Zone - Canadian Police Curling Association

The Ontario Police Curling Association
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Object of the Association
-Regular Members
-Superannuated Members
Article 5
Article 6
Article 7
Article 8
Article 9
Article 10
Article 11
Elections of Officers
-Rules of Play
-Association Delegate
-Financial year
-Play downs
1. Duties of Officers
2. Fees
3. Allowances
The Ontario Police Curling Association Constitution
This constitution shall be read in conjunction with the constitution of the Canadian
Police Curling Association.
1. The
name of the organization shall be the Ontario Police Curling Association
hereinafter referred to as the Association.
Article 2
1. The
object of the Association shall be to organize and promote the game of
curling between all police organizations within its jurisdiction.
Article 3
1. The
territory under the jurisdiction of the Association will include all Southern
Ontario with the following Counties included in the northern boundary; Parry
Sound, Haliburton, Hastings and Renfrew.
2. Zone 1
Ottawa Zone
The Counties/Districts/Regions of Prescott & Russell, Stormount, Dundas & Glen
garry, Ottawa-Carleton, Leeds & Greenville, Lanark, Frontenac, Renfrew, Lennox
Zone 2
Barrie Zone
The Counties/Districts/Regions of Parry Sound, Muskoka, Simcoe, Dufferin, Bruce,
London Zone
The Counties/Districts/Regions of Huron, Perth, Oxford, Brunt, Elgin, Middlesex,
Lamb ton, Kent and Essex.
Zone 4
Hamilton Zone
The Counties/Districts/Regions of Peel, Wellington, Waterloo, Haldimand Norfolk,
Niagara, Hamilton-Wentworth, and Halton.
Zone 5
Toronto Zone
Municipality of Toronto.
Zone 6
Durham Zone
The Counties/Districts/Regions of Hastings, Prince Edward,
Northumberland, Peterborough, Halliburton, Victoria and Durham.
Zone 7
York Region Zone
Counties and part counties policed by York Regional Police Service.
Each zone is entitled to be represented at the Provincial Play downs by at least two
teams. If a zone is unable to field two teams the zone with the most teams playing
will be granted and additional team. If more than one zone cannot field a team the
next zone with the most teams playing down will be granted an additional team. If
there are numerous zones unable to field second teams the host chairs and the
executive will determine who is eligible for additional teams. Any issues that
should arise with regards to the number of teams eligible to compete at the
Provincial Play downs shall be dealt with at the discretion of the Executive.
Article 4
1. Membership in the Association shall be open to all Regular, Honorary and
Superannuated members with 15 year’s police service.
2. For
the purpose of this article, “Police Force” shall be limited to:
a) Regular members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and those Special
Constables who are sworn police officers;
b) Ontario Provincial Police;
c) Municipal Police;
d) Railway Police
e) National Harbors Board Police
f) Canadian Armed Forces Police; and
g) CSIS members with 15 years of police experience.
2.(a) A motion was passed in April 2012, at the National AGM, that opens the
competitive side to all “Peace Officers”. The criteria for eligibility under the
Peace Officer designation is as follows:
(i) That any full time Peace Officer be permitted to participate in any CPCA
sanctioned event, specifically Provincial and Canadian curling
championships and be allowed to enter and compete using a team consisting
solely of full time Peace Officers. This may include but is not restricted to
full time Canadian Border Services, Customs Officers, Correctional
Officers, Conservation Officers and Fisheries Officers on a two year trial
(ii) Qualifying Peace Officers are to be determined by the National
Executive on a case by case submission.
(iii) Must be members in good standing within the Provincial or Territorial
Association in which they reside.
(iv) Retired Peace Officer with a minimum of 15 years service in the employ
of their agency.
3. All curlers participating in each division playoff must be an affiliated member of
the Ontario Police Curling Association and the Canadian Police Curling
4. To be eligible to curl in the Association playoffs a member must reside or be
employed in the province of Ontario prior to divisional competition. If retired, the
member is eligible to curl in the jurisdiction he resides or has worked.
5. On any team that participates in the Association playoffs, at least three members
must reside or be employed within the zone they represent. A maximum of one
member, per team, is allowed to reside or be employed in another zone; however,
he/she must declare their intentions and curl in one zone only.
Article 5
1. The
fees payable by members shall be from time to time, determined at an
Annual General Meeting.
Article 6
1. The
Association shall be governed by a Board of Directors Consisting of a
President, Vice-President, immediate Past President, Secretary / Treasurer, Host
Chair and an Executive Committee consisting of one representative from each
2. The
Board of Directors shall have full power to approve disbursement of funds
and guide the affairs of the Association.
3. It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors to arrange an annual
Provincial Play down consisting of teams from the seven zones. The winner of the
competition is eligible to represent Ontario at the Canadian Police Curling
4. The duties of each officer of the Board of Directors will be as defined in the ByLaws.
Article 7
1. The
Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held on the site of the
Provincial Championships on such a day as the Executive shall appoint.
2. All meetings shall be conducted in a manner consistent with Parliamentary
Article 8
1. The Board of Directors shall be elected in the following manner:
The Board of Directors shall be elected for a two (2) year period commencing in
2011. In all successive years, the positions for President and Secretary Treasurer
will be alternating from that of the Vice President commencing 2011. The election
shall take place at the Annual General Meeting.
Article 9
1. This Constitution may be amended only at an Annual General
Meeting of the Ontario Police Curling Association by a two-thirds
Vote of the members present.
2. Notice of Motion to amend this Constitution shall be made in writing
to the President or the Secretary/Treasurer or proposed at an Annual
General Meeting; whichever is more convenient. Another member
must second this motion.
3. The substance of each proposed amendment shall be communicated to
each of the Executive by the Secretary/Treasurer at least 30 days prior to the
Annual Meeting.
Article 10
1. The Association By-Laws shall amplify this Constitution.
2. The Association By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the Membership
at an Annual General Meeting. The President shall not vote on changes made to
the By-Laws, unless it is to decide the majority.
Article 11
1. The Rules of Play as set down by the Canadian Curling Association and the
Ontario Curling Association shall be the governing rules of play for the Ontario
Police Curling Association.
2. The “Sponsor” shall be requested to provide a perpetual trophy for an annual
competition, to be presented to the team winning the Provincial championship.
3. The President or his designate shall represent the Association at the annual
meeting of the Canadian Police Curling Association held at the site of the
Canadian Police Curling Championships.
4. The fiscal year of the Association shall be the year or portion thereof that falls
between the dates of the Annual General Meetings.
5. In the event that prior to the commencement of the Provincial championships or
after the start of the competition, one or more of the players of a competing team
are unable to continue because of illness or extenuating circumstances as is
deemed reasonable by officers of the Association, then a substitute or substitutes
may be used.
6. At the conclusion of the competition, the top four teams (or top 2 teams in each
pool) will move onto the playoffs. The page playoff format will be used to
determine a winner. If there are more than eight (8) teams in the competition a
pool format shall be adopted. The teams in each pool shall be determined by the
previous year’s rankings at the discretion of the host chair and approved by the
Board of Directors of the Association.
The Constitution of the Ontario Police Curling Association
By —Laws
1. Duties of Officers
2. Fees
3. Allowances
By-Law 1
Duties of Officers
Shall preside at all meetings of the membership of the
Association and of the Executive and perform duties usual to the office of
the President.
Shall assist the President on conducting the affairs of
the Association. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall
preside at meetings
The Secretary/Treasurer shall:
a) Receive and deal with all communications.
b) Assist the President in the conduct of the business of the Association.
c) Be responsible for all the monies received and disbursed and keep a
record of same.
d) Deposit all monies in a current account of a chartered bank to the credit of
the Association.
e) Submit a financial statement to the Annual General Meeting.
f) Maintain books and records of the Association.
g) Record the Minutes of all meetings and present them to the Annual
General Meeting.
h) Make available Constitution and By-Laws to all members
i) Collect the annual fees payable to the Canadian Police Curling
Association and forward such fees to the Secretary/Treasurer at their annual
j) Assume the responsibilities of the Provincial Coordinator and;
k) Such other duties as may be determined from time to time by the executive.
Zone Representative:
The zone representative shall arrange an annual play down in their
respective zones to determine team(s) entry into the Provincial competition.
The Representative shall be responsible to send the names and the Police
Services of the Zone winners to the Host Chair of the following Provincial
Provincial Coordinator:
Shall, subject to the direction of the President, attend and vote on issues brought
before the Canadian Police Curling Association meetings; act as a liaison between
the Provincial Association and the National Executive; receive and distribute
relevant correspondence to all police forces; top promote Police Curling and
maintain good communications with the Association.
Host Chair:
a) Be a member of the Zone that is responsible for hosting the Provincial play
downs for the following year.
b) Be responsible for the organization of a Provincial Play down.
c) Ensure arrangements are made for an Annual General Meeting of the
Association to be held at the Provincial Play down.
d) Maintain communication with and seek guidance, as it pertains to hosting of the
Provincial Play downs from the Executive.
By- Law 2
1i) Member fees shall be $5.00 annually for each person participating in Zone Play
2) Canadian Police Curling Association membership fees ($3.00) will be met by the
Association treasury.
3) The winning rinks of the zone play downs shall pay an entry fee of
$500.00 for the Ontario Police Curling Championships.
By-law 3
1) The
Association shall supply the cost of travel, accommodations and team
uniforms in accordance with the Canadian Police Curling Association team
attire. Expense money will be issued in the amount of $400.00 if funds are
available at the discretion of the Executive. This money will be given to the
team traveling to the Canadian Police Curling Association Championships.
Revised January 2013 at Midland, Ontario
Vice- President