Engl 240مقدمة في علم الترجمة شرح المحتوى مع أهداف المقرر وتوزيع

Quiz 1 = 10 * Quiz 2 = 10 * Midterm = 20 * Participation=10 * Homework = 10 * Final = 40 : ‫توزيع الدرجات‬
Level /Year
Course Title
‫اسم المقرر‬
Code / N°
ّ /‫الرمز‬
Weekly Contact Hours
‫عدد ساعات االتصال االسبوعيه‬
Introduction to
ENGL 240
242 ‫انجل‬
‫مدخل الى الترجمة‬
Prerequisite(s): No prerequisites
‫ ال يوجد‬:‫المتطلبات السابقة‬
Optional [ ]
‫] [ اختياري‬
Course Description:
This course prepares students to translate longer texts of various types from Arabic into English, while
highlighting the basic problems facing Arab learners of English translation. Aspects of text analysis, sentential and
structural relations together with the importance of context in translation will be emphasized in this course.
:‫محتوى المقرر‬
‫يهيئ هذا المقرر الطلبة لترجمة مختلف انواع النصوص من اللغة العربية الى اللغة االنجليزية مركزا على المشاكل األساسية التي تواجه الطلبة العرب‬
‫المتخصصين في الترجمة وسوف يدرس الطلبة في هذا المقرر كيفية ترجمة مجموعات صغيرة من الجمل (الفقرات الصغيرة إلى اللغة اإلنجليزية‬
‫ خالل هذا المقرر ينبغي على الطالب أيضا معرفة بعض من ثقافة اللغة المستهدفة‬.)‫والعكس‬.
Course Objectives:
This course aims to enable students to:
1. differentiate between target language and language of origin in the process of translation;
2. explain a few of translation theories and methods; and
3. translate simple sentences and short paragraphs from English into Arabic and vice versa.
:‫اهداف المقرر‬
:‫يهدف هذا المقرر الى‬
.‫تمكين الطالب من التفريق بين اللغه االم وااللغه المراد ترجمتها‬-1
.‫ تعريف الطالب على بعض نظريات الترجمه‬-2
.‫ تعريف الطالب على بعض طرق الترجمه‬-3
.‫ تمكين الطالب على ترجمة جمل قصيره ومقاطع قصيرة من والى العربية‬-4
Course Outcomes:
A- Knowledge:
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
understand many of the aspects of spoken and written language.
identify and articulate how to connect ideas in a text and make those ideas flow clearly and effectively.
B- Cognitive Skills:
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
apply translation skills in the classroom and outside the classroom.
assess language explicitly and efficiently to support the learning of oneself and all students.
C- Interpersonal Skills and Responsibilities:
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
analyze linguistic data and critically interpret and translate written and spoken texts.
visualize translation with box diagrams and other forms of display.
D- Analysis and Communication:
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
contrast uses of language that are personal or impersonal, direct or indirect, and informal or formal and
apply them when translating.
Hatim, b. and Munday, J.Translation: An Advanced Resource Book. (2005)
Learning Resources:
Timetable for Distributing Theoretical Course Contents
Theoretical Course Contents
Unit 1: What is translation?
Unit2: Translation theories.
Unit 3: The unit of translation
Unit 4: Translation shifts.
Unit 5: The Analysis of meaning
.Unit 6: Dynamic equivalence and the receptor of the message.
Unit 7: Textual pragmatics and equivalence.
Unit 8: Translation and relevance
Unit 9: Text type in translation.
Unit 10:Text register in translation
Unit 11 :Text, genre and discourse in translation
Unit 12:Agents of power in translation
Unit 13: Ideology and translation
Unit 14: Translation in the information technology era
Level /Year
Course Title
‫اسم المقرر‬
Code / N°
ّ /‫الرمز‬
Weekly Contact Hours
‫عدد ساعات االتصال االسبوعيه‬
Introduction to
ENGL 240
242 ‫انجل‬
‫مدخل الى الترجمة‬
Prerequisite(s): No prerequisites
‫ ال يوجد‬:‫المتطلبات السابقة‬
Optional [ ]
‫] [ اختياري‬
Course Description:
This course prepares students to translate longer texts of various types from Arabic into English, while
highlighting the basic problems facing Arab learners of English translation. Aspects of text analysis, sentential and
structural relations together with the importance of context in translation will be emphasized in this course.
:‫محتوى المقرر‬
‫يهيئ هذا المقرر الطلبة لترجمة مختلف انواع النصوص من اللغة العربية الى اللغة االنجليزية مركزا على المشاكل األساسية التي تواجه الطلبة العرب‬
‫المتخصصين في الترجمة وسوف يدرس الطلبة في هذا المقرر كيفية ترجمة مجموعات صغيرة من الجمل (الفقرات الصغيرة إلى اللغة اإلنجليزية‬
.‫ خالل هذا المقرر ينبغي على الطالب أيضا معرفة بعض من ثقافة اللغة المستهدفة‬.)‫والعكس‬
Course Objectives:
This course aims to enable students to:
4. differentiate between target language and language of origin in the process of translation;
5. explain a few of translation theories and methods; and
6. translate simple sentences and short paragraphs from English into Arabic and vice versa.
:‫اهداف المقرر‬
:‫يهدف هذا المقرر الى‬
‫تمكين الطالب من التفريق بين اللغه االم وااللغه المراد ترجمتها‬-1
.‫ تعريف الطالب على بعض نظريات الترجمه‬-2
.‫ تعريف الطالب على بعض طرق الترجمه‬-3
.‫ تمكين الطالب على ترجمة جمل قصيره ومقاطع قصيرة من والى العربية‬-4
Course Outcomes:
E- Knowledge:
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
understand many of the aspects of spoken and written language.
identify and articulate how to connect ideas in a text and make those ideas flow clearly and effectively.
F- Cognitive Skills:
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
apply translation skills in the classroom and outside the classroom.
assess language explicitly and efficiently to support the learning of oneself and all students.
G- Interpersonal Skills and Responsibilities:
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
analyze linguistic data and critically interpret and translate written and spoken texts.
visualize translation with box diagrams and other forms of display.
H- Analysis and Communication:
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
contrast uses of language that are personal or impersonal, direct or indirect, and informal or formal and
apply them when translating.
Hatim, b. and Munday, J.Translation: An Advanced Resource Book. (2005)
Learning Resources:
History of Translation : Translation in the western
world - Translation in the Arab world - What is
Students should be able to define history of
translation and differentiate between that in the
western world and in the Arab world ,students are
to know the pioneer of translation in both western
world and Arab world , they are also be able to
define translation itself and illustrate the process
of translation.
What do we deal with when we translate ? - How
do we translate? Methods of Translation :Wordfor-word Translation: Literal Translation of words
Students should be able to define the ways of
translation , they are to be able to define meaning
and its components including grammar,
vocabulary, style and phonology, students should
also be able to introduce the two major methods
of translations (literal and free) . Students should
be able to apply and produce example of word for
word translation and define this way of translation.
One-to-one Literal Translation: Literal Translation
of Meaning: Direct Translation .
Students are to define one to one translations and
discuss this way of translation illustrating the
problems and weaknesses appear in this method of
translation, they should also be able to define the
third method of literal translation, (literal
translation of meaning or direct translation in
which students start dealing with meaning.
Direct Translation - Free Translation: Bound Free
Students should be able to apply translating the
meaning directly and get rid of rules and word
order of the source language and deal with spirits
and messages in the text, they should also be able
to discuss the examples given and produce similar
statements practicing translations, they should be
able to go outside texts and out of contexts, behind
and beyond words and phrases, looking for the
spirit, or the message.
Free Translation: Bound Free Translation - Loose
Free Translation
Students should be able to define this type of free
translation which is not loose, or without
limitations, but is bound to context in some way,
they are to be able to go far away from the direct
linguistic context to inferences, and they should be
able to illustrate the intention in translation, they
are to be able to define pragmatic translation.
Equivalence - Equivalence at word level - What is
a word? – word at different level- Is there a one-toone relationship between word and meaning?
Students should be able to define equivalence ,and
illustrate various strategies which can be used for
dealing with them, they are to know what kinds of
meaning it can convey , students should also be
able to define the relationship between word and
translate simple sentences and short paragraphs
from English into Arabic and vice versa .
Introducing morphemes- Propositional vs
expressive meaning - Presupposed meaning
Translation of Collocations: Types of Collocations
- Adjective + noun collocations - Verb+ noun
Students should be able to define morphemes and
identify two or more distinct morphemes in one
word they are to be able to define distinction
between words and morphemes ,students should
also be able to define presupposed meaning
translation of collocation of a word or an
utterance arises from the relation between it and
what it refers to or describes in a real or imaginary
world and that expressive meaning cannot be
judged as true or false, students are to be able to
collocations and its different types –adjective +
noun collocation, they should be able to apply
considering that, the classification of these types is
purely grammatical, depending on the grammatical
groupings of word classes according to their
occurrence together in the use of language
Noun+ noun collocations - Noun + noun (the ofgenitive ) ‫ (( اإلضافة‬collocations - Noun+and
+noun(addition )‫ (( العطف‬collocations - Adjective +
adjective collocations- Adverb+adverb collocations
- Noun+verb collocations .
Students are to be able to differentiate between
different grammatical structures, they should be
able to apply the fixed structure of these
collocations in both languages, SL and TL they
should be able to identify the proper equivalent
collocation in Arabic,
Prepositional collocations - Adjective + preposition
collocations - Collocations of similes - Parts of
countable nouns' collocations - Helpful Vocabulary
- Variation In spelling - Some Names of Places
and things - Using the dictionary .
Students should be able to apply translation skills
when dealing with
adjective + preposition
collocations - Collocations of similes - Parts of
countable nouns'collocations,students are to
translate simple sentences and short paragraphs
from English into Arabic and vice versa, students
should be able to contrast uses of language that
are personal or impersonal, direct or indirect, and
informal or formal and apply them when
translating ,students should also be able to
develop their vocabulary and they are to be able
to use the dictionary in a proper way,,.
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
‫جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز‬
‫قسم اللغة اإلنجليزية‬
‫فرع رابغ‬
Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher Education
King Abdulaziz University
English Department
Rabigh Campus
Course: Introduction to Translation ENGL 240
Instructor: Abdurahman Alqahtany
Student’s Name:
Univ ID:
First Quiz
Q 1: List 2 methods of translation with one example for each. (4 marks)
Method 1: …………………………………………………
Example: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Method 2: ………………………………………………….
Example: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......
Q 2: Translate the following phrases into Arabic: (3 marks)
1. To run into: …………………………………………..
2. To run short of water: …………………………………………..
3. To run in the race: …………………………………………..
Q 3: What is a morpheme? (1 mark)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .
Q 4: Translates the following collocations: (2 marks)
Brain drain: …………………………….
…………………………: ‫انتصار ساحق‬
Blind Confidence: ……………………
‫ريح عاصف‬
Ministry of Higher Education
English Department
‫قسم اللغة االنجليزية‬
Rabigh Branch
‫فرع رابغ‬
Faculty of Science and Arts
English Department
ENGL 240mid- term exam
second Semester Academic Year 2014 - 2015
Date: _______________
Student's Name
University ID
Score/ 20
Question.1: Choose the best answer(5 marks ,one mark each)
(1) The word (satellite) is translated into ( ‫)قمر إصطناعى‬using ………………
(a) Words/phrases which already have direct equivalents are available in Arabic.
(b) New words or terms for which no readymade equivalents are available in Arabic.
(c) Foreign words or terms written in Arabic letters as pronounced in their native origin.
(d) Foreign words or terms made to fit Arabic pronunciation, spelling and grammar.
(2) The translator should know the …. of people in order to understand them and translate better.
both a & b
(3) The three different ways of Literal Translation are………………….
(a) Word for word, One to one and Direct.
(b) Literal, Free and bound.
(c) Bound, direct and loose.
(d) Free, word for word and Bound.
(4) Translation in the Arab World started in ………………...
Saudi Arabia
Sultanate of Oman
(5) Word for word translation disregards ………………
(a) source language.
(b) phrases
(c) target language
(d) vocabulary.
Question. 2: Answer the following questions( 5 marks ,one mark each)
1-What is translation?
2- What are (SL) and (TL)?
3- What are the two main methods of translation?
4- What are the two types of free translation? Define each.
5- What is word?
Question.3:Determine whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F): (3 Marks)
1- Direct translation is the translation of meaning in context.
2- Direct translation of meaning is better than word for word.
3- Free translation is not committed to translate every single word in a text (
Question.4: Translate the following into Arabic: ( 3 Marks , one mark each)
1- She has got a baby.. ………………………………………………………………….
2- He is running his own business………………………………………………………
3- It’s half past nine………………………………………………………….. …………
Question.5: Translate the following into English (4 marks one each).
.................................................................................................. .
‫ لنتصافح‬.
................................................................ .‫كم منزل يالفه الفتى وحنينه ابدا الول منزل‬
.......................................................................................... ‫كف عن اللف والدوران‬
........................................................................................... ‫اعرف هذه المعلومات‬
Question.1: Choose the best answer(5 marks ,one mark each)
(1) The word (satellite) is translated into ( ‫) قمر إصطناعى‬using ………………
(a) Words/phrases which already have direct equivalents are available in Arabic.
(b) New words or terms for which no readymade equivalents are available in Arabic.
(c) Foreign words or terms written in Arabic letters as pronounced in their native origin.
(d) Foreign words or terms made to fit Arabic pronunciation, spelling and grammar.
(2) The translator should know the …. of people in order to understand them and translate better.
both a & b
(3) The three different ways of Literal Translation are………………….
(a) Word for word, One to one and Direct.
(b) Literal, Free and bound.
(c) Bound, direct and loose.
(d) Free, word for word and Bound.
(4) Translation in the Arab World started in ………………...
Saudi Arabia
Sultanate of Oman
(5) Word for word translation disregards ………………
(a) source language.
(b) phrases
(c) target language
(d) vocabulary.
Question. 2: Answer the following questions( 5 marks ,one mark each)
1-What is translation?
2- What do we deal with, when we translate?
3- What are the two main methods of translation?
4- Who was the most famous translator in the era of the prophet Mohamed (PBUH)?
5- What is word?
Determine whether the following statements are True (T) OR False (F): (3 Marks)
1- Direct translation is the translation of meaning in context.
2- The story of the Tower of Babel denotes punishment.
3- Free translation is not committed to translate every single word in a text (
Question.4: Translate the following into Arabic: ( 3 Marks , one mark each)
4- Swearing is a bad habit.. …………………………………………………………………………..
5- He runs to fat………………………………………………………………………………………
3-You are a big mouth………………………………………………………………………………….
Question. 5: Translate the following into English(4 marks one each).
‫ لنتصافح‬.
......... .‫كم منزل يالفه الفتى وحنينه ابدا الول منزل‬
‫كف عن اللف والدوران‬
‫اعرف هذه المعلومات‬