
098 Learning Outcomes
Read and understand different kinds of
nonfiction academic texts
Reading Texts
Analyze and evaluate the basic rhetorical
features of an academic text
Adapt content, form, and style to the audience,
purpose, and requirements of a formal
academic essay
Purpose, and
Make choices as a writer that are appropriate
for the stated demands of a specific writing task
and situation
098 Competencies
The writer completes at least one formal
academic assignment based on an assigned
course text that:
● Identifies the audience, purpose, and
basic rhetorical features of the text
● Analyzes how an author supports a
claim with evidence
● Evaluates the effectiveness of an
author’s arguments and support based
on audience and purpose, using quotes
and specific examples from the text
The writer produces a variety of essays that:
● Follow written assignment instructions
● Demonstrate the ability to use
appropriate strategies for adapting their
writing process based on the
assignment requirements
● Include appropriate content for an
academic essay and the specific
● Use an appropriate level of formality for
the audience and purpose of the
The writer produces a self-assessment text that
assesses the writer’s own rhetorical choices,
with emphasis on audience and purpose
Writing, and
Identify and analyze the main point, key
supporting points, and supporting evidence in
an assigned nonfiction academic text
Identify tone in a nonfiction academic text
Understand, analyze, and evaluate the
effectiveness of a text’s thesis, claims, and
Synthesize ideas from at least two assigned
nonfiction academic texts
Engage with others in discussion about key
ideas from assigned course readings
The reader demonstrates an ability to:
● Identify the main point, key supporting
points, and supporting evidence of a
● Distinguish between important and
unimportant information in a text
● Identify the tone and explain with
evidence from the text
● Identify evidence in a text that is
appropriate support for a specific
writing task
● Independently identify an issue in a text
that warrants investigation or
● Analyze the evidence that an author
uses to support a position or claim
● Synthesize ideas from two or more
assigned texts to develop and support
a thesis
The reader engages with others in a discussion
of a text where the student:
● Accurately summarizes the main point
and key supporting points
● Identifies important points that warrant
● Explains his or her overall
understanding about a text, using
specific textual evidence
● Explains the author’s position, claims,
and/or other debatable issues using
specific evidence from a text for
illustration and support
● Distinguishes between implied and
clearly-stated meaning of a nonfiction
academic text
Writing, and
Narrow a broad topic to a focused issue
appropriate for an academic writing situation
Organize a cohesive academic essay around a
controlling idea
Develop and support a thesis with specific,
relevant evidence from course readings
The writer produces cohesive academic essays
based on course readings that:
● Narrow a general topic to a complex
issue that warrants discussion
● Include a clear thesis statement that
takes a position on a complex issue
● Use a logical structure to organize
essays according to the requirements
for the assignment
● Use effective transitions between
● Introduce body paragraphs with clear
topic sentences that introduce the main
point of the paragraph and present a
supporting point for the thesis
● Employ unified paragraphs that are
organized around a clear main point
● Use specific, adequate, and relevant
evidence to develop the main point of
each paragraph (especially evidence
from course readings discussed in
● Use multiple pieces of evidence from
the same text or from two or more
related texts to support a thesis
● Connect supporting evidence to the
thesis and main point of a paragraph
● Limit personal experience to relevant,
appropriate evidence that supports the
thesis and meets the assignment
Writing, and
Begin to understand the features that
characterize particular kinds of published print
and electronic sources
Begin to understand the textual and linguistic
features that demonstrate an academic text’s
The student demonstrates an ability to
recognize the basic features of a text that make
it an appropriate and credible source for
academic writing (for example, publication
date, type of source, author’s credentials, etc.)
Use the recursive writing process to generate
multiple drafts
Use appropriate language to assess the writer’s
own writing process and final products in
relation to the department learning outcomes
for English 098
Develop a basic ability to work collaboratively
● Identifying and using appropriate
resources for feedback
● Using reader feedback to shape
● Learning to provide feedback as a
reader to other writers
The writer produces multiple drafts of an essay
● Demonstrate a progression in thinking
from prewriting to the final draft
● Adapt process according to the
requirements of a specific assignment
● Use feedback to revise a formal
academic text
The writer produces multiple self-assessments
● Accurately describe the writer’s
progress toward achieving course
learning outcomes
● Use appropriate vocabulary for
discussing college writing
● Support an evaluation with specific
evidence from the student’s own writing
The student demonstrates the ability to work
effectively in small groups to discuss course
readings, provide peer feedback, and
successfully complete other collaborative
college learning activities
The student accesses and uses appropriate
sources for feedback (the instructor, peers,
tutors, writing centers, academic support
centers, and the online writing lab)
Composing in
Demonstrate a basic competency with the tools
needed for college-level learning and
composing an academic text, including
composing for/in electronic environments
The student will demonstrate the ability to:
● Effectively use technology required for
college-level learning (for example, email, course management software, a
campus network, etc.)
● Use Microsoft Word or another word
processing program to prepare and
appropriately format formal academic
writing assignments
● Use a college handbook and/or online
reference sources to find, read, and
understand information required for
independent college learning and the
study of composition
The student will produce a formal academic
document with organized and visually sensible
formatting that is appropriate for the
requirements of the assignment
Knowledge of
Make appropriate usage choices based on the
context, purpose, and level of formality of an
academic assignment
In a revised and edited essay, write structurally
sound sentences that adhere to the
conventions of standard written English
Make progress toward understanding and
following academic writing conventions
Understand and avoid plagiarism, especially
distinguishing between the writer’s own thinking
and ideas from course texts
Use in-text and bibliographic conventions of a
recognized documentation system to
incorporate material from an assigned course
text (including summary, paraphrase, and
The writer applies rules of standard written
English to sentence structure, punctuation, and
word choice appropriate for the writing situation
The writer produces a self-assessment that
accurately addresses her or his progress
toward following academic writing conventions,
including identifying their own patterns of
sentence-level errors
The writer produces a formal academic text
that incorporates borrowed material from
course reading assignments and demonstrates
the following:
● Uses signal phrases to distinguish
between ideas from sources and the
writer’s own thinking
● Appropriately uses punctuation to
distinguish between direct quotations
and a summary or paraphrase
● Accurately represents the meaning of
the original text when summarizing
● Follows a recognized documentation
system to cite a course text with in-text
101 Learning Outcomes
Read and understand different kinds of
complex, nonfiction academic texts
Reading Texts
Analyze and evaluate the rhetorical features of
a text to understand writing strategies used to
communicate ideas
Adapt content, form, and style to the audience,
purpose, and requirements of multiple formal
academic essays
Purpose, and
Write for a variety of rhetorical purposes,
including analysis, synthesis, and argument
101 Competencies
The writer produces a source-based text that:
● Identifies rhetorical features of a text
such as structure, language, and
● Accurately analyzes and evaluates the
rhetorical choices in an academic text
The writer produces a variety of texts with
different rhetorical purposes that:
● Include appropriate content based on
the writer’s purpose and academic
● Use appropriate tone and word choice
for audience and purpose
● Follow the appropriate conventions
given the audience and purpose
The writer produces a self-assessment text that
accurately assesses the writer’s own rhetorical
Writing, and
Identify and explain both implicit and explicit
meaning in a nonfiction academic text
Identify bias in a text
Accurately characterize an author’s tone in an
nonfiction academic text
Identify multiple issues or topics within a text
that warrant further inquiry
Understand, analyze, and evaluate complex
arguments in academic texts
Synthesize ideas from a variety of sources in a
formal academic essay
Engage with others in discussion about texts
and ideas
The reader analyzes a text by distinguishing
between what the text says and how the text
conveys its intended message
The reader identifies the values, assumptions,
expertise, and context that inform an author’s
position and claims in a text.
The reader can distinguish among a variety of
issues in a text and explain why some of the
text’s ideas are worth further inquiry.
The reader analyzes how tone is created
through a text’s syntax, diction, and sentencelevel choices.
The reader engages with others in a discussion
of a text where the student:
● Accurately and specifically discusses
the text
● Accurately summarizes different
● Responds through agreement,
disagreementor qualification using
specific evidence from the text
Writing, and
Narrow a topic or question to a focused,
complex issue appropriate for an academic
writing situation.
Write academic essays with clear, focused
theses supported by evidence from texts
Develop cohesive, source-based, academic
essays for a variety of rhetorical purposes (for
example, analysis, synthesis, and argument)
Summarize a text’s main claims and supporting
points to demonstrate comprehension of the text
and use the text as a source
The writer selects an appropriate issue to write
about and can demonstrate the ability to:
● Narrow a topic to a focused, complex
● Acknowledges competing positions on
the issue, situating the writer’s
perspective within the conversation
● Supports a claim with competing
perspectives and text-based evidence.
The writer accurately summarizes key ideas
from a text to provide context or support for the
writer’s own position
The writer produces cohesive academic essays
● Identifies and remains focused on a
position the writer has taken on an
● Includes organization around main
points so that each section of the
essays advance those main points
● Incorporates summaries, paraphrases,
or quotations from a text to support the
essay’s thesis
● Include unified paragraphs with topic
sentences and supporting details that
advance the thesis
● Use transitions within and between
Writing, and
Navigate library research resources to find
relevant support for a topic
The writer demonstrates a basic ability to locate
and acquire relevant library research sources
The writer will produce a text that incorporates a
few researched sources as support
Identify the key features and analyze the
relative credibility of different kinds of sources,
such as scholarly journal articles, trade
publications, popular magazines, websites, etc.
Independently use the recursive writing process
to generate multiple drafts
The writer will produce multiple drafts of an
essay to demonstrate the writer’s ability to:
● Use a recursive writing process that
permits to use later invention and
rethinking to revise their work
● Use successful strategies for
generating, drafting, revising, editing,
and proofreading that are appropriate
for the writing situation
● Use feedback from readers to revise
and rethink a text
Use appropriate discipline-specific language to
assess the writer’s own writing process and final
products in relation to the department learning
outcomes for English 101
Develop proficiency to work collaboratively by:
● Using appropriate resources for
● Critically using reader feedback to
shape revision
● Providing effective feedback as a
reader to other writers
The writer will produce multiple selfassessments that analyze and evaluate the
student’s writing processes and products with
specific evidence from the student’s own writing
The student demonstrates the ability to provide
effective peer feedback on the higher- order
concerns of the specific writing situation
The student accesses and uses appropriate
sources for feedback (the instructor, peers,
tutors, writing centers, academic support
centers, and the online writing lab)
Composing in
Demonstrate competency with the tools needed
for composing an academic text, including
composing for/in electronic environments
The writer documents the ability to:
● Use word processing programs to
format an academic document and
incorporate material from texts
● Use research systems (databases, web,
etc.) to access and use basic research
● Use technologies effectively to meet
multiple writing objectives
Knowledge of
Distinguish between formal and informal
academic writing and adapt writing accordingly
The writer applies rules of standard written
English to sentence structure, punctuation, and
word choice appropriate for the writing situation
in a revised and edited formal text
Understand academic writing conventions, and
make appropriate decisions about grammar,
language usage, punctuation, and word choice
The writer produces multiple texts that use the
appropriate level of formality for the writing task
Understand and avoid plagiarism
Use in-text and bibliographic conventions of a
recognized documentation system (including
summary, paraphrase, and quotation)
The writer produces a text that incorporates
borrowed material from at least one source and
does the following:
● Applies accurate signal phrases when
introducing borrowed material to reflect
the complexity of the writing situation
● Accurately represents the borrowed
material through summary, paraphrase,
or quotation
● Documents appropriately works cited in
the text
102 Learning Outcomes
Reading Texts
Read and understand the rhetorical features of
a variety of scholarly (research-based) texts to
identify relevant source material appropriate to
the writer’s needs
Analyze and evaluate how disciplinary and
generic conventions shape a text
Purpose, and
Produce a variety of research-based texts that
adapt content, form, and style with attention to
audience and purpose
Write for a variety of rhetorical purposes and in
genres typical of research-based writing (the
research proposal, synthesis of research,
annotated bibliography, or rhetorical analyses)
102 Competencies
The writer produces source-based texts that:
● Demonstrate an understanding of
scholarly genre conventions
● Identify how discipline-specific
conventions shape the form and content
of a text
● Select supporting sources appropriate
to the writing situation
The writer produces multi-page and sourcebased academic texts that:
● Provide appropriate context, include
sufficiently complex content, and offer
background information appropriate for
the demands of specific writing
● Make formal and structural choices
appropriate to the conventions of an
academic discipline and the needs of a
specific reader as identified in the
instructions for the writing task
● Use language choices that meet the
demands of a specific writing situation
The writer produces a text that accurately
assesses the writer’s own rhetorical choices and
the effect of those choices for readers
Writing, and
Identify subjectivity and bias in complex,
scholarly (research-based) texts
Understand, analyze, and evaluate arguments
in research-based texts
Identify multiple researched perspectives on a
narrowly focused issue
Synthesize scholarly sources and other texts
that make complex arguments
Discuss a scholarly text in dialogue with other
The reader accurately and appropriately
identifies main claim(s) and key supporting
points of a scholarly text
The reader identifies the values, assumptions,
expertise, and context that inform an author’s
position and claims in a text
The reader recognizes valid reasoning by
evaluating a text’s internal consistency, clarity,
and coherence
The reader evaluates scholarly texts and
identifies relevant evidence that is appropriate
to support and contextualize a position
The reader demonstrates the ability to
distinguish between relevant and irrelevant
The reader engages with others in a discussion
of a text where the student:
● Accurately and specifically discusses
the text
● Accurately summarizes peers’
● Synthesizes different viewpoints
● Responds through concession, rebuttal
or qualification with the use of specific
evidence from the text
Writing, and
Write cohesive academic essays for a variety of
rhetorical purposes supported by scholarly
Distinguish an author’s position and the writer’s
own position using evidence from a scholarly
Accurately paraphrase and summarize scholarly
source material to use as support in a researchbased text
The writer produces texts that use scholarly
research articles and that:
● Organize content around a central claim
so that each section of the text
advances key point in support of that
● Incorporate summary, paraphrasing,
and quoting from sources to achieve the
writer’s rhetorical purpose
● Use effective signal phrases to
contextualize source material
● Provide explanation about the
relevance of evidence to the main
point(s) and subpoints of the text
The writer produces a research-based argument
● Situates the writer’s position within the
context of a scholarly conversation
about a narrowly-focused issue
● Addresses multiple valid positions
● Articulate the differences and
similarities between an author’s position
and the writer’s own position
Writing, and
Organize and manage a research process
Independently evaluate the credibility of source
material and its relevance and appropriateness
to the writer’s task, purpose, and audience
Demonstrate a command of a multi-stage and
recursive writing process to complete a
successful research-based academic text
Develop a research question and connect it to a
larger process of inquiry and entry into an
existing conversation
The writer produces a text that
● Formulates a research question with
● Identifies an issue or idea that warrants
an investigation
● Identifies gaps in knowledge that need
to be addressed by the research
● Identifies the major stakeholders and
sources of information with the capacity
for answering the research question
● Uses scholarly and academic sources
appropriate to the writer’s audience and
Through the creation of multiple drafts of a
research-based academic essay, the writer will
demonstrate the ability to:
Use appropriate discipline-specific language to
accurately assess the writer’s own writing
process and final products in relation to the
department learning outcomes for English 102
Demonstrates proficiency in working
collaboratively on complex assignments by:
● Using appropriate resources for
● Critically using reader feedback to
shape revision
● Providing effective feedback as a
reader to other writers
Use a recursive writing process that
permits writers to use later invention
and rethinking to revise their work
Use successful strategies for
generating, drafting, revising, editing,
and proofreading appropriate for the
writing situation
Use feedback from readers to revise
and rethink a text
The writer will produce multiple selfassessments that analyze and evaluate the
student’s writing processes and products with
specific evidence from the student’s own writing
The student demonstrates the ability to provide
effective peer feedback on the higher- order
concerns of a variety of specific writing
The student accesses and uses appropriate
sources for feedback (the instructor, peers,
tutors, writing centers, academic support
centers, and the online writing lab)
Composing in
Understand and choose appropriate reading,
writing, and research tools to meet the demands
of writing tasks, including composing and
researching in electronic environments
Use and adapt to new technologies for writing
and research processes
Knowledge of
Demonstrate a command of standard written
English, recognizing the social and discursive
contexts of language usage
Ethically incorporate source material to support
the writer’s ideas
Accurately use in-text and bibliographic
conventions of a recognized documentation
system (including summary, paraphrase, and
The writer documents the ability to
● Use appropriate word processing
programs to format an academic
document incorporating research
● Navigate research systems (databases,
web, etc.) to access, evaluate, and use
research material
● Use technologies critically and
effectively to meet multiple writing
The writer accurately applies rules of Standard
written English to sentence structure,
punctuation, and word choice appropriate for
more complex writing situations in a revised and
edited formal text
The writer accurately, consistently, and ethically
represents a source’s original meaning when
quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing
The writer accurately cites multiple types of print
and electronic scholarly sources in an
established documentation style