South Effingham High School Visual Arts Department Fall 2011 Mary Cale Anderegg, Art Instructor 912.728.7511 Visual Art/Comprehensive 1 COURSE SYLLABUS Course Description The purpose of this course is to introduce students to visual arts and to set a basic foundation upon which a deeper understanding of the field may be built. This comprehensive exploration of art production, aesthetics, art history, and art criticism will give students an opportunity to learn about art and to explore its many facets. Students will be introduced to various art media, periods, styles, philosophies, and techniques. After successful completion of this course, students may further their exploration of art by taking studio art classes in drawing, painting, ceramics, and sculpture. Course Structure The majority of work will be done in class due to the nature of the materials. The pace of this course is very quick, therefore students who do not use class time wisely or who are absent must complete classwork and/or projects at home to meet the specified due dates. Due to the importance of class time, promptness and attendance are required. Tests will also be given, and students will be required to study at home for exams. Additionally, students are required to keep a sketchbook as an important part of the artistic process. Art 1 - Topics to be Covered Weeks 1 thru 4: Basic Drawing Weeks 5 thru 7: Perspective Drawing Weeks 8 thru 10: Ceramic Sculpture Weeks 11 thru 12: Color Theory Week 13: Ceramic Sculpture (Surface) Weeks 14 thru 16: Color Theory and Painting Weeks 17 thru 18: Printmaking Weeks 19 thru 20: Hang Art Exhibition & LEOCT ****************************************************************************************************************** Supply List: DUE Monday, August 8 *If anyone has difficulty purchasing these items, please contact me. Pencils Eraser Black Sharpie Marker (fine, ultra-fine, or extra-fine) Other Suggested Materials: Watercolor Drawing Pencils Markers ****************************************************************************************************************** Grading Policies and Procedures Absences If a student is absent when a project is turned in, it is the student’s responsibility to turn in the work when they return. If a student is absent when a test is given, it is the student’s responsibility to schedule an appointment with the teacher to make up the test. This applies whether an absence was excused or unexcused. Project Grades – 60% of 9-Week Grade Project grades will be given for major projects and artworks done as a component of this course. Tests will also be given and will count as project grades. Classwork Grades – 40% of 9-Week Grade Weekly grades may be given based on the attached “weekly progress” rubric. The following will also count as a classwork grade; bookwork, written assignments, sketchbook assignments, worksheets, quizzes, critique participation, project planning and idea sketches, notes, vocabulary, daily starter activities, and other exercises. Local End of Course Test – 20% of Semester Average To be aligned with the expectations of the Georgia State Department of Education, the Effingham County Board of Education has a system wide end of course test. This comprehensive test will cover material learned throughout the semester and will count as 20% of the semester average. Late Work Policy For each day that an assignment is late, 5 points will be deducted from their earned points. Until an assignment is completed, it is a zero in the gradebook. Rules and Procedures 1. Always follow directions 2. Do not talk while the teacher is talking 3. Respect tools and materials 4. Clean up properly 5. Speak quietly 6. Respect others and their work The following are never allowed in the art room: Food or drink iPods or other electronic devices Cell phones Failure to comply with school and classroom rules will result in disciplinary action. Discipline Disciplinary action will be given as necessary to students who fail to comply with classroom and school rules. Detentions will be scheduled as necessary. Students who fail to attend a scheduled detention will be referred for further disciplinary action with school administration. Sketchbooks/Visual Journals The process of keeping a sketchbook is a vital part of the artistic process and of this course. Once we make our sketchbooks, it will be required that students bring it with them every day to school. Students will be given sketchbook assignments. These assignments will be due weekly. Students will use the first few minutes of each class period, and any extra time they may have, to complete these sketchbook entries. Should a student fail to use class time wisely, they will be required to find time outside of class to complete the assignment. Each sketchbook entry counts as one classwork grade. Additionally, the sketchbook will be where students record notes, vocabulary, and other required materials for the course. The entire sketchbook will be turned in for a grade at the end of the semester. National Art Honor Society Students who show achievement in the visual arts may be invited to join the SEHS Chapter of the National Art Honor Society after successful completion of the Art 1 course. Students must show an interest in the arts and must meet specific guidelines regarding their GPA in Art and their Overall GPA. Invitations are made in the fall of each academic year. End of Semester Art Exhibition All students will be required to participate in the semester Art Exhibition. The show will be held at SEHS and will be open to the public. Dates are TBA. Teacher Contact Information If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call or email me. School Phone: 912.728.7511 School E-mail: South Effingham High School Visual Arts Department Fall 2011 Mary Cale Anderegg, Art Instructor 912.728.7511 COURSE: ART 1 Please sign the following and return: “I have received the syllabus from the Visual Arts Department and I understand the procedures and policies regarding curriculum, grading, testing, supplies, discipline, late work, and weekly grades.” ___________________________________ Name of Parent/Guardian ___________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian __________________ Date ___________________________________ Name of Student ___________________________________ Signature of Student __________________ Date