SUNY POtsdam student learning outcomes assessment plan and

Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan and Report Instructions
Updated 4/8/2013
“Assessment is an ongoing process aimed at understanding and improving student learning. It involves
making our expectations explicit and public; setting appropriate criteria and high standards for learning
quality; systematically gathering, analyzing, and interpreting evidence to determine how well
performance matches those expectations and standards; and using the resulting information to
document, explain, and improve performance. When it is embedded effectively within larger institutional
systems, assessment can help us focus our collective attention, examine our assumptions, and create a
shared academic culture dedicated to assuring and improving the quality of higher education” (Thomas
A. Angelo, AAHE Bulletin, November 1995, p. 7).
As the next round of Assessment Reports and Action Plans are due, we wanted to inform you that we
have updated the Assessment Plan and Assessment Report templates. The updated templates can be
found on our website. These templates
facilitate the collection of information regarding major program assessment plans and subsequently
provide a reporting form for learning outcomes assessment data collected, analyzed and used for both
program improvement and improvement of student achievement. Please refer to the scheduling matrix
to determine if your department’s plans/reports are due. ..\AssessmentReportingCycles04_06_12.pdf
Please note: With the revised Reporting and Action Plan schedule, departments are to submit
reports/plans on a three-year cycle. Departments are required to submit a Student Learning Outcomes
Report and Action Plan by the end of September. While it is not required to submit a revised Student
Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan at the same time, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness strongly
recommends that departments/programs review the existing Assessment Plans and submit updates. For
additional suggestions and guidance, please review the Annual Department/Program Assessment
Planning Cycle with suggested timelines.
When completed, please send electronic version to Glenda Morales-Hanley (
or Judy Singh ( For the updated instructions on completing the templates, please
continue to page 2 below.
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan and Report Instructions
Updated 4/8/2013
While the Plan and Report/Action template are similar, please note that they are, in fact, two separate
The Assessment Plan template requests the following data:
Intended Student Learning Outcome
o State the main student learning outcomes (what you want graduates of the program to
know and be able to do).
Connection to the University/Department Mission/The Potsdam Graduate
o Indicate how the above student learning outcomes relate to the bigger picture or vision
that the department has for graduates from its programs?
Measurable Criteria and Assessment Method(s)
o What data will be collected and how? What unique assessment activities (direct and
indirect) will be used to capture evidence that students are achieving this student
learning outcome? What are our criteria for success? What does it look like when a
student can_____? How will we know the objectives have been met?
The Assessment Report and Action Plan template requests the following data:
Intended Student Learning Outcome
o State the main student learning outcomes (what you want graduates of the major/minor
to know and be able to do).
Measureable Criteria and Assessment Method(s)
o What data were collected and how? What unique assessments were used to measure
student achievement?
Assessment Data Summary – Results and Analysis
o Results – Percentage of student at each level indicated
o Analysis – Indicate reasoning for the results (i.e. I think our result of x is due to a, b, c);
What do these data tell us?
Application of Results/Action Plan for Improving Student Achievement
o Did you find the assessment used effectively captured the necessary achievement data?
o What is working well and should be continued?
o How have the assessment results been used to improve teaching and learning?
o How will the results be used to improve student achievement of the outcome listed
Summary of Action Plans for Upcoming Year
o Copy and paste the Action Plans for each student learning outcome