
UP Bioresource Paper template
Bioresource paper for submission to the Open Journal of Bioresources
To complete this template, please replace the blue text with your own. The paper
has four main sections: (1) Overview; (2) Methods; (3) Bioresource description; (4)
Reuse potential.
Please submit the completed paper to: Samuel.moore@ubiquitypress.com
(1) Bioresource Overview
The title of the Bioresource paper should focus on the resource, e.g.
“Bioresource on Breast Cancer Patients from X”. If the resource is closely
linked to a specific research paper, then “Bioresource from Paper Title” is
Paper Authors
1. Last name, first name; (Lead/corresponding author first)
2. Last name, first name; etc.
Paper Author Affiliations
1. First author affiliation
2. Second author affiliation etc.
A short (ca. 100 word) summary of the bioresource should be described: what it is
for, type of sampling and of biospecimens, reuse potential.
Project description
Give a general aim and description of the project that led to the bioresource creation
(200 -300 words with a maximum of 10 key references).
Classification (1)
Please select from: human, animal, microbial, plant; other
If non human, please list the species involved in the study, using common and latin
names from the IT IS database (http://www.itis.gov),
e.g.: Common malaria mosquito, Anopheles quadrimaculatus
UP Bioresource Paper template
Classification (2)
Please select from: biological samples, biological samples and associated data, data
only, clinical data, other.
keyword 1; keyword 2; etc (maximum of 5)
Spatial coverage
(Boundary coordinates can be found using the itouch map tool.)
Description: Place names including country, region, town, of where the bioresource
was collected:
Northern boundary: +/- x.x
Southern boundary: +/- x.x
Eastern boundary: +/- x.x
Western boundary: +/- x.x
Temporal coverage
The start and end dates of the collection period for the bioresource (dd/mm/yyyy).
If the bioresource is ongoing, please give an estimation of the expected date of last
Temporal coverage for accessibility:
Indicate the date by when the bioresource must be destroyed, if applicable.
(2) Methods
Describe the methods used to collect the bioresource (ca. 100-200 words) using the
following sub-headings:
The series of procedures undertaken to collect the bioresource (specify which
Standard Operating Procedures were used, if applicable, and in which fields SOPs
have been implemented: infrastructure, management, ICT; if public information,
please specify it…).
UP Bioresource Paper template
e.g., type of container, type of stabilization, Heparin, on ice…
Type of long-term preservation
e.g. Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE), frozen, fresh;
specify security measures.
Storage temperature
e.g. -80°C; -20°C
Shipping temperature from patient/source to preservation or research use
e.g. – 170°C to – 190°C (liquid nitrogen), -80°C (on dry ice); 0-4°C (on ice); room
temperature (18-25°C); other, please specify
Shipping temperature from storage to research use
e.g. – 170°C to – 190°C (liquid nitrogen), -80°C (on dry ice); 0-4°C (on ice); room
temperature (18-25°C); other, please specify
Quality assurance measures
e.g. if a specific norm is followed please state it with its reference for each category
of samples (i.e. cells, DNA, RNA, tissue…)
Source of associated data
e.g. health records, national registries, questionnaires…
Ethics Statement:
Please indicate any relevant documentation of consent and Institutional Review
Board approval, including the name of the board and the date of approval, and any
ethical or legal limitations for the collection (in particular, indicate whether biological
samples will be destroyed over a specific period of time…)
Please list any constraints involved in bioresource collection (i.e. geographical,
(3) Bioresource description
Object name
The exact name of the object in the biobank.
Bioresource name
The exact name of the primary bioresource.
UP Bioresource Paper template
Bioresource acronym or short name (if relevant)
Bioresource location
The full address of the bioresource (please specify here if the bioresource is part of
an Institution and list here if there are other locations, specifiying whether these are
duplicate or a unique part of the bioresource).
Bioresource contact
Please obtain consent if publishing personal email addresses – general email
addresses are preferred if they exist, e.g. admin@biobbank.edu
Bioresource URL
The full web address of the bioresource
Identifier used
(if available: DOI, etc.)
Bioresource type
Pathology, Rare Disease type (if applicable), Cytology, Gynecology, Obstetrics,
Transfusion, Transplant, Clinical chemistry, IVF and similar, Bacteriology, Virology,
Genetic variant, other please specify.
Type of sampling
Population, family, disease based, longitudinal cohort; sampled in clinical care;
sampled in a research protocol; other, please specify.
Anatomical site
e.g., Right breast
Disease status of patients/source
e.g. Diabetic
Clinical characteristics of patients/source:
age, gender, treatment information, inclusion criteria, stage of the disease at time of
collection, etc.
e.g. pre-menopausal breast cancer patients
Size of the bioresource
Indicate the number of individuals at present time and, if project is ongoing, the
estimated number at the end of the project.
UP Bioresource Paper template
Vital state of patients/source
e.g. postmortem
Clinical diagnosis of patients/source
e.g., Breast Cancer
Pathology diagnosis
e.g. Her2-negative intraductal carcinoma; please indicate an international
classification code of the disease.
Control samples
If any, specify the criteria they have been selected on.
Biospecimen type
e.g. Tissue, ascites, blood, cells, DNA, RNA, serum, plasma, cell lines
Please specify the number of aliquots per category and their size/volume
Size of the bioresource
Indicate the number of individuals at present time and, if project is ongoing, the
estimated number at the end of the project.
Release date
The date (If the bioresource is currently under embargo, please give the date at
which it will be made available. Note that you will also need to provide full access to
the journal for the purposes of peer review, in full confidentiality).
Access criteria
As examples, specify the process for applying to samples: is a request form in place,
number of samples available, cost to access material and/or data; specify if any,
restrictions on access to the bioresource (e.g. access for specific countries or not)…
A requirement for publication of the paper is that the bioresource is guaranteed to
be made available should these conditions be met.
(4) Reuse potential
(ca. 50-200 words) Please describe the ways in which the data/samples could be
reused by other researchers.
Please list anyone who helped to create the bioresource (who may also not be an
author of the paper), including their roles and affiliations.
Add any relevant acknowledgements to anyone else who supported the project in
which the bioresource was created, but did not work directly on it.
UP Bioresource Paper template
Funding statement
If the bioresource resulted from specific funds, please give the funder and grant
Author Roles
Choose from: Collector of Data or Samples; Bioresource Manager; Director; Creator;
Curator; Other (please specify).
Please enter a constrained list of references in the numbered (Vancouver) reference
style and include a DOI where available, citing them in the text with a number in
square brackets, e.g. [1]
[1] Piwowar, H A 2011 Who Shares? Who Doesn't? Factors Associated with Openly
Archiving Raw Research Data. PLoS ONE 6(7): e18657. DOI:
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Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the
non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it
to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its
initial publication in this journal.
By submitting this paper you agree to the terms of this Copyright Notice, which will
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