1 STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE: THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE : THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN Maria Lehtinen University of Jyväskylä 2 STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE: THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN Abstract In social work, empowering people is the process of helping individuals to take control of their lives. Empowering people is the main goal of using the strengths based method in social work. The purpose of this research is to define strengths based method and examine the method´s usefulness in Finnish social work with families and children. Over the past three decades, the strengths based method has been a controversial issue among social workers and researchers. This qualitative research implies that strengths based practice is a useful way of empowering families. The benefits of the method have been acknowledged in Finnish social work. This research also raises questions for further studies evaluating methods´ effectiveness in social work. 3 STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE: THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN OUTLINE Title page 1 Abstract 2 Outline 3 1 Introduction 4 2 Purpose of the research 5 3 Literature review 6 4 Descript of the research project 9 5 Results 12 6 Conclusions 15 7 References 16 4 STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE: THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN 1 INTRODUCTION As a social worker and student of social work, I have an interest in intervention outcomes that support a family’s well-being. In my daily practice, I work with families who struggle with vide range of problems. I also work as an interventionist who helps parents understand their child’s challenges. I appreciate the concept that matching an intervention to a client’s worldview is essential when working with families of different socioeconomic, cultural and educational backgrounds. Client-orientated approach increases the family members´ trust in worker and helps them to see themselves as subjects of their lives. The description of myself as a social worker above explains the subject I chose for this research – strengths based method in social work with families and children. In general, I am interested in methods effectiveness in social work. Social work as a branch of science has been blamed of lacking scientific knowledge and theory on methods´ effectiveness when making interventions in families´ situations. It can be claimed, that the lack of this kind of theory decreases social work´s credibility as a profession (Raunio 2009). In this research project I studied the method I personally have detected as an effective way of increasing families´ resources and feeling of control. I make the assumption, that the motivation and energy in a resource-tight work environment is important to ensure effective child and family support. Methods that encourage creativity and collaboration and that provide effective results may also sustain social worker´s engagement. We cannot escape the realities of our changing societies and tight economical resources in the field of social work, but we do have some agency as social welfare practitioners to create an environment that duplicates an ideal one as 5 STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE: THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN closely as possible. 2 PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH My research question is whether the strengths-based approach is a useful method in Finnish social work with children and families. In the last three decades, method´s benefits has been noticed worldwide (Saleebey 2006). The approach is therefore well suited for this research project. The specific research question is: What is strengths-based practice and why is the method useful in Finnish social work with children and families? Hypotheses: I make the assumption that the method would be very executable in Finnish social work, which has been strongly influenced by problem-based approach and psychodynamic theory since it´s early days. I also assume, that only few social workers use the strengths based method when they work with children and families. There isn´t much research about the methods that are used in Finnish social work. I assume that using strength based practice in Finnish social work with families and children would have a positive impact on families´ situations and the client-worker relationship. 6 STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE: THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN 3 LITERATURE REVIEW In this literature review I will seek to capture the essence of strengths based social work and find research results that prove the method´s effectiveness. I will briefly present literature related to hypothesis, that is briefly, stregths based method is not widely used in Finnish social work but it would be a useful tool in interventions. Because the purpose of this research is to examine strengths based method´s usefulness in Finnish social work, it is essential to examine and define what is the 21st century Finnish social work with children and families – and which methods are being used. After that I take a look at the strengths based practice and consider the method´s usefulness while working with children and families according to the earlier researches. 3.1 Social work practice in Finland There seems to be very little scientific research on methods being used in Finnish social work. Accoring to Kyösti Raunio (2009) social work in Finland has been bureaucratic and organization-centered since the beginning of the 20th century. He states that the social work in Finland has the roots in social case work and is as well influenced by psychodynamic theory. Nowadays, the Finnish social work in public organizations is still in progress when it comes to working mehods. According to Raunio the silent information about methods being used in Finnish social work is the essential question in the social work research in future. 7 STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE: THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN 3.2 Focus on the strengths – the optimistic approach The focus of this paper now turns to a discussion of working methods with families, empowering them and finding the resources available to families during the working process. In working with clients, social worker focuses on strengths and resources of clients to help them solve their difficulties. Social worker supports clients growth potential and believes that the client has the right to develope his or her potentialities fully. Focusing on problems undermines this process. Social worker´s main job is thereby to help the client to find the potential and that way to decrease client´s feelings of worthlessness (Rapp, Saleeby & Sullivan 2005): “ The strengths based practice is based on the belief that the clients are the experts and that they ultimately know what is best for themselves.” According to McMillen, Morris & Sherraden (2004) strengths perspective is closely related to the concept of empowerment. Empowerment means the process of helping families and individuals to increase their strengths and to improve their living-circumstances. McMillen, Morris & Sherraden use the terms strengths based social work and empowerment-based social work as synonyms (McMillen, et. Al 2004, 323). Bernard (2006) relates the strengt´s based method to the concept of “empowerment” as well: “when youth and families are given the opportunity— especially in a small group context—to give voice to their realities and tell their “stories”, to discuss their experiences, beliefs, attitudes, and feelings—and encouraged to critically question societal messages, we are empowering them to be critical thinkers and decision-makers around the important concerns in their lives.” To turn the client from victim to subject of his or her life is actually the main 8 STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE: THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN goal of using the strengths based method. Not all the researches, that stands behind this method, acknowledge that using the strengths based method is the supreme way of doing social work. According to McMillen et. Al (2004), social work needs a dual focus: A focus on both problems and problem-solving, or that is to say, client´s strengths in solving problems. These two orientations shouldn´t be seen as dichotomies. According to McMillen et. Al, both approaches are needed when it comes to helping clients in their problematic situations. In the article “Using strengths based practice to tap the resilience of families” (2006) Bonnie Bernard writes about development and possibilities of strengths based practice among children and families. Strengths based interventions differ from traditional social work in that the interventions become embedded in, rather than separate from, the activities of daily life. In a strengths based approach, the client is encouraged to set goals. Strengths based social work is about changing ways of being, creating a culture of self-improvement rather than problem-specific changes in families daily lives. Most importantly, the social worker works with family members to find the protective factors in their lives. According to Bernard, many studies provide evidence that protective factors are more powerful than risk factors in the lives of children and families. (Bernard 2006.) According to Bernard and Saleebet et. Al., the strengths based approach is one of the most important tool that a social worker uses to achieve the goal of empowering the family. Nevertheless, there seems to be very little research results on the method´s effectiveness – in what ways has the strength´s orientated working process improved families´ situations? 9 STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE: THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN 3.3 Interviewing the client from strength´s perspective When setting goals with client in strength´s based practice, it is important that the goals are important to the client, they are small, concrete and the most importantly: they are realistic within the context of client´s life. When a social worker works with her client according to strengths based method, she might ask questions like: What is different that tells you that you are doing better now, than when we first met? What is it, that makes you less scared about your future? What are your strengths as a family, that has helped you trough this rough winter? The basic goal of the questions is to challenge the client work on his/her situation. Social worker´s role is to collaborate with the client, not to give any expert answers. Using the method offers an empowering relationship between a client and worker. 4 DESCRIPT OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT 4.1 Research method and participants An introductory e-mail was sent to all the nine social workers that work with families and children in Peruspalvelukeskus Oiva Liikelaitos (Päijät-Häme). Due to limited time resources available for this research, I got only three responses. My role as researcher was to explain the goal of the research project and to form the questions. My role was also to create an inquiry form that investigates use of the strengths based 10 STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE: THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN method. The main question was naturally, if the social workers had used the strengths based approach in their work and if they were, what were the benefits of this approach. The questions were: 1 Have you ever used strengths based approach in your work with families and children? Why / Why not? 2 How have you used the method? (You can give examples) 3 What do you think are the a) benefits b) limitations of the strengths based approach? 4 Do you think the strengths based approach is a useful method in social work with families and children? Why / why not? 5 What other methods have you used in your work? 4.2 Method In my research, I used the method of grounded theory. Grounded theory is a research method in which the theory is developed from the data, rather than the other way around. That makes this is an inductive approach, meaning that it moves from the 11 STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE: THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN specific to the more general. In the conclusion- section, I will examine the answers I received from the social workers and try to form theory from the answers. The literature is therefore peripheral when it comes to the conclusions of the research. The focus is on categorizing and typing the answers. Grounder theory is a useful method in this research, because of the lack of the previous research about the usefulness and effectiveness of the strengths based method. 4.3 Ethical considerations Social work research has been blaimed for concentrating only on social worker´s point of few and neclecting that of a cliant´s. This research is also made from a social worker´s perspective - it tells nothing about the client´s experiences. It can be said, that the approach of this research isn´t client orientated at all. Therefore the client´s perspective would be an excellent subject for research in future. It would be interesting to investigate not only the parents experiences but the children´s also. Social workers are the main influencers and developers of the field of social work – that is one reason, why I chose the workers´point of view. It was challenging to create an objective, valid query. I tried to avoid leading questions and keep them as simple as possible. The participants knew me as a colleague. This familiarity allowed trust and a common language with the researcher and the participants. Conversely, it might also have influenced the neutrality and objectivity of participants responses. 12 STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE: THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN 5 RESULTS In the following section I will briefly present the results of my research. In my research I studied all the three responses I got from the social workers. The purpose of the study was to find out if the social workers use the strengths based method it in their work and if they did, do they find it effective and useful in social work with families and children. All the participants had used the method somehow in their work. In all the answers the main theme was the future-orientation. The participants thought that the essential benefit of using the method was focusing on the future instead of problems – and consequently the family members´ motivation increased during the process. Two participants also mentioned the empowerment of the parents the main benefit. In two answers social workers thought that focusing on strengths, solutions and future decreased the parents´ feeling of guiltiness for the family´s problematic situation. It is also worth noticing that none of the participants had studied the method systematically in their education or by the employer. They used it unconsciously, in a way of a general approach. They were self-educated to use the method. In the following section I collect the essential data from responses, concentrating the method´s benefits and limitations. 5.1 “The problems you may face in life don´t define you as a parent” – benefits of the method All participants found the strengths based method useful in social work with families and children. The main benefit was that it´s focus is optimistically futureorientated. Two participants thought that the method brings new kind of understanding to families´ situations. Answers in the questions of the method´s benefits were: 13 STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE: THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN “Method activates and motivates the client. For child´s benefit, it is important to help the parents to see the future” “Method increases collaboration, it notifies the uniqueness of the client. The method is client-orientated as all social work should be. Focusing on strengths makes possible to discover new ways of solving problematic situations - it brings the client-worker relationship in a new level. Focusing only on past and problems, especially those that concerns parenthood, can make parents feel guilty and worthless. The problems you may face in life don´t define you as a parent.” “The strengths based method is useful. How it can be used, is limited only by our imagination. It gives a new point of view for working process. It helps me to help the parents to take responsibility.” Two participants also considered that social worker needs to have an optimistic attitude towards clients and the strengths based method kept the social worker motivated. It was also frequently mentioned that the strengths based working increases the parents control of life and helps them to manage on their own, without social workers support. 5.4 Limitations – underestimating the problems In two responses the participants thought that strengths based method neglects those important issues that have caused families´ problems. It was also considered that social worker should pay attention to her own prejudice and behavior during the process. 14 STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE: THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN “Although I use the strengths based method I talk with families about problems. Passing over them would risk the child´s welfare.” “It is also important to talk about families´ backrounds.” “Social worker´s prejudice towards client can ruin the process. Sometimes it can be hard to find the strengths in a “hopeless” situation.” According to responses, the strengths based method has more benefits than limitations. 6 CONCLUSIONS Analyzing the results shows that the strengths based practice is being used in Finnish social work with families and children, which proves my hypothesis wrong. The participants’ responses as to the benefits and the enjoyment of working from the strengths point of view were positive. The participants acknowledged positive changes in families´ lives: according to social workers responses, the strengths based approach seems to have promoted the autonomy of the family. This sense of agency was reflected in the comments. The empowering of the parents reflects the whole family and increases their well-being. The other remarkable result is that the method is a good tool for improving clientworker-relationship. Workers considered that being “on the same page” with the family improved the client-worker relationship and increased clients´ engagement to the working process. This is a big issue in the field of social work, where the client is often in a client´s position unintentionally or even against his/her will. The motivation and 15 STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE: THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN commitment to working process is not always taken for granted. The limitations of the method had also been noticed. According to the participants, it is sometimes necessary to discuss about the families backgrounds and those reasons that had caused problems. As a conclusion can be claimed, that the dual focus, both on problems and strengths, is needed in the work with families. Though the strengths perspective doesn´t mean neglecting problems, it can in some situations be even harmful in a long term to focus on strengths and not paying attention on threads and lacks that a parent have in controlling life. One participant pointed out: “Empowering family is our goal as professionals, but as a social worker in children protection it is crucial to discuss also those hard issues that concern in families´ lives”. As a conclusion can be claimed, that the strengths based method is a useful tool in social work with families and children, but it has limitations. It is worth noticing, that among this research´s participants, the method was considered as a paradigm or an ideology – not a concrete tool of working. The common factor in responses was that the method hadn´t been studied in the university or by the employer-organization. All the participants were studied the method themselves. This information may refer to that the strengths based method is not an established social work method in Finnish social work with families and children (cf. networking, the role map of parenthood, Bear-cards, 12step program), but a quantitative research on methods being used in Finnish social work would be needed for more specific information. A more in-depth analysis of the participants’ experiences would also bring useful information of the method´s effectiveness. Although social policy and economic considerations were not a focus of this 16 STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE: THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN research, it is important to note that developing working methods needs the support of the social service organization. In the resource-tight working environment such as social field, methods that encourage creativity and collaboration and that provide good results make social worker enthusiastic about their work. As a social worker I consider that the methods being used have an influence on the worker´s well being as well as the client´s. Investing in social worker´s education of methods – such as the strengths based method – could therefore have long term influences when it comes to developing the field of social welfare. REFERENCES Bernard, B. (2006). Using strengths based practice to tap the resilience of families. In D. Saleebey (Ed.) Strengths perspective in social work practice (197-220). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon McMillen, J. C., Morris, L. & Sherraden, M. (2004). Ending social work´s grudge match: Problems versus strengths. In Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services 85 (3). Pp. 317-325 Rapp, C.A., Saleebey, D. & Sullivan, W.P (2006). The future of strengths-based social work. In Delay, J. G (Ed.) Advances in social work (79-90). Bloomington, Indiana: Trafford Publishing Raunio, K (2009). Olennainen sosiaalityössä (2nd ed.). Helsinki: Hakapaino. 17 STRENGTHS BASED PRACTICE: THE METHOD´S USEFULLNESS IN FINNISH SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN