Supplementary Materials Supplementary Table 1 – Bivariate analysis of problem-gambling severity and individual problem-shopping items among past-year shoppers (APRS and nonARPS) Total (%) NG (%) LRG (%) ARPG (%) x2 p 1- Have you ever tried to cut back on buying things? 18.0 19.5 16.9 19.6 1.52 0.4681 2- Has a family member ever expressed concern about the amount of time you spend shopping? 22.7 26.7 20.6 24.9 4.84 0.0888 3- Have you ever missed school, work or other important social activities because you were shopping? 18.6 16.7 17.6 21.8 3.47 0.1761 4- Do you think you have a problem with excessive shopping? 8.2 9.1 6.6 11.3 7.53 0.023 5- Have you ever experienced an irresistible urge or uncontrollable need to buy things? 20.9 24.3 19.8 21.3 2.05 0.3587 6- Have you ever experienced a growing tension or anxiety that can only be relieved by shopping? 13.8 14.8 12.1 17.0 5.1435 0.0764 Shopping Item NG = non-gambling; LRG = low-risk gambling; ARPG = at-risk/problem gambling Supplementary Table 2 – Bivariate analyses of problem-gambling severity and health/functioning measures among adolescents with and without ARPS ARPS Variable NG LRG Non-ARPS ARPG NG X2 N % N % N % 66 67.4 190 57.1 79 51.3 6.32 Paid part-time job 56 57.1 168 50.2 86 53.4 Other extracurricular 73 73.7 261 76.5 124 33 35.5 99 30.5 62 18 18.4 72 21.5 Never 55 59.1 171 Occasionally 26 28.0 Regularly 12 12.9 LRG ARPG p X2 p N % N % N % 0.04 162 61.1 459 57.7 221 44.3 24.46 <.0001 1.62 0.44 175 66.0 461 57.4 228 56.4 7.29 0.03 0.36 0.84 181 66.5 622 76.3 329 80.1 16.71 <0.001 40.8 5.02 0.08 36 14.2 135 17.4 84 21.8 6.47 0.04 88 55.4 66.41 <.0001 28 10.6 203 25.1 168 41.5 80.85 <.0001 51.4 51 32.9 27.04 <.0001 199 76.8 496 61.9 224 55.6 31.54 <.0001 110 33.0 56 36.1 35 13.5 181 22.6 111 27.5 52 15.6 48 31.0 25 9.7 124 15.5 68 16.9 Academic/extracurricular Grade average Mainly A’s &B’s 76.5 Mood Dysphoria/Depression Aggression Substance Use Smoking, lifetime Marijuana, lifetime 38 40.3 155 47.6 90 58.4 8.51 0.01 63 25.6 314 40.9 196 51.3 40.85 <.0001 Alcohol, lifetime 74 79.6 312 95.1 142 91.6 22.94 <.0001 177 70.0 676 88.6 346 89.2 59.06 <.0001 Never regular 14 27.0 66 25.1 30 28.6 7.48 0.28 44 45.8 176 33.3 60 21.4 35.45 <.0001 Light 15 28.9 72 27.4 30 28.6 30 31.3 145 27.4 74 26.4 Moderate 20 38.5 86 32.7 25 23.8 14 14.6 152 28.8 96 34.3 Heavy 3 5.8 39 14.8 20 19.1 8 8.3 56 10.6 50 17.9 9 11.1 30 11.8 36 28.4 19.04 <.0001 12 5.4 64 9.7 61 19.3 29.39 <.0001 None 18 19.0 58 17.4 19 12.0 10.74 0.03 97 37.0 149 18.5 89 22.2 64.98 <.0001 1-2 per day 53 55.8 167 50.2 70 44.3 132 50.4 443 55.1 175 43.6 3+ per day 24 25.3 108 32.4 69 43.7 33 12.6 212 26.4 137 34.2 Alcohol, current Other drug, lifetime Caffeine use ARPS = at-risk/problem shopping; NG = non-gambling; LRG = low-risk gambling; ARPG = at-risk/problem gambling Supplementary Table 3 – Bivariate comparisons of problem-gambling severity and gambling behaviors, urges and motivations among adolescents with and without ARPS ARPS Variable LRG Non-ARPS ARPG LRG ARPG N % N % X2 p N % N % X2 p 35 10.3 54 34.2 41.92 <.0001 112 13.9 140 34.7 70.70 <.0001 Pressure 13 3.9 29 18.1 28.67 <.0001 36 4.4 72 17.8 59.62 <.0001 Anxiety 3 1.0 26 17.2 45.17 <.0001 7 0.9 54 13.9 83.35 <.0001 Excitement 192 56.3 137 84.6 38.77 <.0001 517 63.4 343 83.5 52.59 <.0001 Financial 149 43.7 110 67.9 25.76 <.0001 355 43.6 319 77.6 128.03 <.0001 Escape 82 24.1 87 53.7 43.30 <.0001 181 22.2 173 42.1 53.60 <.0001 Social 107 31.4 79 48.8 14.25 <.001 282 34.6 217 52.8 37.48 <.0001 Family 150 44.0 86 53.1 3.65 0.06 331 40.6 226 55.0 22.77 <.0001 Friends 216 63.3 124 76.5 8.74 <.01 563 69.1 344 83.7 30.33 <.0001 Alone 11 3.2 33 20.4 40.44 <.0001 39 4.8 65 15.8 42.82 <.0001 44.32 <.0001 624 91.5 253 66.2 107.89 <.0001 58 8.5 129 33.8 Gambling Online Gambling Urges Gambling Motivations Gambling Partners Gambling Duration (hours/week) < 1 hour 258 94.9 107 71.8 2+ hours 14 5.2 42 28.2 ARPS = at-risk/problem shopping; LRG = low-risk gambling; ARPG = at-risk/problem gambling