Global Warming Fact Sheet

Global Warming Fact Sheet
Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) are trapping more of the
sun's energy in the Earth's atmosphere, causing global climate change.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) from burning fossil fuels is the most important humanmade GHG.
Highway vehicles account for 26% of our CO2 emissions (1.7 billion tons
each year).
95% of the GHG emitted from highway vehicles is CO2.
Global Warming by the Numbers
As the 110th Congress begins to debate global warming policy, our list of ten
startling global warming facts underscores what's at stake and why 2007 must be
a year for effective national action.
1 - Rank of 2006 as hottest year on record in the continental United States.
1 - Rank of America as top global warming polluter in the world.
20% - Percent increase of America's carbon dioxide emissions from the burning
of fossil fuels since 1990.
15% - Percent increase of America's carbon dioxide emissions forecasted by
2020 if we do not cap pollution.
80% - Percent decrease in U.S. global warming pollution required by 2050 to
prevent the worst consequences of global warming.
78 - Number of days by which the US fire season has increased over the past 20
years - tied closely to increased temperatures and earlier snowmelt.
200 million - Number of people around the world who could be displaced by more
intense droughts, sea level rise and flooding by 2080.
358 - Number of U.S. mayors (representing 55 million Americans) who have
signed the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement pledging to meet or beat
Kyoto goals in their communities.
0 - Number of federal bills passed to cap America's global warming pollution.
1 - Number of times President Bush has mentioned "climate change" or "global
warming" in his previous six State of the Union speeches.