Name:________________________________ WFA Technology Excel Notes - NO ACTION REQUIRED Title Bar Formula Bar Column Headings Name Box for active cell Scroll Bar Row Headings Cell Worksheets Scroll Bar Cell – The intersection of a column and row Cells can contain numbers, text, or formulas Fill Handle - The small black square in the lower-right corner of the cell. When you point to the fill handle, the pointer changes to a black cross.. Formatting in Excel Formatting a Cell, Row, or Column 2.Click on the changes needed on the Home Tab EX. Bold, Center, underline 1. Click on a Cell, Row number, or Column Number 3.To add a $ sign, %, or decimal to the cells or change the date format click here Autofit - To format the columns or rows so when data is entered the column or row width will automatically adjust. Select the columns – Choose Format then Autofit To change the width or height click on Row Height or Column Width Changing Column or Row Width Manually Move the mouse to the line between the columns or rows. The mouse turns into Click and hold the mouse as you drag it to the desired width Merge and Center Cells 1.Using the mouse drag and select the cells you want (Ex: A1 thru C1) 2. Click on the merge and center icon on the Home tab Auto fill Excel allows you to fill in sequential data automatically without typing it. Type in the first two numbers of the sequence, highlight the cells, then drag the Sorting outside section of the cell down (you will get a + sign) to fill in the remaining numbers Excel provides the ability to sort ranges of data 1. Start by selecting the range of data you wish to sort 2. Click on the Sort & Filter Button 3. Choose custom sort to sort by the column you wish and the order. For example choose Artist and A to Z order Autosum - allows you to Add, Average, Count, find the Minimum or Maximum of a RANGE of cells. 1. To use autosum, first select the cells you want to sum, average or count OR just click in the cell where you want the results to show 2. Click on Autosum and choose either SUM or AVERAGE or COUNT 3. The end result will fill in Formulas Excel can perform standard math functions by using the below symbols: + for addition The end result will fill in for you - For subtraction / for division * for multiplication All formulas start with the equal symbol (=) then the cell location Example Formulas: =A2+B2 = SUM(A1:A5) =AVERAGE (A1:A5) =A2*B2 This will give you the SUM of cells A2 and B2 This will give you the SUM of the Cells A1 thru A5 This will give you the AVERAGE of Cells A1 thru A5 This will give you A2 multiplied by B2 To display formulas on your worksheet hit Ctrl + ~ (Tilde) Formula To enter in a formula you can either type it into the formula bar or click on the Insert Function (fx) icon on the Formula Bar Insert Function 1. When you click on fx the insert function box displays 2. Select the function you want and select OK Note: the formula fills in automatically 3. Then highlight which cells you want and click OK. Graphs – To insert a graph: Legend 1 Select the data you want to graph 2 Go to insert tab and choose the type of chart Chart Tools: Design-Change Color Layout – Change Chart Title & Legend To change the color or legend of your chart: Click the chart, go to Chart tools and design tab To add titles to your chart: Click the chart, go to Chart tools then Layout tab and Chart Titles To change the Legend: Click the chart, go to Chart Tools then Layout Tab and Legend Name:________________________________ WFA Technology Excel Formatting #1 Directions: Start Microsoft Excel Log onto and look at the Top 40 Chart of this Week Enter the data into Excel as per below for the Top 10 Songs Use auto fill for the Rank column. Do not enter in each number 1-10. Formatting changes: Merge and Center the Title “TOP SONGS OF THE WEEK” (Cells A1 thru D1) Center Align Column A, Right Align Column B & C Bold Row 3 and add a border and shading to Row 1 Column Rename the worksheet “A1” and Save the file as “Excel 1” A B C D Row 1 TOP SONGS OF THE WEEK 2 3 Rank 4 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 5 9 6 10 7 11 8 12 9 13 10 Artist Song Name:________________________________ WFA Technology Excel Sorting #2 Directions: Open up “Excel 1” and go to “A1” Add “Price” in cell D3 and make up an album price for each artist Format Column D as Currency with a $ sign Sort the Data by Column D, Largest to smallest Add Gridlines to all your data (Page Layout-Gridlines-Choose Print) Go to Worksheet 2 and Rename the worksheet as “A2” Log onto and click on Billboard 200 to get the Best Selling Albums Enter the data into Excel as below for the Top 10 CD’s for January 2011 Auto fit column width Use Auto fill for the Rank Column up thru 10 Make up an album price Formatting changes: Merge and Center the Title “Best Selling CD’s January 2011” (A1 thru D1) Format Column D as Currency with a $ sign Sort the Data by Column D, Smallest to Largest Add a border and shading to row 1 Add Gridlines to all your data Save your file and raise your hand for a grade A B C D 1 Best Selling CD’s January 2011 2 3 Rank Name 4 1 9.99 5 2 10.99 6 3 15.00 7 4 18.00 8 5 17.00 *Keep going up thru #10 Artist Price Name:________________________________ WFA Technology Excel Auto Sum #3 Directions: Open up “Excel 1” and go to worksheet “A2” Select all the prices in column D by highlighting them Click on Autosum and choose SUM to find the total price for all the albums Select all the prices again, click on Autosum and choose AVERAGE Go to Worksheet 3 and Rename the worksheet as “A3” Enter the data into Excel as below for Xbox 360 Sales Formatting changes: Merge and Center the Title “Xbox 360 Games & Accessories” (A1 thru E1) Format Column B as Currency with a $ sign Use Autosum to find the AVERAGE unit price for Column B (enter in row 14) Use Autosum to find the SUM of Units sold for Column C (enter in row 15) Use Autosum to find the MAX of Units sold for Column C (Enter in row 16) Insert a clipart picture of a video game, place the image next to the title Bold Row 1, 14, 15, 16 and change the font size to 16 A 1 B C D E Xbox 360 Games & Accessories 2 3 Game/Accessory Unit Price 4 Call of Duty Black Ops $ 65.99 54 5 Halo Reach $ 65.99 34 6 NBA $ 65.99 22 7 Need for Speed $ 65.99 35 8 Dance Central $ 59.99 19 9 Kinnect Sports $ 59.99 25 10 Medal of Honor $ 59.99 39 11 Marvel Pinball $ 59.99 22 12 Rock Band $ 65.99 40 13 NHL $ 65.99 10 14 Average Price 15 Total Sold 16 Max Sold Units Sold Total Sales Commission Name:________________________________ WFA Technology Excel Bar Graph #4 Directions: Open up Excel 1 Go to Worksheet 4 and Rename the worksheet as “4” Enter the data into Excel as below for Wilson’s Sumo Wrestling Team Merge and Center the Title “Wilson Sumo Wrestling Team” (A1 thru C1) Create a bar graph of the name and weight column Add an axis title of “Weight” and “Name” Add a chart title “Wilson Sumo Weight Bar Graph” Raise your hand for a grade A B C 1 Wilson’s Sumo Wrestling Team 2 Name Grade Weight 3 Andre 7 444 4 Bill 8 412 5 Dylan 7 298 6 Ed 7 378 7 Jim 8 313 8 John 7 381 9 Mike 6 367 10 Steve 6 423 Wilson Sumo Weight Bar Graph Steve Mike Name John Jim Ed Dylan Bill Andre 0 100 200 300 Weight 400 500 Name:________________________________ WFA Technology Excel Pie Chart #5 Directions: Open up Excel 1 Go to Worksheet 5 and Rename the worksheet as “A5” Enter the data into Excel as below for Wilson’s Family Budget Merge and Center the Title “Wilson Family Budget” (A1 thru C1) Add a formula to determine the total expenses Create a pie graph of the Category and expense weight column Do not include the Total in the pie graph Add a chart title “Wilson Family Budget” Add “Data Labels” to the Inside End (this will show your amounts on the graph) Raise your hand for a grade Wilson Family Category Expense Budget Rent 1000 Car Payment 550 Car Insurance 70 Medical Insurance 90 RG & E 40 Phone 75 Time Warner Cable 100 Student Loan 350 Food 200 Entertainment 100 Transportation 120 Other 100 Total Name:________________________________ WFA Technology Excel Line Graph #6 Directions: Open up Excel 1 Go to Worksheet 6 and Rename the worksheet as “A6” Enter the data into Excel as below for Rochester Weather Use Auto fill for the months Merge and Center the Title “Rochester Weather” (A1 thru D1) Add a formula to determine the average weather Format Column D so there are no decimals Create a line graph of the High, Low and Average columns Add a chart title “Rochester Weather” Add a vertical axis title “Temperature” Save and Raise your hand for a grade B C D Month January February March April May June July August September October November December High 31 33 43 55 68 77 81 79 71 60 47 36 Low 17 17 25 35 46 55 60 59 51 41 33 23 Average Rochester Weather Tempearature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A Rochester Weather 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 High Low Average Name:________________________________ WFA Technology Excel Quiz #7 Directions: 1. Enter the data into your Excel 1 file and save as worksheet A7 2. Total each row and column using a formula 3. Add a $ sign to all columns with numbers 4. Insert a column chart, title your chart “Comparative Sales” 5. Make sure your chart matches the chart below Jan Feb Brenda 2,500 6,000 David 3,400 Alex Barry TOTAL Mar Apr May TOTAL 950 7,000 3,450 ? 4,500 1,250 625 2,300 ? 800 525 8,100 6,750 4,000 ? 5,500 4,350 800 1,225 3,255 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?