CC, Johnson JL, Sauaia A. HELLP Syndrome: When Is Surgical Help Needed? Am J Surg. 198(6):916-20, 2009. (Senior Author) 55. Sauaia A, Dellavalle RP. Health Disparities: An Introduction to Dermatology Providers. Dermatol Clin. 27(2): 103-7, 2009 56. Beauchamp K, Kashuk J, Moore EE, Sauaia A. Cranioplasty Following PostTraumatic Decompressive Craniectomy: Is Timing of the Essence? 2010 Aug;69(2):270-4. PubMed PMID: 20699735. (senior author) 57. Wood JH, Partrick DA, Bruny JL, Sauaia A, Moulton SL. Operative Versus Non-Operative Management of Blunt Pancreatic Trauma in Children. J Pediatr Surg. 45(2):401-6, 2010.PMID: 20152361 (*) 58. Kashuk, J, Moore, EE, Hartman, Z, Sauaia A., Biffl WL, Cothren CC, Barnett C, Stahel P, Sillman CC, Sauaia A. Postinjury Coagulopathy Management: Goal Directed Resuscitation via Point-of-care Thrombelastography. Ann Surg, 251: 604-14, 2010 (Senior author) 59. Johnson JL, Moore EE, Kashuk JL, Banerjee A, Cothren CC, Biffl WL. Sauaia 19 A. Early Transfusion of FFP is Independently Associated with Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure, Arch Surg. 2010 Oct; 145(10):973-7.PMID: 20956766 (Senior author) 60. Kashuk JL, Moore EE, Sawyer M, Wohlauer M, Pezold M, Barnett C, Biffl WL, Burlew CC, Johnson JL, Sauaia A. Primary fibrinolysis is integral in the pathogenesis of the acute coagulopathy of trauma. Ann Surg. 2010 Sep;252(3):434-42; discussion 443-4.PMID: 20739843 (*) 61. Gonzalez E, Kashuk JL, Moore EE, Linas S, Sauaia A. Two-stage brachialbasilic transposition fistula provides superior patency rates for dialysis access in a safety-net population. Surgery. 2010 Oct;148(4):687-93; discussion 6934. Epub 2010 Aug 19. PubMed PMID: 20723958 (*) 62. Kashuk JL, Moore EE, Johnson JL, Biffl WL, Burlew CC, Barnett C, Sauaia A. Progressive postinjury thrombocytosis is associated with thromboembolic complications. Surgery. 2010 Oct;148(4):667-74; discussion 674-5. Epub 2010 Aug PMID: 20719351.(senior author) 63. Brody A, Kashuk JL, Moore EE, Beauchamp K, Barnett C, Biffl WL, Burlew CC, Johnson JL, Sauaia A. Fatal gunshot wounds to the head: a critical appraisal of organ donation rates. Am J Surg. 2010 Dec; 200(6):728-33; discussion 733. PMID: 21146012 (senior author) 64. Burlew CC, Moore EE, Cuschieri J, Jurkovich GJ, Codner P, Crowell K, Nirula R, Haan J, Rowell SE, Kato CM, Macnew H, Ochsner MG, Harrison PB, Fusco C, Sauaia A, Kaups KL; the WTA Study Group. Sew it Up! A Western Trauma Association Multi-Institutional Study of Enteric Injury Management in the Postinjury Open Abdomen. J Trauma. 2011 Feb;70(2):273-277. PMID: 21307721 65. Nydam TL, Kashuk JL, Moore EE, Johnson JL, Burlew CC, Biffl WL, Barnett CC Jr, Sauaia A. Refractory Postinjury Thrombocytopenia Is Associated With Multiple Organ Failure and Adverse Outcomes. J Trauma. 2011 Feb;70(2):401-407. PMID: 21307741 (senior author) (*) 66. Wood JH, Partrick DA, Hays T, Sauaia A, Karrer FM, Ziegler MM. Contemporary Pediatric Splenectomy: continuing controversies. Pediatr Surg Int. 2011 May 28. [Epub ahead of print] and Volume 27, Issue 11 (2011), Pages 1165-1171 of the paginated issue. PMID: 21626013 (*) 67. Fischer SM, Min S, Sauaia A, Kutner J. “They're Going to Unplug Grandma": Advance Directive Discussions and Documentation Do Not Decrease Survival in Patients at Baseline Lower Risk of Death. J Hospital Medicine 7(1): 3-7, 2011. 68. Kashuk JL, Moore EE, Wohlauer M, Johnson JL, Pezold M, Lawrence J, Biffl WL, Burlew CC, Barnett C, Sawyer M, Sauaia A. Initial experiences with point-of-care rapid thrombelastography for management of life-threatening 20 postinjury coagulopathy. Transfusion 2012 Jan;52(1):23-33. doi: 10.1111/j.1537-2995.2011.03264.x. PMID:21790635 (senior author) (*) 69. Pezold M, Moore EE, Wohlauer M, Sauaia A, Gonzalez E, Banerjee A, Silliman CC: Viscoelastic clot strength predicts coagulation-related mortality within 15 minutes. Surgery 2012; 151:48–54 (*) 70. Wohlauer MV, Sauaia A, Moore EE, Burlew CC, Banerjee A, Johnson J. Acute Kidney Injury and Post-Trauma Multiple Organ Failure: The Canary in the Coal Mine. J Trauma. Feb;72(2):373-80, 2012. PMID: 22327979. (Senior author). (*) 71. Wohlauer MV, Moore EE, Thomas S, Sauaia A, Evans, E, Harr J, Silliman CC, Poplis V, Castellino FJ, Walsh, M. Early Platelet Dysfunction: An Unrecognized Role in the Acute Coagulopathy of Trauma. J Am Coll Surgeons, 2012 (in press) (*) 72. Moore HB, Moore PK, Grant AR, Tello TL, Knudson MM, Kornblith LZ, Song TE, Sauaia A, Zuckerbahn B, Moore EE. Future of acute care surgery: a perspective from the next generation. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 72(1):949,2012 (PMID:22310121) (*) 73. Fischer SF, Sauaia A, Min S, Kutner J. Advance Directive Discussions: Lost in Translation or Lost Opportunities? Journal of Palliative Medicine. doi:10.1089/jpm.2011.0328. Online Ahead of Print: January 12, 2012 74. Abeyta, IM, Tuitt NR, Byers, TE, Sauaia A, Community Affluence and Individual Socioeconomic Status on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors. Prev Chronic Disease. Volume: 9; Year: 2012 (in press) (senior author) (*) 75. Sauaia A, Moore EE, Crebs J, Maier RV, Hoyt DB, Shackford SR. Evidence level of individual studies: a proposed framework for surgical research. J Trauma, 2012 (in press, 1st author). 76. Sauaia A, Byers TE. Socio-economic status and obesity: why don’t we look? JAMA, 2012 (letter, in press). 77. Chin T, Sauaia A, Moore EE, Chandler JG, Johnson JL, A. Banerjee A. Elderly trauma patients may benefit from tight glucose control. Surgery (in press) (senior author) (*) Non-peer review publications (from 2004 to present only) 1. Sauaia A.: Executive Summary: Colorado Health Disparities Conference, cosponsored by the Chancellor's office of the University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, the Office of the Honorable Colorado State Senator Peter Groff and AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals 2005 2. Sauaia A: A Guide to Church-based Health Promotion Interventions for Latinas. Available at 21 Book chapters 1. Sauaia A, Moore FA, Moore EE: Pneumonia: Cause or Symptom of Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure? In: Vincent JL (ed). 1994 Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, 1994. 2. Sauaia A, Moore FA, Moore EE: Early Postinjury Enteral Nutrition. In: Latifi R and Dudrick SJ (eds). Surgical Nutrition 2000: Strategies for the New Millennium. Georgetown, TX : R.G. Landes Company, 1994. 3. Moore FA, Moore EE, Sauaia A: Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure. In: Mattox KL, Feliciano DV, Moore EE (eds.). Trauma: Fourth Edition. Norwalk, CN: Appleton & Lange, 1998. 4. Sauaia A, Moore FA, Moore EE: Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure. In: Mattox KL, Feliciano DV, Moore EE (eds.). Trauma: Seventh Edition. Norwalk, CN: Appleton & Lange, 2012. 5. Sauaia A, Moore EE. Multiple Organ Failure. In: Jean-Louis Vincent & Jesse B. Hall (eds.), Encyclopedia of Intensive Care Medicine, DOI 10.1007/978-3642-00418-6_449,# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012 Abstracts accepted for presentations (first author) 1. Nutritional Support in Critically Ill Patients. VII Medical University Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1988. 2. Educational objectives and evaluation instruments in teaching Internal Medicine. XXXVII Brazilian Congress of Medical Education, Manaus, Brazil, 1989. 3. Nutritional Support in Critical Ill Patients.I Intensive Care Medicine Course for Surgery Residents, University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine,Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1990. 4. Pneumonia in head trauma is not related to multiple organ failure or mortality. V Panamerican Congress of Trauma, Guadalajara, Mexico, 1992. 5. Reliability of quantitative cultures of endotracheal aspirate in mechanically ventilated trauma patients. 1993 Western Trauma Association Meeting, Snowbird,Utah, USA, 1993. 22 6. Pneumonia is not an inconsequential symptom of postinjury multiple organ failure. 45th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Surgical Congress, Monterey,California, USA, 1993. 7. Early predictors of postinjury multiple organ failure.13th Annual Meeting of the Surgical Infection Society, Baltimore, MD, 1993. 8. Epidemiology of Trauma Deaths: A Reassessment. 53rd Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1993. 9. The role of gun shot wounds in Denver traumatic deaths. 13th Annual Epidemiological Research Exchange. Denver, Colorado, 1994. 10. Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure: A Bimodal Phenomenon. 55th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1995. 11. Multiple organ failure can be predicted as early as 12 hours postinjury. 57th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Waikoloa, Hawaii, 1997. 12. Diabetes: Practice patterns in Colorado. 16th Epidemiological Research Exchange. Denver, CO, 1997. 13. Reducing the burden of diabetes in Colorado. Technical Conference of the American Health Quality Association. Austin, Texas, 1998 14. Diabetes care: a quality improvement project in the HMO setting. 126 th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Washington DC, 1998 15. Autologous blood transfusion does not reduce postoperative infection rates in elective surgery. 51st Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Surgical Congress. Coronado, CA, 1999. 16. Quality Improvement Organizations: Applying Science to Real Life. 2000 Annual Meeting of the Colorado Public Health Association and Public Health Nurses Association of Colorado. Breckenridge, CO, 2000. 17. The Tepeyac Project: a Church-based approach to increase breast cancer screening among Latinas in Colorado. 21st Annual Epidemiologic Research Exchange, Denver, CO, 2003 18. The Tepeyac Project: a Church-based approach to increase breast cancer screening among Latinas in Colorado. 9th Biennial Symposium on Minorities, the Medically Underserved & Cancer, Intercultural Cancer Council, Washington, DC, 2004. 19. A Four-year Cultural Competence Medical School Curriculum: the UCDHSC Experience. University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Diversity Week Research Exchange. Denver CO, April 2005. 23 20. Validating multiple organ failure scores. Shock International Meeting, Cologne, Germany, 2008. 21. Project TEACH (Teaching Equity to Advance Community Health): UCD Health Equity 2010 Meeting, Aurora CO. 22. Project TEACH (Teaching Equity to Advance Community Health): American Public Health Association 2010 Meeting, Denver CO. Selected abstracts accepted for presentations (Senior author and Coauthor) 1. Septicemia: Clinical and laboratory data and prognostic factors in 50 inpatients in an Intensive Care Unit. Brazilian Congress of Intensive Care Medicine, Parana, Brazil, 1986. 2. Continuous extrapleural intercostal nerve block for amelioration of multiple rib fracture pain. 18th Society of Critical Care Medicine's Symposium, 1993 3. Cardiac enzymes are irrelevant in the patient with suspected myocardial contusion. Jack A. Barney Resident Award, 46th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Surgical Congress, Tucson, Arizona, 1994. 4. Early postinjury neutrophil priming status predicts multiple organ failure. 3rd International Congress on the Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock and Sepsis,Munich, Germany, 1994 5. The inflammatory profile of interleukin-8 and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (cICAM-1) in postinjury multiple organ failure. Jack A. Barney Resident Award, 47th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Surgical Congress, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1995. 6. Early neutrophil sequestration after injury: a pathogenic mechanism for multiple organ failure. 25th Annual Meeting of the Western Trauma Association. Big Sky, Montana, 1995. 7. Predicting life-threatening coagulopathy in the massively transfused trauma patient: a prospective analysis. Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Houston, TX, 1996. 8. Abdominal compartment syndrome: prospective characterization and response to decompression. 56th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Houston, Texas, 1996. 9. Blood transfusion: an independent risk factor for postinjury multiple organ failure. 104th Scientific Session of the Western Surgical Association. Portland, Oregon, 1996 10. Temporal trends in postinjury MOF incidence and outcome. 57th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Waikoloa, Hawaii, 1997. 24 11. Emergency Department Utilization and Poor Diabetes Care. American Federation for Medical Research Western Meeting, Carmel, CA, February 2002. (Senior author) (*) 12. Medicaid Eligibility And Ethnicity Predict Sub-optimal Diabetes Care among Medicare Patients. American Diabetes Association National Scientific Session, San Francisco, CA, June 2002 (Senior author) (*) 13. Effects of Ethnicity on One Year Mortality in Seriously Ill Veteran Population, VAHSR&D National Meeting, Washington, D.C., February 2003 . (*) 23. Effect of Altitude on Low Birth Weight (LBW) Among Colorado Twins. 21st Annual Epidemiologic Research Exchange, Denver Colorado, February, 2003. (*) 24. Processes and Outcomes Of Care In Elderly Patients With Acute Bronchitis. 2003 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Geriatrics Society Baltimore, Maryland, May, 2003. (*) 25. Processes and Outcomes Of Care In Elderly Patients With Acute Bronchitis. 2003 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine, Vancouver, Canada, April, 2003. 26. Effects of Ethnicity on One Year Mortality in Seriously Ill Veteran Population, UCHSC Diversity Week Research Exchange, Denver, CO, April 2003. (*) 22. Organ Dysfunction During Resuscitation Does Not Predict Post-Injury Multiple Organ Failure. Western Surgical Association, Tucson, Arizona, Nov 2003.(Senior author) 27. A 10-year prospective outcome study of postinjury multiple organ failure. 6th World Congress on Shock and Inflammation Munich Germany, March 2004. (Senior author) 28. Acute Lung injury is the motor that drives postinjury multiple organ failure Shock Society Annual Meeting Halifax Nova Scotia, June 2004. (Senior author) 29. A 10-Year Prospective Outcome study of Postinjury Multi0ple Organ Failure. American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Annual Meeting, Maui, HI, September 2004. (Senior author) 30. Johnson JL, Moore EE, Ciesla DJ, Cothren CC, Sauaia A: Male Gender is and Independent Risk Factor for Major Infection after Severe Blunt Trauma. American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Annual Meeting, Maui, HI, September 2004 (Senior author) 31. A 10-Year Prospective Study of Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure: Has Anything Changed? Western Surgical Association Annual Meeting, Tucson Arizona, November 2004. (Senior author) 25 32. Decreased blood transfusion trauma resuscitation is associated with a decreased risk of postinjury multiple organ failure. 7th World Congress on Shock and Inflammation, 2005. (Senior author) 33. Advances in Surgical Critical Care Have Decreased the Severity of the Postinjury Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Central Surgical Association, Kentucky, 2005. (Senior author) 34. Obesity increases the risk of postinjury organ dysfunction but not death in high risk trauma patients, Western Trauma Association, 2005. (Senior author) 35. Pain Prevalence and Treatment: Are There Ethnic Differences in Hospitalized Adults? 29th Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine, Los Angeles CA, 2006. (Co-Author) (*) 36. Does Having Insurance Affect Differences in Clinical Presentation between Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Women with Breast Cancer? (Co-Author). Preventive Medicine, Miami, Florida, 2007(Co-Author) (*) 37. The Colorado Colorectal Screening Program. American Cancer Society 2007 Bridging the Health Care Divide: Research and Programs to Eliminate Cancer Disparities. New Orleans, LA, 2007 (Co-Author) 38. Early Transfusion of FFP is Independently Associated with Postinjury MOF. 2007 Annual Meeting of the Western Surgical Association. Colorado Springs, CO, 2007. (Second author) 39. Massive coagulopathy: is 1:1 Plasma: RBC Ratio the answer? 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Las Vegas, Nebraska, 2007. (Senior author) 40. HMGB1 is markedly elevated early after injury. Shock International Meeting, Cologne, Germany, 2008. (Co- author) (*) 41. Adrenal insufficiency after injury is associated with multiple organ failure. Shock International Meeting, Cologne, Germany, 2008. (Senior author) 42. Targeted 1:1 FFP: RBC Ratios In Pelvic Fractures: Disassociation Of Coagulopathy With Mortality. 67th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Maui, Hawaii, US, 2008 (Co-author) 43. Defining the role of the surgical intensivist in the era of acute care surgery. 67th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Maui, Hawaii, US, 2008 (Co-author) 44. Older age and blood transfusion are co-conspirators in the development of postinjury multiple organ failure and subsequent death. 39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Western Trauma Association, Crested Butte, CO, February 2009 (senior author). 45. Cranioplasty following Decompressive Craniectomy- Is Timing of the Essence? 67th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Maui, Hawaii, US, 2009 (senior author) 26 46. HELLP Syndrome: When Is Surgical Help Needed? Southwestern Surgical Congress, 61st Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, 2009. (senior author) 47. Rapid thrombelastography is Associated with Hypercoagulability and Predicts Thromboembolic Events in Surgical Patients- Central Surgical Association, annual meeting, March 6, 2009 (senior author) 48. Rapid thrombelastography improves management of postinjury coagulopathy American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Pittsburgh, PA Oct 2, 2009 (senior author) 49. Current enthusiasm for urban bicycle use in America: the perfect storm for an injury epidemic: American College of Surgeons annual meeting, plenary presentation, Chicago, IL, October, 2009 (senior author) 50. Wood JH, Partrick DA, Hays T, Sauaia A, Karrer FM, Ziegler MM. Contemporary Pediatric Splenectomy: continuing controversies. 117th Scientific Session of the Western Surgical Association, San Antonio, TX, 9 November, 2009 (*) 51. Postinjury Thrombocytopenia is Associated With Adverse Outcomes: Eastern Association for Surgery of Trauma, annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ February, 2010 (senior author). (*) 52. Project TEACH (Teaching Equity to Advance Community Health): A capacity building community-academic partnership to achieve health equity. Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO, 2010 (first author). 53. Health disparities in Colorado: What can we learn from Geographic Information Systems? Public Health in the Rockies Conference, Denver, Colorado, September 9-10, 2010. (senior author) (*) 54. Project TEACH: using GIS to map regional health inequities and empower the community. ESRI Health Mapping Conference, Denver, Colorado, 2010. (Senior author) (*) 55. Targeted 1:1 FFP: RBC for Life Threatening Pelvic Trauma: Not Achievable and Not Beneficial. 2010 Surgical Forum Program of the Clinical Congress American College of Surgeons, Washington, DC, Oct 2010. (senior author) 56. The future of acute care surgery: a perspective from the next generation. 41st Annual Meeting of The Western Trauma Association, Big Sky, Montana, 2011. (co-author) (*) 57. The Changing Profile Of Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure: Disappearance Of The Delayed Peak. 6th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Huntington Beach, California, 2011. (senior author) (*) 58. Max V Wohlauer, MD, Angela Sauaia, MD, PhD, Jeffrey Johnson, MD, Anirban Banerjee, PhD, Ernest E Moore, MD. Acute kidney injury and posttrauma multiple organ failure: the canary in the coal mine. 2011 American 27 Association for the Surgery of Trauma Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. This abstract was featured in the MD Consult on Oct 20, 2011, (senior author) (*) 59. Jeffrey N. Harr MD, MPH, Ernest E. Moore MD, Jeffrey Johnson MD, Theresa L. Chin MD, Max V. Wohlauer MD, Ronald Maier MD, Joseph Cuschieri MD, Jason Sperry MD, Miguel Fragoso DVM, Anirban Banerjee PhD, Christopher C. Silliman MD, PhD, and Angela Sauaia MD, PhD. Anti-Platelet Therapy: A New Strategy To Reduce Post-Injury Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Multiple Organ Failure, And Mortality in Trauma Patients. American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma March 7-10th, 2012 Chicago, Illinois. (senior author) (*) 60. T. Chin, A. Sauaia, E. E. Moore, J. G. Chandler, J. L. Johnson, A. Banerjee. Elderly Trauma Patients May Benefit From Tight Glucose Control. 2012 Academic Surgical Congress, Las Vegas, NV, Feb 2012 (senior author) (*) 61. Stacy Fischer MD, Jean Kutner MD MSPH, Angela Sauaia, MD PhD. Patient satisfaction with pain management: complex interactions with SES and ethnicity. 2012 AAHPM & HPNA Annual Assembly, Denver, CO, March 2012 (won AAHPM poster prize).(senior author) (*) 62. Chin, Theresa L., MD, Moore, Ernest E., MD, Harr, Jeffrey, MD, MPH, Johnson Jeff, MD; Banerjee Anirban, PhD; Sauaia, Angela, MD, PhD. Failure to increase platelet count early postinjury predicts adverse outcomes. Poster presentation at the 7th International Federation of Shock Societies and the Thirty-fifth Annual Conference on Shock, Miami Beach, Florida June, 2012 (senior author) (*) 28