How much do we know about LOVE Jaewon cho Love, love is a

How much do we know about
Jaewon cho
Love, love is a feeling of strong affection and personal attachment. According to the
National Geographic article: “ Love is reactive, not proactive, it arches us backward, which may
be why a certain person just “feels right.” Or “feels familiar.” He or she is familiar. He or she
has a certain look or smell or sound or touch that activates buried memories.” Some ideas
about love by famous people such as :
Mother Teresa: Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.
: You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love
and affection.
John Lennon: Love is a promise; love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never
let it disappear.
As we can see these people give their definition of love, which has two parts,
one part is mental and the other is physical. When the two parts work together, it is call love.
Humans face physical and mental changes, when they first encounter love. Moreover, there
are reasons why we feel love, and that has to do with our brain.
Our brain releases several chemicals as we go through the processes of
love. When people are attracted to the other, our brain releases Adrenalin, Dopamine and
 According to research, Adrenaline has a several charming affects. That is why
our heart beats faster, sweating, mouth becoming dry when we are in front or
near the person who we are attracted to.
 Helen fisher said Dopamine is a chemical that stimulates our desire and reward
by triggering an intense rush of goodness/lust/joy. Moreover, it has same
effect on the brain as taking cocaine.
 Finally, serotonin is love’s most important chemical that may explain why we
fall in love. Serotonin aids our body in several ways. It helps our central and
vascular system. But, serotonin also affects our emotional processes, including
depression, and happiness.
Moreover, when people are attached to the other, there are two main chemicals that
our brain releases.
 Oxytocin, oxytocin is a powerful chemicals released after the orgasm.
Moreover, it makes the couple feel more close to each other after having sex.
Oxytocin is released during the childbirth. It seems that it helps to keep the
strong bond with mother and the baby.
 Vasopressin is a long-term chemical that works with your kidney, and controls
thirst. Moreover, they help maintaining fairly stable bond with our partner.
However, people also get mental hurts from our partner, and as a research from, psychological hurt of break up is just as real as physical injury. Meaning the
two areas of our brain respond to physical pain also gets activated when a person is dealing
with social or romantic pain. Moreover, in order for people to avoid psychological damage and
keep healthy love relationships, they should stay involved with each other, get through conflict,
keep outside relationship and interests alive, and maintain communication.
Stay involved with each other: the lovers may look stable on the
outside, but lack of communicating and getting along increases distance
between them. Moreover, when people are talking about something
important, the connection and understanding may not be there anymore.
Get through conflict: A key to strong relationship is not to be
fearful of conflict. Some couples raise their voice while conflicting. Mean
while, others talk softly. Moreover, people should feel free to express things
that bother them, so that they can finally solve them.
Keep outside relationship and interests alive: expecting too
much from someone can make that person feel unhealthy pressure. Having
friends and outside interests not only improves social relationships, but also
brings new insights.
Maintain Communication: Critical to
communication are nonverbal act. Body language like eye
contact, hug, touching someone’s arm etc…
In order for these steps to happen, you need a partner, and wikihow states
that there is several ways to make the opposite sex get attracted to you.
Here are some tips:
Developing own style, mirror the other person’s action, Flirting physically (ex. Holding hands),
making eye contacts, and keeping yourself clean and trimmed. Furthermore, as national
geography article mentions, exercise of sharing personal information and looking at the
partner’s eye for 2 minutes can make that person fall in love.
In contrast, there are some people who are worrying if they are going to break up or not.
Moreover, there are some ways to think back:
Remind yourself about what attracted you to each other and made you fall in love. Remind
yourself that you were attracted to your partner because of her/his qualities. Meaning, your
partner has good qualities.
“What was some strength in your relationship?” Thinking negative has nothing good about it.
Instead of thinking about the problems that your relationship has, think about positive things
that your relationship has.
“When were you closest?” lots of people have their own times when they were closest to their
partner. Think when you and your partner were closest, and act. Finally, I’ve prepared two love
poems that describe two kinds of love, one-sided love and, missing love.
Everyone encounters one-sided love. Moreover, this poem clearly states how it feels to be in
this situation by using personifications.
Love Philosophy
The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the ocean,
The winds of Heaven mix for ever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single,
All things by a law divine
In one spirit meet and mingle Why not I with thine?
See the mountains kiss high Heaven
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea What are all these kissings worth
If thou kiss not me?
-By Percy Bysshey Shelly
If a person encounters love, they also encounters sad
farewell. Moreover, this second poem explains the
author’s pain toward his love by using the words that
describes feelings.
I Loved You
I loved you, and I probably still do,
And for a while the feeling may remain...
But let my love no longer trouble you,
I do not wish to cause you any pain.
I loved you; and the hopelessness I knew,
The jealousy, the shyness - though in vain Made up a love so tender and so true
As may God grant you to be loved again. – Alexander Pushkin
Works Cited:
Herring, Jeff “Relationship tune up.” Ezine Articles n.d n.d web 15 Mar. 2011.
N.d “The science of love.” Your amazing brain n.d n.d n.d web 15 Feb. 2011
Saisan, Joanna, MSW … “Relationship Help” ‘advice for building healthy & exciting love
relationships.’ Nov. 2010. Web Feb 16th
N.d “How to attract opposite sex” Wikihow (keep getting edited by others.) n.d web
Mar. 5th 2011
Khurana, Simran “Famous Love Quotes.” guide n.d n.d web Mar. 13th 2011