Gas Efficiency Funding Stage 1 Measurement and Monitoring Business Case You must complete and submit this template as part of your application for funding. Site details Organisation name Organisation name Site address Location where the proposed project will be implemented Business case author (this could be a site representative, product or service provider, etc.) Name Name Position Position Contact number Contact number Contact email Contact email Section 1: Commitment to Sustainability Sustainability: Please describe your organisation’s commitment to sustainability. Examples of commitment include: having energy efficiency targets, being able to demonstrate executive commitment, having long-term (funded) monitoring and efficiency plans in place, and having completed energy efficiency projects in the past.. Describe your organisation’s commitment to sustainability (recommended 200 words) 1 Section 2: Project Design Goals: Please state what you want to achieve from improving your gas measurement and monitoring system. One goal must be the development of a key performance indicator (KPI) for steam or heat. For example, if you want to install an economiser on a steam boiler for your Stage 2 project, your KPI will be the amount of gas (in GJ) required to produce 1 tonne of steam. To calculate this, your site will need to separate how much gas the boiler uses, generally via the use of a gas sub-meter. To know how much steam the boiler produces, the site could install a steam meter, or use a combination of feedwater, make-up water and blowdown flow meters to calculate steam production. 1. 2. 3. 4. Required: Develop a KPI for steam or heat production for priority gas using equipment example: Achieve a 10% gas saving as part of our corporate sustainability commitment example: Measure and verify gas savings from future efficiency projects, including our Stage 2 project example: Allocate accurately the costs of our major process areas, Line 1 is main steam user Equipment: List all major gas using equipment and estimate how much gas these items use. This can be done to a reasonable level of accuracy using information from different sources such as: utility data, equipment nameplates and manuals, operating hours of equipment, theoretical heat demand from processes, combustion test data, and different sub-meters including water, steam and gas (if they exist). Minor uses of gas may be excluded. List and describe the meters that already exist on site. Include the following in your description: stream (gas, steam, water), meter type (e.g. vortex, ultrasonic), what it measures (flow, pressure (P), temperature (T)), its condition ( of last calibration), physical location and data collection system (e.g. connection to SCADA, loggers, manual readings, etc.). Gas using equipment Gas use (% of total) Provide a description of how gas use was estimated List and describe existing meters (add rows as required) example: Steam Boiler example: 60% example: Estimate was made based on the operating hours, boiler output rating, combustion efficiency and discussions with operations staff. The accuracy of this estimate is ±20% of the estimate (ie 48-72% of gas use). example: A water meter is located on the make-up water line to the boiler, right next to the feedwater tank. It measures flow, and there’s no record of any calibration. It appears to be working, however it is not connected to the SCADA system and meter reads are not conducted regularly. A manual pressure gauge is connected next to the flow meter. example: Temperature and pressure meters are installed on the steam header out of the boiler, they are connected to the SCADA system and calibrated each year. 2 Equipment: List all major gas using equipment and estimate how much gas these items use. This can be done to a reasonable level of accuracy using information from different sources such as: utility data, equipment nameplates and manuals, operating hours of equipment, theoretical heat demand from processes, combustion test data, and different sub-meters including water, steam and gas (if they exist). Minor uses of gas may be excluded. List and describe the meters that already exist on site. Include the following in your description: stream (gas, steam, water), meter type (e.g. vortex, ultrasonic), what it measures (flow, pressure (P), temperature (T)), its condition ( of last calibration), physical location and data collection system (e.g. connection to SCADA, loggers, manual readings, etc.). example: Hot water heater example: Oven example: 10% example: 30% example: Process data for water flow was logged for three months and the operating manual for the heater was used to estimate the gas required to heat water to 80ºC for a year. The accuracy of this approach is ±10% (ie 9-11% of gas use). example: A dedicated water flow meter is located on the inlet to the water heater (at ground level). It was commissioned in August 2015, so it is assumed that it is reading accurately. Manual reads are taken once a week and recorded in a book next to the meter. example: Estimate was made based on the operating hours, furnace nameplate information and the estimated gas use of other equipment. The accuracy of this estimate is ±20% of the estimate (ie 24-36% of gas use). example: No meters are currently installed for this equipment. example: No other meters are currently installed for this equipment. A manual pressure gauge is connected next to the flow meter. Energy Management System: Provide details of existing software such as SCADA or BMS, how the system is being used (e.g. analysing processes, reporting on variations, sending alerts), and which meters are, or are not, connected to the system. If your site does not use energy management software, please describe how metered data is collected and managed. Energy management software example: A SCADA system is used for monitoring electricity use on site. Data is transmitted from three sub-meters via a wireless connection. The water meters mentioned above are not connected. Data is currently being used by Line Managers to identify opportunities to shift production schedules to off-peak periods. Data management example: Data on electricity use is stored on-site. Data on water use for the hot water heater is recorded in a log book and entered into a spreadsheet quarterly. 3 Describe your measurement and monitoring project: Your project will need to help achieve your gas measurement and monitoring goals. In particular, you need to ensure that the equipment that will be upgraded in your Stage 2 project is adequately metered. Describe your project (recommended 200-300 words) Required Meters: List all the meters that are relevant to your project. Include any upgrades to or calibration of existing meters. Gas using Equipment What will it measure? (Service and characteristic/s) Meter type example: Steam Boiler example: gas; flow, temperature and pressure example: Steam Boiler Line and physical location Action (existing or proposed) Data collection system (existing or proposed) example: turbine gas sub-meter example: gas inlet line to boiler example: install example: wireless connection to existing SCADA, proposed example: water; flow and temperature example: water flow meter example: feedwater inlet line to boiler example: install example: wireless connection to existing SCADA, proposed example: Steam Boiler example: water; flow and temperature example: water flow meter example: make-up water line to hot well example: calibrate existing meter, install connection to SCADA system example: wireless connection to existing SCADA, proposed example: Steam Boiler example: water; flow and temperature example: water flow meter example: condensate return line to hot well example: install example: wireless connection to existing SCADA, proposed example: Steam Boiler example: water; flow and temperature example: water flow meter example: blowdown line to example: install drain example: wireless connection to existing SCADA, proposed example example: steam; flow and pressure example: steam flow meter example: steam line to production line 1 example: wireless connection to existing SCADA, proposed example: install 4 Project Drawing: (Optional) Provide a diagram that illustrates the main gas using equipment and all existing and proposed meters. The diagram can be hand-drawn, created using software, or an existing schematic can be modified. You may also attach a separate document for this section. The diagram does not need to be detailed, however it must show (with labels) all the equipment and meters (existing and proposed) listed in above. 5 Section 3: Project Management Stage 1 Schedule: List the tasks you need to implement Stage 1 of your project. The assumed commencement date has already been provided. Please take into consideration: equipment supply lead times, requirements of the gas distributor (e.g. for pulse meter connections), safety considerations, production planning, availability of key staff, site access, work permits, commissioning and Stage 1 reporting to OEH. You can change and add to the activities below to suit your project. Task description Start date End date Expected date funding agreement finalised 18/04/2016 - example: Install meters Start date End date example: Install logging and communications equipment Start date End date example: Test system Start date End date example: Submit claim for funding Start date End date 6 Proposed Costs: Seek at least one quotation for each component of the project and complete the following table. OEH encourages sites to seek more than one quotation. You can change and add to the items below to suit your project. Item Cost Comments example: Gas sub-meter x1 Cost example: three quotes received, lowest cost chosen example: Water sub-meters x4 Cost example: three quotes received, same product as existing boiler system water meters chosen although not lowest cost example: Steam sub-meter x1 Cost example: one quote received from preferred supplier example: Piping and mechanical Cost example: Electrical and communications Cost example: installation contractors Cost TOTAL Stage 1 Project Costs Total cost Proposed OEH contribution Proposed contribution OEH will match funding up to a maximum of $15,000 for stage 1 7