Report Card Category ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS - Reading In-Class Daily Reading Assignments/ Assessments Quarter 3 Grading Marks Grading Criteria and Resources to Determine Grades 3rd Quarter for 3rd and 4th Grade Teachers Percentage Only % Teacher uses the following information to determine appropriate mark (Observation, F&P Assessment, STAR, Level of Guided Reading Group or other information): Reading Comprehension Adv Pro Bas Bel -Advanced- Reading and comprehending INDEPENDENTLY above grade level: 3rd Grade: Level R or higher 4th Grade: Level T or higher -Proficient- Reading and comprehend INDEPENDENTLY At-Grade Level: 3rd Grade: Level O through Q 4th Grade: Level Q through S -Basic- Reading and comprehending Below Grade Level: 3rd Grade: Level K through N 4th Grade: Level M -P -Below Basic: Reading and comprehending well below grade level: 3rd Grade: Levels A through Level J 4th Grade: Levels A through Level L Teacher uses the following information to determine appropriate mark (In-Class Fluency Tests, Observation, DIBELS, STAR, Guided Reading Group or other information): Reading Fluency Adv Pro Bas Bel Vocabulary Adv Pro Bas Bel ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS - Writing In-Class Daily Reading Assignments/ Assessments Handwriting -Advanced- Student has a consistent reading rate of: 3rd Grade: 134 or above 4th Grade: 147 or above -Proficient- Student has a consistent reading rate of: 3rd Grade: 93 to 133 words 4th Grade: 110 to 146 -Basic- Student has a consistent reading rate of: 3rd Grade: 77 to 92 words 4th Grade: 87 to 109 -Below Basic: Student has a consistent reading rate of: 3rd Grade: 0 to 76 words 4th Grade: 0 to 86 -Advanced- Average of graded work which is 93% and above of in-class work. -Proficient- Average of graded work which is between 70% to 92% of in-class work. -Basic- Average of graded work which is between 76% and 70% of in-class work. -Below Basic- Average of graded work which is 69% and below of in-class work. Percentage Only % Adv Pro Bas Bel During independent writing time, the student regularly: -Advanced- Holds pencil properly, is neat, and is able to script letters properly (in top to bottom motion) -Proficient- Student holds pencil properly and is able to script letters somewhat properly and writing is somewhat legible. -Basic- Student does not hold pencil properly, writing is illegible. Spelling Test Proficiency % Focus/Content Adv Pro Bas Bel Conventions Adv Pro Bas Bel ***If the way a child holds a pencil interferes with present AND future printing or writing fluency, the student should receive a Basic, even if the child has perfect penmanship. -Below Basic- Child cannot identify letters that they have written. Percentage Only -Advanced- If the child, consistently is able to produce pieces that are focused and adhere to the content outlined in class. -Proficient- If a child, generally creates pieces that are focused and generally adheres to the content outlined in class. -Basic- If a child, struggles to stay on task and provide pieces that have content that was taught in class. -Below Basic- Student’s writing is significantly below grade level and writing is not focused and content is limited. -Advanced- Average of graded work which is 93% and above of in-class work and demonstrates convention concepts independently within their writing. -Proficient- Average of graded work which is between 70% to 92% of in-class work and generally applies convention concepts within writing. -Basic- Average of graded work which is between 76% and 70% of in-class work and does not apply convention concepts within writing. -Below Basic- Average of graded work which is 69% and below of in-class work and does not apply convention concepts within writing. MATH CONCEPTS Percentage Only Understanding of Daily Math Concepts % Math Fact Fluency Rate Adv Pro Bas Bel SCIENCE – Grade Level Concepts Understanding of Science Concepts SOCIAL STUDIES – Grade Level Concepts Understanding of Social Studies Concepts SOCIAL SKILLS & WORK HABITS Accepts Responsibility % Through weekly timed tests, students are able to complete predetermined math facts within the specific time frame: -Advanced- 1st and 2nd Grade: 31 math facts -Proficient- 1st and 2nd Grade: 18 to 30 math facts -Basic- 1st and 2nd Grade: 12-17 math facts -Below Basic: 1st and 2nd Grade: 10 -11 math facts **When using multiple tests (addition, subtraction), use an overall average of scores to determine level. Percentage Only Percentage Only % E -Excellent- Student is always and without prompting, observed doing this behavior skill. NOT JUST ONE TEST SCORE!!! for Actions Completes and Hands in Homework Completes Class Work Demonstrates Effort Demonstrates Good Organizational Skills Displays Self Control Follows Directions During Class Follows School & Classroom Rules Listens Appropriately Stays on Task Works Cooperatively with Classmates Works well Independently S N E S N E S N E S N E S N E S N E S N E S N E S N E S N E S N E S N -Satisfactory- Grade level appropriate -Need- Has difficulty with this behavior skill on several occasions during the 9 weeks. -Excellent- Student is always and without prompting, observed doing this behavior skill. -Satisfactory- Grade level appropriate -Need- Has difficulty with this behavior skill on several occasions during the 9 weeks. -Excellent- Student is always and without prompting, observed doing this behavior skill. -Satisfactory- Grade level appropriate -Need- Has difficulty with this behavior skill on several occasions during the 9 weeks. -Excellent- Student is always and without prompting, observed doing this behavior skill. -Satisfactory- Grade level appropriate -Need- Has difficulty with this behavior skill on several occasions during the 9 weeks. -Excellent- Student is always and without prompting, observed doing this behavior skill. -Satisfactory- Grade level appropriate -Need- Has difficulty with this behavior skill on several occasions during the 9 weeks. -Excellent- Student is always and without prompting, observed doing this behavior skill. -Satisfactory- Grade level appropriate -Need- Has difficulty with this behavior skill on several occasions during the 9 weeks. -Excellent- Student is always and without prompting, observed doing this behavior skill. -Satisfactory- Grade level appropriate -Need- Has difficulty with this behavior skill on several occasions during the 9 weeks. -Excellent- Student is always and without prompting, observed doing this behavior skill. -Satisfactory- Grade level appropriate -Need- Has difficulty with this behavior skill on several occasions during the 9 weeks. -Excellent- Student is always and without prompting, observed doing this behavior skill. -Satisfactory- Grade level appropriate -Need- Has difficulty with this behavior skill on several occasions during the 9 weeks. -Excellent- Student is always and without prompting, observed doing this behavior skill. -Satisfactory- Grade level appropriate -Need- Has difficulty with this behavior skill on several occasions during the 9 weeks. -Excellent- Student is always and without prompting, observed doing this behavior skill. -Satisfactory- Grade level appropriate -Need- Has difficulty with this behavior skill on several occasions during the 9 weeks. -Excellent- Student is always and without prompting, observed doing this behavior skill. -Satisfactory- Grade level appropriate -Need- Has difficulty with this behavior skill on several occasions during the 9 weeks.