HORIZON 2020 - Partner Profile Form Expression of Interest Partner Search Form 1. Organisation Information Organisation name (English) Bio-Nexus LTD Organisation name (Hebrew) נקסוס בע"מ-ביו Organisation acronym (English) BN Organisation acronym (Hebrew) נקסוס-ביו Organisation address Organisation website Type of organisation (Enterprise, SME, Academic, Research institute, Public body, Other - specify) Department/Unit/ Laboratory Contact person (incl. Title) Position (Function) Telephone number Fax number E-mail address 4 Arie Regev St , Industrial Zone Poleg , Netanya 42504 www.bio-nexus.com SME Bio-Nexus Medical Division Aero-Nexus Division Mr. Shimon Elharar VP BD +972-9-7733325 +972-52-4021115 +972-9-7737230 shimone@bio-nexus.com 2. Description of the organisation (up to 500 characters) Bio-Nexus was established in 2010 and was incorporated under the laws of Israel. The company’s HQ is located in Israel and it has a fully owned subsidiary in Boston, Singapore and a representation office in Melbourne Australia. The core competence of Bio-Nexus is a Mobile workflow processing software platform that is ready to be deployed. The product facilitates rapid workflow processing, in environments such as maintenance, critical real time supervision and where accurate execution depends on an efficient workflow processing can make a difference. The Mobile Workflow Engine platform is used to manage, in a creative and innovated way a process characterized by High cost and High risk, such as line mantannece for airline. 3. Project Proposal Information Project Aero-nexus - A Mobile Workflow Interface For Aviation Line Maintenance Crews Proposa l Title Project Bio-Nexus Ltd. Israel Proposa l Acrony m Call SESAR 2020 Exploratory ResearchTopic(s) of Interest Advanced Air Traffic Services (ATS)5.2. Work Area 2: ATM Applications-oriented Research (From TRL1 to TRL2): (Theme 5.2.2) http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/other/call_fiches/jtis/ h2020-call-doc-er-sesar-ju_en.pdf June 25, 2015 The Aero-Nexus project focused on the aeronautics management and Especially the Line Maintenance & Pre-flight preparation. Closing date for submission of Proposals Abstrac t (Max. 2000 words) At present, Most airlines are still using hard copy paper protocols for Line Maintenance & archive. The Aero-Nexus solutions is a Innovative and revolutionary way to management the Line Maintenance critical workflow procedure on a Mobile Interfaces and provides a better performing of the airport operations. By doing so, we Improves dramatically the performance of ground crews, and especially the aircraft technicians, empowering the technical reliability and flight safety, and offers a better availability of airline Services. These benefits help directly and indirectly to reduce the annual maintenance cost and saves resources & helps protect the environment (Paperless). The Aero-Nexus software platform is a digitize workflow process Interfaces at the tactical level and Its` provide a smart and powerful TACTICAL TOOL. The mobile workflow interface for line aviation maintenance crews: End-To-End solution from Point of care (POC), throughout the various echelons of the Airline (MCC, Operation, Remote station & PFP). A full dynamic, interactive, hands-free mobile Electronic Digital Record (EDR) that provides a secure transfer of technical critical data and protocols in a mobile environment. A real time solution for technical crews at the POC, which can use the system both for guidance and for on-line documentation & reporting with full interface to the company's MRO The Real-time digital information that is automatically collected by the AeroNexus system and the line maintenance crews, (about the aircraft, their malfunctions, and the performance of teams(, becomes valuable as a BigData that can be analyzed to achieve an added value, produce a sophisticated reports and improve flight safety. 4. Profile of the Partners Sought Organisation Type Required Skills and Expertise SME or large enterprise Role in the project Airlines. Line maintenance services providers companies for airlines. Software service providers companies for airlines. Software developers of MRO Systems (Aviation Maintenance Repair and Overhaul Software). Regulation of aviation Experts & advisors ( FAA, IATA) Project partner, subcontractor, advisors 5. Description of the department/unit/laboratory (up to 500 characters) Aero-Nexus provides End-To-End solution from Point Of Care (POC), throughout the various echelons of the Airline (MCC, Operation, Remote station & PFP). Aero-Nexus design a full dynamic, interactive, hands-free mobile Electronic Digital Record (EDR) that provides a secure transfer of technical critical data and protocols in a mobile environment. AN provide a real time solution for technical crews at the POC, which can use the system both for guidance and for on-line documentation & reporting with full interface to the company's MRO. 6. SPECIFIC INTEREST (Call, Topic) and EXPERTISE OFFERED Relevant topic(s) in the Work Programme (Thematic area, Call, Topic) Top interest partner’s companies Airlines. Line maintenance services providers companies for airlines. Software service providers companies for airlines. Software developers of MRO Systems (Aviation Maintenance Repair and Overhaul Software). Aeronautical qualification & certification service Experts on software (EASA, FAA). Sub-topics & relevant areas\skills Data communications Companies. Software research and development Academic institutions. Software Architecture and Designing companies (characterization of Software Systems). Companies and academic institutions in the Big Data analysis arena. Companies and academic institutions in the Cyber security arena. Voice activation\ speech recognition engines. Mobile work forces. workflow processing. 7. Description of the expertise offered related to the topic (up to 1000 characters) The company developed an innovative work flow engine that is able to run in an integrated , dynamic manner any protocol or workflow required. This enables us to digitize the relevant work flows of the airlines together with advanced interfaces for various end users. The platform was designed for multiple software platforms such as IOS , Android and Windows. The engine is agnostic to the hardware and enables a rapid deployment on existing client’s infrastructure. The company was able to integrate the complex yet flexible software with a heads-up display and various headset, a camera and coupled to a portable wireless computer/smartphone or similar device that communicates with a central unit. The system also uses speech recognition (hands free capabilities) as first priority and interactive menus on the display to facilitate adherence to the protocol and rapid documentation. In addition we have multiple interfaces for the supervisor (could be fitted to a ruggedized tablet or a smartphone), the other higher or relevant echelons. The company has vast experience with commercial projects and relations to leading airlines. 8. Keywords describing the expertise offered related to the topic (up to 10 words) Airlines. Line maintenance. Software services Software developers MRO Systems (Aviation Maintenance Repair and Overhaul Software). Software Architecture & Designing Web Software programing Applications programing, Android, IOS, Windows Data communications. Big Data analysis Cyber security Voice activation workflow processing Real-time machine Regulation of Aviation 9. Experience in previous Framework Programmes (participation in projects Thematic area, Call, Topic, Project full title & acronym, Role in the project) No experience in previous programs in the EU 10. Experience of cooperation with the industry - incl. SMEs (Programme, Thematic area, Project full title & acronym, Type of cooperation) Have commercial experience with the industry through various projects I agree to have this partner profile (expression of interest) published and shared YES !