Director of Cardiovascular Research, Southern Health & Social Care

Professor Bernie Hannigan, Health and Social Care Research & Development
Division (HSC R&D), Public Health Agency Northern Ireland – HSC R&D
supports research that provides high quality evidence to improve care for patients,
clients and the general population, and adds to our understanding of health, disease,
treatment and care. As well as providing direct research funding, HSC R&D
promotes, coordinates and facilitates the conduct of research and development by
both HSC and non-HSC organisations across the academic, voluntary and
commercial sectors.
Professor Maurice O’Kane, Director of Research and Development, Western
Health & Social Care Trust & Chief Executive, Clinical Translational Research
and Innovation Centre - The Clinical Translational Research and Innovation Centre
(C-TRIC) is a unique facility promoting and facilitating translational and clinical
research, the primary objective of which is to reduce both the time to market and the
costs associated with research and development of innovative health technologies,
medical devices and therapeutics.
Dr Jacqueline James, Scientific Director, Northern Ireland Biobank - The
Northern Ireland Biobank and the Northern Ireland Molecular Pathology
Laboratory is a hybrid facility, a partnership between Queen’s University Belfast and
the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. The seamless integration of biobanking
with a molecular diagnostics operation together with molecular and digital pathology
research is the first of its kind in the UK and Ireland and is set to enhance cancer
research and diagnostics for patients across Northern Ireland and further afield.
Professor Richard Kennedy, Visiting McClay Professor, Centre for Cancer
Research & Cell Biology, Queen’s University, Belfast – The Centre for Cancer
Research & Cell Biology (CCRCB) is an interdisciplinary centre with scientific teams
from Biomedical Science, Clinical Medicine (Oncology, Haematology, Pathology and
Surgery), Chemistry, Mathematics, Engineering and Radiobiology. The hallmark of
our research programme is a close collaborative interaction between clinical and
laboratory experts that ultimately enhances the quality and scope of our basic and
clinical research programmes on cancer. The principal programme within the Centre
addresses cell biological aspects of Cancer Cell & Molecular Biology Division. The
programme of the Clinical Research Division has a strong clinical translational and
clinical trial focus.
Professor Mike Scott, Director of Pharmaceutical Services, Northern Health &
Social Care Trust – Professor Scott will present his research in Health Care
Acquired Infection and its management which focuses on antimicrobial, disinfectant
and other components of infection management and prevention. He will also present
research in engineering medicines management systems. This research focuses on
both optimising medicines use and improving safety and quality by system re design
coupled with the use of novel technology development.
Dr Marina Lupari, Head of Nursing, Northern Health and Social Care Trust - Dr
Lupari will present her award winning research that developed a community nurseled service which greatly reduced unplanned hospital admissions among older
people with long term conditions and saved the NHS more than £400,000 over a
nine month period. Through the scheme a chronic illness case management service
(CICM) was established and 16 full time nurses recruited to deliver specialist care for
patients with serious respiratory problems, heart failure and diabetic conditions.
Nurses were given extra education and support to work with high-risk older people in
their own homes to manage their multiple chronic conditions. This research received
the RCN Frontline First Innovation award in 2011 and Dr Lupari is already working
with a number of groups in Europe who are interested in implementing a similar
Dr Michael Tunney, Reader, School of Pharmacy, Queen’s University Belfast –
Dr Tunney leads a portfolio of research that aims to improve the care of Cystic
Fibrosis (CF) patients, he is particularly interested in the role of anaerobic bacteria in
the pathogenesis of CF, and is part of a multinational group funded by the National
Institutes of Health to study these organisms.
Professor Danny McAuley, Professor & Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine,
Belfast Health & Social Care Trust – Professor McAuley will present his research
focusing on Acute Lung Injury (ALI). His research group aims to translate basic
research into clinical studies in ALI, with a view to underpinning clinical studies with
investigation into pathogenic mechanisms to identify further cellular and molecular
targets for intervention in ALI.
Dr David McEneaney, Director of Cardiovascular Research, Southern Health &
Social Care Trust – Dr McEneaney will demonstrate how Northern Ireland has a
unique confluence of academia, healthcare and industry which fosters
cardiovascular research and development.