Project Name

Project Name
Sustainable Farming and
Animal Sanctuary
Cultural Heritage Preservation
and Promotion with LeftBehind Children
Sustainable Rural
Jul 1 -10
Jul 12 - 21
Aug 1-10
~ About DreamWalker China ~
Established winter of 2013, DreamWalker China (DWC) is a social purpose organization that
believes everyone can make positive contribution and change to their own personal
development, as well as to global development, through international voluntary service and
sustainable changemaking actions. We collaborate with and support both local and overseas
communities, social enterprises, and innovative charities to not only foster a world of
changemakers, but also plant the seed for a united and peaceful world.
~ Workcamp Basics ~
Language: The main language of all DreamWalker’s workcamps is English. We recommend
our volunteers to learn some basic greetings in Chinese.
Volunteer Requirements: Since English is the language use in all our workcamps, it is
important for volunteers to know enough simple English for basic communication and
interaction with other volunteers. Other than that, a passion in voluntary work and respect
for cultural differences are crucial to having a good time at workcamp. Volunteers should be
open-minded and adaptable. They should be friendly and willing to work as a team.
Insurance: DWC will purchase basic insurance that covers accidents during the workcamp
only, and so, please also self-prepare health and travel insurance that suits your own needs.
Address: Room 1405-07, Block A, Sun Yat-sen University Science Park, 135 Xingangxi Road, Haizhu, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86020) 84115997
~ Project Descriptions ~
Project Name:
Sustainable Farming and Animal Sanctuary
Project Type: Agriculture; Animal
Project Dates: July 1st to 10th, 2015
Number of Participants: 1 leader and 6 workcampers
Location: Grand Windmill Farm, Southern District, Zhongshan, Guangdong Province
Closest Airport: Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport (CAN)
Participation Fees: 1,200 RMB (~160 EURO)
Project Needs:
Growing population and increasing demand for food has led to industrial farming practices,
which are detrimental to both the environment and to our health. Sustainable farming is the
way forward as it takes into consideration of our health, the environment, local communities
and animal welfare. It produces food in a way that allows for ecological balance and
maintenance of biodiversity.
Plants, animals and humans are all part of nature and we rely on each other to survive.
Climate change, loss of biodiversity, soil degradation, depletion of resources and extinction of
species are devastating results of our exploitation of nature. Rethinking our role in nature
and our footprint on this planet is key to the survival of future generations.
Project Aims:
 Provide a unique experiential learning opportunity to enrich knowledge of sustainable
farming and animal care
 Increase awareness of the negative impact of industrial farming on our health and on
the environment
 Encourage volunteers to engage with nature, physically, mentally and spiritually
 Cultivate a sustainable and harmonious co-existence with plants, animals and all
others members of our ‘earth community’
 Inspire future changemakers who are impactful towards sustainable farming and
animal care issues (Changemakers are individuals who gain skills and resources they
need to collaborate on solving complex social problems)
Meals and Accommodation:
Grocery shopping and meals will be prepared by the workcampers. Fresh fruits and
vegetables will be from the farm. A cooking and cleaning schedule will be arranged at the
beginning of the workcamp, and workcampers will take turns with cooking and cleaning
Simple and basic accommodation is provided in the farm. Although there are beds, we still
recommend workcampers to bring their own sleeping bags. Tents are available for
workcampers who would like to camp.
There is a laundry machine at the farm but it is suggested personal clothing to be washed by
 Farming and harvesting herbs, fruits and vegetables
 Picking and packaging herbs, fruits and vegetables after harvest
 Caring of farm animals (feeding, grooming, exercise, etc.)
 Helping with daily operation and general maintenance of the farm
 Participating in discussion on changemaking ideas and examples of sustainable
farming and animal care
 Other duties assigned by the farm staff
 Identifying Chinese medicinal plants and their healing properties (optional)
 Chinese tea appreciation (optional)
 Guided mediation (optional)
Local Partner Description:
Grand Windmill Farm is an organic farm and sanctuary for many farm animals such as
mules, ponies, pigs, turkeys, rabbits and dogs. This family-run farm was created with a
mission to ‘reconnect urban dwellers to nature’ and ‘to promote a healthy, sustainable
lifestyle’ through their tailored-made activities for people of all ages. Cradled by lush forests
of Wen Bi Shan (文筆山), Grand Windmill Farm is a land of beauty and serenity where nature,
animals and people all come together in harmony.
Project Name:
Cultural Heritage Preservation and Promotion with LeftBehind Children
Project Type: Culture; Art; Social
Project Dates: July 12th to 21st, 2015
Number of Participants: 1 leader and 14 workcampers
Location: Fuzhou, Jiangxi
Closest Airport: Nanchang Changbei International Airport (KHN)
Participation Fees: 1,200 RMB (~160 EURO)
Project Needs:
Fuzhou city has a long history of rich cultural heritage and resources that had profound
impact on the Chinese history and modern celebrated culture. It has been named the
“Hometown of Scholar and Talent” and the “City of Culture”. Many folk arts from years of
heritage and techniques, such as bamboo knitting, hand-made mounting pictures (手工裱画),
paper cutting art, songs, etc., had been passed down through many generations can be
discovered in this city. However, in today’s modern society where many products are massproduced by machines, the art of practicing traditional craftsmanship faces the brink of
extinction. Finding passionate new generation of young people who are committed to its
practice and its teaching to the next generation is a challenge, and these once loved folk arts
are losing in popularity compared to the modern taste. Educating the public of their value and
importance, in addition to teaching of why and how to appreciate these forms of art are all
important in preserving the cultural heritage of the city and the country.
On the other hand, “left-behind children” is a widespread social problem in China. To earn a
higher income, parents always go to large cities to work, leave behind their children in their
hometown. Without much family care and education, the growth and development of the leftbehind children are substantially affected.
Project Aims:
 Promote the preservation of traditional Chinese art and craftsmanship
 Enhance international exchange and folk art and culture
 Increase awareness and understanding of the Chinese Buddhist religion in a cultural
 Educate and care about the left-behind children
 Inspire future changemakers who are impactful towards arts and cultural heritage
preservation and/or left-behind children issues (Changemakers are individuals who
gain skills and resources they need to collaborate on solving complex social problems)
Meals and Accommodation:
Workcampers will be staying in a school or a Buddhist temple. Simple meals will be provided
three times a day at the cafeteria within the school or the temple.
 Observe and learn Chinese art and culture, such as calligraphy, painting, carving, metal
work, bamboo craft, and others
 Organise a charity sales of the local and international art & cultural products towards
the end of the workcamp
 Cultural sharing and activities with left-behind children
 Assist the daily work of the school or the temple
 Meditation (optional)
Local Partner Description:
“Zhao Shu Chong” Micro Public Service Youth Volunteer Association is a registered nonprofit organization formed by University and high school volunteers. The aims of this
educational and cultural organization are to “Serve the Society” and “Promote Culture and
Civilization”. With the value of improving social atmosphere and development, “Zhao Shu
Chong” enhances the integrated capability of youth through cultural preservation, educational
support and caring of left-behind children.
Project Name:
Sustainable Rural Development
Project Type: Social; Agriculture; Culture
Project Dates: August 1st to 10th, 2015
Number of Participants: 1 leader and 14 workcampers
Location: Xian Niang Xi Natural Village, Chang Liu Administrative Village, Liang Kou Town,
Conghua District, Guangzhou
Closest Airport: Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport (CAN)
Participation Fees: 1,200 RMB (~160 EURO)
Project Needs:
China is developing rapidly in the past decades, but as urbanization kicks in, the income gap
between the rich and the poor increases. In China, adults, especially male from rural villages,
often work in factories in cities to earn more income, leaving many elderly, women, and
children alone in the villages. Surrounded by lakes, waterfalls, and mountains, the villagers
living in Xian Niang Xi Natural Village is an example. They have little and limited access to the
convenience of large city and are having lower incomes.
Meanwhile, with the fast paced and high demands of city life, Chinese living in the city often
forgets or gets disconnected from the simplicity of nature. High demands and quick access for
food can result in non-ecological and sometime unsafe or unhealthy manufacturing of food.
Promoting organic farming and reminding people about the importance of nature itself is
Project Aims:
 Aid in the sustainable development of the rural Chinese village
 Assist the development of Women Mutual Aid Group so that women can provide
support for each other and benefit the whole village
 Promote and conserve the traditional culture and heritage of the village
 Enrich villagers’ cultural living, provide them learning opportunities and strengthen
community recognition
 Enhance the interaction between city & village and strengthen community vitality
 Encourage people to reunite with nature, physically and spiritually
 Increase awareness of safe and ecological farming and their impact on health
 Inspire future changemakers who are impactful towards sustainable rural
developmental issues (Changemakers are individuals who gain skills and resources
they need to collaborate on solving complex social problems
 Source:
Meals and Accommodation:
Grocery shopping and meals are prepared by the workcampers. A cooking and cleaning
schedule will be arranged at the beginning of the workcamp, and workcampers will take turns
with cooking and cleaning chores. Groceries will be shop from the local markets and directly
from the villagers.
Accommodation is in the rural village hostel and is basic. Although there are mattresses or
beds in the hostel, we still recommend workcampers to bring their own sleeping bag.
 Harvest grain (summer)/ Harvest sugar mandarin and sweet potatoes (winter)
 Renovate village roads
 Learn cultural craftwork such as bamboo chair
 Learn to make traditional village dessert/food
 Participate in discussion on changemaking stories or ideas on rural development
issues whether they are from your country or from others
 Visit the Ancestral Shrines Culture Exhibition Centre and the Temple of Wu
 Duties assigned by Social Work Station or Women Mutual Aid Group
Local Partner Description:
Previously called Sun Yat-sen University – Hong Kong Polytechnic University Lu Geng Urban
and Rural Mutual Aid Society, the Guangdong Lv Geng Social Work Development Centre
(Lv Geng) is the only province level professional social work and service organization in
Guangdong. Registered under and approved by the Bureau of Civil Affairs in Guangdong, Lv
Geng is the social work institution and organization that spent the longest time in developing
urban & rural community work, rural village social work, and disaster relief social work in
China. Their work began in 2001, when the trailblazers of the society started social work
development in rural ethnic minority village in Yunnan. Then in 2008 and 2009, the
organization expanded their work areas and started their projects in Sichuan and Guangdong,
The practicing value of Lv Geng is “Urban & rural cooperation and fair trade to co-create
ecological civilization and sustainable livelihood & culture”. By means of community-based
and integrated social work strategies, Lv Geng engages through community’s economy,
constructs community supporting network, and make use of professional methods of social
work, to promote positive change microscopically at the personal, family, or community level,
and macroscopically in terms of social policy and global ecological politics.