1 SUPPORTING INFORMATION LEGEND 2 Figure S1. Growth environments and days to heading of Asominori and NIL (ltg1) in 3 three different environments. (a) Day length variation in the Nanjing summer (data 4 collected from May 2008 to October 2008) (HTE1; Table S1) and in the dry season of 5 Lingshui, Hainan (data collected from December 2008 to April 2009) (LTE1) from 6 sowing to harvest. (b) Temperature variation in the natural Nanjing summer (HTE1), 7 natural Hainan dry season (LTE1) and Hainan greenhouse (HTE2). (c) Days to heading 8 (DTH) of Asominori and NIL (ltg1) in these three environments. Data given as means ± 9 s.d. (n = 10 plants). ** represent significant difference (P < 0.01) according to Student’s 10 t-test. 11 12 Figure S2. Diurnal expression patterns of genes associated with DTH in rice. 13 Expression of Hd1, Hd3a and RFT1 by qRT-PCR was analyzed in Asominori and NIL 14 (ltg1) plants grown under different photoperiods and temperatures. In all panels, the Y 15 axis represents relative expression levels and the mean of each point is based on the 16 average of three biological and three technical replicates ± s.d. calculated using the 17 relative quantification method. The black bars indicate the dark period, and the white bars 18 indicate the light period. The numbers below the bars indicate the hours of RNA 19 sampling. 20 21 Figure S3. Germination rate of Asominori and NIL (ltg1) grown under low 22 temperature conditions. Seeds were sawn in a growth chamber under a 12 h day 23 photoperiod and at constant temperature of 23ºC. Germination was scored every 12 h 24 when root and/or shoot emerged. Each data point represents mean ± s.d. (n = 30). 25 26 Figure S4. Variation in shoot heights in Asominori and NIL (ltg1) grown under 27 different temperature conditions. (a-e) Shoot height variation of plants grown at 33ºC 28 (a), 30ºC (b), 27ºC (c), 24 (d) and 21ºC (e), all at 12 h day photoperiod. Plant height was 29 measured at five growth points in each condition. Data are given as mean ± s.d. (n = 10 30 plants). 31 32 Figure S5. Alignment of LTG1 with homologous proteins from Arabidopsis, rice, 33 maize and human. Homologous sequences were identified from a Blast search using the 34 TGI database (http://compbio.dfci.harvard.edu/tgi). The sequences with highest homologies 35 were aligned with LTG1 using CLUSTALW software. Roman numerals refer to protein 36 kinase motifs I through XI (Hanks et al., 1988). CKI signature sequences are underlined 37 (Graves et al., 1993). The near-consensus SV40T antigen putative NLS is boxed. 38 39 Figure S6. Subcellular localization of LTG1. (a) Localization of GFP, (b) Localization 40 of the LTG1-GFP fusion protein in rice protoplasts. Bars = 7.5m. 41 42 Figure S7. Phylogenetic tree of LTG1 and homologous sequences. The tree was 43 derived from alignment of full-length amino acid sequences of LTG1 and its homologous 44 genes from Arabidopsis, rice, maize and human using ClustalW and the neighbor-joining 45 method. The number at each node represents the bootstrap support (percentage) and the 46 scale bar indicates the genetic distance based on branch length. 47 48 Figure S8. Expression pattern of LTG1. (a) Analysis of LTG1 expression in roots (R), 49 culms (C), sheaths (S), blades (B) and panicles (P) by qRT-PCR. (b) GUS staining of the 50 same tissues; bars = 1 mm. 51 52 Figure S9. Expression of LTG1 in plants grown under different temperatures. (a-d) 53 Transcript levels of LTG1 in 4-week-old Asominori and NIL(ltg1) plants grown at 54 constant 32ºC (a), 23ºC (b). Four-week-old plants grown at 32ºC were transferred to 23ºC 55 for 0-72 h (c); plants grown at 23ºC for four weeks were transferred to 32ºC (0-72 h) (d). 56 All conditions were with a 12 h photoperiod. The black bars indicate the dark period. 57 58 Figure S10. Effect of auxin treatment on plant growth in Asominori grown under 59 LT. (a) Phenotype of germinated Asominori seedlings treated with 0, 1, 10 M NAA for 60 two weeks and grown in a hydroponic system and at constant 23ºC. (b) Shoot and root 61 lengths of the plants. Bars represent means ± s.d. (n = 18 plants). Different letters indicate 62 significant differences according to Tukey’s test at P < 0.05. 63 64 Figure S11. Alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences of the LTG1 65 haplotypes. Sequences were deduced from the coding cDNAs of 159 cultivars and 66 aligned using ClustalW software. Shaded residues represent positions of those amino acid 67 substitutions marked in red compared to haplotype LTG1-H1. Numbers in parentheses 68 represent the number of cultivars with each haplotype. 69 70 Figure S12. Phylogenetic relationship of the genomic region surrounding the FNP of 71 LTG1. The analysis was done with 45 cultivars and 30 wild races using ClustalW and the 72 neighbor-joining method. Green circles and red diamond represent the cultivars and wild 73 race respectively, which are of the LTG1-H2 haplotype. The purple circle represents the 74 LTG1-H4 haplotype. The scale bar indicates the genetic distance based on branch length. 75 76 Table S1. Characteristics of the seven environments used in this study. 77 78 Table S2. Temperature sensitivity, haplotype, local origin and days to heading 79 (DTH) of all cultivars and wild races used in the study. 80 81 Table S3. Molecular marker primers used in map-based cloning of LTG1. 82 83 Table S4. Primers used in sequencing of the final mapping region of LTG1 between 84 the markers L264 and IND14. 85 86 Table S5. Primer sequences used to generate DNA constructs. 87 88 Table S6. Primer sequences used in qRT-PCR analysis.