Meeting Minutes BGSA General Assembly 09-12-2011 58 Voting members present On the agenda (see below for details): 1) Introductions to BGSA and your Executive Board 2) Election of Program Representatives 3) GA voting on two constitutional amendments 4) Ratification of (potentially) three constitutional amendments. 5) Budget explanation and ratification 6) Explanation of Merit Requests 7) Vote on food budgets for General Assembly meetings 8) Oktoberfest introduction and vote on funding 9) Halloween Zombie Hop 10) Penn Alumni Networking Seminar announcement 11) From your GAPSA Reps: GradFest, the GradFest activities fair, a new intramural volleyball league ---------------------------------------------1) Introductions Check 2) Election of Program Representatives Each program (Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics, Cell & Molecular Biology, Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Genomics & Computational Biology, Immunology, Neuroscience, Pharmacology) will elect their program representatives. Program representatives are responsible for distributing and/or spending the money BGSA allocates to their program. They (or their proxies) are also responsible for attending the monthly general assembly meeting. This is to ensure that every program has representation in BGSA, and that every program is aware of BGSA programming. Look for an upcoming email to your program about how many representatives you get to elect, and an estimation of how much money you will be allocated. Remember, in order for your program to have access to its money, you must elect a program rep. Every program must have at least three people present at this meeting to elect their rep(s): one person to be nominated, one person to do the nominating, and one person to second the nomination. Election outcomes: Nominees: BMB – Scott Ugras scugras@sas.upenn CAMB – Kevin Tsai, Sudil Muhendra, Alexandra Bryson ( Epi/Biostat – Sandy Griffith (sgrif@upenn) GCB – Krishna Vijayendran ( IGG – Julie Horowitz ( NGG – Adam Watson (adamjosephwatson@gmail) PHRM – Nate Snyder 3) GA voting on two constitutional amendments The GA will discuss and vote on the two proposed constitutional amendments sent out in my last email. The first step of amending the constitution is for 2/3 of the GA to vote for the amendment. The proposed amendments are restated here: First proposed amendment: The following sentence from Article VI, Section 3 of the BGSA Constitution: "The Program Discretionary Funds shall be divided amongst the individual BGS programs as follows: each program will receive a minimum of $150, with the remaining funds portioned based upon program population." shall be rewritten as "The Program Discretionary Funds shall be divided amongst the individual BGS programs as follows: 20% of the funds shall be evenly distributed amongst the individual programs, and the remaining 80% of the funds shall be portioned based upon program population." Passed GA vote with 1 vote against. Ratified with 15/15 votes Second proposed amendment: GAPSA Representatives shall be made voting members of the Executive Board by removing the "non" from the following sentence from Article IV, Section 2 of the BGSA Constitution: "GAPSA representatives shall serve for one year and shall be non-voting members of the executive board." and by removing the "(as non-voting members)" from the following sentence from Article III, Section G, Paragraph 1 of the BGSA By-Laws: "They shall report regularly to BGSA at each General Assembly meeting and Executive Board meeting (as non-voting members) and forward relevant GAPSA communications to BGS in a timely manner." Questions fielded Motion passed with 2 opposed in GA Ratified with 15/15 votes 4) Ratification of (potentially) three constitutional amendments If the GA votes to amend the constitution, the amendments must then be ratified by a 3/4 vote of the Executive Board and the Program Representatives. In addition to the two amendments listed above, there was an amendment passed by the GA at the end of last year that was never voted on by the Executive Board and the Program Representatives. That amendment, to Article VI, Section 4, is here: Section to be changed: Merit request funds shall be reserved for social or academic event proposals by any BGSA member. The funds must be used for the benefit of all BGSA members. Proposed Change: Merit request funds shall be reserved for social or academic events open to all BGSA members. The individual(s) proposing the event need not be BGSA members. 3rd proposed change Ratified with 17 for 2 against 5) Budget explanation and ratification The breakdown of the budget will be explained by the Vice Chair for Finance. If the final budget numbers have been provided to the Executive Board by this date, the budget will be voted upon by the GA (2/3 vote required to ratify the budget). Note: budget numbers not yet available. No ratification possible. Questions fielded on rollover, approval of requests, amount used each year by what program 6) Explanation of Merit Requests A Merit Request is a funding request for an event, activity, or project that will be open to members of BGSA. The Vice Chair will describe the process of applying for Merit Requests. Nicely Done! No online submission yet. 7) Vote on food budgets for General Assembly meetings The Vice Chair will present the budget for the GA meeting dinners (2/3 vote required to approve the expenditures) GA votes to approve $600/meeting for food 8) Oktoberfest introduction and vote on funding The Vice Chair for Social Affairs is planning the annual Oktoberfest barbeque and celebration. Because this will cost over $500, the GA must vote on whether or not to fund the event (2/3 of the GA needed to pass) Proposes a vote on budget and date of event GA suggests vegetarian options GA asks why budget needed to go up from $2000 to $2500 Christ outlines budget, noting that we need more beer and food GA approves Date: we approve Oct 4 9) Halloween Zombie Crawl The Vice Chair for Social Affairs is planning a new Halloween event. He'll share his plans for this new night of horror (and fun!). Just a mention No votes Suggestion: food platters in lieu of drinks 10) Penn Alumni Networking Seminar announcement Ever wonder what life is like after grad school? We have been too! The Vice Chair for Academic Affairs will describe this exciting upcoming event. Fri Oct 7 – 3:00-5:00 PM event: GSK, Symcore Unanimous: Shaun is a hero for putting this thing together 11) From your GAPSA Reps: GradFest, the GradFest activities fair, a new intramural volleyball league Even though your GAPSA Reps haven't yet had their first GAPSA meeting, they already have things to share! GradFest is coming, and GAPSA is starting a new intramural league for the grad schools. Vera: intro Ed: Gradfest summary. Sept 26-30 Kilang: Adds info on event w/ Amy Gutman Kristy: Volleyball thing Ben E adds stuff about grant money for travel Nicely done!