Cariboo Plateau 50 Mile Endurance Ride, August 8 th , 2015

AUGUST 8th, 2015
The Cariboo Plateau Endurance Ride is sanctioned by the Endurance Association of BC
(ERABC) and is sanctioned by AERC and is as a Bronze competition of Equine Canada
(EC), 308 Legget Drive, Suite 100, Ottawa ON K2K 1Y6, and is governed by the rules of
EC. The ride will be conducted according to Equine Canada/Endurance Canada and
AERC rules.
This ride will be capped at 30 riders on a first come, first served basis.
11:59pm AUGUST 1st, 2015
Water available for horses only
Call or email for more information
Ride management: Nicola Maughn
Phone 250 791 6331 pls leave a message
Registration: Opens 1 pm, Friday August 7th, 2015
Pre-ride Vet Inspection: Beginning 3 pm Friday August 7th, 2015
Potluck Meet and Greet: 6-7 pm (bring a dish to share)
Ride Meeting: 7 pm
Saturday August 8th, 2015 50 Mile Start: +/- 6:30 am, must finish within 12 hours of start
Final Vet Inspection: all equines must be fit to continue within 30 minutes of finish
Dinner: +/- 6:30 pm to be provided as part of registration fee.
Awards: Completion, Top 10, Best Conditioned, Juniors and more
Competition Manager: Nicola Maughn
Assistant manager: Joanne Macaluso
Veterinarian: Rob Mulligan DVM
Competition Secretary (results) Gisele Poliseno and Terre O’Brennan
Entries: Nicola Maughn
Enter on line at:
Mail entries to: (preferred method) Nicola Maughn, 5762 Simon Lake Road, 100 Mile
House, BC, V0K 2E1
OFFICIALS: Veterinary Control Judge: Rob Mulligan DVM
Technical Delegate: Terre O’Brennan
Entries: Entries accepted on a first come, first served basis. All entries must be received
by 11:59pm, August 1, 2015. Each entry must be complete including all required
numbers, signatures and a signed waiver form. An Equine Canada Bronze licence is
required for 50 mile ride >> PLEASE PURCHASE BEFORE ARRIVAL FROM
from the United Stated do not require a bronze licence but must be in good standing with
the USEF. Other out of country riders do not require a bronze licence. For mail entries
no postdated cheques will be accepted. Make cheques payable to Nicola Maughn. Please
note that all junior riders (under 16) must be accompanied by an adult (over 21) and wear
an approved helmet.
Post Entries: Pre-entry is mandatory. In the event of an unavoidable post-entry after
August 1st, 2015 a late fee of $25 will be charged.
Refunds: Full refund minus an administrative fee of $5.00 up to and including August 1,
2015. All losses absorbed by management , all profits to ERABC.
Horse Substitution: Substitution of horse, rider or distance is allowed up to Vet
Inspection. Once the horse has passed inspection it is considered ‘entered’ and no further
changes are allowed.
Drugs & Medication Fee: $ 3.50
Other fees: $1 per rider Discipline Levy to Endurance Canada, $5 per rider AERC
Equine Medication Control: Any horse entered in any class at a competition may be
selected for equine medication control testing while at the event location.
Competition Numbers: Competition numbers must be worn and visible on course and in
the vet holds.
Dogs: All dogs must be on leash or contained at all times.
Camping: $25.00 per night per site payable to ‘The Hills Guest Ranch’. See info
sheet/directions on ERABC website for important details re: registering and paying for
camping. Campsites with corrals are limited and will be on a first come first served basis.
Campsites for panels or high lining available. All camping includes access to The Hills
pool and showers. Restaurants on site also.
This ride is sanctioned by Equine Canada and AERC.
Every entry at an EC-sanctioned competition shall constitute an agreement by the person
responsible that the owner, lessee, trainer, manager, agent, coach, driver or rider and
horse shall be subject to the EC constitution and all rules of EC and any additional rules
set by the competition. It is the responsibility of all individuals participating in any
capacity in EC-sanctioned competitions to be knowledgeable regarding the EC
constitution and the applicable rules of EC and the additional rules, if any, imposed by
the competition. Do not participate in this EC- sanctioned competition in any capacity if
you do not consent to be bound by the constitution and rules of EC and any additional
rules imposed by the competition.
Every class offered herein is covered by the rules and specifications of the current rules
of EC and will be held and judged in accordance with the EC Rule Book.
AERC is primarily a record-keeping and educational body which also recognizes
achievements by humans and animals in the field of endurance riding. It is impossible
for AERC to monitor and /or police the conduct of ride managers and riders, and takes no
advance position with the public whether the administration, trail, weather, or other
conditions of a given event are adequate and safe. The Cariboo Plateau 50 Mile
Endurance Ride is sanctioned by the American Endurance Rider Conference and agrees
to abide by all rules established by AERC pertaining to management of an AERCsanctioned ride.
All questions not covered in these rules and regulations shall be decided by the show
management whose decision shall be final.
Equine Canada (EC), the national equestrian federation of Canada, supports adherence to
humane treatment of horses in all activities under its jurisdiction.
EC is committed to:
• Upholding the welfare of the horses, regardless of value, as a primary consideration in
all activities;
• Requiring that horses be treated with kindness, respect and the compassion that they
deserve, and that they never be subjected to mistreatment;
• Ensuring that owners, trainers and exhibitors or their agents use responsible care in the
handling, treatment and transportation of their horses as well as horses placed in their
care for any purpose;
• Providing for the continuous well-being of horses by encouraging routine inspection
and consultation with health care professionals and competition officials to achieve the
highest possible standards of nutrition, health, comfort and safety as a matter of standard
operating procedure;
• Continuing to support scientific studies on equine health and welfare;
• Requiring owners, trainers and exhibitors to know and follow their sanctioning
organization’s rules, and to work within industry regulations in all equestrian
• Reviewing, revising and developing competition rules and regulations that protect the
welfare of the horses.
The standard by which conduct or treatment will be measured is that which a person,
informed and experienced in generally accepted equine training and exhibition
procedures, would determine to be neither cruel, abusive nor inhumane.
Entry Form:
Cariboo Plateau 50 Mile Endurance Ride, August 8th, 2015
50 Mile Equine Canada/AERC Sanctioned Ride
Pre-registration is required at, or mailed to: Nicola Maughn, 5762
Simon Lake Road, 100 Mile House BC, V0K 2E1
Name: ______________________________________________________
JUNIOR RIDERS NAME______________________________ AGE: ___________
JUNIOR RIDER’S BIRTHDATE: __________SPONSOR______________________
SPONSOR SIGNATURE______________________________________
TELEPHONE: _____________________________
EMAIL: __________________________________________________________
ERABC # _____________ Equine Canada # _______________
Sport Licence # (50 mi only) _____________ HCBC # ________________
AERC# __________
FIRST 50 MILE RIDE? YES ______ NO _______
WEIGHT DIVISION (including tack, in pounds)
Heavyweight >211 ( )
Middleweight 186-210 ( )
Lightweight 161–185 ( )
Featherweight <160 ( )
Name: ________________________________ Age: ____________
Gender: _____________ Owner: ___________________________
Breed: __________________________ Color: _______________
Equine Canada#:_______________ AERC# ____________
List of Classes
50 Mile Ride - $100 Senior, $75 Junior - deadline August 1st ___________
Non-ERABC Member (Residing in BC) 50 mile rides add $15.00 ___________
Non-AERC member add $5.00 _________
Late entry fee (after August 1st) add $25 ___________
Bronze Sport Licence will not be available on site. Please purchase prior to the ride at
Equine Canada. Failure to do provide number will disallow rider from competing.
Fees include $1 Endurance Canada Levy; $3.50 drug testing fee and $5.00 AERC fee.
Saturday evening dinner extra meals $10.00 each ___________
Total remitted:
Register and pay on-line at Events
Or preferred method:
Send full payment, completed registration form and signed waiver to:
Nicola Maughn, 5762 Simon Lake Road, 100 Mile House, BC, V0K 2E1
Registration and payment must be received by August 1st, 2015 to be a confirmed,
registered rider. No postdated cheques please.
I hereby certify that every horse, rider and/or driver is eligible as entered and agree for myself and my
representatives to be bound by the Constitution and Rules of Equine Canada/AERC at this competition.
It is hereby recognized that all equestrian sports involve inherent risk and that no helmet or protective
equipment can protect against all foreseeable injury. I hereby accept this risk and hold harmless EC,
AERC, the competition, their officials, organizers, agents, employees and their representatives.
______________________________________________________ (Rider/Junior rider/Owner)
As parent or guardian of the above Junior rider (minor) I understand that I have entered my child in
High Sage Endurance Ride at my own risk and will assume full responsibility for his/her safety and
his/her horse’s safety. I have read the above statement and agree that I will hold harmless EC, AERC,
the competition, their officials, organizers, agents, employees and their representatives. I further confirm
that my child has read and understands the above rules. In the event that ____________________
participates in an Equine Canada /AERC sanctioned competition where protective headgear is required
for juniors, he/she will wear properly fitted and fastened approved headgear at all times while riding or
driving at the event location. It is understood that juniors not meeting this requirement will not be
allowed to compete at these competitions.
______________________________________________ Date______________________
(Parent or Guardian)
The sponsor of a Junior must be a competent adult (21 years or older) and must be duly entered as a
competitor in the event and sponsorship must be documented on the Junior entry form complete with
sponsor signature at the time sponsorship begins. Junior and/or sponsor normally may suspend their
sponsorship agreement only at regular stated checks and then only with the knowledge and consent of
the organizing committee, and OC’s documentation of the change when it occurs.
__________________________________________ Date_____________________
(Sponsor’s signature if different from above)
Further changes are allowed.