This is a case study of how the Senco, Jackie Oakes and practitioners at Beechwood
Nursery supported a little boy with 8p23 deletion syndrome. Common features of this syndrome include heart conditions, behavioural issues and gross motor developmental delays which may be attributed to hypotonia (floppiness or low muscle tone) or hypertonia (an increase in tightness of muscle tone and a reduced ability of a muscle to stretch). Difficulties with hand-eye co-ordination, planning and organisation and poor balance can also contribute to these delays. Physiotherapy has proved beneficial to B and nursery worked on an exercise program which included kneeling activities, weight bearing positions, encouragement to crawl and transferring from lying to sitting. B is now able to bottom shuffle around the nursery and independently pull himself from sitting to standing in order to look out the window. He will also grab onto adults fingers to pull himself upright but then because he’s proud clap and fall back down. Pedro boots have a positive impact on foot position and on stability in standing. Further advice from Physiotherapy included encouraging side stepping and stationary standing. B has used a standing frame outside but as practitioners felt that this separated him from the other children and so now B manoeuvers about holding onto adults fingers. The practitioner s went on a manual handling course in order to learn how to lift B safely up to slides and onto equipment.
Paperwork and Referrals
IEP’s and detailed observations
CAF (Early Help)
Paediatrician & Occupational
Speech and Language Therapist
Learning Disabilities Team
Strategies and supporting Needs
Pedro Boots
Physiotherapy exercise program
Manual Handling Course
Sensory Resources
B is very pleased that he can now pull himself to standing using furniture and adults hands.