Zebra Lesson Plan

Zebra Lesson Plan
Name: Rachel Ison
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan Title: Zebra
Grade Level: K
Date: 4/6/12
Length of Session: 30 min.
Content Standard
Life Science:
 Standard 3- Flow of Matter and Energy- Matter and energy flow through the biosphere.
 Standard 4-Heredity- Plants and animals reproduce and transmit hereditary information between
 Standard 5- Biodiversity and Change- A rich variety of complex organisms have developed in
response to a continually changing environment.
Materials & Resources: Milia’s Big Day by Thea Feldman
Zebra Lap Book
Zachery Zebra Worksheet
Zebra Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCcF1lT-xdM
Create Stripes Worksheet
Black Construction paper strips
Unit Goal(s):
 GLE 0007.3.1 Recognize that living things require water, food, and air.
 GLE 0007.4.1 Observe how plants and animals change as they grow.
 GLE 0007.4.2 Observe that offspring resemble their parents.
 GLE 0007.5.1 Compare the basic features of plants and animals.
Learning Objectives:
 0007.3.1 Observe plants and animals and make records of their similarities and differences.
 0007.5.1 Use a variety of representations to describe similarities and differences among plants
and animals.
 0007.5.2 Create a mural of an ecosystem and compare the characteristics of animals and plants
within that environment.
 0007.5.3 Match pictures of animal and plant characteristics needed for survival to appropriate
Enduring Understandings:
 Zebras have a family structure and order.
 Zebras are social creatures.
 Zebras have unique patterns that are one of a kind.
 Zebras can communicate with body language.
 How do zebras survive in the harsh savanna?
 How is the family structure in the herd?
 What are the predators of zebras?
INTRODUCTION or Anticipatory Set
Time: 5 min.
Start the lesson by asking the students if you could be a zebra, what would you see around your home?
BODY (Activities & Practice)
Time: 20 min.
1. Read Milia’s Big Day to the students.
2. Present Zebra lapbook to students.
3. Ask them what an interesting fact that they liked about zebras was.
4. Read Zachery Zebra worksheet and students will color the stripes in various colors.
5. Pass out the materials for the students to create their own unique zebra pattern while listen to the
zebra song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCcF1lT-xdM
6. Have them present their creations to each other. Teacher will then display in hall.
Time: 5 min.
Talk to the students about their zebras and ask questions about zebras that students learned from the
Transition: Zoo track hunters were students are given a color of their tracks and have the different
colored tracks leading to stations.
Observe students interacting with the lapbook and ask how they came to those answers. Teacher can also
assess their zebra stripe creation by looking for different patterns.
References: www.homeschoolshare.com