STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVE (SLO) PROCESS TEMPLATE SLO is a process to document a measure of educator effectiveness based on student achievement of content standards. SLOs are a part of Pennsylvania’s multiple-measure, comprehensive system of Educator Effectiveness authorized by Act 82 (HB 1901). Context Goal Indicators Measures Expectations 1. Classroom Context 1a. Name 1d. Class/ Course Title 1g. Typical Class Size 1b. School Tyler Binkley 7th Grade Mathematics 25 1e. Grade Level 1h. Class Frequency Palmyra Area Middle School 7 4 sections, everyday 1c. District 1f. Total # of Students 1i. Typical Class Duration Palmyra Area School District 100 45 minutes 2. SLO Goal 2a. Goal Statement Students will demonstrate the ability to solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational numbers. 2b. PA Standards CC 7.NS.1.a, CC 7.NS.1.b, CC 7.NS.1.c, CC 7.NS.1.d, CC 7.NS.2.a, CC 7.NS.2.b, CC 7.NS.2.c, CC 7.NS.2.d, CC 7.NS.3 2c. Rationale The understanding of rational numbers is necessary for the further development of mathematical concepts. 3. Performance Indicators (PI) 3a. PI Targets: All Student Group Students will achieve 70% or higher on the rational numbers assessment. 3b. PI Targets: Focused Student Group 3c. PI Linked (optional) N/A 3d. PI Weighting (optional) N/A 4. Performance Measures (PM) Rational Numbers Test 4a. Name 4c. Purpose 4b. Type To determine student understanding of rational numbers and their necessity for further development of mathematical concepts. 4e. Administration Frequency 4g. Resources/ Equipment 4i. Administration & Scoring Personnel X District-designed Measures and Examinations ____Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests ____Industry Certification Examinations ____Student Projects ____Student Portfolios ____ Other:______________________________ The rational numbers assessment will be administered once at the end of the unit. Rational Numbers Assessment Pencil Answer Key Manipulatives Calculator (if apart of IEP/504) This assessment is administered by the teacher and scored by an equivalent professional peer. Growth (change in student performance across two or more points in time) Mastery (attainment of a defined level of achievement) Growth and Mastery 4d. Metric 4f. Adaptations/ Accommodations 4h. Scoring Tools 4j. Performance Reporting IEP ELL Gifted IEP Other Rational Numbers Assessment Summary report from powerschool of who met the performance indicator standard. 5. Teacher Expectations Failing 5a. Level Fewer than 55% of students will meet the PI targets Needs Improvement Proficient Distinguished 55% to 69% of students will meet the PI targets 70% to 84% of students will meet the PI targets 85% to 100% of students will meet the PI targets Teacher Signature _________________________Date______ Evaluator Signature _____________________Date______ 5b. Elective Rating Distinguished (3) Proficient (2) Needs Improvement (1) Failing (0) Notes/Explanation Teacher Signature _________________________Date______ Evaluator Signature _____________________Date______