"Keep-drop" tables

APPENDIX 8: “Keep-drop” tables of equity indicators discussed at the Nov 13, 2013 workshop
Both prior to and at the workshop, participants were provided with two sets of tables that showed the list of
initial priority indicators and themes to be retained in each Tier based on high rankings by survey
respondents (green tables), and the ‘dropped’ themes and indicators based on low rankings (red tables).
Online survey #2 rankings: Tier 1 Health status & outcomes
Incidence of lung cancer
Incidence of breast cancer
Incidence of colorectal cancer
Incidence of all cancer
Incidence of prostate cancer
Life expectancy at birth
Health-adjusted life expectancy
Life expectancy at 65 years
1 out of 47
6 out of 47
11 out of 47
15 out of 47
16 out of 47
2 out of 47
9 out of 47
17 out of 47
Preventable premature mortality rate
Infant mortality rate
Mortality rate from cardiovascular disease
Mortality rate from unintentional injuries
Prevalence of heart disease
Incidence of diabetes
Prevalence of diabetes
Low birth weight rate
Small for gestational age rate
Large for gestational age rate
3 out of 47
4 out of 47
5 out of 47
8 out of 47
7 out of 47
14 out of 47
21 out of 47
10 out of 47
13 out of 47
20 out of 47
Prevalence of adult overweight and obesity
Hospitalization rate for mental illness
Hospitalization rate due to injury
Hospitalization rate due to falls among seniors
Hospitalization rate due to assault
Prevalence of adolescent overweight and
Prevalence of serious injury
Perceived health
18 out of 47
19 out of 47
23 out of 47
34 out of 47
44 out of 47
22 out of 47
Life expectancy
Chronic diseases (excluding cancer)
Birth weight
Chronic health conditions
Chronic health conditions in
Injury and disability
Perceived health
Rank within tier
24 out of 47
25 out of 47
The yellow chart below shows the theme and indicator originally ranked in Tier 1 but were presented
for consideration within Tier 2 during the workshop.
Service utilization
A1C test uptake among diabetics
Rank within tier
12 out of 47
Rank within tier
Mental health
Prevalence of depression
Perceived mental health
Prevalence of mood/anxiety disorder
Learning how to stay healthy in school
Health utilities index
Prevalence of physical and/or sexual abuse or
Prevalence of discrimination
Prevalence of verbal or physical sexual
Health education in children/youth
Health utilities
Violence and abuse in children/youth
26 out of 47
31 out of 47
32 out of 47
30 out of 47
37 out of 47
39 out of 47
41 out of 47
45 out of 47
Prevalence of physical fight
47 out of 47
Following the introductory presentations, participants were randomly divided into three groups, and a group
discussion in ‘World Café’ format, consisting of three discussion tables (each assigned to one Tier), was
used to enable participants to provide input relevant to the respective Tier. Skilled facilitators stationed at
each table asked participants to complete the following tasks:
1) Review the dropped themes (i.e. those in the red table) and decide if any theme(s) should be
reconsidered and placed back in the priority set of indicators for that Tier.
2) Review the priority set of indicators for that Tier (i.e., those in the green high rank table) and
identify any indicators that should be removed due to duplication or because they are not
required to measure health equity.
3) Identify the indicators from the dropped themes that should be added back to the priority set
of high ranking indicators, then add these back to the priority set to replace any indicators
removed in the second step.
4) Confirm an updated, prioritized set of indicators for that Tier before moving to the next table
to provide input.
Online survey #2 rankings: Tier 2 Health system performance
Child immunization
Rank within tier
1 out of 15
2 out of 15
3 out of 15
4 out of 15
5 out of 15
Access to service
MMR immunization adherence rate
DPT immunization adherence rate
Cervical cancer screening rate
Screening mammography rate
Hospitalization rate of ambulatory care
sensitive conditions (ACSC)
30-day acute myocardial infarction in-hospital
Pneumonia re-admission rate
Acute myocardial infarction re-admission rate
Pressure ulcer rate among elderly patients
Access to general practitioner (GP)
Service delivery
Minimally invasive cholecystectomy rate
Rank within tier
12 out of 15
Service utilization
Service outcome
6 out of 15
7 out of 15
8 out of 15
9 out of 15
10 out of 15
Online survey #3 rankings: Tier 3 Non-medical determinants of health
Tobacco smoking
Food security
Teen pregnancy
Early childhood
Breastfeeding practices
Alcohol consumption
Dental insurance
Dietary practices
Physical activity
Substance use
Adult current smoking rate
Teen current smoking rate
Rate of smoking during pregnancy
Water quality
Exposure to second-hand smoke
Prevalence of household food insecurity
Teen pregnancy rate
Children vulnerable in one or more EDI
Physical health and well-being vulnerability
among kindergarten school children
Language and cognitive development
vulnerability among kindergarten school
Exclusive breastfeeding duration of 6 months
or more
Breastfeeding duration of 6 months or more
Prevalence of hazardous drinking
Presence and source of dental insurance
Fruit and Vegetable Consumption
Rank within tier
1 out of 25
2 out of 25
3 out of 25
4 out of 25
14 out of 25
5 out of 25
6 out of 25
7 out of 25
Leisure time physical activity
Active transportation
Substance use before age 15
Prevalence of illicit drug use
Prevalence of past-year cannabis use
Rank within tier
16 out of 25
22 out of 25
17 out of 25
20 out of 25
24 out of 25
9 out of 25
11 out of 25
8 out of 25
10 out of 25
12 out of 25
13 out of 25
15 out of 25
Following the introductory presentations, participants were randomly divided into three groups, and a group
discussion in ‘World Café’ format, consisting of three discussion tables (each assigned to one Tier), was
used to enable participants to provide input relevant to the respective Tier. Skilled facilitators stationed at
each table asked participants to complete the following tasks:
5) Review the dropped themes (i.e. those in the red table) and decide if any theme(s) should be
reconsidered and placed back in the priority set of indicators for that Tier.
6) Review the priority set of indicators for that Tier (i.e., those in the green high rank table) and
identify any indicators that should be removed due to duplication or because they are not
required to measure health equity.
7) Identify the indicators from the dropped themes that should be added back to the priority set
of high ranking indicators, then add these back to the priority set to replace any indicators
removed in the second step.
8) Confirm an updated, prioritized set of indicators for that Tier before moving to the next table
to provide input.