K12 - Miami CTSI

Miami CTSI- Mentored Translational Research
Scholars Program Award (K12) –FY15
Mentored Translational Research Scholars Program Award (K12)
Call for Applications
Miami Clinical Translational Science Institute
The Miami Clinical Translational Science Institute (CTSI) is sponsoring two Mentored Translational Research
Scholars Program Awards (K12) for the fiscal year FY15. This program will support the research career
development of two young investigators by providing up to three years of renewable annual support which
75% salary support up to the NIH Salary Cap
$2,500 for travel and training related activities and
$30,000 for research expenses
The objective of the K12 program is to develop independent researchers by providing a structured research
training program under the guidance of individualized mentorship. Awardees will be required to devote 75%
time to research. For an award beginning June 1, 2014, a Letter of Intent must be received by November 15,
2013, and a Full Application must be received by December 20, 2013.
This mentored research program provides a structure that includes: 1) an individualized research and career
development plan 2) educational programs suited to the mentee, including enrollment in and completion of an
advanced degree in clinical research, should it be needed; 3) experiential training with established faculty
researchers as mentors; 4) supportive resources that include access to CTSI experts in epidemiology, research
design, regulatory support, and biostatistics; and 5) modest funds to cover research costs and/or expenses
associated with tuition, training opportunities, and travel support for preceptorship in expert labs or to attend
relevant scientific meetings. The program will provide mentorship and support to promote research and the
advancement of K12 recipients throughout the University. Mentoring is a required component of the program
and will include the applicant’s scientific mentor(s) and for the K12 awardees, a mentor assigned by the CTSI to
ensure oversight and efficient progress through the training program.
Candidate Eligibility
This K12 award will provide support for qualified junior faculty in relevant disciplines, including, but not
limited to medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology, nursing, dentistry, epidemiology, behavioral
sciences, psychology, rehabilitation, and physical therapy. Candidates must have a doctoral degree1 and must be
eligible for faculty status. Criteria for eligibility follow published NIH guidelines. Candidates must demonstrate
exceptional promise for future independence as scientists. Women and/or minority junior faculty are particularly
encouraged to apply.
To be eligible, the candidate must:
Be a junior faculty (full-time Assistant Professor, tenure or non-tenure-track at the start of the award
Commit a minimum of 75% time to research training and research over the award period. The
remainder of time may be spent in clinical or teaching pursuits and/or research-related activities
consistent with the objectives of the award.
Demonstrate a commitment to a career in clinical and/or translational research.
Agree to participate in one of UM’s formal clinical research training programs, such as the master’s
program in clinical research (Note: requests for tuition waiver for the master’s program will be reviewed
on an individual basis).
Identify a faculty mentor who is an experienced investigator, with ongoing peer-reviewed, extramural
research support.
Be a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or legal permanent resident of the U.S.
Doctoral degree: a Ph.D., M.D., or comparable doctoral degree from an accredited domestic or foreign institution. For a
complete list, please refer to http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-06-470.html#SectionIII.
Miami CTSI- Mentored Translational Research
Scholars Program Award (K12) –FY15
Not eligible for this award are:
 Individuals on temporary or student visas.
 Individuals who have already been funded as a principal investigator on a NIH individual-mentored
career development award (K01, K08, K22, K23), research projects (R01), First Award (R29), subprojects of a program project (P01), or center grants (P50).
 Individuals who have a current application to any of the awards listed above.
Please note: NIH guidelines (RFA-RM-10-001) for this award mechanism indicates “The sponsoring
institution may supplement the NIH salary contribution up to a level that is consistent with the
institution’s salary scale; however, supplementation may not be from other Federal funds unless
specifically authorized by the Federal program from which such funds are derived. In no case
may PHS* funds be used for salary supplementation. Institutional supplementation must not require
extra duties or responsibilities that would interfere with the purpose of the K12.”
Application Requirements:
(1) Interested eligible candidates must first submit a Letter of Intent by Friday, November 15,
2013 - midnight.
The one-page LOI will include the name, title, rank and department of the candidate and his/her
mentor(s), the title of the project, a concise description of the project (no more than 300 words), and the
name and department of the individuals who may collaborate with the applicant on this project.
(2) The Full Application must be submitted by Friday, December 20, 2013 – 5 p.m.
The full application will include the following:
1. A completed contact information form (template provided).
2. A short abstract of the proposal (500 words or less).
3. An introductory cover letter including the specific areas of health research interest, and statements on
(1) the candidate’s career trajectory, (2) how the K12 award will enhance the research career, and (3) on
how the proposal addresses culturalized health sciences (health disparities) and/or is transformative to
the Institution, as these constitute the mission of Miami CTSI.
4. A research proposal (up to six pages), including evidence of preliminary work completed toward this
project or accomplishments relevant to this project. The candidates are strongly encouraged to prepare
this section with the help of their mentor(s), and consult with the Biostatistics Collaboration and
Consulting Core2 prior to the application submission.
5. If applicable to your research project, include information about human subjects (PHS 398 form
“Planned Enrollment Table – for due dates on or after September 25, 2013“, to be downloaded from
http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/phs398.html.This information is not included in the research
proposal page limits.
6. A personal statement including current and long term research goals and a plan with a proposed timeline
to research independence (up to five pages). This should include a description of all planned activities
including didactic courses that will be incorporated into the career development and mentored research
experience. In addition, the statement is required to address plans for instruction in the responsible
conduct of research. The training plan should include details of the training to be accomplished during
the three years of the K12 award. This training plan might include special training in research
techniques, courses which will enhance research capabilities, such as biostatistics or epidemiology,
attendance at specific conferences, enrollment in a Master’s Degree or Ph.D. program, etc.
7. A personal statement indicating how the proposal addresses culturalized health sciences (health
disparities) and/or is transformative to the Institution, as these constitute the mission of Miami CTSI.
8. Budget and budget justification for $30,000 for research costs. This may include supplies for the
conduct of the research project, clinical training and education, travel to expert labs or scientific
Biostatistics Collaboration and Consulting Core (BCCC): contact information and request form available at
http://www.biostat.med.miami.edu/core. Requests for initial consultations must be placed before Tuesday,
November 5, 2013.
Miami CTSI- Mentored Translational Research
Scholars Program Award (K12) –FY15
9. CV and biosketch in NIH format.
10. Letter of support and commitment from the scientific mentor.
11. Letter of support and commitment from candidate’s chairperson, including agreement to assure that the
candidate will have 75% protected research time for research and to hire the individual into their
department for the duration of the award.
12. One additional letter of recommendation.
13. Regulatory approval (signed acknowledgment by applicant is required).
Selection Criteria and Notification
Upon review, awardees will be selected for the program based on the following criteria:
 A commitment to and potential for a career in clinical and/or translational research
 Compliance with all eligibility requirements
 Scholarship, as assessed from biosketch, letters of reference, and past academic performance
 Evaluation of the proposed research (scientific merit, appropriateness of mentor, scholar’s ability to
execute the research plan, available resources, likeliness of successful completion).
 The impact of the research on improving the health of minority and underserved population and/or how
it is transformative to the Institution.
 Upon acceptance, scholars will be notified of appointment by Thursday, May 15, 2014.
 All K12 scholars will be appointed for up to three years, renewable annually based on review of
productivity and performance.
An orientation meeting for applicants will be held on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 from 12 to 1 p.m., at the CTSI
Research Commons, Room 705. Dr. Gwendolyn Scott, Director of the K12 Program, will provide an
introduction to the K12 Award and answer any questions you may have.
Questions regarding this application should be directed to Gwendolyn B. Scott, M.D., Director, Miami CTSI
K12 Program, at gscott@med.miami.edu or by phone at 305-243-6522.
The K12 Letter of Intent and Application Form should be electronically submitted to Dr. Gwen Scott at
gscott@med.miami.edu with a copy to Patricia Avissar, Miami CTSI Research Navigator, at
The LOI template and the Application Form can be downloaded from the Miami CTSI website: