WELCOME FROM THE CAFRE DIRECTOR DR JOHN FAY OBE I am pleased to welcome you to the 2015 Bursary launch. The agri-food industry is vital to our economy and the industry needs well qualified and motivated new entrants to meet future challenges and ensure its continued success. Higher education is expensive and I am delighted to acknowledge the commitment of the industry to the education and training of the managers and leaders of the future through the provision of bursaries. The bursaries are open to all full-time first year Higher Education students in BSc Agricultural Technology, Foundation Degree in Agriculture and Rural Studies and Foundation Degree in Horticulture. CAFRE is deeply indebted to all bursary donors for their support. I applaud this generosity from industry and their willingness to support young people entering higher education at Greenmount. I encourage all students to compete for the bursaries on offer this year and wish them well with their efforts. Dr John Fay OBE CAFRE Director BURSARY LAUNCH PROGRAMME AT CAFRE, GREENMOUNT CAMPUS 18 SEPTEMBER 2015 Session 1 10.30 – 11.00 11.00 – 11.05 11.05 – 11.10 11.15 – 13.00 Refreshments & Setup for Sponsors in Session 1 Welcome by the College Director Dr John Fay Session 1 Introduction - Mr George Moffett, Head of Agriculture Education Branch Session 1 - Students meet Bursary Sponsors as indicated in Table 1. 13.00 – 14.00 Lunch for all Sponsors 13.45 – 14.00 Setup for Sponsors in Session 2 Session 2 14.00 – 14.05 14.05 – 14.10 14.15 – 15.30 Welcome by the College Director Dr John Fay Session 2 Introduction- Mr Paul Mooney, Head of Horticulture Education Branch, CAFRE, Greenmount Campus Session 2 – Students meet Bursary Sponsors as indicated in Table 1. Table 1: Details of Sponsors for each Round Table Discussion Session Sponsors attending Session 1 Sponsors attending Session 2 11.00 – 13.00 14.00 – 15.30 Ulster Farmers’ Union Tyrone Farming Society Cogent Genus ABS John Thompson and Sons Irish Farmers’ Journal Dunbia Gibson Trust Moypark Danske Bank Bank of Ireland AI Services Ulster Grassland Society Calor Gas NI Ltd HSBC Bank plc Darren Clarke School of Golf Bulrush Horticultural Ltd BURSARY LAUNCH PROGRAMME ORDER 18 SEPTEMBER 2015 Session 1: 11.00 – 13.00 Station No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sponsor Ulster Farmers’ Union Cogent John Thompson and Sons Dunbia Moypark Bank of Ireland Ulster Grassland Society HSBC Bank plc Representative Derek Lough Ashley Fleming Jonathan McCaughan Glenn Patterson Cathy Flynn/Alan Johnston William Thompson David Johnston/George Reid Nigel Young Session 2: 14.00 – 15.30 Station No A-1 H -1 H-2 3 4 5 A-2 6 7 8 Sponsor AI Services Darren Clarke School of Golf Bulrush Horticulture Ltd Calor Gas NI Ltd Tyrone Farming Society Gibson Trust Genus ABS Irish Farmers’ Journal Danske Bank CAFRE Head of Agric & Hort Education Branch Representative Eamonn Matthews Stuart Bickerstaff Ann McCann Berni McNeill / Mark McClements Edwin Cartright / Alan Kyle Hugh Ferguson Stephen Laverty David Wright John Henning / Maureen Currie Mr G Moffett / Mr P Mooney THE ULSTER FARMERS’ UNION Background Founded in 1918, the Ulster Farmers' Union (UFU) is the largest democratic voluntary organisation representing farmers and growers in Northern Ireland. Its central objective is to promote their interests both at home and abroad through professional lobbying. The Role of the Ulster Farmers’ Union The UFU takes a close interest in rural affairs and services, and works with politicians both in the UK and internationally, and other groups and organisations to advance rural interests. It has particularly close links with consumer groups, countryside and wildlife bodies, animal welfare organisations and academics. While it does not intervene directly in the market place, the Ulster Farmers' Union focuses a great deal of its attention on developing access to new markets and encouraging buyers and purchasers to choose home produced supplies. The Ulster Farmers' Union today has over 12,500 members. Members are supported by 25 regional offices and headquarters building in Belfast. The Union's commercial subsidiary, Countryside Services Ltd, is located in Dungannon. The Union works closely with the National Farmers' Unions in England, Scotland and Wales, and the Irish Farmers' Association in Dublin. Collectively the UK Unions support the Bureau de l'Agriculture Brittanique, giving local farmers a permanent staff presence in Brussels. The strength of the Union is clearly demonstrated by its ability to successfully represent the wide range of interests of farmers. The UFU also provides a wide range of exclusive services to its members. The Bursary Programme The Ulster Farmers’ Union has been involved in the CAFRE bursary programme since its inception in 1998. The Union is pleased to play its part in encouraging young people to develop their careers in the industry. Agriculture, like any other industry is reliant on the fresh and innovative ideas which young people and new entrants to the industry will bring. Report title for the Ulster Farmers’ Union bursary Award No Farmer – No Food COGENT Background Cogent Breeding Limited combines the best of British beef and dairy genetics developed through our own UK breeding and testing programme with the very best internationally sourced bulls from World Wide Sires Limited. The combined product portfolio offers our customers a broad range of options to suit any requirement within their herd. Cogent customers can select premium pedigree product where it is needed as well as more commercial, value-for-money products to suit the specific needs of their herd. Add to that the expertise of our experienced breeding advisers and our expanding range of customer-focused services and it is easy to see why more and more UK farmers are working with us. For more information visit www.cogentuk.com Bursary Programme Cogent is delighted to be involved in the Higher Education Bursary Programme at Greenmount Campus. We fully appreciate the importance of supporting young people who are embarking on a career within the land – based sector. The company is looking forward to reading reports on the topic below. In addition Cogent will interview candidates. The company is also willing to provide a work placement opportunity for the successful student. Report Title for the Cogent Bursary Award Discuss the merits of using sex semen in the dairy and beef herds in a difficult economic climate. JOHN THOMPSON AND SONS LTD Background Established in the mid 1880s John Thompson & Sons Ltd has over 100 years experience in the manufacture of high quality animal feeds. Today, as in those early days, Thompsons remain committed to local agriculture; a commitment not only involving the supply of the finest feedstuffs, but also the use of locally produced raw materials. John Thompson & Sons Ltd has always been committed to producing top quality animal feeds. Recent awareness by the more modern day consumer of where and how food is produced has made our commitment to quality even stronger. Important steps are taken at the Mill to ensure our customers receive only the goods and services they deserve. Thompson's are accredited with BS EN ISO 9002 which ensures that strict procedures are adhered to, both in the manufacture of feeds and servicing customers. The Bursary Programme John Thompson and Sons Ltd has a long established relationship with CAFRE. The Company works in partnership with CAFRE in the management of the Future Herd. The aim is to provide both students and farmers with the skills, knowledge and technology required to successfully run a dairy system profitably under Northern Ireland conditions. In conjunction with AFBI Hillsborough both CAFRE and Thompsons have completed work on a dairy heifer-rearing project with a number of on-farm workshops organized to demonstrate the results from the project. The Company is delighted to be associated with the bursary programme. Thompsons is committed to working with the local farming community and its policy of investment in the future of farming includes the encouragement of young people in the industry. By supporting a student at Greenmount, the Company is pleased to be promoting the agri-food industry as a career to talented potential entrants. Thompsons looks forward with interest to the students’ views on its chosen report title. Report Title for the John Thompson and Sons Ltd Award Given current milk prices, in your view, which key metrics can be improved on NI dairy farms to ensure long term viability. DUNBIA (DUNGANNON) Background Dunbia is a leading and well established supplier of top quality beef, lamb and pork products for national and international retail, commercial and food-service markets. Founded in 1976 as a small butchers shop in Co Tyrone, Dunbia is still a family owned business but has since developed to become a multinational enterprise with thirteen operational sites throughout the UK and Ireland. Headquartered in Dungannon, forty-five miles south-west of Belfast, Dunbia remains a key employer in the food industry in the province and is an essential player in Northern Ireland’s economy. Dunbia’s facilities in Northern Ireland supply top quality red meat produce to many of the leading UK multiples as well as several hotel chains and other food-service outlets, winning several top industry awards including Manufacturer of the Year 2014 at the UK Meat Management Industry Awards, Supplier Chain Initiative of the Year at the 2014 Meat & Poultry Processing Awards. As a progressive and dynamic company, Dunbia is one of the most significant employers in the food industry in the UK and Ireland. With 3600 employees we have an ongoing requirement for enthusiastic, ambitious and motivated staff. We invest in our staff and are committed to providing fruitful career progression opportunities. Neil Swann, General Manager for our Dungannon Primary Production (pictured left, centre) operation joined Dunbia in 2009 as a Graduate Trainee. He now manages our Primary Production facility which has over 300 staff and was recently awarded UK Young Processor of the Year at the Meat & Poultry Processing Awards 2014. The Bursary Programme Once again Dunbia are delighted to support the Bursary Programme at Greenmount. Young people are the key to ensuring a successful future for the agri-food industry. In the past Dunbia have recruited graduates from both the Greenmount and Loughry Campuses of CAFRE, offering placement and work experience opportunities. Noel McNeill (pictured right) received the Dunbia Bursary and also gained invaluable experience through a work placement which he has just completed. The Bursary Programme offers an ideal opportunity for students to get experience in the Agri-Food Sector and allows Dunbia and other businesses to make a small but important contribution to ensuring the continual supply of professional managers to the industry. In addition to producing a report, Dunbia will interview students Report Title for the Dunbia Bursary Award Devise an integrated calf scheme for the beef supply chain from birth to plate. The scheme must be suitable for Holstein bulls and continental cross dairy female and male calves. BANK OF IRELAND (UK) plc Bank of Ireland (UK) plc is a wholly-owned UK subsidiary of Bank of Ireland and forms part of the Bank of Ireland Group. The bank is committed to the UK market customers. Its aim is to grow savings and lending to businesses and support UK customers both directly and through the bank’s partnership with the UK Post Office®. Bank of Ireland (UK) plc offers products in the UK market that are regulated in the same way as products offered by other UK-based providers and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA). Bursary Programme Bank of Ireland UK have developed a strong working relationship with CAFRE over the past number of years, through our food bursary at Loughry Campus, membership of the Abbey Farm Industry Group and the Red Meat Student Project Board. Much to our appreciation CAFRE have also hosted and assisted with a number of Bank of Ireland staff training days in relation to various sectors within Agriculture. Bank of Ireland UK is committed to supporting the local agri-food industry and has a long term strategy to grow our market share within this sector. We are delighted to be extending our support of the bursary programme to Greenmount Campus and look forward to being involved in future years. Bank of Ireland UK recognise the high quality training provided to all students at CAFRE and are delighted to be in a position to support a student as they embark on their studies within the agri-food sector, by awarding them a bursary of £1,000. Bank of Ireland UK is looking forward to hearing the views of its chosen report title. Report title for the Bank of Ireland UK Award How best can farmers manage their business to combat volatility in market prices? Students (from all years) looking for a clever new bank account at the start of the new academic year should make the smart choice this term and head on down to their nearest Bank of Ireland UK branch – for an amazing deal of a free return flight to Europe. Simply switch to a third level student account at Bank of Ireland UK before 31 October, and start planning your getaway. Destinations include London, Stockholm, Milan, Amsterdam, Liverpool, Barcelona, Edinburgh and Paris. And it’s not just about the free flights, Bank of Ireland UK wants to stay with you for the entire third level journey and beyond, so our current account really adds up with interest free and fee free authorised overdrafts up to £2,000, a free to download mobile app, online and phone banking and access for cash and transactions at tens of thousands of outlets locally and internationally. ULSTER GRASSLAND SOCIETY Background The Ulster Grassland Society (UGS) was founded in 1959. It brought together farmers, advisory officers, lecturers, research workers, and representatives from across the agricultural commercial sector with an interest in grassland production and utilisation. Objectives The main objective of the UGS is to encourage the adoption into farming practices of advantages resulting from grassland research, experimental work and practical experience. It provides opportunities for those interested in, and concerned with, grassland husbandry to meet and exchange information, ideas and experiences relating to all aspects of the management, production and utilisation of grass. British Grassland Society The Ulster Grassland Society is affiliated to the British Grassland Society (BGS) and members are able to participate in BGS activities. Members also receive complementary copies of the BGS quarterly publication ‘Grass Farmer’. Activities Typically, the UGS holds three major events each year. The ‘Annual Conference’ is held in early February with eminent national and international speakers. It provides the opportunity of keeping up to date with changes in the industry with an eye to practical implications and provides a forum for research workers to review and discuss their current work. The Summer Meeting usually consists of visits to farms, commercial units or research stations and takes place in early May. The ‘Autumn Meeting’ may be either a farm walk or mini-conference and usually takes place in October. Student Membership Scheme The UGS has a student membership scheme, which confers the benefits of membership free to full-time students taking agricultural courses at College or University for the duration of their studies. The Bursary Programme The Ulster Grassland Society has a long association with CAFRE and Matt Boyd, one of the founding members of the UGS, was the Principal of Greenmount. The Ulster Grassland Society recognises the importance of higher education for new entrants into the agricultural industry and is keen to offer a bursary to support those wishing to seek a career in the industry. The winner of the UGS bursary will undertake a range of activities during the year. These will include: assisting at UGS farm visits and at the annual conference; preparing quarterly reports for the Press about their time at Greenmount and/or their home farm; promoting UGS activities to agriculture students at Greenmount. In addition to winning the bursary, the work completed by the student on behalf of the UGS will help to develop employability skills and will add to the student’s CV. In addition to preparing a report for the competition, the UGS will interview competitors. Report Title for the Ulster Grassland Society Bursary Award How can the Ulster Grassland Society market grass to NI farmers? TYRONE FARMING SOCIETY Background Early records show that there was a Show in Omagh in 1832. In 1848 interested parties formed the Omagh, Strabane and Clogher Farming Society. Then in 1852 the Omagh Farming Society was formed as a forerunner to the present organisation. In 1883 the name of the organisation was changed to what it is at present, Tyrone Farming Society. In 1910 the Show moved to a permanent site at Sedan Avenue in Omagh where it remained until 2000. In 2002 the Society moved the Show Grounds to the present site on the Gillygooley Road in Omagh. The Tyrone Farming Society aims to promote and improve the breeding of all classes of livestock by providing a platform through the Agricultural Show where exhibitors can show livestock in a competitive environment. The Show also aims to promote all agricultural, horticultural and other rural pursuits in the arena of the Agricultural Show. The Bursary Programme The aims of the Society are based on the principles of education to improve production methods, the quality of livestock and technical knowledge. With this in mind, Tyrone Farming Society feels that the provision of an annual bursary to CAFRE is an excellent way to continue the enhancement of education into the 21st century. Our bursary is eligible only to students with a Co Tyrone postal address. By supporting the CAFRE bursary programme we are pleased to be promoting the agri-food industry as a career to talented potential entrants. Our industry needs to constantly attract young talented individuals if it is to survive and thrive. Report Title for the Tyrone Farming Society Bursary Award Tyrone Farming Society has employed you as a marketing consultant and wish you to produce a plan on how to make Omagh Show “bigger and better” so that it is the greatest country show in Northern Ireland. THE GIBSON TRUST ....Providing support to the farming community of Counties Antrim & Down Background William Gibson was born in 1840 on a small holding near Dromore, County Down. After serving his time as a watchmaker he set up his own business in Belfast making high quality watches and silverware. Some years later he started a second company in London. When he died in 1913 he bequeathed money to be invested to produce an income to help eligible small farmers in County Down and County Antrim. Over the past 100+years successive Trustees have managed the fund as directed in Mr Gibson’s bequest. The Trust currently provides grants for farm improvements on eligible farms in the two counties. It also funds The Gibson Institute at Queen’s University, Belfast and promotes prestigious annual lectures on subjects of importance to local agriculture. The Bursary Programme The Gibson Trust is pleased to provide a bursary to assist a young person from each of Counties Down and Antrim to further their agricultural education as part of the CAFRE bursary programme. Winning students, if enrolled on the BSc Agricultural Technology degree programme, will not be eligible to obtain other Gibson Trust funding provided through Queen’s University Belfast. Our report title for the 2015 bursary competition is outlined below. Report Title for the Gibson Trust Bursary Prepare a report for submission to the Gibson Trust for financial support to fund a development idea for your home farm or a farm you work on. In your report you should outline your business idea, the cost of this project and the benefits it will bring to the farm. THE IRISH FARMERS’ JOURNAL Since its establishment in 1948, the Irish Farmers’ Journal has been working with farmers and the agricultural industry, to encourage and sustain a prosperous farm economy in Ireland. The creation of The Agricultural Trust in 1964 has allowed the paper to develop as the unbiased voice for progress and development on Irish farms. The Trust status of the paper allows the Farmers’ Journal the unique opportunity to re-invest profits into scientific based research to support farming and farm families. Through the weekly print and online editions of the paper the Farmers’ Journal gives readers news, technical information and Country Living content for all the family. Currently the dedicated Northern Ireland editorial team includes editor James Campbell and deputy editor David Wright. The Farmers’ Journal is now the best selling paper in Ireland or Britain with ABC audited circulation sales of 70,405. The Bursary Programme This is the fifth year that the Irish Farmers’ Journal has been involved with CAFRE’s bursary programme. We are delighted to offer 1 bursary at each of CAFRE’s campuses – Enniskillen, Greenmount and Loughry. It is important to encourage new talented individuals into our industry and we are looking forward to supporting young people embarking on a career in the land – based sector. Report Title for the Irish Farmers’ Journal Bursary Award Produce an article for publication in the Irish Farmers’ Journal on a farm business you are familiar with. DANSKE BANK In November 2012 Northern Bank changed its name to Danske Bank. This name change marked a significant change in the 200 year history of Northern Ireland’s leading financial institution. Both banks have a distinguished history with a common feature being the links with agriculture as both banks have been known as ‘the farmer’s bank’. Today Danske Bank is the largest bank in Denmark and a leading financial institution in Northern Europe with around 5 million personal customers and a significant share of agricultural, business and institutional customers across the nine countries in which it operates. The agri-food sector remains an important industry for Danske Bank in Northern Ireland with generations of farming families having continued to benefit from real relationship banking, innovative electronic banking solutions and first class account packages for students and young people. The Bursary Programme Danske Bank is proud to continue the long association with CAFRE and pleased to support the Higher Education Bursary programme for well over a decade at Greenmount Campus – an important and local seat of learning for those wishing to pursue a career in agriculture and the land-based industries. Report Title for the Danske Bank Bursary Award This year the Danske Bank has provided candidates with the following title: How can farmers/growers help improve the image of their industry ? Genus ABS is part of the world's leading provider of bovine genetics and reproduction services, marketing in more than 70 countries and across 6 continents around the globe including North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Alongside this is our technologically advanced range of forage, nutrition, foot and udder care products. Through our extensive research and development programme, cutting edge technology is being used to maximise the potential of beef and dairy farms throughout the world. Genus ABS breeds the world’s best bulls, scientifically selecting the livestock whose offspring will increase value for farmers and food producers around the world. We are continuously improving our proprietary lines of breeding animals, using the best science available. We strive to develop long-lasting customer relationships, working with our farmers to help them get the very best from our products. The Bursary Programme This is the first year that Genus ABS has been associated with CAFRE’s bursary programme. We are delighted to offer 1 bursary to an agricultural undergraduate studying either BSc Agricultural Technology or Foundation Degree in Agriculture and Rural Studies. In addition to a report, we will interview candidates. Report Title for the Genus ABS Bursary Award Discuss the benefits of using modern breeding technologies in the dairy and beef herds. HSBC Holdings plc HSBC Holdings plc, the parent company of the HSBC Group, is headquartered in London. The Group serves customers worldwide from around 6,100 offices in 72 countries and territories in Europe, Asia, North and Latin America, and the Middle East and North Africa. With assets of US$2,572bn at 30 June 2015, HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations. HSBC Commercial Banking For 150 years we have been where the growth is, connecting customers to opportunities. Today, HSBC Commercial Banking serves businesses ranging from small enterprises to large multinationals in almost 60 developed and faster-growing markets around the world. Whether it is working capital, trade finance or payments and cash management solutions, we provide the tools and expertise that businesses need to thrive. With a network covering three quarters of global commerce, we make HSBC the world’s leading international trade and business bank. For more information see www.hsbc.com/1/2/business-and-commercial The Bursary Programme This is the second year that HSBC has been involved with CAFRE’s bursary programme. The agri – food industry is our largest industry and we are delighted to support a student embarking on a career in the land – based sector. Our bursary has a value of £1,500 and we look forward to reading competitor’s reports. Report Title for HSBC Bursary Award What will Northern Ireland Agriculture look like in 2025? Ai SERVICES – NORTHERN IRELAND Background Ai Services (NI) Ltd is Northern Ireland’s leading provider of breeding services. Established in 1988, the Company is very much of co-operative ethos and is owned by over 10,000 Northern Ireland farmer shareholders in partnership with many of our leading Agri-Co-operative businesses. Genetics are the foundation building blocks of any livestock enterprise. Ai Services (NI) Ltd is also the majority shareholder in one of the Republic of Ireland’s major artificial insemination and semen distribution companies, Eurogene-Ai Services (Ireland) Ltd, based in Cahir, Co Tipperary. The Company also has a strong track record in business diversification, to include provision of pre-movement blood testing and other Agri-industry services, which include the management and delivery of Rural Development Programmes on behalf of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD). As part of the Countryside Agri-Rural Partnership, Ai Services (NI) Ltd will be responsible for the delivery of the Focus Farms and Benchmarking Measures of the Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme 2007-2013. Our Mission “To improve the competitiveness of Northern Ireland Agriculture” - via use of “best-fit genetics and breeding services” specifically designed and selected for Northern Ireland farm environment and production systems and which will value-add our produce. - via demonstration of “good practice and technology uptake benefits”. The Bursary Programme Ai Services (NI) Ltd are pleased to continue our sponsorship support of the CAFRE Bursary Programme. Greenmount Campus is truly a centre of educational excellence and will continue to be pivotal in future-proofing our agri-rural industry. We wish all Students every success – you represent our Industry’s future. Report Title for the Ai Services Ltd Bursary Award Given the current volatility within the agricultural sector why is it important that farmers benchmark their farm businesses? MOY PARK LTD Background Moy Park Ltd is Northern Ireland’s largest food processing company and is part of the Brazilian-based Marfrig Group. The Company offers a range of chicken products to retail and foodservice customers across Europe. Operations are based in Northern Ireland, England and Europe employing in excess of 11,600 people. Moy Park offers products to meet a wide range of consumer lifestyles and needs. We continue to adapt this product range to meet the changing diet requirements of today’s family and the population’s eating requirements both within and outside the home. NI Agriculture Division Moy Park Ltd prides itself in being associated with the farming industry which underpins success in the Agriculture Division. This division supplies breeding stock to a significant proportion of the total European market and Broiler Hatching Eggs to customers in UK, Europe and the Middle East. In addition to standard and High Welfare broilers the Company is recognised as one of the largest growers of organic, free range and corn fed birds. Our NI Agriculture Division has almost 600 contract farms across three generations: Grandparent Division; Parent Stock Division; Broiler Division. Company Mission To make Moy Park the recognised premier provider of fresh, high quality locally farmed chicken and locally produced convenience food products and brands by being the most innovative, effective and efficient organisation of our kind in the industry. Company Vision Through the skills, energy and commitment of its people, Moy Park aims to be a world class organisation committed to providing market leading fresh locally farmed chicken and locally produced innovative added value poultry products and brands, developed, and delivered at the highest standards of quality and service while being responsive to the ever changing needs of the customer, consumer and the market. Business in the Community Moy Park has won recognition for its business and community activities. The Company has reinforced its positive impact on the local community through charity donations, sponsorship programs, diversity training, involvement with local schools and an essential skills programme. The Bursary Programme Moy Park recognise the importance of higher education for new entrants into the agriculture industry and supports aspiring individuals through by offering industrial placement opportunities, management trainee opportunities and the bursary programme. The bursary programme is offered to those wishing to seek a career in agriculture. In conjunction with Greenmount we invite students to submit an essay on the title below. The successful candidate will be offered a bursary of £1000 in first year and £500 in each year of undergraduate study. A paid placement year also forms part of the Moypark bursary. For bio security reasons, students who come from or work on poultry farms are INELIGIBLE for this bursary. Report Title for Moy Park Ltd Bursary Award: Maintaining a sustainable poultry industry into the 21st Century. Calor have been delivering innovative energy solutions to the agricultural sector across Ireland for over 75 years. With the largest LPG delivery fleet in Ireland, we make it our business to provide our customers with a secure supply of heat and a level of technical support that is second to none. Calor LPG produces far lower carbon emissions than oil, coal, peat and even electricity and is one of the cleanest conventional fuels available. As Calor LPG burns efficiently and cleanly, it won't contaminate crops, feed or litter or compromise produce. Calor LPG is the complete energy source for farmers, whether it’s for heating poultry houses or rearing sheds, to drying crops or burning weeds or if an instant supply of hot water for cleaning and sterilising is needed. As befits a company who supplies one of the cleanest fossil fuels available to rural Ireland, Calor are fully committed to supporting best practice and sustainable development with regard to all environmental matters. We are constantly striving to offer a cleaner, more sustainable energy source for now and in the future. You can contact us at: Belfast 028 9045 8466 Dublin 1850 812 450 info@calorgas.ie www.calorgas.ie The Bursary Programme This is the third year that the Calor Gas has been involved with CAFRE’s bursary programme. We are delighted to have this opportunity to offer support to what is an extremely important industry to us as a rural energy provider. We feel that it is important to encourage and support new talented individuals into the farming industry and will be offering two bursaries, one in each of the disciplines – agriculture and horticulture. The title for our bursary report is: Achieving energy efficiency is fundamental to sustainable food /plant production. Examine ways in which the farm/horticultural business can address this. DARREN CLARKE GOLF SCHOOL Background The Darren Clarke Golf School was formed in 2010 out of the Junior Golf Academy. The Darren Clarke Golf School offers top-level golf tuition alongside a nationally recognised qualification in sports studies, giving aspiring young golfers an opportunity to develop their sporting ability along with the qualifications that would allow them to go on to higher education or work in the golf industry. The school is based at one of Ireland’s leading golf training facilities at Greenmount, having started as the Junior Golf Academy in 2007. Previous graduates of the school include Paul Cutler, who has recently turned professional; and Alan Dunbar, the current British amateur champion, who completed the Gap Year programme at the school. The Darren Clarke Golf School recognises the importance of training for excellence, and the link between the quality of a golf facility and competitive skills development and performance. The school is therefore pleased to be able to support CAFRE students develop their skills in turf care and greenkeeping through the award of two bursaries to higher education students studying horticulture. The Bursaries This is the fourth year that the Darren Clarke Golf School is offering bursaries for sports turf management students. Up to two successful bursary award winners will receive a cash bursary each, as well as being able to assist with the Darren Clarke Golf School Training Camps during the year, giving them an opportunity to develop their knowledge of the game and the technologies that underpin it. The bursaries are available only to horticulture students, who will be studying sports turf management at the campus. Each bursary from the Darren Clarke Golf School in 2014 is worth £1,000, awarded on a competitive basis. Students applying to win this bursary are expected to produce a written report using the proposed titles listed below. Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed by representatives of the Darren Clarke Golf School before the award is made. Bursaries will be awarded only if candidates and applications are of sufficient calibre. Where bursaries are not awarded the available funds will be lodged in the student travel account instead. Successful bursary winners will be expected to assist with some of the junior training camps organised by the school and held at the campus during breaks in the academic calendar. Report Titles for the Darren Clarke Golf School Bursary Award (a) Discuss how the use of tree plantations and constructed features can enhance player experience and challenge on a golf course. (b) Discuss how the establishment of different vegetation types can improve both the biodiversity and sustainability on a golf course. BULRUSH HORTICULTURE LTD Bulrush Horticulture Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pindstrup Moseburg of Denmark. The Pindstrup Group is the largest privately owned horticultural substrate producer in the world, trading in over 70 countries and employing more than 700 people. Bulrush Horticulture started operating on the Bellaghy site in 1979, originally to supply baled peat to the UK horticulture market. This rapidly changed and the company, which mainly concentrates its efforts on the UK commercial horticultural market, is now number two in UK supply terms of specialist substrate mixes. Bulrush Horticulture utilises peat as a main ingredient for many mixes, but has developed and used many other bulky organic materials, such as bark, coir and woodfibres. The latter is manufactured from locally sourced virgin woodchip, which is heat treated to allow expansion into fibrous material and this now forms a significant proportion of the raw material supply. Bulrush Horticulture is committed to the sourcing and development of new and novel materials and their use in mixes in a constant attempt to meet the demands of the market in terms of peat reduction and improving performance. Additionally the company offers a range of services to growers to help design, monitor and improve the performance of the mixes it supplies in relation to the quality of water, fertilisers and other inputs the grower may choose to use for specific crops. To achieve the above the company runs various scales of trials each year, from anything from bench scale to full commercial production trials to ensure that the products continue to perform to the highest standards. This includes benchmarking trials against other products in the market. Currently trails are undertaken by Greenmount College HDC unit to act as an independent third party for such work. Bulrush Horticulture is also involved in work for Government departments such as Defra and also for the AHDB Horticulture division, which works on behalf of professional growers. The Company holds both ISO 9001 and ISO14001 accreditations. Bursary Programme This is the first year that Bulrush has offered a bursary. Our bursary is available to first year students on the Foundation Degree in Horticulture. Report title for Bulrush Horticulture Bursary Award. What are the three greatest production challenges facing large scale ornamentals growers in the UK and Ireland?