APPENDIX 1 Application to Conduct Research in DECD Instructions to applicants: This application form is for researchers seeking approval to approach DECD sites and/or students, clients or staff, to conduct a research project, and/or who wish to access administrative data sets owned or managed by the Department of Education and Childhood Development (including Families SA) for research purposes. For researchers seeking approval to conduct research in DECD sites, please refer to the procedures provided in Section 4. Please complete ALL questions. You may use the spaces provided and/or attach additional pages as necessary. Please double click to check all relevant boxes. Section 1: General details 1. Research locations/category a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 2. Select the category of research Indicate whether or not access to Department-owned data is required Indicate if the research has been submitted to other states/territories/jurisdictions Research in preschools or early childhood settings Research in schools Research in both schools and preschool/early childhood settings Research with Families SA sites, clients, carers or staff DECD internally initiated research or commissioned Is access to administrative data required for the project indicated in the above research categories? Is the research to be conducted in other states/territories and jurisdictions? Complete form and submit according to instructions. If yes, before submitting this application, please refer to Section 4.3.8 and the ‘Data Requests’ section of the Data Management and Information Systems website If yes, please specify details of the location(s)/jurisdictions and if the research has been approved or not been approved, or approved subject to modifications: Research Project title (max. 50 words) Title: Keywords (Note: Please identify 1 - 3 key words below that best describe the category of educational and child development research from Attachment 6 only). If none of the categories included in Attachment 6 are applicable, please state ‘Other’ below and specify details. 1. 3. 2. 3. Details of principal researcher If a student researcher, please specify the degree being sought in the appropriate field below and include your supervisor as the associate researcher. Title: Name: Faculty/ Department: Organisation/ University: Qualification(s): Postal Address: Phone: Mobile: 1 | Appendix 1-6, Conducting Research and Evaluation in DECD sites Procedure | Aug 2014 Email: If a student researcher, please specify degree being sought: 4. Details of associate researcher (or supervisor) Title: Name: Faculty/ Department: Organisation/ University: Qualification(s): Postal Address: Phone: Mobile: Email: If there are more than two researchers, please list their names only. Name: Name: 5. Key milestones and timeline Please provide proposed commencement and completion dates (dd/mm/yyyy) for data collection, analysis and reporting. Milestone Start Finish Data Collection Analysis Completion (Final Report) 6. Commissioning agency/body and funding source Name the commissioning agency/body funding the project and the amount of funding/grant received; e.g. Federal Government Department, ARC, funded by a State Department (include any funding from DECD separately indicated below). Commissioning agency/body: Amount ($): For projects commissioned/funded by DECD, provide information about the DECD Office/Unit, funding and contact person below. Office/Unit: Total DECD funding: DECD contact person: 7. Previous related research Have you previously applied to conduct this or similar research in DECD? Yes (Please attach a copy of the final report to the application) No If Yes, state the title, where, when: Departmental reference number: 2 | Appendix 1-6, Conducting Research and Evaluation in DECD sites Procedure | Aug 2014 Section 2: Benefit and value 8. In this section describe how the project will benefit the Department, its clients, staff or schools and the contribution it will make to the education, health, safety and/or welfare of children. Aim and research question(s) 9. 10. Express the aim of the project by listing up to generally three research questions it seeks to answer. Research value-add Briefly describe the extent to which the research contributes to new knowledge, builds on what is already known, including how the research addresses problems or gaps in existing literature Include any details of how the research extends existing research Background and rationale Summarise and outline the background, rationale and objectives of the project. (approx. 100 - 200 words) 11. Project benefit and outcomes 12. 13. What specific benefits to the Department, Families SA, CAFHS, school(s), early childhood services, educators, parents/guardians, children, families or educational community, if any, will result? What educational or developmental impacts, if any, will result? Alignment to DECD strategic directions and priorities Describe the alignment of the research project to support and contribute to the achievement of DECD strategic directions and priorities 2012 – 2016 (refer to and/or to the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians and/or research goals in “Protecting Australia’s Children” national framework) Will it inform new priorities and policies? If so, please describe. Dissemination and communication of research List the planned products/formats for the dissemination and communication of research findings. Consider what can be fed back to the school, centre, and community, Families SA, CAFHS or DECD. For example, e.g. evaluation or research report, journal article, media publicity, information kit, conference or school presentation; professional development program, thesis, other. 3 | Appendix 1-6, Conducting Research and Evaluation in DECD sites Procedure | Aug 2014 Section 3: Methodology In this section, please provide a detailed description of the strategy you will use to answer your research questions including: sampling strategies and recruitment process instruments for data collection procedures for data collection and the impact they will have on sites techniques for data analysis 14. Sampling strategies Please explain how you will select participants, state and justify the sample size/number of participants/sites involved Please attach a list of sites to be sampled (where applicable) Please specify: Participant details Number of participants: Number of schools/sites/centres: Active participants (please select) Principals/Directors Teachers/Staff Parents/Guardians Students/Children Age groups of students/children actively participating (please select) 0<5 years Other: 15. Please describe how you will recruit potential participants (including administrative details). List and provide details about the methods or approach you will use to collect data or information, e.g. experimental/control group, case studies, focus groups, interviews, observation, questionnaires/surveys, video/digital, pilot study, longitudinal study, secondary data analysis, qualitative, quantitative, drill-down, trials, video, feasibility study, program evaluation, action research, other. Instruments for data collection 18. 15+ years Method of data collection 17. 11<15 years Recruitment process 16. 5<11 years List the instruments you will use and a brief description. Note: copies of the actual instruments must be attached. Techniques for data analysis Describe how you will analyse your data to answer the research questions. 4 | Appendix 1-6, Conducting Research and Evaluation in DECD sites Procedure | Aug 2014 Section 4: Ethical Conduct, Cost and Burden 19. Approval by a Human Research Ethics Committee Researchers are reminded that any proposal which is more than ‘low risk’ as defined by the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research requires an HREC review. Please advise if you have lodged an application to conduct this research with a formally constituted HREC, and the status of the application. If the HREC requests amendments please provide DECD with details. Application submitted (please select): Yes No If No, please explain why you have not sought HREC approval for your project. Demonstration of the National Statement guidelines on Ethical Conduct is advised: Approved Status of application (please select): (Please include the document as an attachment) In progress Not approved Any other comments or details of HREC submission(s), including submissions to the SA Aboriginal Health Research Ethics Committee: 20. Impact on sites Please indicate the activities staff, teachers, students, children, young people and parents/guardians/carers will participate in. Use one line for each activity and add extra rows as needed. If applicable, describe and justify any limitations to targeting potential participants in other settings where the research can be targeted and research aims achieved. a) Participants in each school/centre Type of activity (e.g. survey, interview, video, observation) Participants at each site (number & type, e.g. 50 Year 10 students, 15 children, 2 teachers) Amount of time activity will take (e.g. 30 minutes) When activity will take place (e.g. in class time, Term 1 2009, during health check-up) Participation strategy (e.g. whole class, students withdrawn, in waiting room) b) Administrative and other support expected from each site Administrative activity or other support required (e.g. distribute and collect consent forms, administer survey) Personnel to be involved Amount of time administrative activity will take 5 | Appendix 1-6, Conducting Research and Evaluation in DECD sites Procedure | Aug 2014 21. 22. 23. 24. Strategies to minimise cost and burden Outline how you will minimise the cost and burden on sites based on the research activity and administrative expectations above (e.g. negotiation of scheduling, administrative/financial reimbursement where applicable) Where applicable, describe and justify any limitations to targeting potential participants in other settings (non DECD) where the research can be targeted and research aims achieved. Procedure for obtaining informed consent Describe the procedure for obtaining consent of participants and when necessary, from parents or guardians for their children. Please attach copies of information sheets and consent forms to be used Protection from harm: intrusive or sensitive issues Provide detail on any questions or issues with the potential to be intrusive, upsetting or incriminating to participants Outline the additional support available in the event of any potential issues Strategies to maintain confidentiality 25. Outline how you will ensure the confidentiality of information provided and protect the anonymity of participants and sites in relation to: o data collection and storage o publication/reporting of results. If applicable, describe and justify any limitations to confidentiality and anonymity. Any other relevant information Please include any other relevant information that is not elsewhere included in the application 6 | Appendix 1-6, Conducting Research and Evaluation in DECD sites Procedure | Aug 2014 Appendix 2 Research Undertaking to Conduct Research in DECD Instructions to applicants: This research undertaking must be signed and a copy of all questionnaires/surveys, lists of interview/focus group discussion questions, tests, consent forms, letters to the principal/preschool director/site manager, information sheets and other documents which are to be used must be provided. Project Title: Privacy The Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) is committed to protecting the privacy of personal and health information, with all employees and those undertaking various roles within DECD sites being bound by relevant Information Privacy Principles. (Please tick all that apply for each box) I/we have read and understood the Guidelines document and agree to obtain appropriate consent and maintain confidentiality of information in accordance with Information Privacy principles. This includes not revealing any personal information that may identify a person without their consent. Child Safe Environments and Insurances I/we agree to abide by site child protection processes for reporting child abuse and neglect I/we have and maintain Child-Related Employment Screening check requirements I/we have and maintain relevant and appropriate insurances Publication I/we agree to have a summary of the research project published in DECD internal newsletters and/or included on the Department Web site, which is accessible and viewable by the public. I/we agree to give prior notification to the DECD Public Relations Unit of any planned media coverage of the project, so that the Department is able to respond appropriately. if requested by DECD, I/we agree to provide an opportunity for the department to review and provide comment on any materials generated from the research prior to formal publication. Any differences of opinion between the department and myself regarding research outcomes will be acknowledged in publications, presentations and public forums. Reports of Completed Research At the completion of the research project: I/we agree to ensure that all data records will be either destroyed or kept in a secure environment. I/we undertake to provide feedback to the local site involved in the project I/we agree to provide the Research and Evaluation Unit with an abstract/executive summary and final electronic and hard copy of the final research report I/we agree to have information on the research project and research report circulated to interested people within DECD Other I/we agree to notify the Research and Evaluation Unit of any major changes to the project. I/we understand that any breach of this undertaking may result in my/our being denied further access to DECD services and sites for research purposes. I/We declare the information provided in this application to conduct research to be true and correct. Dated this ………… day of …………………….. 20... Principal Researcher Signature Name Address Associated Researcher/supervisor (if student) Signature Name Address Phone Phone Witness Signature Name Address Phone Witness Signature Name Address Phone 7 | Appendix 1-6, Conducting Research and Evaluation in DECD sites Procedure | Aug 2014 Appendix 3 Information Sheet Instructions to applicants: The information sheet is an example only and should be amended to include important specific details about the research project as indicated below. The information sheet must be given to potential research participates to assist them in their decision about involvement. It must be clearly written, in non-technical language and must accompany each consent form. The sheet must be translated if intended to be sent to participants and communities from a culturally and linguistically diverse background. Dear …………………….. (Name of researcher) is a (position e.g. researcher, student etc.) from (name of institution) and is conducting research regarding (title/topic of project) in (schools/early childhood centres/sites) in South Australia. The research project involves (description of the purpose and conduct of the research) Provide brief statements about the following: anticipated benefits and value to DECD, sites and the community the description of the activities that the participants will be involved in/what records need to be accessed the expected duration of participant’s participation assurances of confidentiality and anonymity that their participation is voluntary and they may withdraw consent from the project at anytime without prejudice a description of any foreseeable risks due to their involvement in the research details of support should any stress or adverse effects occur the possible outcomes of the research including the likelihood and form of the publication of the research results sufficient details about the nature and scope of the research to enable informed consent, particularly for sensitive or specific topics/issues This research has been approved by the (name of University/Organisation) Ethics Committee and the Department for Education and Child Development. If you are prepared for your child to take part, a Consent Form is attached for you to sign. If audio-taping or videotaping are involved, additional signatures to indicate consent are required. Should you require additional information regarding this research, please contact (name) on (contact phone, address). Thank you for considering this request. Signed (researcher’s name) ……………………………………………… Date ……………….. Phone: ……………………. Fax: …………………………….. Email ……………………………………………………… 8 | Appendix 1-6, Conducting Research and Evaluation in DECD sites Procedure | Aug 2014 Appendix 4 Consent Form Instructions to applicants: This consent form is an example only for parent/guardian consent. The signature area should be amended for studies involving Departmental staff or other participants as part of the research being conducted. The researcher must prepare a consent form to be signed and returned to the researcher to accompany the Information sheet. The consent form should be amended to include specific details about the research project. The consent form must be translated if intended to be sent to participants and communities from a culturally and linguistically diverse background. Please refer to the guidelines provided in Section 4.3.2 regarding all consent requirements. I (name)…………………………………………….. hereby consent to my/**child’s involvement in the research project entitled: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Principal Researcher: (name, phone, fax, email) I have read and understood the Information Sheet on the above project and understand that (my child/I) is being asked to (provide details of what is required of (the participant)). I understand that (my child/I) may not directly benefit by taking part in this research. I understand that while information gained in the study may be published, (my child/I) will not be identified; all individual information will remain confidential. I understand that my child’s participation in this research project is voluntary; a decision not to participate will in no way affect their academic standing or relationship with the (school/site) and they are free to withdraw their participation at any time I understand that there will be no payment for (my child) taking part in this study. I am aware that I should retain a copy of the Information Sheet and Consent Form for future reference. I consent to (my child) being involved in this project. Signed: Date: Relationship to child: Name of child: (Please delete the video/audio taping statement of consent if not applicable) I consent to (my child) being video/audio taped in this project. Signed: Date: Relationship to child: Name of child: Signature of child ………………………………………………………………… 9 | Appendix 1-6, Conducting Research and Evaluation in DECD sites Procedure | Aug 2014 Appendix 5 Checklist of Research Attachments Instructions to applicants: Please ensure that all necessary attachments are enclosed and the materials to be reviewed are accurately and clearly provided. Project Title: Principal Researcher: # Research Attachment Description Which of the following are enclosed? Please double click to check the relevant box. 1 Research undertaking (completed and signed) 2 Child-related Employment Screening verification dated within the past 3 years (Refer to the Procedure Yes No Yes No …… …… document, Section 4.2.4) 3 Insurance coverage 4 Application form and approval clearance notification from the relevant Human Research Ethics Committee (Note1: If currently not available upon application please provide evidence of submission. Note2: Include any documentation for modifications to existing research applications approved by HRECs) (Refer to the Procedure document, Yes No Yes No …… …… Section 4.3.5) 5 6 7 Letter to the principal, director or site manager requesting approval to conduct research in their site Yes No …… Separate information sheets for teachers/staff, parents/guardians and students (where applicable) for attachment to the letter of consent to participants, and letter of request to principal/director/site manager (Refer to Appendix 3 & 4) Letter of consent to be completed by the participants, including signatures for video/audio taping if applicable (Refer to Procedure document, Section Yes No …… Yes No …… Letter of consent to be completed and signed by parents/guardians/carers and students (if applicable), including signatures for video/audio taping if applicable, (Refer to Appendix 4) Yes No …… Questionnaire or survey questions and lists of interview/focus group discussion questions and any other research instruments (Refer to Yes No …… 4.3.4 and Appendix 4) 8 9 Procedure document, Section 4.3.2) 10 | Appendix 1-6, Conducting Research and Evaluation in DECD sites Procedure | Aug 2014 If ‘No’ please specify details of reasons below Appendix 6 Keywords List Instructions to applicants: Please select from the keywords listed provided. In cases where an appropriate keyword not listed below would provide a more specific or relevant description, please include it on the application form field required. Aboriginal Accountability Achievement/Assessment Assessment Attitudes Autism Spectrum Disorder Behaviour/Social Boys Issues Child Abuse Child Development Child Protection Children under the guardianship of the Minister Children's Learning Children's Memory And Suggestibility Classroom Issues Cognitive Ability Test Comparative Education Country/Isolation Criminology Curriculum Curriculum - Health Curriculum - Civics And Citizenship Curriculum Issues - General Curriculum - English Curriculum -Health And PE Curriculum - Languages Curriculum - LOTE Curriculum-Mathematics Curriculum - Pre-Schools Curriculum - Science Curriculum - Society/Environment Curriculum - Technology Curriculum - The Arts Disability Early Childhood Care Early Childhood Development Early Childhood Education Educational Disadvantage Issues Educational Psychology Ecological Sustainability E-Learning Employment Engagement Equity/Access Essential Learning Families SA Family Day Care Family Preservation Foster Care Gender Issues Gifted Students Girls Issues Health Issues Health Management History Of Education ICT Education Inclusion Indigenous Information Technology International Inter-Personal Aggression Kinship Care Labour Force Leadership Learning Strategies Learning Technologies Literacy Mathematics Mental Health Middle Schooling Multicultural Music Non-English Speaking Background Issues Numeracy Occupational Health & Safety Organisation Issues Out of home care Other Parenting Parent-Teacher Interactions Participation Partnerships Personnel Issues Pedagogy Policy Issues Post-School Poverty/Disadvantage Issues Pre-Schools Professional Development Psychology Resources Retention School Learning Environment School Reform School Violence School-Community Relations School - Industry Small Business Social Work Socio-economic status Speech Sound Skills Speed Of Processing/Cognitive Abilities Standards/Benchmarks Student Learning Student Management/Support Student Engagement Teacher Development Teaching English As A Second Language Technology Transitions Values, Ethics Vocabulary Development Vocational Education Wellbeing Youth 11 | Appendix 1-6, Conducting Research and Evaluation in DECD sites Procedure | Aug 2014