STA Alumni Development Committee Minutes of September 24

STA Alumni Development Committee
Minutes of September 24, 2009 Meeting
Present: Brad Ashlin, Michael Asseff, Tracy Dunn, Mary Harrison,
Becky Irwin, John Ray, John Wright, Kim Zaffree, Marcy Callahan
Sharon Sullivan, Father Sullivan Absent: Sister John Norton, Kristen
1. Association Guidelines – a second draft of the Alumni Association
guidelines was briefly discussed. Father Sullivan requested that each
member of the Board carefully review them and submit any proposed
modifications to Sharon Sullivan by October 15th. The completed version of
the guidelines will be forwarded to each member prior to the October
meeting with the goal set towards voting to adopt them at that meeting.
2. Election of Board Officers – was postponed until October meeting
subsequent to adoption of the Alumni Association Guidelines.
a. Becky Irwin expressed concern that the efforts and organization of the
current alumni group was not being recognized. Discussion ensued on
the importance of expanding the depth of the Alumni Association and
the need to more closely align the group with the school. It was noted
that communication between administration and the alumni
association was critical to its success.
b. Discussion on the importance of Class Representatives was held
3. Review of “e” communications with Alumni
a. Raider Reflections On-Line - group was pleased that this effort had
b. Mike Asseff offered the services of Mr. Jason Dickman ’91, to assist
the school with web design and newsletter services.
c. John Ray inquired as to the number of valid alumni email addresses
were currently in the database (approximately 4900). It was requested
that a report be provided at each meeting detailing the new email
addresses gathered.
i. Discussion was held on creative ways to gather alumni
information at all gatherings.
4. Special Events
a. Homecoming Activities
i. Pep Rally party to be held at Bokampers in Plantation on
October 15th. Cost per person $15
ii. Game Day BBQ to be held at STA on the evening of the
October 16th. Alan Bir ’60 provides the BBQ, sides and
beverages are provided by other alumni. Cost per person $10
b. After Christmas Party
i. Currently scheduled to be held at Quarterdeck. Discussion on
event timing, attendance and location was held. Event
generally draws approximately 80 – 90 guests.
Several Board members felt that Thanksgiving was a better
time. The need to have events that are held more at the school
or other venues was deemed important. Decision to continue
with this date & location this year was made.
c. UF/FSU game event
Mike Asseff discussed the opportunity to bring alumni back to
campus for a “watch party” at the Bienes Center. He noted that the
alumni want to come back and reconnect with the school and that an
event built around something fun would promote that.
d. Student Assistance Luncheon April 23, 2010
Bienes Center for the Arts has been reserved for the 2nd Alumni
Luncheon to benefit the Student Opportunity Fund for tuition
assistance. The Board will begin to compile a list of potential table
hosts. Discussion was also held on the desire to secure another
matching donor for the event and the Board was challenged to identify
potential alumni donors for this need.
5. Class Reunions
Father Sullivan noted that there are almost 17,000 STA alumni, with
50% of them having graduated since 1990.
Currently each reunion class organizes their weekend independently
with the STA office of alumni relations providing Class lists and tours
upon request. Many of the Board agreed that drawing the alumni
back to school for a mass and tour was very important.
Additionally, greater emphasis needs to be placed on inviting STA
faculty to these reunion events.
Suggestion was made to add a faculty representative to the Alumni
Association Board. Mr. Dave Revezzo ’00 will be invited to join the
a. STA 75th Anniversary Celebration Reunion Event
A major reunion gathering in the Summer of 2011 to celebrate the
school’s 75th Anniversary will be planned. The Board agreed that the
summer is the best time, with mid-June being preferable as summer
school will still be in session making the school accessible.
Discussion was held regarding potential events and format:
i. Alumni Dinner Dance – Diplomat suggested as venue
ii. Alumni Field Day – events held at the school for alumni and
their families – could include BBQ
iii. Alumni Mass & School Tour
Committee will be formed to further explore this event.
NEXT MEETING SCHEDULED: October 29, 2008 at 8:15 am