Low Road and Windmill Music Federation

Low Road and Windmill Music Federation
Literacy Planning
Year 3/4
Genre: Instructions
Week Beginning: Monday
24th November
Literacy links across curricular
Rocks and soils write up
Australia write up
Countries write up
country fact file
Culturally Aware
Formation of nouns using a range of prefixes [for example super–, anti–,
Use of the forms a or an according to whether the next word begins with a
consonant or a vowel [for example, a rock, an open box]
Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in
form and meaning [for example, solve, solution, solver, dissolve, insoluble]
The grammatical difference between plural and possessive –s
Standard English forms for verb inflections instead of local spoken forms
[for example, we were instead of we was, or I did instead of I done]
Expressing time, place and cause using conjunctions [for example, when,
before, after, while, so, because], adverbs [for example, then, next, soon,
therefore], or prepositions [for example, before, after, during, in, because
To build on their selection of openers to begin sentences and connectives to
extend sentences: eg use ‘because’, ‘if’, ‘although’ and ‘when’ securely, and
experiment with ‘before’ and ‘after’.
To be able to use ‘Soon’, ‘After that’ and ‘Last’ securely as openers, and
experiment with ‘Last time’, ‘Also’, ‘After’ and ‘Another thing’.
Noun phrases expanded by the addition of modifying adjectives, nouns and
preposition phrases (e.g. the teacher expanded to: the strict maths teacher
with curly hair)
Fronted adverbials [for example, Later that day, I heard the bad news.]
To begin to vary the length of sentences.
Speaking and Listening
8 The range should include:
a reading aloud
b presenting to different audiences
c extended speaking for different purposes.
9 The range should include opportunities for
pupils to listen to:
a live talks/readings/presentations
b recordings [for example, radio, television,
c others in groups.
Group discussion, debate and interaction
10 The range of purposes should include:
a investigating, selecting, sorting
b planning, predicting, exploring
c explaining, reporting, evaluating.
Drama activities
11 The range should include:
a improvisation and working in role
b scripting and performing in plays
c responding to performances.
Group NC Levels, PP Children and More Able (MA):
Australia (HA) More able children: 2a – Amy
Weng (P), Julia Goldyn (P), Walter Robinson (P)
2b – Oliver Hutson.
Introduction to paragraphs as a way to group related material
Headings and sub-headings to aid presentation
Use of the present perfect form of verbs instead of the simple past [for
example, He has gone out to play contrasted with He went out to play]
To produce a structured text with a beginning, middle and end.
Create settings, characters and plot
Spain (HA) 2b – Callum Jarvis (P), Luke Wallis,
Zara Cowburn, Frankie Nuttall (P).
To structure writing with clear opening and closing statements
Greece (MA) 2c – Emily Hague (P), Harry
Robinson (P), Harry M Robinson (P), Isabel Ali.
Appropriate choice of pronoun or noun within and across sentences to aid
cohesion and avoid repetition
To begin to identify the features associated with different types of writing
and include these in their writing.
Brazil (MA) 2c – Kane Tomlin (P), Millie Taffinder
(P), Jason Dyer, Leona Fuba-Dondo.
Ukraine (LA) 1a – Julia Dovoz. 1b – Sunny-Leigh
Smith (P), Leo Choudry, Nikolas Peczek.
Japan (LA) 1b – McKenzie Lillywhite, Jake
Johnson, Fatima Bojang
Learning Objective
Construct sentences consistently using capital letters, full stops, commas to
separate items in a list, exclamation marks and question marks.
Use of inverted commas and other punctuation to indicate direct speech
[for example, a comma after the reporting clause; end punctuation within
inverted commas: The conductor shouted, “Sit down!”]
Apostrophes to mark plural possession [for example, the girl’s name, the
girls’ names]
Spelling Focus:
Low phase 5 group – born,
north, short, corn, turn,
church, Thursday, burn.
High phase 5 group – plane,
cake, shape, gate, these, eve,
theme, complete.
Chronological order.
VCOP quickies – adverbs.
Introduce new genre to chn and explain
that we are going to be looking at
instruction texts. What are instructions?
When might we use instructions?
Groups to feedback on what went well, what was tricky. Show
snowflakes. Begin to question the chn on what they think the features
of an instruction text might be.
Teacher: question HA on improving the instructions.
TA: support LA with following the instructions.
Homework: write a set of instructions on how to make a jam sandwich.
Look at 2 instruction texts on the board.
What is the purpose of these texts? When
would you use them? What other things
might you need instructions for? How do
you know they are instructions?
Explain to chn that they are going to be
given a set of instructions on how to make
a paper snowflake. They need to follow
these instructions and be as accurate as
they can.
HA – follow instructions on how to make a paper snowflake. What
went well? Were the instructions easy to follow? Discuss as a group
and write down ideas on whiteboards on how to improve the
MA – follow instructions on how to make a paper snowflake. Discuss
in groups, what went well? How could the instructions be made
LA – follow instructions on how to make paper snowflake with TA
Session 1:
chronological order
VCOP quickies – time connectives.
Numbers to show logical
Recap on previous days learning on
instructions. What do we know so far?
What are instructions used for? What do
we think the features of an instructional
text are?
MA – Have a sheet of muddled instructions; write the instructions in
the correct order.
LA – Have a sheet of muddled instructions; write the instructions in the
correct order. Work in pairs to put them in chronological order with
support from TA.
Teacher: support HA and use questioning to see how they could
improve the instructions.
TA: support LA with reading instructions.
Go through some examples of instruction
texts on the board but they are in the
wrong order. As a group, put the
instructions in the correct order –
demonstrate to chn the importance of
numbers to show logical steps. They need
to be presented in an order that needs to
be followed step by step – each step has
a number next to it. Can the instructions
now be followed clearly?
HA – Have a sheet of muddled instructions; write the instructions in the
correct order. Ext: on whiteboards, write a set of instructions for how
to ride a bike. Check partners instructions to see if they can be
Session 2:
Homework: N/A
Session 3:
VCOP quickies – verbs.
chronological order
Recap what a verb is. Play ‘Mime it’.
Invite child to the front and tell them a
verb. Child has to mime action for the
rest of the class to guess.
Teach what an imperative verb (bossy
verb) is. When would we use them?
Show chn some sentences with bossy
verbs in. Show some sentences without.
Invite chn to pick out the bossy verbs.
Suggest which sentences are bossy.
HA – give chn a word bank of bossy verbs. Come up with instruction
sentences using the bossy verbs. Ext: think of some bossy verbs of
their own and put them in sentences. Teacher support where
MA – write instruction sentences and put bossy verbs from word bank
in the gaps.
LA – build instruction sentences and underline the bossy verbs with TA
Homework: N/A
imperative verbs
Come up with sentences that one of these
bossy verbs could go in.
Session 4:
To answer reading
comprehension questions
VCOP quickies – different words for ‘said’.
TA to work with LA group, encouraging and supporting them to look for
the answers in the text.
Have a look at the front cover of the
booklet. Question chn - What do you think
the text is going to be about? Do you think
it is fiction or non-fiction? As a group,
look at a reading comprehension. Chn to
read it independently and then teacher to
read it aloud to chn. What did we find
out? Etc. ask a range of questions to
check basic understanding of the text.
Look at the first question as a group.
What is it asking us to do? Where could
we find the answer? Refer back to the text
to find the answer where appropriate. Ask
children for the answer. Then model how
to write it down on the board. Children to
write up their answer.
Teacher to scaffold learning of MA and HA group. Model how to write
answer on board, then HA to continue independently. Support MA
when necessary.
Homework: N/A
Session 5: