Technician, Molecular Plant Breeding – Position #15150 (Grade 7)

Position Number: 15150
Current Grade (if applicable): 7
Working Title: Technician, Molecular Plant Breeding
Faculty/Department: ALES, Agriculture, Food & Nutritional Science
Department ID: Click here to enter text.
Incumbent Name (if applicable): Click here to enter text.
Campus Address: Click here to enter text.
Campus Phone Number: Click here to enter text.
E-Mail Address: Click here to enter text.
Hours of Work/Week: Choose an item.
 Actual Hours Worked (if Part-Time): Click here to enter text.
Name of Supervisor: Click here to enter text.
Title of Supervisor: Click here to enter text.
Supervisor’s Phone Number: Click here to enter text.
Supervisor’s Email Address: Click here to enter text.
Position Type: Choose an item.
 If OTHER, please indicate Position Type: Click here to enter text.
Special Requirements:
Home Internet Access: Choose an item.
Professional Accreditation: Choose an item.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: Choose an item.
Second Language: Choose an item.
SIGNATURES: The signatures below indicate that all parties have read and discussed the content of the JFS
EFFECTIVE DATE (if different from date signed): Click here to enter a date.
INCUMBENT (if applicable):
Conduct molecular plant breeding research in Canola Program including appropriate statistical analysis
and summarizing data; and prepare the first draft of research articles for publication.
3. RESPONSIBILITIES/ACTIVITIES: Group activities into categories and list in point form each
duty performed until the major elements of the position are represented. Review each
statement to ensure that it accurately describes what is done and briefly, how it is done.
Please indicate the percentage of time spent on each of the major activities listed
1. 50% time: Conduct molecular breeding-research works in canola. This includes:
(i) Routine works like, leaf sample collection, DNA extraction, molecular marker analysis (genotyping) by
use of PCR and non-PCR based markers and using equipment’s like ABI sequencer and gel
electrophoresis, and molecular marker data collection (20% time). This includes proper handling of
material, avoid contamination and mixing (this would result misleading results), preparation of DNA
samples for PCR reaction, sequencing in ABI and/or running on gels, and making decision on the quality
of molecular marker data.
• install SNP technology in the laboratory soon. The SNP technique of molecular marker analysis
is different from the ABI/gel based technique and would require use of different instruments
and large data analysis by use of different software programs. The position should be able to
install this technology in lab and carry out molecular marker work based on this technique
(ii) Lab protocol and functionality for the molecular marker works/ techniques (10% time). This will
include the followings:
• Ensure lab protocols are correct; and adjust as appropriate
• Make decision and judgements based on experience and knowledge of different molecular
marker techniques for proper functionality of the experimental protocols. Must be able to
decide if the experiments running properly, molecular marker data is reliable, and it is worth to
continuing the experiment. In case of problem, troubleshoot where the problem occurred
through critical thinking and testing the revised protocol. Any uncertainties should be reported
to PI
• Install/incorporate new protocol or molecular marker techniques when available. Check the
new protocol/technique for proper functionality. This may need communicating with the
company or research institutes from where protocols/techniques received
• General laboratory maintenance, e.g. ordering required primers, chemicals, reagents, etc. for
molecular marker analysis works for own research as well as for graduate students. Should also
be able to decide independently on the requirement of new equipment's; and purchase small
equipment's (up to $1000) like syringe, pipettes, mini centrifuge, etc. However, large
equipment's like PCR Thermocycler, refrigerated centrifuge, etc. should be purchased in
consultation with PI
(iii) Statistical analysis of molecular marker data by use of different computer software programs, e.g.
Mapmaker, Map Manager, Join Map, QTL cartographer, etc. (20% time). Statistical analysis can
sometimes be complicated, and this needs critical analysis and thinking skill at each stage of data
analysis as well as repeating data analysis in different way for correctness and reliability of results. This
is one of the most challenging parts of the tasks for the position. Data analysis includes:
 Molecular marker (item #1 ) and phenotypic (item #3) data entry into computer;
 Statistical analysis of molecular marker data for construction of genetic linkage maps by use
of computer programs, e.g. Mapmaker, Map Manager
 Statistical analysis of molecular marker data and phenotypic data, collected from the
experiments as outlined under item # 3, for mapping of different traits by use of computer
programs, e.g. QTL cartographer
 Genetic diversity analysis among the lines/germplasm; and
 Maintain all raw data in lab book/computer, and summarize all analyzed data/results in
Table format
 Install other software programs, check for proper functionality, made available to the
graduate students
 Analyse SNP data set using appropriate software(s), when the technology is installed in
laboratory for molecular breeding research
 Use data from public resources such as NCBI for molecular marker works; data analysis and
interpretation of research results
2. (5% time)
 Develop required plant materials for the above-mentioned molecular breeding-research,
e.g., growing of plants in greenhouse, crossing, and growing the progenies in greenhouse for
the development of segregating populations (about 150-200 lines for each project). (The
position may handle more than one project depending on the amount of other tasks.)
 Develop plant materials following the instruction (research plan) layout by Supervisor (Dr.
Rahman). In case of using doubled haploid (DH) population for molecular breeding research,
development of required DH lines will be done mainly by a Tissue Culture Technician
3. (20% time)
 Conduct experiments with the above-mentioned plant materials (segregating
Populations/DH lines, etc.) in greenhouse and/or growth chamber and/or field plots, and
collect different morphological (phenotypic data, plant traits) data for molecular breeding
research projects. (These experiments will be carried out by the position following the
instruction (research plan) layout by Supervisor (Dr. Rahman). Following supervisor's
instruction, the position should be able to layout the experiment and collect data
independently, make sure no mixing in the experiment and data occurred (this would result
misleading results). Any uncertainties on the experiment or quality of data should be
reported to PI to decide whether experiment should be continued or repeated.
4. (20% time)
 Prepare the first draft of the manuscripts for publication. This will include reading of some
journal articles. Supervisor will provide significant input in this, e.g. guidance for data
summarization, interpretation of research data, writing of the article, drawing conclusion
from the research, showing the prospects of this research and direction for future research.
At this stage, Supervisor's contribution will be higher (e.g. 70-75% ) than the position ‘s
contribution (e.g. 25-30%)
 Assist the PI in the preparation of interim and final project reports. This will include data
summary in Table/Figure format and drafting the report
5. (5% time)
 Assist PI to train undergraduate and/or graduate students on molecular marker lab works and
data analysis. This includes providing assistance/hands-on training to the students/trainees in
molecular breeding works - showing few times (2-3) how to do molecular marker laboratory
works and use computer software programs for data analysis as described under item # 1. After
this hands-on training, students/trainees should be able to do the work; however, may need
occasional suggestion/guidance from the position during their tenure in the program.
6. The position will be sitting in weekly to bi-weekly meetings with Supervisor, where Supervisor will
monitor the progress in research as well as will evaluate research data for correctness/reliability. During
the course of research, if any change/modification in research plan is needed, Supervisor will revise this,
and the position will follow the revised research.
4. KNOWLEDGE: Identify the minimum formalized training/education and/or qualifications
required to prepare an individual to be functional in the position.
Post-secondary education of a Bachelor’s degree or less with up to 18 months to become functional in
the role.
5. INDEPENDENCE OF ACTION: Describe the initiative required, the creativity and original
thought, and also the amount of direction and control received from the supervisor or standard
practices and precedents.
A. What types of decisions are made independently?
All routine procedures as outlined under item #1 of Responsibilities/Activities
All other decisions (item #2, 3 and 4 of Responsibilities/Activities) must be approved by
supervisor, e.g. design of the experiments, assessment of reliability/quality of research
data, preparing manuscript, etc.
B. For what actions is it necessary to consult someone? Are approvals or instructions verbal or in
Reliability/quality of research data for publication/project report, data interpretation, drafting of the
research article. This consultation will be done in weekly/bi-weekly meeting with Supervisor.
6. CONSEQUENCE OF ERRORS: Identify the extent of losses which result from mistakes in
judgment or poor decisions (typical instances, not rare or extreme ones), and the responsibility
for safety of others.
Errors in collecting / organizing / analysis molecular marker (genotypic) and phenotypic data, mixing-up
germplasm accession numbers and/or DNA samples, incorrect interpretation of data, etc. These can lead
to incorrect results, delay in completing the research, bad reputation, etc.
7. CONTACTS: Identify the contacts and the purpose of the interaction.
A. Inside the University
Personnel in the Canola Program involved in team works of the project(s). Technician will be working
closely with Supervisor as well as will be reporting to him.
B. Outside the University
Occasional contact with other researchers and companies in connection to molecular marker works.
C. Information Sources
Supervisor as well as other personnel in the canola program during team works.
8. SUPERVISION: If this position is not required to supervise staff, please indicate “n/a”.
A. Describe all aspects of formal supervision required of this position. Please be sure to complete
Part B.
B. Please indicate how many staff members are supervised by the position.
Full-time employees: NA
Part-time employees: NA
Casual employees: NA
9. PHYSICAL DEMANDS: Describe the degree, frequency, severity, intensity and continuity of
physical activity and/or intense visual concentration required.
A. Activities
Light to moderate physical demands required in accomplishing job related activities.
B. What types of equipment or tools are used in the job?
Laboratory glassware and equipment's.
10. WORKING CONDITIONS: Describe the disagreeable aspects of the job environment in
relation to employee safety and comfort, and the severity and frequency of exposure to
workplace hazards.
Mostly indoors - occasional work in experimental field plots.
11. SIMILAR POSITIONS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA: Please list any position numbers,
titles, departments or incumbent names that may be considered to be similar.
12. ORGANIZATION CHART: An organization chart is mandatory for the evaluation process to
be completed. You may include this as a separate attachment or file may be pasted/
embedded below