cms/lib5/NC01000308/Centricity/Domain/1227/WEEK 13 LESSON

Tonya White
Lesson Plans
English I (Repeaters)
Monday, November 16, 2015
Finish The Odyssey film and discuss
Complete The Odyssey review with the textbook and play The Odyssey Jeopardy game
SSR and Reader Response when students are finished.
Remind students to study their Odyssey review for the FINAL TEST TOMORROW.
Power Standards (Infused in EVERY UNIT)
RI 8- Arguments/Evidence
RI 9- Comparisons of Texts/Authors
RI 10- Complex Texts
RL 1- Inferences/Evidence
RL 8- Arguments/Evidence
RL 9- Comparisons of Texts/Authors
SL 1- Academic Discourse/Collaboration
SL 3- Point of View
SL 4- Present Findings
RL 10- Complex Texts
RI 7- Content in Diverse Media
W 4-Clear/Coherent writing
W 10- Write routinely
L 1- Standard English grammar
L 2- Standard English
L 4- Vocabulary Strategies
Tonya White
Lesson Plans
English I (Repeaters)
Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2015
1. Bell-Ringer: Computer lab: Grammar Exercise:
3. When finished, students will get their SSR book and read, also completing a Reader
Response when finished.
Power Standards (Infused in EVERY UNIT)
RI 8- Arguments/Evidence
RI 9- Comparisons of Texts/Authors
RI 10- Complex Texts
RL 1- Inferences/Evidence
RL 8- Arguments/Evidence
RL 9- Comparisons of Texts/Authors
SL 1- Academic Discourse/Collaboration
SL 3- Point of View
SL 4- Present Findings
RL 10- Complex Texts
RI 7- Content in Diverse Media
W 4-Clear/Coherent writing
W 10- Write routinely
L 1- Standard English grammar
L 2- Standard English
L 4- Vocabulary Strategies
Tonya White
Lesson Plans
English I (Repeaters)
Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015
1. Bell-ringer: Journal on this topic: Have you ever felt like your life was too boring? If
you could make it better and more exciting, what would you do? Would there be any
negative consequences to this choice? Explain.
2. Introduce short story unit and literary terms
3. Introduce the short story “The Most Dangerous Game” and begin reading aloud. Have
students respond to questions after reading the text.
4. Whole class discussion on “The Most Dangerous Game” and apply to real life
5. Power Standards (Infused in EVERY UNIT)
6. RI 8- Arguments/Evidence
RL 10- Complex Texts
7. RI 9- Comparisons of Texts/Authors
RI 7- Content in Diverse
8. RI 10- Complex Texts
W 4-Clear/Coherent
9. RL 1- Inferences/Evidence
W 10- Write routinely
10. RL 8- Arguments/Evidence
L 1- Standard English
11. RL 9- Comparisons of Texts/Authors
L 2- Standard English
12. SL 1- Academic Discourse/Collaboration
L 4- Vocabulary
13. SL 3- Point of View
14. SL 4- Present Findings
Tonya White
Lesson Plans
English I (Repeaters)
Thursday, Nov. 19, 2015
Bell-Ringer: Grammar exercise: Computer lab:
Vocabulary: Review short story unit literary terms discussed yesterday.
Finish discussing “The Most Dangerous Game.” Turn in study questions.
Short discussion for pre reading of the next story: Have you ever felt the need to get
revenge on someone? Explain how this worked out.
5. Introduce the short story: “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe. Read this
story aloud in class, and have students stop every so often to respond to questions about
the story. Do a cloze reading of the passage, where we analyze the theme of revenge.
6. When finished, students may read SSR at their seats and complete a Reader Response.
Power Standards (Infused in EVERY UNIT)
RI 8- Arguments/Evidence
RI 9- Comparisons of Texts/Authors
RI 10- Complex Texts
RL 1- Inferences/Evidence
RL 8- Arguments/Evidence
RL 9- Comparisons of Texts/Authors
SL 1- Academic Discourse/Collaboration
SL 3- Point of View
SL 4- Present Findings
RL 10- Complex Texts
RI 7- Content in Diverse Media
W 4-Clear/Coherent writing
W 10- Write routinely
L 1- Standard English grammar
L 2- Standard English
L 4- Vocabulary Strategies
Tonya White
Lesson Plans
English I (Repeaters)
Friday, Nov. 20, 2015
Bell-Ringer: Grammar Exercise: handout
Game to review short story unit literary terms
Quiz on short story unit literary terms
Finalize discussion and study questions for “The Cask of Amontillado”
Short discussion: Have you ever been guilty of being a hypocrite? How did it make you
6. Introduce the short story “Desiree’s Baby” by Kate Chopin. Read the story aloud,
stopping often to allow students to answer questions that follow.
7. When finished, discuss study questions and the overall theme of the story.
8. Final time: SSR and Reader Response.
Power Standards (Infused in EVERY UNIT)
RI 8- Arguments/Evidence
RI 9- Comparisons of Texts/Authors
RI 10- Complex Texts
RL 1- Inferences/Evidence
RL 8- Arguments/Evidence
RL 9- Comparisons of Texts/Authors
SL 1- Academic Discourse/Collaboration
SL 3- Point of View
SL 4- Present Findings
RL 10- Complex Texts
RI 7- Content in Diverse Media
W 4-Clear/Coherent writing
W 10- Write routinely
L 1- Standard English grammar
L 2- Standard English
L 4- Vocabulary Strategies