AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH NEGATION PREFIXES UN-, DIS-, IM-, IN-, AND IR- USED IN THE NOVEL ENTITLED BREAKING DAWN BY STEPHENIE MEYER Asti Septiani ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM OF LANGUAGE AND ARTS DEPARTMENT STKIP SILIWANGI BANDUNG ABSTRACT The objectives of this research entitled An Analysis of English Negation Prefixes Un-, Dis-, Im-, In-, and IrUsed in the Novel Entitled Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer were to find out the total amount of the English Negation Prefixes Un- Dis-, Im-, In-, and Ir- used by the novel writer andto find out the most and the least frequently used of English Negation Prefixes Un- Dis-, Im-, In-, and Ir- used by the novel writer. In this research, the writer used descriptive qualitative method. The population of this research was all the words having the English Negation Prefixes used by the novel writer and the sample of this research was all the words having the English Negation Prefixes Un- Dis-, Im-, In-, and Ir- selected using purposive sampling technique. The instrument of the data analysis was the novel itself. The collected data were identified, classified, analyzed, and interpreted based on Murcia and Freeman’s theory. The results of this research showed that there were 193 English Negation Prefixes Un- Dis-, Im-, In-, and Ir- used by the novel writer. They included: 96=48.97%English Negation Prefix Un-, 30=15.54% English Negation Prefix Dis-, 17=8.80% English Negation Prefix Im-, 44=22.79% English Negation Prefix In-, and 6=3.10% English Negation Prefix Ir-. Based on the results of the data analysis above, the most frequently English Negation Prefix used by the novel writer was the English Negation Prefix Un- and the least frequently English Negation Prefix used by the novel writer was the English Negation Prefix Ir-. Key Words: Analysis English Negation Prefixes Un-, Dis-, Im-, In-, and Ir- A. BACKGROUND Human beings need communication in their lives by using language. Language is an instrument for people to extend information and to express their communicative needs. Language is the most effective media for communication to express a message. There are many languages in this world, one of them is English. English is one of the international languages which accepted as the first foreign language. English is the most dominant international language in communication, business, entertainment, diplomacy and also on the internet. Besides that, English usually used in many kinds of books and it makes this language become an important language. We can state that by mastering English, someone can improve his knowledge, skill, and performance. Because of that, English have to be learned. In learning English, we will find the term linguistics. Linguistics is the scientific study of human language. Linguistics consists of the branches of science like phonetics and phonology, morphology, semantics, syntax, psycholinguistics, etc. Morphology or structure of word is a science that studies the form and formation of words and semantics is a science that studies the meaning. One of the extremely common morphological phenomena in language is affixation; the addition of an affix. The affixation in English is divided into two types; derivational affixation and inflectional affixation. Each language has its own basic aspects, such as: the grammatical structure, morphological structure, and semantic structure. The basic aspects sometimes cause many problems in translating process of a language as the source language into the target language. One of the problems is in translating the negation from English as the source language into Indonesian as the target language. Negation is a wide topic because it affects words, phrases, and sentences. In the English grammar, negation occurs to deny or to reject something. From the explanation above, the writer is interested in trying to analyze the words formed by adding negation prefixes morphologically and semantically. The writer focused on analyzing English Negation Prefixes Un-, Dis-, Im-, In-, andIr-. 1 Therefore, the writer entitles this paper “An Analysis of English Negation Prefixes Un-, Dis-, Im-, In-, andIr- Used in the Novel Entitled Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. Morpheme According to the guideline of morphology, the branch of linguistics that concern with the internal structure of words, a morpheme is the very smallest meaningful linguistic unit in the grammar of a language. Morpheme is the most important component of word structure. According to Mc Manish et al,.(1987:117) in Language Files “A morpheme is the minimal linguistics unit which has a meaning or grammatical function.” Morpheme Based on the Type Based on the type, morpheme is divided into two kinds: free morpheme and bound morpheme. 1. Free Morpheme A free morpheme, which is often called an unbound morpheme, is a linguistic unit that is able to stand alone as a word without another morpheme attached it.O’Grady and Guzman (1997:134) describe that “Free morpheme is a morpheme that can be a word by itself.” 2. Bound Morpheme Bound morpheme is a morpheme that cannot stand alone as an independent word. Bound morphemes, on the other hand, are sounds or a combination of sounds which must be bound to a free morpheme in order to create a word. According to O’Grady and Guzman in Contemporary Linguistics (1997:134), “Bound morpheme is a morpheme that must be attached to another element.” Morpheme Based on the Meaning Based on the meaning, morpheme is divided into two kinds: derivational morpheme and inflectional morpheme. 1. Derivational Morpheme According to O’Grady and Guzman (1997:144), “Derivation forms a word with a meaning and/or category distinct from that of its base through the addition of an affix”. For example: Affix Change Example Readable, fixable Suffixes -able V → A -er V→N Teacher, worker -ity A→N Stupidity, certainty -ly A→Adv Slowly, carefully -ness A → N Happiness, sadness V→V Rethink, restart Prefixes redeV→V Deactivate misV→V Misidentify B. LITERATURE REVIEW Analysis Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it. Negation Negation is a grammatical construction that contradicts (or negates) part or all of a sentence's meaning. Learning the English Negation is very important because its structure is used in daily conversation. Traditionally English language learners usually distinguish between the positive and negative sentences with the presence of the word “not” or “no” on negation sentence. Actually, there many words that called as negation markers beside the word “not” or “no”, for example the word “never”. Besides that, negation markers can occur through affixation process. According to Murcia and Freeman (1999:186), English negation markers are divided into 3 groups as follows: Affix Negation NoNegation NotNegation a- no not, -n’t dis- nothing never (not+ever) il-/im-/in-/ir- nobody neither (not+either) non- no one nor (and+not) un- nowhere -less -free Summary of Basic Negative Forms in English Morphology Morphology is a science that studies the form and formation of word. According to O’Grady and Guzman in Contemporary Linguistics (1997:132), “Morphology is the system of categories and rules involved in word formation and interpretation”. English Derivational Morphemes 2 brokenhearted. But Jacob realized that Bella and Edward love each other and he promised that he will be her best friend forever. Bella and Edward spent their honeymoon in the Esme Island. But at the second week of their honeymoon, Bella felt so weak, so sick, and there was something wrong with her stomach. She thought that she was pregnant. Edward was so panic, because historically, the vampire can’t have the descendant. So, Edward decided to take Bella back to Forks to control Bella’s condition. Alice, Edward’s sister who can see the future, and Carlisle, Edward’s father who was a doctor, make sure that Bella was pregnant. The Cullen’s family, except Rosalie, agreed to do abortion, because this fetus will kill Bella. But Bella and Rosalie decided to protect Bella’s fetus and Bella wants to bear it, even it was dangerous for Bella’s life. Because of that, the Cullen’s family and also Jacob were agreed with Bella’s decision by always keep and control Bella’s condition. Because Bella’s baby was a descendant of a half vampire, she was not born in the usual way as human babies born. This baby was forced out by ripping Bella’s stomach. When a baby found out a way of the Bella’s abdomen, Bella screamed, weakened, her eyes closed, and then she stopped breathing. Edward was surprised, he was panic, he immediately bit Bella right on her bloodstream and the toxin from Edward’s body directly spread throughout Bella’s body which made Bella save and changed Bella became a vampire. Bella was fond of Renesme, her little baby. Renesme had an extraordinary ability. She could transfer her mind to anyone who touches her cheek or her hand. One day, when Bella, Jacob, and Renesme were playing in the field, Irina saw Renesme. She instantly decided that Renesme was an immortal child who must be destroyed based on the vampire law. Irina report this problem to the Volturi, the law master in the vampire world. Before the Volturi came to destroy Renesme, the Cullens gathered their family member around the world to give them understanding that Renesme was a biological child, not an immortal child and asked them to be willing to testify. When the Volturi came to give the Cullens punishment, Alice and Jasper came with another child who had the same fate with Renesme, but the Volturi were not believe in them. and the decided to destroy Renesme. Then, Alice, who had the ability in seeing the future, let Aro, one of Volturi member to see that if the were fight, the Volturi will be lose because even the Volturi were made up a dozen of incredible power, Bella could dispel this effect. So the Volturi gave up and left the Culllens’ family with 2. Inflectional Morpheme Inflectional morpheme changes their neither parts of speech nor meaning, but only refine and give extra grammatical information about the already existing meaning of a word. For example: Nouns Plural -s I have two novels. Verbs 3rd person sg. non past -s John reads well. Progressive -ing He is working. Past tense -ed He worked. Past participle -en/-ed He has eaten/studied. Adjectives Comparative -er The smaller one. Superlative -est The smallest one. English Inflectional Morphemes Affixation O’Grady and Guzman in Contemporary Linguistics (1997:138) said, “Affixation is a process of the addition of an affix, it is an extremely common morphological process in language.” Prefix Based on O’Grady and Guzman in Contemporary Linguistics (1997:138), “Prefix is an affix that is attached to the front of its base.” Suffix O’Grady and Guzman (1997:138) state that “An affix that is attached to the end of its base is termed a suffix.” Semantics O’Grady (1997:268) in his book Contemporary Linguistic expressing that “Semantics is the study of meaning in human language”. Verhaar (2004:385) said that “Semantik adalah cabang linguistik yang mempelajari arti ataumakna”. [Semantics is branch of linguistics that identifies meaning and sense]. Novel A novel is a long prose narrative that describes fictional characters and events in the form of a sequential story. In this research, the writer used the novel entitled Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. This novel is printed in the United States of America by Little Brown and Company in August 2008. This novel has 754 pages. Summary of Breaking Dawn: Breaking Dawn is the fourth and the final novel of the Twilight Saga series by Stepheni Meyer. As in the previous novel, Eclipse, Bella, the human girl, preferred to choose Edward, the Vampire man, than Jacob, the werewolf as her mate and the will marry after Bella’s graduation. It made Jacob 3 a humiliating defeat. In the end of the story, Bella and her family were happily ever after. Total C. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This research used descriptive qualitative method. This method is considered to be relevant to this research since it involved the collection data for the purpose of describing collection of data for the purpose of describing the existing phenomena. According to Crowl (1996:10), “Qualitative research methods are used to examine questions that can best be answered by verbally describing how participants in a study perceive and interpret various aspects of their environment”. The subject of this research was all the text of the novel entitled Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. The population of this research was all the words having the English Negation Prefixes by the novel writer. The sample of this research was all the words having the English Negation Prefixes Un- Dis-, Im-, In-, and Ir- selected using purposive sampling technique.The instrument of the data analysis was the novel itself entitled Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. The collected data were identified, classified, analyzed, and interpreted based on Murcia and Freeman’s theory. There are five steps of data collecting, which are conducted during this research. First of all, the writer reads the whole text of the novel entitled Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. She collects sentences, or clauses, or phrases which contain English Negation Prefixes Un- Dis-, Im-, In-, and Ir- used in the novel entitled Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. The second step, the writer identifies the data found and gives information where those data are taken from. The third step, the writer classifies data based on certain characteristics and features as they were needed. Then, the writer analyzes the data morphologically and semantically. Finally, the writer interpreted it based on class category and affixation. 1 2 3 4 5 Type of English Negation Prefixes UnDisImInIr Total Percentage 96 30 17 44 6 48,97% 15,54% 8,80% 22,79% 3,10% 100% From the table above, we can see that there are 193 words which attached by the English Negation Prefixes Un- Dis-, Im-, In-, and Ir- used in the novel entitled Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. The words which attached by the English Negation prefix Un- are 96 data and it has 48,97% from the total findings. This negation prefix can be attached to the adjective, verb, and noun. The words which attached by the English Negation prefix Dis- are 30 data and it has 15,54% from the total findings and this negation prefix can be attached to the adjective, verb, and noun. The words which attached by the English Negation prefix Im- are 17 data and it has 8,80% from the total findings and it can be attached to the adjective and noun. The words which attached by the English Negation prefix In- are 44 data and it has 22,79% from the total findings and this negation prefix can be attached to the adjective and noun. And the words which attached by the English Negation prefix Ir- are 6 data and it has 3,10% from the total findings and it is also can be attached to the adjective and noun. From the explanation above, it can be concluded thattheEnglish Negation Prefix Un- is the most frequently used and the English Negation Prefix Ir- is the least frequently used. Semantically, the prefixes Un- Dis-, Im-, In-, and Irshow contradiction meaning between the words before attaching these prefixes and after attaching these prefixes, because of that the prefixes Un-, Dis-, Im-, In-, and Ir- are called English negation Prefixes E. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Conclusions After the writer conducted the research about An Analysis of English Negation Prefixes Un-, Dis-, Im-, In-, and Ir- Used in the Novel Entitled Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer, the writer can conclude that there are 193 words having the English Negation Prefixes Un- Dis-, Im-, In-, and Ir- used in the novel entitled Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer., the English Negation PrefixUn- is the most frequently used and the English Negation PrefixIr- is the least frequently used. The frequency of using the English Negation Prefixes, include: English Negation Prefix Un- 48,97%, English Negation Prefix Dis- 15,54%, English Negation PrefixIm- 8,80%, English Negation Prefix In- 22,79%, and English Negation Prefix Irhas 3,10% from the total findings. Suggestions Based on the analysis that she had already made about An Analysis of English Negation Prefixes Un-, D. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS In this section, the writer will explain the data findings that she got about English negation prefixes Un-, Dis-, Im-, In-, and Ir- taken from the novel entitled “Breaking Dawn” by Stephenie Meyer. No. 193 Data finding of English Negation prefixes 4 Grady, O’.William, Dobrovolsky, M and Francis Katamba. 1997. Contemporary Linguistics. London: Longman Mc Manish, Carolyn, Stollenwek, D and Zhang hengSheng. 1987. Language Files. Ohio, The Ohio State University Department of Linguistics Murcia, Mariane Celce and Diane Lersen Freeman. 1999. The Grammar Book. USA: Heine and Heine Publisher Tottie, Gunnel. 1991. Negation in English Speech and Writing. USA: Academy Press, Inc. Novels: Meyer, Stephenie. 2007. Breaking Dawn. New York: Little, Brown and Company Dictionaries: Hornby, A.S. 2000.Oxford Advances Learner’s Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press, Inc. Internet: …..,12-06-2013 5.51 pm ….., 1206-2013 5.20 pm ….. mar/negative-prefixes.html, 12-06-2013 5.13 pm ….. tml, 12-06-2013 4.46 pm Dis-, Im-, In-, and Ir- Used in the Novel Entitled Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer and Its Translation, the writer recommends before making an analysis about English Negation Prefixes in specifically and affixes in generally, we have to know about morphology and the other aspects, which are related to the affixation. the students and other who are learning and analyzing the negation in English, especially negation prefixes Un-, Dis-, Im-, In-, and Ir-,should study more information about how to describe and differentiate the words containing those negation prefixes, furthermore books, novel, articles, theories and other information about negation, especially negation prefixes should be more published and clearly presented. F. BIBLIOGRAPHY Books: Chaer, Abdul. 2003. LinguistikUmum, Jakarta:P.TRinekaCipta Conlin, A. David and George R. Herman. 1967. Resources for modern Grammar and Composition 4. United States of America: American Book Company Crowl, Thomas K. 1996. Fundamentals of Educational research. United States of America: Brown and Benchmak 5